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1.How did you feel while viewing the pictures showing the victims of the heavy
rains? Why did you feel that way?
-many people need help, many houses lost them due to strong winds caused by storms
causing floods, and evacuating people to safer places.

2.How did feel you feel while viewing the pictures of the people who helped the
victims? Why did you feel that way?
-I was more reassured, because many good people helped them to get them to a safer place
where they would no longer be afraid and perish, caused by the flooding in their

3. Have you experienced a moment in your life when you or your family needed help?
If you have, what did you do?
-the time of typhoon Yolanda, we asked for help from our neighbor, because our house
was near the river, then the water went up and up, then we asked our neighbor for help and
there we slept in their house.

4. How did you feel during your hour of need?

I feel in times of need you should be good to them because when you have a good heart,
they will not hesitate to help you.

5. Were there people who helped you during your time of need? If yes, what help
did those people give?
-they put us to sleep in their house and gave us clothes and blankets and fed us in their house

6.Have you experienced giving help to those in need? If yes, explain the kind of
help that you gave them.
- when someone is hungry, you should give them at least a little of what you eat, because when
you help people more of that reward will come back to you.

7. How did you feel after helping those in need? Why did you feel that way?
- it feels good because you are helping someone who is not against your will.

1. What do you think does the phrase “one heart and mind” mean?
-In unity, there is strength,” as they say. Thus, even the seemingly impossible things can
be accomplished. This is because people who are united have one mind, one heart, one
vision resulting to one powerful effect.
2. To what did the apostles witness with great power?
-We are saved by God's grace. ... “And with great power the apostles were giving their
testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all”.
3. Why is it that there was no needy person among the early Christians?
-There were no needy ones among them, because those who owned lands or houses would sell
their property, bring the proceeds from the sales, 35and lay them at the apostles’ feet for
distribution to anyone as he had need.

1. What essential characteristics of the Church are described in the teachings from PCP II?
- In the unity of the Church of there is equality in Christian dignity of all the
2. How is “unity in diversity” manifested in the Church?
_________________________________________________________________________ 3. At
present, how are the needs of the members of the Church supplied?
4. What is the reason for the equality of all Christians?
_________________________________________________________________________ 5.
According to Blessed John Paul II, what is the foundation of the equality of all the members of
the Church?
6. Do you feel that there is true equality among all the members of the Church today? Explain
your answer.

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