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Announcing alternative health breakthroughs from the

world's most advanced health clinics and research

Start Healing Now!

Natural Medicine's Most
Astonishing Treatments Fight...
Heart Attack * Lung Cancer * Breast Cancer *
Alzheimer's Disease * Prostate Cancer * Stroke *
Infectious Diseases * Arthritis * Impotence *
Osteoporosis * Lupus * M.S. * Hepatitis * Shingles *
Depression * Panic Attack * Insomnia * Migraines...and
Shouldn't you and your loved ones have immediate access
to these urgent healing tools?
Dear Friend,

Starting today, YOU can decide how healthy you want to be.

Will you succumb to illness and pain?

Or will you enjoy energetic, disease-resistant, pain-free living?

Whether you're concerned about cancer...arthritis...heart

disease...osteoporosis... senility... chronic 4/7/2005
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pain...depression...chronic infection...or one of countless lifestyle,

genetic, or auto-immune diseases...

...there IS something you can do. There ARE answers.

And the outlook is much better than you've been told.

The new miracle answers are available NOW

They're not being reported by the mass media or the health


They're probably not on the shelves of your health food or local

drug store.

Your doctor probably hasn't heard of them. Neither has your


Only a select group of forward-thinking doctors and researchers

know about these revolutionary treatments. But you can get these
new health breakthroughs today, if you know how.

If there's heart disease in your family... let me tell you about a

very powerful secret for heart health. Even if you have high
cholesterol, one tablespoon a day can heal damage to your arteries
and erase plaque. This all-natural, breakthrough fomula can lower
your "bad" cholesterol and reduces your risk of heart attack. In just
four weeks, your cholesterol could drop as much as 30%.

This year, nearly one million cases of skin cancer will be

diagnosed in the U.S. alone. Does your doctor know about this skin
cancer "eraser"? It erases unwanted moles, scaly patches, age 4/7/2005
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spots...even malignant "basal" and "squamous" cancer cells.

Amazingly, this revolutionary cream literally "digests" damaged cells
and lets healthy ones grow in their place. All in as little as three

Are you worried about senility or Alzheimer's disease? New

research reveals tremendous hope for Alzheimer's patients. A small
trial evaluating the effects of this vitamin on Alzheimer's patients
astonished researchers: In only four weeks, patients were more
aware of their surroundings and better able to communicate.

Could you or a loved one benefit from a treatment that achieves a

90% reversal of rheumatoid arthritis just one month?
That's the result of a recent clinical study on this new Asian medical
"masterpiece" developed in China by scientists studying secrets of
traditional herbs.

In a moment, I'll show you exactly how to find these new and
powerful treatments, how they work, even specific recommended

These treatments can change your life...and very possibly save

the life of a loved one in the coming months.

Even terminal cancer CAN be controlled...and reversed!

One 80-year-old woman was diagnosed with lung cancer. She

began taking one natural compound found in mother's "first milk."
Six months later her doctor remarked that to his surprise, her
lesions had NOT grown larger...and no new ones appeared. In
fact, it looked like the cancer had been stopped in its tracks. 4/7/2005
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Six months after that, the doctor said his original diagnosis must
have been wrong: in spite of two CAT scans and biopsies that had
once showed lung there were no lesions at all!

This incredible new discovery is called lactoferrin. It's an immunity

protein so crucial to our health and defense mechanisms, that all
lactating mothers produce it in high concentration for their

And it can give you super-immunity.

It helps coordinate your body's cellular immune response,

defending against invaders such as bacteria and viruses...and
targeting cancerous cells for destruction.

State-of-the-art techniques in cellular and molecular biology have

recently allowed us to isolate lactoferrin from bovine milk -
completely purified of possible milk allergens, but still in its original,
chemically unaltered form. In its pure, natural form, lactoferrin has
been documented to...

 Inhibit tumor growth and metastasis

 Enhance natural "killer-cell" activity (which target specific types

of tumors and virus-infected cells

 Activate neutrophil cells (which ingest and digest foreign


 Prevent viruses (including those that cause AIDS, herpes,

heart disease, and some types of cancer) from penetrating into
your healthy cells 4/7/2005
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Lactoferrin's numerous biological actions work in concert to

bolster your immune system and eradicate toxins, microbial
invaders, and even fast-spreading tumor cells.

If you know where to'll find treatments more potent and

effective than any you've ever seen or heard of before.

Treatments that are saving lives when all else fails.

Because this news doesn't come from the mass media...or the
drug companies' PR departments...or most mainstream
doctors...but from a most unconventional source...

Directly from the pioneers in natural medicine themselves!

The people who are actually making some of the greatest new
discoveries in alternative and preventive medicine - in the U.S. and
around the world.

These dedicated specialists are working around the clock to

develop treatments that safely control and eradicate the diseases
and conditions that rob you of your independence and care-free,
active living.

Why haven't you heard about these remarkable life-enhancing

solutions before?

"Forbidden" remedies from the world's most progressive

brought directly to you!

Not long ago, some of the best of these brilliant minds got tired of 4/7/2005
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watching their hard-won breakthroughs get buried by red tape, out-

of-control regulators, and special interests.

They decided it was time for an information revolution. And

so...they created a network with which to share the news of
underground medicine and amazing, effective cures and treatments
with other members...

Quickly, efficiently, and before anyone else has even heard

about these discoveries

This network, called the Health Sciences Institute (HSI), has now
grown to over 75,000 people and includes sources from as far as
Malaysia to as near as the top universities in the U.S.

And they're living up to their promise to track down and develop

the urgently-needed answers to today's most prevalent and
devastating health threats.

When I first came across HSI and read all of the amazing success
stories of the people who have benefited from these "underground"
breakthroughs, I knew I had to go public with it, to give people like
you the ultimate power to save your own life.

As the publisher of Agora Health Books, a leading book publisher

of health secrets and natural cures from around the world, I looked
for a way to get this information to you.

Then it came to me...

Now available to non-members - HSI's most powerful and

effective cures in one easy-to-use comprehensive source: 4/7/2005
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Underground Cures!
Underground Cures is packed with amazing breakthroughs,
including descriptions of how each treatment works...where you can
get much to take...possible side effects (though there aren't
many of these)...and case study successes to show you what you
can expect in your own healing.

Page after eye-opening page will reveal to you the incredible

breakthroughs that powerfully improve your health!

 Discover the Chinese herb that can heal your liver, fight
cancer, and stave off aging! Many users have lived to be well
over could be one of them! (Page 201.)

 This secret pain reliever can stop your chronic pain

permanently! It's completely natural and very inexpensive!
(Page 171.)

 As you age, your levels of the "slenderizing" Growth Hormone

decline. This innovative GH-mimic burns fat for any
age! Boosts energy and muscle growth, too! (Page 143.)

 HEALTH ALERT: New research reveals that shockingly high

humbers of heart attack and stroke patients have
excess amounts of this chemical in their blood. Gently cleanse
it from your bloodstream in one week's time with a natural
agent that can also increase your I.Q.! (See page 81.)

 BEAT BREAST AND COLON CANCER: In a clinical study, a

tree extract proved to be 10,000 times stronger than
Adriamycin, a drug used in chemotherapy...without hurting 4/7/2005
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healthy cells, hair loss or nausea! (See page 56.)

The health solutions you'll discover in Underground Cures are

nothing short of miraculous.

Seven years of crippling pain and stiffness...erased in seven


A young man of 18 suffering from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis for

seven years got only min-imum relief from high doses of
prescription anti-inflammatories. (And maximum risk to his health!)
When he woke in the morning he was so stiff he couldn't walk down
the stairs.

After trying this incredible blood cleanser and natural anti-

inflammatory for only one week...he was able to walk
downstairs easily in the morning, and was even able to hold
down a full-time summer job! He's even added basketball to
his hobbies!

These may seem like absolute miracles. But scientific research

and clinical advances are moving at a stunningly rapid rate. So the
next millenium will see the complete eradication of today's most
widespread - and most dreaded - diseases.

Even the so-called incurable will be reversed with amazing speed

and safety!

 Potent plant squashes migraines: Patients complaining of

migraines at least three times a month had their headaches cut
immediately by more than half...without side effects. You can
mysteriously banish your most life-crushing pain...for good! 4/7/2005
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(Page 179.)

 Why joint replacements may be obsolete: What if you could

just "switch on" the gene that re-grows your damaged
cartilage? Now you can! The FDA just approved testing, but
you don't have to wait!... (Page 97.)

 Beyond Viagra: Exciting new discovery enhances your desire

to have sex...heightens your you the mental
energy to perform optimally! Proven safe!

 ANOTHER DAY YOUNGER: This Romanian miracle

breakthrough can wipe away wrinkles, erase liver spots,
rebuild your bones and muscles...even protect your cells from
heart disease, MS, and Parkinson's! (Page 207.)

 What to take when Prozac doesn't help: It naturally, powerfully

uplifts mood with no unpleasant side effects. Naturally
supports healthy serotonin levels in the brain. and works better
than the "blend" on your supermarket shelf. (Page 140.)

 Natural cancer-killer found in the Amazon: Extracts from a

healing tree in the rain forest targets and kills malignant cells in
12 types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung, and
pancreatic cancer! (Page 51.)

Scientists have even discovered a way to halt the most lethal

process on earth ...the spreading of cancer cells.

Rarely does cancer kill BEFORE it spreads! Now you can stop
that lethal process - and even reverse it - thanks to a secret found
in a hybrid mushroom. This compound, called AHCC, supercharges 4/7/2005
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your immune system to seek out and destroy cancer cells. It's
totally non-toxic and has no side effects, unlike chemotherapy.

You can drive cancer straight into remission - even prevent

getting it in the first place! Clinical studies prove it works!

Here again, it won't make drug companies rich - so no headlines

on CNN. And you're almost certain not to find it at your drug store
or vitamin store.

But you'll find it on page 29 of Underground Cures . How to get

it, how to use it, how to know when it starts working!

The future is so much brighter than you've been told...and it's

packed with amazing health solutions your doctor may not discover
for years!

 Incan libido booster: A food found high in the Andes restores

your youthful hormonal levels, alleviates symptoms of
menopause, and jump-starts your desire AND
performance...without Viagra's lethal side effects. (Page 157.)

 Boost your resistance to flu and colds with a secret formula

that can clean your body of harmful toxins, prevent heart
disease, and fight Lupus, MS, and rheumatoid arthritis!(Page

 Shingles and cold sores vanish overnight! Amazing! A clinic in

Philadelphia tested this breakthrough natural anti-viral cream
on patients with severe herpes simplex 1 and 2 and zoster
(shingles). The clinic reported a 100 percent success rate!
Shingle sufferers report complete relief within minutes! Cold 4/7/2005
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sores vanish within 24-48 hours! (Page 103.)

 Erase insomnia and induce a deep, healthful sleep with this

secret herb that has a tested effectiveness of 89-95%! It also
can stop cancer growth, regulate your blood pressure, and
heal your liver and lungs! (Page 201.)

 Kill microbes before they make you sick! A new development

helps boost your immune response by up to 306% and
completely inhibits HPV-11, the virus associated with cancers
of the cervix, head, and neck areas! (Page 21.)

Only Underground Cures provides you with direct access to this

amazing universe of health and healing.

 When aspirin and Valium can't kill your head to toe pain, this
amino acid could do the trick! (See page 185.)

 It's true - you CAN reverse brain-age. This natural substance

boosts your ability to learn and remember. It may be able to
reverse more than a decade's worth of mental decline. (Page

You can reap the benefits of these discoveries - Risk-Free!

We want you to find out how to access these miraculous

treatments...and how to discover, right away, the feeling of
enhanced health and energy, peaked mental ability, empowered
sexual stamina, and much more.

That's why we are making it easy for you to receive your own
copy of Underground Cures ...and 100% risk-free. 4/7/2005
Page 12 of 13

Underground Cures is not sold in stores. And your local library

won't carry it either. But you can obtain a copy for the low price of
$29.95 plus $5 shipping and handling.

Please take a full 1 year - absolutely risk-free - to examine

this amazing health resource

If these revolutionary discoveries aren't able to help you or those

you love, just return the book to us and we'll refund your purchase
price. No questions asked!

Don't wait another second to benefit from these revolutionary,

completely safe treatments for cancer...arthritis... lagging
libido...chronic pain...viral and bacterial infection... depression...
Alzheimer's...fatigue...and much, much more!

It will take years before most of these underground cures are

available and known to the mainstream public undefined but YOU
can access them today.

Let Underground Cures give you easy access to the most

exciting new advances undefined and to an incredibly healthy,
happy and long life.

Alice Jacob
Agora Health

P.S. With these truly miraculous - and medically proven -

breakthroughs, deadly diseases that haunt our thoughts today will
no longer be a threat. You CAN control and conquer cancer, heart 4/7/2005
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disease, depression, arthritis...even MS and Alzheimer's! Order

your copy today and examine the evidence risk-free for 1 year...and
discover the most powerful secrets of underground medicine! 4/7/2005

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