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San Pedro Buhi, Camarines Sur
S/Y 2021-2022

Mathematics 9 MODULE 3 (1st QUARTER)

NAME: _________________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: GRADE 9- ____________

SUBJECT TEACHER : ___________________________ DATE: _________________________


. module assessing the knowledge of the learners of the different concepts of mathematics that
previously studied and the skills in performing the mathematical operations. These knowledge and skills will
help the students to understand the nature of the roots of the quadratic equations. As you go through this
lesson, think of this important question: “How does the nature of roots of quadratic equation facilitate in
understanding the conditions of real life situations?” To find the answer, perform each activity. If you find
difficulty in answering the set of activities, seek the assistance of your family, peers, friends and most
especially your teacher.

After the students have gone through the lessons in this module, they are expected to:
1. Characterize the roots of a quadratic equation using discriminant,
2. Describe the relationship between the coefficients and the roots of a quadratic equation,
3. Determine the number and the nature of the roots using discriminant.

The quadratic formula may be used to find the roots x1 and x2 as follows:

−b+ √ b2 −4 ac −b− √b 2−4 ac

x1 ¿ and x2 ¿
2a 2a
This shows that a quadratic equation has two solutions called roots of the quadratic equation. The roots of a
quadratic equation can have roots which are rational, irrational or imaginary numbers. How do we easily know this?
How can we determine the nature of the roots?
The value of the expression b2 – 4ac is called the discriminant of the quadratic equation ax² + bx + c = 0. This
value can be used to describe the nature of the roots of a quadratic equation. It can be zero, positive and perfect square,
positive but not perfect square or negative.

The Nature of the Roots

If b2 – 4ac is zero, the roots are real and are equal. Remember this!!!
If b2 – 4ac is positive and a perfect square, the roots are rational.
If b2 – 4ac is positive but not a perfect square, the roots are irrational.
If b2 – 4ac is negative, there are no real roots.

For further understanding of the nature of the roots and how to determine the number of roots, there are examples
given below.
1. If b 2 – 4 ac is equal to zero, then the roots are real numbers and are equal.
Describe the roots of x 2+ 4 x +4=0
The values of a, b and c in the equation are the following
a=1 b=4 c=4
Substitute these values of a, b and c in the expression b 2 – 4ac.
b 2 – 4 ac=¿
¿ 16 – 16¿ 0
Since the value of b 2 – 4 ac is zero, we can say that the roots of the quadratic equation
x 2+ 4 x +4=0 are real numbers and are equal.
This can be checked by determining the roots of x 2 + 4x + 4 = 0 using any of the methods of solving quadratic equation.
If the quadratic formula is used, the roots that can be obtained are the following.
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2. When b 2 – 4 ac is positive and a perfect square, then the roots are rational numbers but are not equal.
Determine the roots of x 2+ 7 x +10=0
In the equation, the values a, b and c are 1, 7 and 10 respectively. Use this values to
evaluate b2 – 4ac.
b 2 – 4 ac=¿
¿ 49 – 40
Since the value of b 2 – 4 ac is greater than zero and a perfect square, then the roots of
the quadratic equation x 2+ 7 x +10=0 are rational numbers but not equal.

To check, solve for the roots of x 2+ 7 x +10=0

The roots of the quadratic equation x 2+ 7 x +10=0 are rational numbers and are not
3. When b 2 – 4 ac is positive but not a perfect square, then the roots are irrational numbers and are not equal.
Determine the roots of x 2+ 6 x+3=0
Evaluate the expression b 2 – 4 ac using the values a, b, and c.
In the equation, the values of a, b, and c are 1, 6, and 3, respectively.
b 2 – 4 ac ¿ ¿
¿ 36 – 12
¿ 24
Since the value of b 2 – 4 ac is greater than zero but not a perfect square, then the roots
of the quadratic equation x 2+ 6 x+3=0are irrational numbers and are not equal.
−6+ √ 24
x¿ = −6+2 √ 6 = −3+ √6
2 2
−6− √24
x¿ = −6−2 √ 6 = −3−√ 6
2 2
The roots of the quadratic equation x 2+ 6 x+3=0are irrational numbers and are not
4. When b – 4 ac is negative, then the equation has no real roots.
Example: Determine the nature of the roots of x 2+ 2 x +5=0
In the equation, the values of a, b, and c are 1, 2, and 5, respectively. Use these values to
evaluate b 2 – 4 ac
b 2 – 4 ac ¿ ¿
¿ 4 – 20
Since the value of b 2 – 4 ac is less than zero, then the quadratic x 2+ 2 x +5=0 has no
real roots.
To check, solve for the x 2+ 2 x +5=0.

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NAME: __________________________________________ GRADE
The roots of the quadratic equation x 2+AND SECTION:
2 x +5=0 are notGRADE 9-________________
real numbers.


ACTIVITY 1: What’s My Values?

Directions. Evaluate the expressions b2 – 4acgiven the following values of a, b and c.
1. a=1 ,b=5 , c=4 4. a=1 ,b=−2 , c=−2

2. a=2 , b=1 , c=−21 5. a=9 , b=0 , c=16

3. a=4 , b=4 , c=1

ACTIVITY 2: What is My Nature?

Directions. Determine the nature of the roots of the following quadratic equations using the discriminant.
Quadratic Equations Discriminant Nature of the Roots
1. x + 6 x+ 9=0
2. x 2+ 9 x+20=0
3. 2 x2 – 10 x +8=0
4. x 2+ 5 x +10=0
5. x 2+ 6 x+3=0
6. 2 x2 +6 x +4=0
7. 3 x 2 – 5 x +4=0
8. 9 x 2 – 6 x+ 9=0
9. 10 x 2 – 4 x−16=0
10. 3 x ² – 2 x – 5=0

ACTIVITY 3: Choose me Right!

Directions. Read and understand the following questions and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following numbers is a perfect square number?
A. 24.5 C. 1/2
B. 49 D. √65
2. In the standard form ax + bx + c + 0, what is the coefficient of c in the equation x 2 + 3x = - 4?

A. 1 C. - 4
B. 3 D. 4
3. What is the nature of the roots if your discriminant is greater than zero and can has a square root?
A. if b2 – 4ac = 0, then the roots are real/ equal
B. if b2 – 4ac is positive and perfect square, the roots are rational
C. if b2 – 4ac is not a perfect square, the roots are irrational
D. if b2 – 4ac is negative, there is no real roots
4. What is the nature of the roots if the discriminant has a √ or radical sign that cannot be find its square root?
A. if b2 – 4ac = 0, then the roots are real/ equal
B. if b2 – 4ac is positive and perfect square, the roots are rational
C. if b2 – 4ac is not a perfect square, the roots are irrational
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C. if b2 – 4ac is negative, there is no real roots
5. What is the nature of the roots if the discriminant is a negative integer?
A. if b2 – 4ac = 0, then the roots are real/ equal
B. if b2 – 4ac is positive and perfect square, the roots are rational
C. if b2 – 4ac is not a perfect square, the roots are irrational
D. if b2 – 4ac is negative, there is no real roots
6. What is the nature of the roots if the discriminant is equal to zero?
A. if b2 – 4ac = 0, then the roots are real/ equal
B. if b2 – 4ac is positive and perfect square, the roots are rational
C. if b2 – 4ac is not a perfect square, the roots are irrational
D. if b2 – 4ac is negative, there is no real roots
7 - 10. Complete the table below.

Equations b2 – 4ac / discriminant Nature of the roots

2x2 – 10x + 8 = 0

X2 + 6x + 9 = 0

X2 + 5x + 10 = 0

10x2 – 4x = 8
11. When the quadratic expression ax² + bx + c is a perfect square trinomial like x 2 + 6x + 9 = 0, do you agree that
the value of its discriminant is zero?
A. No C. Maybe
B. Yes D. I don’t care
12. What is the discriminant of the equation x + 5x + 4 = 0?
A. 5 C. 9
B. 6 D. 8
13. What is the discriminant of the equation 9x +16 = 0?
A. -566 C. 556
B. -576 D. 586
14. What is the nature of the root in the equation of x + 5x + 4 = 0?
A. rational and not equal C. irrational and not equal
B. real and equal D. there is no real
15. What is the nature of the root in the equation of 9x +16 = 0?
A. rational and not equal C. irrational and not equal
B. real and equal D. there is no real

Escaner IV, J. M, Catalla, D, Espino, M. A. K to 12 Spiral Math 9 Second Edition: Trinitas Publishing
Escaner IV, J. M, Catalla, D, Espino, M. A. K to 12 Spiral Math 9 Second Edition Solution Manual:
Trinitas Publishing Inc.
Nature of the Roots of the Quadratic Equations from
Discriminant from
Definition of discriminant http;//

Prepared by: Checked by:


Mathematics Teacher JHS Academic Coordinator

Mathematics Teacher


Mathematics Teacher

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Monitored by:

Signature over printed name of Parent

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