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Our Gift of Righteousness

Thousands of years ago if not millions, God made the heavens and the earth, thus he made this

earth in which we all dwell. Seven days was what it took God to make all things which exists.

According to the bible in the book of Genesis chapter one God made man precisely on the sixth day

of creation, and on the seventh day God rested from all things which he did create. Therefore

nothing was ever created after that. The bible testified that God saw all things to be perfect

including me and you before he rested form his works. That was the end of the creation and all of

existence – the rest of God. This rest is a point where all things function in perfection and there shall

be no need for amendment or work. For a man to rest, he has to be done with his work. Thus all the

works of God was over.

Then in another creation story in the same book of Genesis chapter two God created all things and

this time narrated how all were created but this time around he did not speak of his rest. If you

carefully examine the two accounts you will find out that the difference between them is that the

first one declared the power of God to create all things and the second declared the history of all

that were created by God. In the first account also the name of the man God made to have dominion

over all things was not mentioned but in the second account Adams name was mentioned.

It is also obvious that the first account story ended when God rested but the second account

continued until the end of the bible. In Genesis 2:4, the bible records that “This is the History of the

heavens and the earth when they were created.... (Notice the comma) also notice that the book of

revelation was a conclusion of this history not because it has come to pass but because it is a

revelation of things yet to come before God rested. Thus John said nothing shall be removed from it

or added to it for all its testimonies are true to the end Revelation 22:18-19. What I am trying to tell

you is that by the revelation of the spirit of God I have come to understand that all that exists and is

yet to exist is the history of all that God had made - Some kind of written ordinance. No wonder all

the promises made in the bible were all made in the past tense, no wonder Jesus says to people
when he heals them that their faith has made them free. No wonder faith is believed to come when

you speak what you do not see (see Hebrews 11). This is all because your faith is a revelation of Gods

spirit to the things which truly exists but has not yet come to pass (these things come to pass when

you speak them to be). For example when you tell someone he is healed you speak this because you

believe that this is the mind of God, now let us take it step by step.

What I am trying to explain to you is what Paul an apostle also tried to explain to the people in the

book of Hebrews

In this history, (Genesis 3) the first man who worked this earth failed in keeping up with the faith and

confidence in the word which God gave to him and by so doing he was not able to harness the

dominion which the word of God gave to him. This man therefore in disbelief fell and lost his

dominion, leaving it to the devil who also deceived him and brought him to doubt God. Adam was

his name, according to history Adam and his wife lost their glory when they began to see the

possibilities of the spirit of God to be impossible, no longer able to see, the lost faith in the

ordinance of God. When they began to live in fear of lack of wisdom they subjected themselves to

lack. Having done this it was counted to them as sin by God thus lack of faith is sin. Therefore Gods

spirit departed from them and because of that they began to surfer and this became a curse to

them. Note also that God did not curse them but curse came upon them because they lost their

glory and therefore became destitute in the earth. Having no sense of purpose and because of them

death also reigned in the world. (Man was not created to be ruled but to rule.) This was why God

saw that they were purposeless.

As time went on God searched for people who will believe in him but he saw none. Therefore he

decided that he would destroy the whole world but he found a man to whom he gave grace Noah

Genesis 6:8. He did so because this man Noah was just in His eyes and also believed God. Thus he

was able to build an ark on dry ground responding to the word of God he did so without doubt,

verse 22 therefore Noah and his family was saved from the flood. The entire world after then existed
through this man whom God gave life because he believed. Thus God established the first covenant

with him according to the life which he gave him for his belief in Him and God made a covenant that

He shall not destroy Noah’s descendants anymore by water and thus he gave a sign to it. This sigh

was to show anytime the waters had gathered on the heavens that God would not destroy the earth.

And this sign appears in all the earth for a remembrance of the covenant God made with Noah which

still stands. Deep in his descendants the Lord sort for another man of faith. And he found one man

Abraham Genesis 12. God’s testimony of Abraham was that he also believed God. Abraham was a

man of faith. He did not respond to the things which prevailed before him but at all times believed

God. Therefore God established a covenant with him. God desired to bless Abraham He Gave the

whole earth an inheritance to him and his seed. This seed is the one which he has predestined that

in him all creation shall be perfect.

While also most of Abrahams faith where written in the bible there also came men who due to their

belief in God did so many wonders and signs and achieved promises from God which entitled them

to the rest of God. These men due to their belief in God, held on to the faith of the revelation of the

spirit of God. These men by the documentation of the Jews where raised from prison to palace

possessed the ability to interpret dreams and knew that whatever God says must come to pass.

These men through their belief where able to divide seas and rivers, obtain the handwriting of God,

wedge wars and subdue kingdoms, they were able to pursue and recover spoils, they were able to

sing to the lord and get their enemies destroyed. These men also through their belief in God were

able to command fire from heaven and make water in dry places, enter into the dens of lions and

into burning furnaces and yet not consumed. All these men obtained a good report because they

believed in the Lord, not doubting his power to deliver them but stood strong in what they believed.

It was also this belief in the Most High God which saved Rehab the prostitute when her nation was

destroyed. And by it also the prophets heard from God.

Now the covenant which God made with Abraham was testified by a sign which was the circumcision

of those who are of this belief Genesis 17:10. Note that the circumcision was not just on the seed of

Abraham but also upon his household and all those whom he bought for money. Therefore the

circumcision was not a sign of inheritance only but a sign of those who believed in God. This sign

bore witness of this covenant until the day of the fulfilment.

On this day, the Lord established a new covenant within the older two. Even though all are a

covenant of belief all bore different testaments. In this New Testament, the promise had finally

come to pass and the statement of God on the sixth day came to pass Genesis 1:26. God made a

man in whom all dominion of all things should dwell and he became the perfection of Gods

creations. But even in the creation of this man all was not yet good. Man was still not perfect seeing

that he was still one man and disbelief still covered all men. Then it pleased God that this man will

die a death for all men. So that through his death all may also die. But all cannot die except those

who believed. This man therefore took upon himself the blame of all the earth and accepted the

condemnation of their unbelief and died upon a cross. Therefore upon his death all who was of the

disobedience died with him and a new covenant was established this time around on his own

descendants. But it was declared in a certain place “who shall declare his generation.... (Isaiah

53:8).” Seeing now that he had no generation who then is this new covenant for? Is it also according

to belief? Yes it is. This new covenant was no longer made on the life of a man but on his death. And

this is the covenant. Any man who believes that this man is the seed which was declared from the

foundation of the world of whom God made in his own image and likeness, any man who also

believes that this man died that through his death all may become the man whom God made in His

image and likeness - this one shall have exchanged the punishment of his sins and disobedience to

the one who died for all - and also anyone who believes that this man was raised to life by God and

such a person also was raised to life from the death which he died with him. Those are they which

shall partake of this new covenant. Thus all who believe in this covenant, there reserves for them a

greater testament than all, which is the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the sign of the
covenant which Christ made upon those who believed in him. And just as the first was according to

earthly descendants so also was its signs of earthly things and as the second was with earthly

possessions so also was its signs of earthly things but as the third is of spiritual things so also its signs

are of spiritual things and therefore the canal mind cannot discern these things because they are of

the spirit. As Moses had not circumcised his son and the lord sort to kill him also any man who has

not the spirit of God has not the sign of the covenant and therefore shall not partake of the promise

of his rest.

Now that this man has been raised in blamelessness God now sees him and sees that all which he

has made is good. For he sees Christ as the man whom he has made - since all who believes are in

this covenant which is of the spirit. Now therefore there remains to God the coming to perfection of

the church which is us, so as to reign in the glory of Christ with him. For Christ sits in the throne of

God together with us to bring his enemies to subjection until the judgement of God will be made

upon the sons of disobedience and unbelief. For in a certain place it was written “and the lord said

to my lord, come sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your foot stool.” Then the marriage

supper shall hold and lord shall reign upon the earth.

Therefore we can see that by faith the world was made by the word of God for when he had said all,

according to our time it had not yet come to pass but it did exist by the word of God.

Therefore it is this faith by which all things were made that dwells in the Holy Spirit, by whom also all

things were made.

Now this is the covenant which God made with man in the Day of the resurrection of Christ. Christ

took the place of men so that they died with him according to the covenant and having died with

him has been condemned with him and therefore has no more condemnation. Since it was written

in a certain place “it is appointed to man once to die and after that judgement follows,” man has

therefore paid the price of his condemnation through the death of one man who died for all.
Therefore all has been condemned. Yet it pleased the one who was condemned for all though

without sin, to accept all into his judgement whereunto God found him blameless and therefore

found all those who believe on him blameless also. For he is the head and they are his body, if the

head is blameless shall the body be of blame or can a man’s body be condemned while his head set

free? Jesus is the vine and we are his branches and if the vine is blameless so also are the branches

which abide in it, for they are one. In the judgement, it is given to this man authority over all things

thus even the Spirit of God which is the gift of the father to him, that he should give it to anyone

who believes in him and that this man also being blameless before God on whom God is well pleased

shall choose for himself a people who shall reign forever with him after this history is over.

The gift of righteousness is this. This man chose for himself those (any who believe) whom he shall

be righteous on their behalf that they may no longer be separated from their God because of sin but

that the righteousness of Christ shall be given to them. These men are not held accountable for their

sins for they are not justified by their own righteousness but by the righteousness of him who has

called them. For they also love Him even as He also loves them and walk according to His spirit which

is in them.

Do you believe this? If so then you are welcome to the new life in Christ, read the New Testament

very well and even the books of the prophets spoken about Christ for a dipper understanding

Our salvation is easy and out of love do not make it hard for yourself, believe in the lord and his

abilities and his spirit shall be your helper.

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Thanks and God bless you.

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