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“Gear-up” Activity
Recall / review all the rules that you must follow at home, at the church, in the
community and in Pangasinan State University.

Consider the following study questions after recalling the rules:

· Among the rules (i.e., rules at home, in the community, at PSU), which rule
do you find constricting?

*The rules that somehow constricting me is the rules inside our home because in my age I still
have rules that I must abide imposed by my Tita. Yes, I respect them because I know it's for my
good, but I think I should start thinking of my future and decide for my own life. It's hard to
handling different situations if others are still against and correcting your own decisions in your

· What do you think are the reasons behind these rules?

*I think the reason why our parents impose some house rules like what I have said in number
one is to protect and steer us in the right direction for us to become more responsible adult.

· What would your home be without these rules? Your community? PSU?

* I think life without rules is one which is not worth living. I'm already 20 years old who still
bound by rules. That is how my tita have brought me up. Maybe for the same reason I used to
feel that my tita were strict, but now I fully understand it's importance. Following rules make us
a complete individual. Can you imagine a life where there are no rules such as traffic rules,
there would be increase in road accidents, a school without rules, students impose their own
rules, rules at home, their children have no discipline at all. These are few examples, there are
many such cases where rules are necessary. Maybe in my generation people feel that what I
have mentioned is irrelevant in today's scenario, but I strongly believe that rules are what that
made our previous generations lead a good life and give us an opportunity to continue the
legacy. Try to follow the rules and you will see the new you who is far better than the present

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