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Digital Marketing Training: Final Project Problem Statement

We have arrived at the final project. Most of your digital marketing knowledge will be tested
here, so we hope you enjoy completing this project!

Now, let’s return to Orange smartphones. You have been promoted to Senior Digital Marketer at
Orange smartphones. Your new main task is to study your competition and submit a report on
the same to your new manager Aakash, the Marketing Head.

You’ll need to study the following brands:

a) Apple
b) Samsung India
c) Mi India

Follow these steps to create your report:

Step 1: Visit and identify the Facebook pages for the above 3 brands. Observe
the links (URL) of their pages. Are they unique and customised?

Step 2: Now, look at the last 5 posts of each of the brands. Whose posts, amongst Apple,
Samsung or Mi, did you like the most and why?
You can look at the content of the post and observe how unique, creative, or engaging each
post is to get to your answer. Look at how witty and interesting the captions are, how creative is
the design of the images, how engaging the videos are, and so on. Remember, there is no
perfect answer and your observations and viewpoint matter.

Step 3: Then, note down the following for each:

1) Number of followers for each of the brands.
2) The average engagement rate of each of the brands for the last 5 posts.
3) Does the brand that you liked the most in Step 2 score a high engagement rate?

Tip: [Engagement rate= {(Likes+Comments)/Followers} X 100]

No. of likes on a post= 4
No. of comments on a post= 6
No. of followers for the page= 100
Then, the engagement rate for the post= {(6+4)/100}X100}= 10%
Similarly, calculate the engagement rate for the other 4 posts.
Then, the average engagement rate for a brand= Sum of engagement rate of all the five posts/5

Step 4: Finally, summarise your observations for Facebook in 100 words. Answer these
questions to get started:
a. Among the three, who according to you is posting the most engaging and creative content?
b. What is the best thing that brand is doing that sets it apart from the other two?

Step 5: Now, visit Instagram and search for the Instagram handles for each of the brands.

Step 6: Note down the following for each of them:

1) Number of posts made in the last 48 hours. What is the usual post frequency?
2) Categorise their last 5 posts into different types of Instagram posts (Image, Reels, Video, etc.)

Step 7: Finally, summarise your observations for Instagram in 100 words. This should include the
best and the most unique thing that a brand is doing on Instagram.

Step 8: Now that you’ve covered social media, shift your attention to these brands’ websites
and observe their SEO efforts.
a. Visit their websites and find the meta tags (title, description, alt, headings, etc.). Are
they following the best practices suggested by Google?
b. Using Google Trends, compare the three brands’ search popularity for the past 12
months. Add the screenshot of the comparison chart in your report.
c. Finally, note down the three brands’ website authority using Ahref’s free tool.

Step 9: The last thing that you’re going to study is the advertising efforts of these brands.
a. Find the official Indian YouTube channels for the three brands. Then, use the filter
option to find the 2 most popular videos on their channels. These videos will have lots of
views as they are shown as ads on YouTube.
c. Now, watch these videos and pay close attention to their content. Recall the best
practices for video ads and observe whether these ads follow them (video length,
engagement factor, call to action, etc.) Based on your observations, which one of them
produced the best video ads and why?

Step 10: That’ll be all you need to include in your report. Before handing over the report, ensure
that it is properly formatted and free from typo and grammatical errors. :)
Instructions for writing the solution:
Please write your solution in a document (.docx or .pdf).
We require all uploads to be in the form of a zip file. Please create a new folder (and name it
with your name) on your computer and drag the document into this folder. Then, right-click on
the folder, click "Send To", and then select "Compressed (zipped folder)".
A new zipped folder with the same name will be created in the same location. You can now
upload this zipped folder on the progress report.

After you’ve uploaded your solution, you can download the Instructor’s Approach for the
Project, from the Progress Report. You can go through it and compare it with your own

Along with that, you’ll also see some questions related to the final project in the final test. So
we would strongly suggest you move to the final test after you’ve attempted the final project.
All the best!

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