Car Restoration - Proyect - 7°G2

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“Car restoration”

Member´s names team:

Altamirano López Braulio Santiago

Arellano Rodríguez Hisham David

Cárdenas Salazar Javier Alejandro

Chávez Reynoso Jesús Gabriel

Infante Villalpando Cesar Alejandro

Plasencia López Aksel Iván

Sandoval Curiel Diego

Ingles VII


Teacher: Pizano Ortiz Esmeralda

Car Restoration


This topic is interesting because it is a way de put into practice, to put into practice the
topics seen in our specialty.

We select a car for private use, in this case Nissan Tsuru 1990, although we do not
recognize the mileage of this, it is notable that this car has been in use for several years,
it doesn’t have a good working and you can see it is not working well, for this we go
need repair on the engine, to avoid problems with gasoline consumption and bad
working of this car. We are also going to make a diagnosis for have a diagnosis more
specific and real.

Problem Statement

The first is the diagnosis and control of the main systems: suspension system, electronic
system, breaking system and engine system. Done the above we focus on the most
urgent and what requires a more urgent repair to star whit this. What interests us most is
to repair it with the lowest possible budget, because the salary of an average Mexican is
low, and that of someone like us who are students.


In the year 1960 Nissan was given the task of competing with models such as
Volkswagen Atlantic, Chrysler K Cars, Ford Topaz and Chevrolet Celebrity. Whit a car
more compact and cheaper from the market replacing the Datsun being the better option
in the market for low benefits.

The engine was carbureted until 1991, about 85 hp. Subsequently, electronic injection
was added and versions with a turbo engine were also produced, of which some in
coupe bodywork, called Hikari, arrived in Mexico.

General objective

Solve the problems we might see trough the time for the normal use of the car along the
several years the car was in service. Also, we are going to identified which problems are
more important when we talk about the correct function of the car such as brakes,
suspension, and powertrain
Specific objectives:

 Reduce the polluting emissions we can have cause the wrong function of the
 Make a diagnostic on the powertrain and solve the problems we can find.
 Make a complete engine repair.
 Make a diagnostic on brake system, suspension, and the directional. After that,
solve them.
 Make the conduction more comfortable.


ESTEVAN VÁZQUEZ BORCHOWSKY. (10/May/2018). Nos sumergimos en el pasado

del Nissan Tsuru y descubrimos el motivo de su longevidad y popularidad. 01/09/2021,
de Motor Pasión México Sitio web:

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