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Health is defined as a state of complete Some diseases are transmitted by vector, i.e.
physical, mental and social well-being. mosquitoes like dengue (Aedes aegypti);
(i) The factors which affect human health are: chikungunya (Aedes aegypti, Aedes
(a) Genetic disorders (b) Infections (c) albopictus) and malaria (.Anopheles).
Lifestyle. 3. Some of the common infectious diseases
(ii) Balanced diet, personal hygiene and regular are:
exercise are very important to maintain good I. Bacterial Diseases
health. (i) Typhoid is caused by bacterium (Salmonella
(Hi) Awareness about diseases and their typhi).
effect on different body functions, vaccination (a) S. typhi enters the small intestine through
against infectious diseases, proper disposal of food and water contaminated with them and
wastes, control of vectors, maintenance of migrate to other organs through blood.
hygienic food and water resources are (b) Intestinal perforation and death may occur
necessary for achieving good health. in severe cases.
2. Disease is a state when functioning of one (c) Widal test is a confirmation test for
or more organs or systems of the body is typhoid.
adversely affected, characterised by various (d) Symptoms are high fever (39-40°C),
signs and symptoms. weakness, stomach pain, constipation,
Diseases can be divided broadly into the headache and loss of appetite.
following two categories depending on the (ii) Pneumonia is caused byStreptococcus
modes of transmission pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae.
I. Infectious diseases which easily transmit (a) These bacteria infect alveoli of the lungs.
from one person to another, e.g. AIDS, The alveoli get filled with fluid causing
common cold, etc. decrease in respiratory efficiency of the lungs.
II. Non-infectious diseases which does not (b) Pneumonia spreads by inhaling
transmit from one person to another, e.g. droplets/aerosol from infected individuals or
cancer, diabetes, etc. even by sharing glasses and utensils with
(i) Disease causing organisms are called patients.
pathogens, e.g. bacteria, viruses, fungi, (c) Symptoms of pneumonia are fever, chills,
protozoans, helminthes, etc. cough, headache, etc.
(ii) The above described pathogens enter the (iii) Dysentery, plague, diphtheria, etc., are
body by direct contact, contaminated food and some other examples of bacterial diseases.
water, droplet infection, etc. II. Viral Disease
(iii)The pathogens multiply in body cells,
interfere with normal vital activities, cause
morphological and functional damage. Common cold occurs due to a group of viruses
called rhino viruses.
(iv) Infectious diseases can be divided into
(a) These viruses infect the nose and
certain categories, based on the type of
respiratory passage but not the lungs.
(b) Common cold is characterised by nasal
Infectious Diseases
Bacterial Viral Protozoan Fungal Helminthic congestion and discharge, sore throat,
e.g. pneumonia, e.g. common cold, e.g. hoarseness, cough, headache, tiredness, etc.,
amoebiasis, e.g. ringworm, e.g. ascariasis, , which generally last for 3-7 days.
plague, typhoid, polio, etc. malaria, etc. (c) The infection occurs due to cough or
athelete’s foot, etc. filariasis, taeniasis, etc. sneezes of an infected person, either inhaled
diphtheria, etc directly or transmitted through contaminated

CHICUNGUNYA Causative agent is chinkungya virus

Transmitted by the bite of aedes mosquito Can be prevented by eleimination of mosquitoes
and their eggs
Symptoms – suddem onset of fever , crippling joint
pain , lymphadenopathy etc Bed rest and adequate fluid intake is good for

DENGUE FEVER called haemozoin. Haemozoin causes chill

and high fever recurring every 3-4 days.
Causative agent is Flavivirus • When a female Anopheles mosquito bites an
Transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquito infected person, these parasites enter the
mosquito’s body and undergo further
No vaccine till date development.
• The parasites multiply within them to form
SYMPTOMS – high fever , severe front head ache ,
sporozoites that are stored in their salivary
pain in joint ,nausea and vomiting
Can be easily prevented by the elimination of • When these mosquitoes bite a human, the
mosquito and thuer eggs sporozoites are introduced into his/her body,
initiating the events mentioned above.
III. Protozoan Diseases (d) Antimalarial drugs used for the treatment
(i) Malaria is caused by a protozoan, are quinine and chloroquin.
Plasmodium sp. (P. vivax, P. malariae and P. (e) Malaria can be prevented by killing
falciparum). mosquitoes by spraying DDT, BHC, etc., and
(a) P. falciparum causes most serious kind of using insect repellents, mosquito nets, etc.
malaria, i.e. malignant malaria which can be (ii) Amoebiasis (amoebic dysentery) is caused
fatal. by an intestinal endoparasite, Entamoeba
(b) Female Anopheles mosquito is the vector histolytica, which is found in large intestine of
of Plasmodium, which transfer the sporozoites humans.
(infectious form) in human body. (a) Carrier of pathogen is housefly. It transmits
(c) Life cycle of Plasmodium is given in the the parasite from faeces of infected person to
figure. the food, thereby contaminating them.
(b) Infection takes place mainly through the
contaminated food and water.
(c) Symptoms are abdominal pain,
constipation, cramps, faeces with excess
mucous and blood clots.

IV. Fungal Disease

Ringworm is caused by many fungi of genera
Microsporum, Trichophyton and
(i) Infection occurs through contact with an
infected person or from soil and through the
use of towels, clothes, combs, etc., of an
infected person.
(ii) Heat and moisture help these fungi to grow
• The malarial parasite requires two hosts to in regions like skin folds as in groin or between
complete its life cycle, i.e. human and the toes.
mosquito. (Hi) Symptoms of ringworm are appearance of
• Plasmodium enters the human body as dry, scaly lesions on various parts of the body
sporozoite, through the bite of infected female such as skin, nails and scalp accompanied by
Anopheles mosquito. intense itching.
• Parasites initially multiply within the liver V. Helminthic Diseases
cells and then attack the Red Blood Cells (i) Ascariasis is caused by an intestinal
(RBCs) causing their rupture. endoparasite of human, Ascaris lumbricoides
• Rupture of RBCs release a toxic substance commonly called as roundworm.
(a) Infection occurs as the eggs of parasite are (ii) It consists as following types:
excreted along with the faeces of infected (a) Physical barriers prevent entry of
person, which contaminate water, soil, plants, microorganisms in the body e.g. skin, mucus
etc. coating of the epithelium lining the respiratory,
(b) Infection reaches to human beings through gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts.
contaminated vegetables, fruits and water, etc. (b) Physiological barriers prevent microbial
(c) Symptoms of disease are abdominal pain, growth in the body, e.g. acid in the stomach,
indigestion, muscular pain, fever, anaemia, saliva in the mouth and tears from eyes.
nausea, headache and blockage of intestinal (c) Cellular barriers phagocytose and destroy
passage. microbes. For example, some WBCs like
(ii) Filariasis/Elephantiasis is caused by filarial Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes (PMNL),
worms, Wuchereria bancrofti and Wuchereria monocytes and natural killer cells (type of
malayi. lymphocytes) in the blood as well as
(a) Culex mosquito (female) is the vector. macrophages in tissues.
(b) Genital organs also get affected leading to (d) Cytokine barriers are virus-infected cells,
their deformation. which secrete proteins called interferons. They
(c) Symptoms are inflammation of organs in protect non-infeeted cells from further viral
which they live for many years, normally affect infection.
lymph vessels of lower limbs resulting in II. Acquired immunity is not present from birth
swelling hence, called elephantiasis. and develops during an individual’s life
4. Prevention measures to avoid infectious
(i) It is pathogen specific and characterised by
diseases are:
(i) Maintenance of personal and public hygiene (ii) When it encounters a pathogen for the first
is important. time, it produces a response called
(ii) Personal hygiene includes keeping the primaiy response, which is of low intensity.
body clean, consumption of clean drinking (iii) Further encounter with same pathogen
water, food, vegetables, fruits, etc. produces highly intensified secondary or
(iii) Public hygiene includes proper disposal of anamnestic response due to memory of the
waste excreta, periodic cleaning and first encounter.
disinfection of water reservoirs, pools, (iv) Immune responses are produced by two
cesspools and tanks. types of lymphocytes:
(iv) Eradication of vectors and destroying their (a) B-lymphocytes or B-cells produce an army
breeding sites. of proteins (in response to pathogens) called
(v) Mosquito nets, repellants should be used. antibodies in blood.
(vi) Vaccination and immunisation
(b) T-lymphocytes or T-cells help B-cells to
programmes for diseases should be strictly
produce antibodies.
(v) Types of acquired immunity:
(vii) Use of antibiotics and other drugs can
(a) Humoral immune response or Antibody
significantly keep away infectious diseases. Mediated Immunity (AMI) It is mediated by
Immunity is the capacity of an organism to antibodies present in blood and lymph.
resist or defend itself from the development (b) Cell-mediated immune response or Cell
of a disease. It is of the following types, as Mediated Immunity (CMI) It is mediated by T-
shown below: lymphocytes. The graft rejection during organ
transplantation, because of the ability to
differentiate between self and non-self, is due
to the cell-mediated immunity.
(vi) Antibodies are immunoglobulin molecules
(Ig). These are of five types:

I. Innate immunity is present from birth and is

inherited from the parents.
(i) It is non-specific.
in bacteria or yeast. This allowed large scale
production of vaccine, e.g. hepatitis-B vaccine
from yeast, etc.
8. Human immune system includes (i)
lymphoid organs (ii) immune cells (iii) soluble
molecules like antibodies (iv) lymphoid
Lymphoid organs These are the organs where
origin and/or maturation and proliferation of
lymphocytes occur. They are as following two
(a) Primary lymphoid organs are the sites
(a) Each antibody molecule has four peptide where lymphocytes differentiate and mature to
chains, i.e. two small called become antigen-sensitive, e.g. bone marrow
light (L) chains and two longer called heavy and thymus.
(H) chains. Hence, an antibody is represented In bone marrow, all blood cells including
as H^. lymphocytes are produced and B-lymphocytes
(b) An antibody seems like a Y-shaped mature.
structure. Thymus is a lobed organ, located near the
6. Acquired immunity is as following two heart and beneath the breastbone.
types: It reduces as the age increases. T-
lymphocytes develop and mature in thymus.
(b) Secondary lymphoid organs provide the
sites where lymphocytes interact with the
antigen and proliferate to become effector
cells, e.g. spleen, lymph nodes, tonsils, Peycr’s
patches of small intestine and appendix.
Spleen is a large, bean-shaped organ which
contains lymphocytes and phagocytes.
It acts as a filter to trap blood-borne microbes
7. Vaccination and immunisation The principle and contain a large pool of erythrocytes.
is based on the property of memory of Lymph nodes are small solid structures along
immune system. the lymphatic system. Their function is to trap
(i) Vaccination is the process of introduction microorganisms or other antigens that enter
of weakened or inactivated pathogens or the lymph and tissue fluid. Mucosal
proteins (vaccine) into a person to provide Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT) is
protection against a disease. formed of the masses of lymphoid tissue,
(ii) Immunisation is a process by which the lining the mucosa of respiratory, digestive and
body produces antibodies against the vaccine urogenital tracts. About 50% of lymphoid
(primary response) and develop the ability to tissue in human body is formed by MALT.
neutralise pathogens during actual infection 9. Allergy is a hypersensitive reaction of the
(secondary response), i.e. the body become immune system to certain antigens present in
immune to that antigen or infection. the environment.
(iii) Vaccine generates memory B and T-cells (i) Allergens produce immune response in an
that recognise the pathogens on subsequent individual, e.g. pollen grains, animal dander,
exposure and produce an intense immune dust, feathers, etc.
response. (ii) IgE antibodies are produced in response to
(iv) In case of requirement of quick immune allergens.
response like tetanus infection, preformed (iii) Allergy is due to chemicals like histamine
antibodies are injected into the patient. This is and serotonin released from the mast cells.
called passive immunisation. (iv) Symptoms of allergy are sneezing, watery
(v) Recombinant DNA technology has eyes, running nose, difficulty in breathing.
produced antigenic polypeptides of pathogen (v) Antihistamine, adrenaline and steroids are
taken to reduce the symptoms of allergy. AIDS.
10. Autoimmunity is an abnormal immune (i) Treatment with anti-retroviral drugs is only
response in which immune system of the body partially effective.
starts arthritis. (vi) Preventive measures for HIV infection are:
rejecting its own body cell or self cells and (a) National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO)
molecules, e.g. Rheumatoid set-up in 1991 and other NGOs educate people
11. AIDS or Acquired Immuno Deficiency about AIDS.
Syndrome was first reported in 1981 in USA. (b) Role of WHO to prevent HIV infection:
(i) The causative agent is Human * Ensure use of disposable syringes and
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). needles.
(ii) HIV belongs to the group of viruses called * Ensure keeping blood banks safe from HIV.
retrovirus. It has RNA genome enclosed in an * Free distribution of condoms.
envelope. * Prevention of drug abuse.
(iii) HIV is transmitted by * Discouraging unsafe sex and encouraging
(a) Sexual contact with infected person. regular check-up.
(b) Transfusion of contaminated blood and 12. Cancer can be defined as an uncontrolled
blood products. growth or proliferation of cells without any
(c) Sharing infected needles. differentiation.
(d) Infected mother to unborn child through (i) In our body, cell growth and differentiation
placenta. is highly controlled and regulated.
(iv) People, who are susceptible to infection (ii) The cancer cells divide repeatedly with
are: uncontrolled cell divisions. They do not require
(a) Drug addicts, who take intravenous drug extracellular growth factors.
injections. (iii) Cancer cells lost the property of contact
(b) Individuals who are involved with multiple inhibition (contact with other cells inhibit the
sexual partners. uncontrolled growth).
(c) Individuals who require repeated blood (iv) The repeated division of cancerous cells,
transfusion. form a large mass of cells called tumours.
(d) Children born to HIV positive mother. (v) Cancer cells move from tumour to new
(v) Modes of HIV infection: sites through blood for forming secondary
(a) Virus enters the macrophages, after tumours. This invasion of cancer cells from
entering the body of a person. one part to other parts by the body fluids is
(b) RNA gets replicated to form viral DNA by called metastasis.
enzyme reverse transcriptase. (vi) Types of tumour and differences between
(c) Viral DNA gets incorporated into the host them:
cell DNA and directs the infected cells to vii) Cancer causing viruses are called
produce virus particles. oncogenic viruses. They have genes called
(d) Macrophages continue to produce virus viral oncogenes.
particles and thus, acts as HIV factory. (viii) Normal cells have genes called cellular
(e) These virus particles enter into helper T- oncogenes (c-onc.) or proto oncogenes, which
lymphocytes (TH cells) in the blood, where are present in inactive state, but under certain
they continue to replicate and produce viral conditions (like mutation) could lead to
progenies. oncogenic transformation of the cells.
(f) The number of helper T-lymphocytes (ix) Carcinogens are cancer causing agents.
progressively decreases in the body of the They may be
infected person. (a) Chemicals As in cigarette smoke,
(g) As the number of T-cells decrease, the benzopyrene, dyes, paints, etc.
immunity also decreases. As a result, person (b) Biological Oncogenic viruses, some
cannot produce any immune response even parasites, etc.
against common bacteria like Mycobacterium, (c) Physical Ionising radiation like X-rays and
parasite like Toxoplasma, viruses and fungi. y-rays, non-ionising radiations like UV-rays.
(h) ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent (x) Cancer can be detected by the following
Assay) is a widely used diagnostic test for methods:
(a) Blood and bone marrow tests for increased
cell counts.
(b) Biopsy and histopathological studies of the
(c) Radiography by X-rays, to detect cancer of
the internal organs.
(d) Computed Tomography (CT) using X-rays,
to generate a 3-D image of internal tissue.
(e) Resonance imaging involves use of non-
ionising radiation and strong magnetic field to
detect pathological and physiological changes
in living tissue.
(f) Monoclonal antibodies against cancer-
specific antigens are also used for cancer
(xi) Treatment of cancer involves following
(a) Surgery Tumours are removed by surgery
to check further spread of cancer cells.
(b) Radiation therapy Tumour cells are
irradiated by lethal doses of radiation, taking
care to protect the surrounding normal cells.
(c) Chemotherapy Several chemotherapeutic
drugs are used to kill cancer cells. But,their
side effects like hair loss, anaemia is also
Most cancers are treated by the combination
of the above three.
(d) Immunotherapy Biological modifiers like a-
interferons are used to activate the immune
system and helps in destroying the tumour.

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