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create table chitietHD (

SoHD varchar(255) not null,

MaHg varchar(255) not null,
SoLuong int,
GiaBan int,
primary key (SoHD),
foreign key (MaHg) references HangHoa(MaHg)

insert into Hanghoa(MaHg, TenHg, DVT, Dongia, Cohang)

values ('H001', "Bia", "lon", 10000, 1);
insert into Khach(MaKH, Hoten, Diachi, Daily)
values ('001', "Thanh", "Da Nang", 0);
insert into HoaDon(SoHD, Ngaylap, Ngaygiao, Trigia, MaKH)
values ('HD001', '2021-09-18', '2021-09-20', 2000000, 'KH001');
insert into Chitiet_HD(SoHD, MaHG, soluong, Giaban)
values ('HD001', 'KH001', 200, 10000);

a) select Hoten, DiaChi

from Khach
where Daily=1;

b) select Trigia
from Hoadon
where NgayLap='2008-05-12';

c) select a.Hoten, a.Diachi

from Khach a, Hoadon b
where a.MaKH = b.MaKH and a.Daily = 0 and b.Ngaylap = '2008-12-15';

d) select a.MaHG, a.TenHG, a.DVT

from Hanghoa a, HoaDon b, Chitiet_HD c
where a.MaHG = c.MaHG and b.SoHD = c.SoHD and b.Ngaylap = '2008-12-15';

e) select MaHG, TenHG

from Hanghoa
where Cohang = 1;

f) select a.MaHg, a.TenHG

from Hanghoa a, HoaDon b, Chitiet_HD c
where a.MaHG = c.MaHG and b.SoHD = c.SoHD and Trigia > 1000;

g) select distinc TenHG

from Hanghoa
where TenHG not in (select distinc a.TenHG
from HangHoa a, HoaDon b, Chitiet_HD c
where a.MaHG = c.MaHG and b.SoHD = c.SoHD);
h) select distinc MaKH, TenKH
from HangHoa
where Daily = 1 and MaKH not in (select distinc MaKH
from Khach a, HoaDon b, Chitiet_HD c
where a.MaKH = b.MaKH and b.SoHD = c.SoHD and (c.MaHG like
'H001' or c.MaHG like 'H002'));

i) select distinc a.TenHG

from Hang a, Khach b, Hoadon c, Chitiet_HD d
where a.MaHG = d.MaHG and c.SoHD = d.SoHD and b.MaKH = c.MaKH and Daily = 1 and
Diachi like "Da Nang" and in
(select distinc a.TenHG
from Hang a, Khach b, Hoadon c, Chitiet_HD d
where a.MaHG = d.MaHG and c.SoHD = d.SoHD and b.MaKH = c.MaKH and Daily = 0 and
b.Diachi like "Quang Nam");


l) select a.MaKH, a.HoTen, min(c.Giaban) as GiabanThapNhat

from Khach a, HoaDon b, Chitiet_HD c
where a.MaKH = b.MaKh and b.SoHD = c.SoHD and a.Daily = 1
group by a.MaKH, a.HoTen
having GiaBanThapNhat > 100;

m) select sum(b.Soluong)
from HoaDon a, Chitiet_HD b
where a.SoHD = b.SoHD and a.Ngaylap >= '2008-02-01' and a.Ngaylap <= '2008-29-02';

n) select SoHD, Ngaylap

from Hoadon
group by SoHD, Ngaylap
having giatri >= (select max(Giatri) from Hoadon);

o) select a.Hoten, a.Diachi

from Khach a, HoaDon b
where a.MaKH = b.MaKH and b.Ngaylap >= '2008-02-01' and b.Ngaylap <= '2008-02-29'
group by a.HoTen, a.Diachi
having b.Giatri >= (select max(Giatri) from HoaDon where Ngaylap >= '2008-02-01'
and Ngaylap <= '2008-02-29');

p)select a.MaKH, count(b.SoHD)

from Khach a, Hoadon b
where a.MaKH = b.MaKH and a.Daily = 1
group by a.MaKH

q) select TOP 1 MaHG, TenHG, sum(b.Soluong) as TongSoLuong

from Hang a, Chitiet_HD b
where a.MaHG = b.MaHG
group by MaHG, TenHG
order by TongSoLuong desc

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