PHY061.1 Hussien Patikaman Group 6 Written Report 1

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Written Report about Micrometer and Vernier Caliper


Accurateness and preciseness are one of the most important aspects in physics.
Measurement tools or devices are necessary for comparing things. It’s allowing us to see
and understand the world around us. Measurements helps us in a lot of ways. In medicine,
precise measurement are necessary for example, when various substances are measured in
laboratory tests to evaluate health or make a diagnosis. Different units of measure may be
used depending on the substance. Without measurement, we cannot achieve a modern
society. And one of the widely used measuring devices are the Micrometer and Vernier
Caliper. In this paper, you will see the compilation of our learnings about the given topic
which is the Micrometer and Vernier Caliper. We also include our answers to the module
guide questions.


Part A

1. Do the measurement using the micrometer caliper agree with that of the
Vernier caliper from different objects? Explain the similarities and differences.
- No, the measurement using the micrometer can’t agree with Vernier, since
Vernier Caliper typically allow user to measure internal diameters, external
diameter as well as depths and is design to measure to the nearest 1/50th mm
which point is 0.2, considering its precision 0.1 or 0.05 mm. Although digital
Vernier Calipers have a precision of 0.01 mm, meanwhile micrometers make
use of a screw to translate small distances move by its jaws to larger
distances along the marked scale and typically have a precision of 0.01 mm
and will measure of one- hundredth of a mm. The thing they have in common
is that both of them can give zero errors and their difference is that Vernier
Calipers uses a sliding Vernier scale to measure small movements on its jaws
while micrometer use screw to amplify small movements of its jaws to a larger
movements of rotating scale.
2. Which of the two measuring instruments yield more precise measurements?
- Micrometer Caliper yield more precise measurement than Vernier.
3. Is it always possible to use both device under the same circumstances?
- It is possible, only if digital Vernier Caliper is use together with the micrometer,
since both of the devices have a precision of 0.01 mm.
Part B

1. Reading : 2 mm + 0.49 mm + 0.008 mm = 2.498 mm

2. Reading: 2.500 mm + 0.140 mm + 0.005 mm = 2. 645 mm

3. Reading : 25mm + .65 mm = 25.65 mm


Vernier Caliper and Micrometer are both used for measure and quality control. Both
Vernier Caliper and Micrometer give size precisely.

A micrometer is an instrument designed to take really precise measures of vary small

items and spaces, like screws, pipes, faucets, and tools. Micrometers are a necessary tool
when a precise size is needed. They come in multiple designs and styles to fit the needs of
whatever object it's you need measured. Since micrometers only have a limited extent span,
they often come in packages of varying sizes to accommodate your needs. A Vernier caliper
could be a measuring instrument used to precisely measure direct dimensions. In other
words, it measures a line between two points. A Vernier caliper has main jaws that are used
for measuring external diameter, also as smaller jaws that are used for measuring the inner
diameter of objects.

Both Vernier caliper and Micrometer are used for measuring different elements. they
will be distinguished with their appearances and in- made features. Vernier caliper is used
generally for measuring the inner and external length and also the diameter, while the
Micrometer is used for measuring the density of an object like metal and rotating objects like
screws and bolts.

We also learned how to read a micrometer caliper and metric Vernier caliper, a
micrometer caliper is used in measuring very precise measurements, one part of it was a
knurl that opens up the measuring parts as you turn it, these are called the spindle and the
anvil. The spindle moves and the anvil does not, now the micrometer caliper has a barrel
scale which the number of measurements can be seen, same with the thimble. Observing
that there are two sets of marks and a line the marks above the line are millimeters and the
marks below the line are half millimeters, it will measure down to the nearest one-hundredth
of millimeters. Each Mark on the barrel is equal to one-half milliliters or 0.5, knowing that the
thimble contains 50 marks which means that each mark on the thimble is equivalent to 0.1.
The number that is shown in the barrel scale and on the thimble will tell us the exact
measurement of the object that is being measured.

On the other hand, a Vernier caliper was designed to measure to the nearest 1/50 of
a millimeter that is a point zero two, the first thing we're going to measure with a Vernier
caliper is nothing, meaning the measuring start at the zero number. It is because when the
calipers are fully closed, measuring zero-width can see the places where the measurements
are taken. If the object is put between the gaps of the Vernier scale, then that's the time to
start measuring it by looking where the object started and ended, start counting from zero
rightward and count the marks as 0.2 since the Vernier caliper design only to measure 1/50
of the millimeter. In conclusion, a micrometer uses a screw to convert small distances move
by its jaw to larger lengths along the marked scale wherein a Vernier caliper employs two
sliding scales with different spacing between markings on each side.

We have fun while understanding and learning this topic, it is because it will make
you try new things that you haven't try in your whole life. Even though it's hard at first
because we are trying to read a measurement using virtual equipment and not a real one,
thinking that what we read might not be as accurate as of the real one but knowing how
innovative the world now make me doubtless. We suggest that the content of this topic must
have a step by step instructions on how this scaling equipment works, perhaps much better
if it explains through a video.


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