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Right now, booming, oil-hungry China's making

deals that will cut U.S. crude supplies off at the
knees - contracting for billions of barrels of oil
from the same sources Uncle Sam's counting on as
alternatives to the Middle East...

Including a mammoth hidden oil

reserve that's right next door - IN
And on or about March 15, 2005, a contract will be signed
between China and Canada that'll change America's oil outlook
forever. Get in NOW, and you'll be able to afford the $5-a-
gallon gas that's coming - along with a Benz or two to burn it
in... 4/6/2005
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The Canadian government is selling the United States' oil

future down the river. But while most commodities
investors will be bailing out of their energy positions, you
can cash in - by buying grossly undervalued stock in the
ready-to-explode resource giants that 99% of American
investors overlook.

A lucky few are already 'mining' these under-the-radar

stocks for gains of 151%, 174%, 249% - even 270% or
more. Over the long haul, the sky's the limit for these new
commodities players. Profits of over 3,000% would not be

To GET RICH as the United States runs dry of oil, read

this report...

INSIDE: Your FREE 6-Volume

Orient Express - to Profit Library

Up on the Hill, everyone's buzzing about... 4/6/2005
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The Great Canadian

Double Cross
Believe it or not, the world's largest oil reserves aren't in
Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran or Iraq - but in traditionally
America-friendly Canada...

But rather than being piped into the United States, this
huge supply of crude will likely be pumped onto tankers
bound for the Orient.

And in MERE DAYS, you'll be able to start cashing in on

this deal - if you know how...
Dear Reader,

Fact: The world's largest reserve of crude oil lies not 7,000 miles
away in the America-hating Middle East, but only a few hundred miles
north of the U.S. border.

It's called the Athabasca oil sands, and it's located deep in the
wilderness of Alberta, Canada. It isn't an oil field in the traditional
sense (an underground wellspring of liquid crude) - but a vast
expanse of oil-soaked sands and clays on the banks of several of that
province's rivers...

And contained in those hundreds of square miles of black muck is 4/6/2005
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more than 300 billion barrels of crude oil. That's more than in all of
Saudi Arabia. More than in Iraq, Iran and Libya combined. It's enough
oil to render the United States completely independent of Middle East

Until recently, however, extracting the oil from the sands has proven
too costly to be feasible. But now that crude's hovering around 50
bucks a barrel or more, extraction has become worthwhile in a big
way. Plus, some new developments in technology have brought these
costs down to manageable (and even profitable) levels. That means
that soon a river of oil - millions of barrels a day - will begin flowing
out of Canada.

But as outrageous and ungrateful as it must seem to the American

government, much of this oil likely won't flow into the United States...

Now that the Athabasca sands have become viable, Canada's

beginning to flex its international oil muscles in a big way. And lately,
it's forged an alliance with the United States' only economic and
industrial rival on Earth:


Right now, many in Washington, D.C. are no doubt wringing their

hands with worry over the Canada/China oil alliance. I can just see
them now up there on Capitol Hill, pacing around with dazed looks on 4/6/2005
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their faces, shaking their heads and grumbling to each other:

"Those backstabbing Canucks do nothing but leach off our

economy - like the way they undercut us on prescription drugs.
They owe us that oil!"

"They spend next to nothing on defense because of their lucky

proximity to our awesome military might - they don't even have
an army, do they? And now they're going to sell us out?!?"

"How can they sell oil to China and not us? Doesn't NAFTA have
some fine print preventing that kind of thing?"

"Without our protection, Canada's the natural resources

equivalent of Fort Knox guarded by a 'No Trespassing' sign and a
Chihuahua. Can't we just take the oil? You said they don't have
an army..."

Instead of counting on Canada to blindly pander to American needs,

Congress and the president are finding that they need to offer more
than just armed protection to our northern neighbor to ensure
preferential treatment. If you're skeptical about whether China and
Canada really are gravitating toward each other economically (and
leaving the United States out in the cold), consider this: Canadian
exports to China jumped 55% in just the first 10 months of 2004...

Because the U.S. government has always taken Canada's support for
granted, it's ignored these kinds of warning signs while Canada and
China have cozied up to each other - in anticipation of the day when
crude prices would reach levels that would make wringing the oil out
of the Athabasca sands a worthwhile proposition. 4/6/2005
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Now, that day has come...

On Jan. 20, 2005, the 13 agreements of the Statement on Energy

Cooperation in the 21st Century were signed in Beijing by Canadian
Prime Minister Paul Martin and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.
Pledging cooperation in energy (both oil and gas), minerals and other
sectors, the agreements represent a culmination of a 10-year trend of
resources and import/export cooperation between the two nations.

Under the authority of the new Canada-China Joint Working Group on

Energy Cooperation:

 China's two biggest oil companies, PetroChina and Sinopec

(both state owned, by the way), will contract to purchase oil from
the Athabasca sands - which could top 2 million barrels a day
once production ramps up

 One of these same two companies has negotiated to acquire a

controlling interest in a Calgary-based Canadian energy
company that is successfully developing a pair of oil sand sites

 China Minmetals Inc. (yep, state run) has aggressively

negotiated to buy outright Toronto-based resources and mining
giant Noranda

 More than 100 individual trading agreements have been inked

between Canadian companies and Chinese companies - not
only in oil, but also in energy, resources, technology and 4/6/2005
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By themselves, these 13 signed agreements point unmistakably

toward a huge Chinese-Canadian energy and resources alliance that
will change the United States' oil outlook forever. But here's the real
smoking gun:

These agreements laid the framework for a new, 720-mile

Canadian oil pipeline from northern Alberta west to the British
Columbia coast. Its sole purpose is to service Chinese oil
demands from the Athabasca sands. Once operational, this
pipeline will be able to transport 400,000 barrels of oil per day -
and as much as 80% of this crude will be earmarked for China-
bound tankers.

Canadian energy giant Enbridge Inc. has offered state-owned

Chinese interests a 49% ownership stake in the massive

And the contract is expected to be signed on or about March 15,


This isn't just idle speculation by

the media or government
mouthpieces - it's a bona-fide
pending deal reported by several
international news organizations
and confirmed by Enbridge's
official spokesperson. If you
haven't read about this contract
yet, you will in the next few days, I
promise it... 4/6/2005
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Once the ink dries on this deal, its implications will ripple through the
energy and resource commodities investing world - flattening many
mainstream-recommended energy stocks while catapulting a handful
of other, lesser-known securities into the profit stratosphere.

No, this deal won't cause an obvious-to-all 'domino effect' in the entire
stocks world the way some events might (like wars and disasters), but
there will definitely be both an immediate profit spike and a long-term
money-making trend for certain companies and industries. For those
in the know and properly positioned to capitalize on the upcoming
China/Canada relationship, it'll be grand - with profits of thousands
of percent likely without undue risk...

YOU could be one of them, if you get in now.

The savvy subscribers we've recently alerted to these stocks are

already seeing gains of 174%, 249% and even as much as 270% -
and remember, this is before the upcoming China-fueled boom. To
ride this wave to its logical, hyper-profitable end (I'm talking about
potential gains of 3,000% or more), you need to get in on it today,
before the deal's on everyone's "radar."

Of course, I'm going to help you do that, FREE, in just a minute.

If you think these opportunities would be hard to ferret out on your

own, you're right. Not everyone with a stockbroker or E*TRADE trade
account will be putting money into these energy giants of tomorrow.
They're just not that obvious to the mainstream's flag-waving
conventional investment wisdom...

But they are sound, well-positioned companies that'll surely not only
protect your portfolio from the shock waves this imminent Canadian 4/6/2005
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'betrayal' of U.S. crude interests will send through the oil investment
sector, but also leave you sitting pretty with over 30 times your money
if all goes as it's poised to...

When that happens, how much will $5-a-gallon gas really affect

But you'll only cash in if you know exactly where to put your money.
And it's going to be tricky to make good picks in this investment
environment. That's why the majority of mainstream analysts are
going to try to play it super-safe, recommending investment in
bloated, household-name energy stocks - companies that are so
large they can find ways to survive (they hope) no matter what
happens in the world oil market.

Stocks like Halliburton, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips and the like. Big,

flag-waving American energy companies that feel good to invest in for
all the wrong reasons - reasons like political fervor or nationalist pride.

There's a good chance these kinds of stocks will completely flat-line

for years (or worse yet, steadily lose money). But the mainstream's
investment "gurus" will no doubt call this a victory - because millions
of other American investors will have poured millions directly into
smaller, newer stocks they think will ride the boom - including
hundreds of fledgling Chinese IPOs... 4/6/2005
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And most of them will lose everything.

That's why the mainstream money "talking heads" will be so

conservative - they'll see all the uncertainty ahead and see only one
way to play it: Feel-goody and patriotic. But since all they ever look at
are large-caps, they won't know what the real profit plays are in this
soon-to-be-upended energy sector...

But if you act now, before the impending "Ides of March" pipeline deal
between China and Canada (yes, the one that's going to cripple U.S.
oil supplies, you shameless profiteer), you could make double, triple,
quintuple, even 30 times your money or more on the cherry-
picked, under-the-radar energy and services stocks I'm about to
reveal to you.

In other words: You could get filthy rich - starting today and in a very
short amount of time, comparatively speaking.

I ask you: What could be more American than that? Now here's how
to DO IT...

I'm talking about short- and medium-term gains of 174%, 249% and
even 270% (remember - a few savvy subscribers are already doing
it). These profits aren't high risk or super volatile, either. There's
amazing potential for both short-term and long-term gains without a
bunch of trading or market watching. And over the long term, the
outlook's even rosier - profits in the 3,000% range aren't unlikely... 4/6/2005
Page 11 of 22

How do I know?

Because I've been uncovering these kinds of outrageously profitable

commodities investment opportunities for more than a decade. And
over that same span of time, I've helped a great number of people
just like you to make millions with these crisis-borne money-makers.
Allow me to introduce myself:

My name's Addison Wiggin, and aside from being co-author of the

New York Times best-selling book Financial Reckoning Day, I'm a
10-year veteran of small-cap and lesser-known resource stock and
commodities analysis...

I'm also the publisher of Outstanding Investments, a monthly

advisory for savvy investors in the natural resource and commodities
sectors. For years, we've been ahead of the curve in commodities
investments. For instance, we predicted the resources instability that
rising tensions in the Middle East would breed long before the fall of
Saddam - or the Twin Towers...

In a Special Report to our readers on how to protect themselves from

the Middle East crisis, we shined a light on a few 'safe haven' stocks
that have soared in value 174%, 249% and even as much as 270%.
Here are just a few of the opportunities we spotted before the crowd
(truth be told, most of these have never been on the mainstream's

Cameco.................................................................Up 116%
Key West Energy................................................Up 137%
Tocqueville Gold.................................................Up 151%
PetroChina (yep, we picked them).................... Up 174%
Niko Resources...................................................Up 235% 4/6/2005
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Coeur d-Alene Mines..........................................Up 249%

These are just a handful of the amazingly profitable opportunities

Outstanding Investments readers have discovered in response to
the current resources crisis caused by the Middle East quagmire. And
as you've just learned, there's a new, even bigger commodities crisis
brewing between China and the United States...

As always, Outstanding Investments is ready for it - and so are our

readers. You can be, too, if you sign up for my one-of-a-kind advisory
RISK FREE today. Right now, I've got 10 prime, yet little-known stock
markets plays that'll help you not only weather the coming China/U.S.
oil struggle, but very likely profit obscenely from it as well. And in just
one minute, I'm going to show you how to discover all of them, plus
your FREE 6-volume library of in-depth special e-reports I've put
together especially to help my readers weather the upcoming China-
driven commodities whirlwind - and come out golden on the other
side. You'll also find new, lucrative picks every month once you
subscribe to my award-winning Outstanding Investments advisory

Want an example of one of these plays? Here's a great one: shipping


I've been around the commodities investment world long enough to 4/6/2005
Page 13 of 22

know that with every crisis comes opportunity. There's always a way
to play the winds of free-market capitalism and global development
for exquisite profits - regardless of what it may mean for any one
nation or industry. There are two keys to doing this right every time,
and I'll tell you exactly what they are in a few minutes...

But I digress. Right now, I want to whisper in your ear about an

incredible opportunity that's poised to sail off into the profit sunset
along with the upcoming China Boom: Ocean-going tanker

You have to invest very carefully, though, because not every shipping
company will reap the profits. In fact, only a select few will. But oh,
how those lucky few will soar into the profit stratosphere - likely
paying back those who get in right now many times their investment
back again. Here's why:

Canals and shipping hubs along many of the world's major oil routes
have just enacted some new rules which dictate that only certain
types of tankers can ship to the most desirable and profitable oil

And the vast majority of the world's

shipping companies don't have the
right kind of tankers to capitalize on
the upcoming China/Canada oil
agreements - or any of the 48 other
oil deals China's inked with nations
around the world (more on these in a

They can't just run out and buy a bunch of these big double-hulled 4/6/2005
Page 14 of 22

boats, either. From the initial order to the bottle broken across the
bow, it takes four or five years to build one of these vessels - and the
major shipbuilders are already booked years in advance. That's why
the few companies who are already properly equipped to service the
coming China resource boom will be flying (or floating?) high in short

And you guessed it: I've picked a pair of these companies to

recommend to you as part of your Orient Express - to Profit library -
ones that already have a fleet of the newest class of these state-of-
the-art tankers to ship oil safely around the globe. It's yours FREE
when you sign up for the only resource investment advisory sure to
keep you abreast of this new oil and commodities crisis: Outstanding

Already, one of these stocks has jumped 63% in only nine

months. It's poised to go through the roof any minute now...

The other (a close competitor) has spiked over 5% in just two


You'll discover both of these stocks in your FREE Special e-Report

entitled Two If by Sea: Shipping Stocks That'll Sail on The China
Boom. More about this in a minute...

Like I said before, to capitalize on China's rise, you have to know

where to invest, and in what industries (they're not all energy
companies, as my shipping example shows). In a minute, I'm going to
show you exactly how to find out - in your FREE six-volume Orient
Express - to Profit library.

But first, I want to tell you why the 10 under-the-radar 'crisis' stocks 4/6/2005
Page 15 of 22

I'm going to tell you about in just a short - plus every other security
you discover as an Outstanding Investments member - will no
doubt prove valuable, profitable and surprisingly safe. Keep reading...

You'd have to have been under a rock to not at least be aware of the
Chinese economic boom that's been growing steadily for the last
decade. It's hard to buy anything wearable, watchable or electronic in
the United States that doesn't say 'Made in China' on it. And of
course, you probably knew that China has enjoyed 'most favored
nation' trade status with the United States. since early in the Clinton

Here's how China's gotten so powerful so quickly: In just the last

decade and a half, China has made itself the "factory to the world." By
exploiting its citizenry for cheap labor - the lowest-paid Chinese
factory workers routinely put in 14-hour days for around $100 a month
in wages - it's become a major producer of goods. Recently, its
economy blew past Germany's, and it's estimated to eclipse industrial
powerhouse Japan in just a year or two.

And within another decade, it may well overtake the United States in
industrial might.

China's economy has grown an average of more than 8% per year for
the last 10 years (ours grows at around 3-4% - brisk by all but
Chinese standards). In 2005, it's expected to grow by more than 10%. 4/6/2005
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This rivals America's rate of economic growth in the fabulous '50s, but
on vastly larger scale...

But the sheer volume of Chinese growth and economic expansion is

hard to fathom without a slap-in-the-face of sheer facts. To put
China's growing manufacturing and export dominance in perspective,
consider that the Chinese currently make:

 More than half of the world's TVs

 60% of the world's cell phones
 50% the world's shoes (and 95% of those sold in the United
 80% of the toys sold in the United States
 Furniture for just about every major American brand
 90% of the sporting goods sold in the United States
 BMW cars, Intel processors, Dell computers, Boeing jets...
 Even 100% of Levi's blue jeans are now made in China!

Because of the cheap labor and

scantly regulated trade, over
450 U.S. companies have
moved their operations to the
People's Republic - 10 times as
many as were based there just
15 years ago. Currently, China
has over 300 automobile
assembly plants - and more on
the way once pending
manufacturing deals with GM,
Daimler-Chrysler, and Cadillac
take effect... 4/6/2005
Page 17 of 22

Perhaps the most telling

statistic pointing to China's
growing industrial might is this:
Currently, our trade deficit with
China is around $1.5 billion a
day. That's around a million
bucks a minute...

Yes, you read that right - every

minute that passes, we buy a
million dollars more stuff from
China than it buys from us.
Mind-boggling, isn't it? It's
difficult to even imagine the
sheer quantities of oil and other
energy this production
juggernaut demands. What's
even more shocking is this: The
awesome growth of this
Chinese manufacturing
machine is only one of three
major reasons why China's
demand for oil and other resources has skyrocketed in the last
decade - with no end in sight!

It's also only one dimension of your ability to profit beyond your
wildest dreams on the upcoming China-driven commodities boom, if
you let me help you get in right now - the proven, low-risk
Outstanding Investments way. Keep reading... 4/6/2005
Page 18 of 22

As incredible as China's growth in world manufacturing has been (and

continues to be), its internal growth has been every bit as spectacular.
Fueled by the avalanche of profits from goods production, China has
poured billions into infrastructure development in the last 15 years.
Factories, high-rise office buildings, airports, shopping centers, roads,
railways - you name it. China's building it all...

Again, for some perspective: In 1989, China had just 170 miles of
paved roads. Since then, it has increased its total highway miles by
over 100 times, to 18,500 miles. In three years, it will have over
50,000 miles worth of pavement - more than the United States. 4/6/2005
Page 19 of 22

Recently, China has begun expanding and electrifying its railways (it
already has nearly one-third the track miles that we do), constructing
massive irrigation projects, assembling a 4,000-mile crosscountry gas
pipeline, building 27 nuclear power plants and undertaking massive
construction for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

All of these endeavors require oceans of oil, of course - but they also
need huge amounts of just about every other resource and
commodity out there. Case in point: Last year, China consumed or
drove demand for a staggering percentage of the raw materials
produced on planet Earth. It used:

 66% of the world's iron ore

 40% of the world's steel
 30% of the world's coal
 20% of the world's copper
 19% of the world's aluminum...
 And an unbelievable 55% of the world's cement!

That's right: More than half of the construction done with concrete on
planet Earth in calendar year 2004 took place in China. And that's in
the middle of a roaring U.S. housing construction boom...

Such gross consumption

can equal grotesque profit -
but only for those in the
know, like my Outstanding
Investments readers. Join
them and you could be one
of the savvy few that could
make 275%, even 3,000%
or more, just by being a 4/6/2005
Page 20 of 22

member of this respected,

exclusive advisory. Why, in
just the last few years, alert
Outstanding Investments
members have cashed in
spectacular gains on all
kinds of 'raw materials' and
'consumables' type growth-
based commodities,

 53% on cement (as

of March 4, 2005)
 151% on one gold
company, and...
 270% on silver

In just a minute, I'm going to show you how you can find out how to
make smart, ultra-profitable plays on all of these commodities and
more (plus oil and gas, of course). It's all waiting for you in a special
six-volume Orient Express - to Profit library I'll show you how to get
FREE in just a minute.

But before that happens, I want you to understand the third aspect of
China's development that spurs their snowballing demand for raw
materials, foodstuffs, minerals, energy, and especially oil...

When folks think of China, they probably first think of people (in a few
years, they'll think $5-dollar gas, but that's a later point). And truly, 4/6/2005
Page 21 of 22

China's immense advantage in inexpensive production stems from its

formidable population density: around 1.3 billion at last estimate -
more than four times the United States', in a country that's smaller in
actual real estate.

And even though China is still a communist dictatorship, the rapid

development and influx of profits from exports and demand for both
skilled and semi-skilled workers have created a "middle class" of
sorts. And although per-capita incomes are still pitifully low by U.S.
standards, the average Chinese household income is growing at a
world-record clip, creating a vast class of bona-fide consumers who
want - and can now afford (sort of) - things like cars and vacations...

Things that require petroleum.

In 1993, there were only 700,000 cars in China (besides the tens of
thousands being manufactured there for foreign sale, I mean). Today,
there are 7 million. And with their modern explosion in highway
construction, shopping venues and even tourism hotspots, the
Chinese will be driving exponentially more with every passing year.

They'll be traveling in other ways, too - especially once their air travel
system catches up with their population. Currently, China has only
1/15th the airports of the United States. Imagine what their jet-fuel
needs will be once they have as many planes per capita as we do.
Even as it is, Chinese travel and tourism is a burgeoning industry.

When you add the growing consumption of this new "red army" to the
Chinese government's need for more and more oil to not only cement
its status as 'factory to the world' but also to construct new factories,
cities, roads, shopping centers, airports and the like for this new
middle class to work, live and recreate in, you're talking about not 4/6/2005
Page 22 of 22

only an monumental drain on the world's crude supplies...

But also an unprecedented opportunity to profit in the resource

commodities sector, if you invest carefully. Of course, I'm going to tell
you exactly how shortly - plus offer you 10 FREE GIFTS just for
learning how to properly ride the coming boom. For the moment,
though, I want to bring the focus back to the role oil will play in your
future investment success - if you can detach yourself from the
inevitable political flag-waving spurred by the coming rise of China
and invest wisely.

That's exactly what Outstanding Investments is going to help you to

do - starting right now, today. Keep reading...

[To order online, click the "Subscribe Now" button on the next page. Or if
you would prefer to order by phone, call our toll-free order line at 1-800-315-

read on 4/6/2005

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