Positive Exposure Adjusted Variation Margin Physical Delivery Margin

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Terminology CalculatioExplanation

Accout balance 50000 The guarantee deposited for the GasForward CCP platform (ex: Ba
Initial order margin -3000 The guarantee withheld for orders open to the market after the conc
Open position Margin -27000 The guarantee withheld for Netted Positions* initial margin referenc
Variation margin (2 types) 0 The guarantee withheld or cleared/compensated for the price risk o
Positive exposure 0 Positive exposure calculation (see formula)
Negative exposure 0 Negative exposure calculation (see formula)
Adjusted variation margin 0 The
margin ofmargin which is effectively
the orders+the margin ofused towards
the open the trading
position+ li
the adj
Net margin within the trade -30000
Physical delivery margin 0 Only calculated in the last day of trading a product.
Net positions 90 Number of open buying and selling positions (Number of contracts
Transaction sense C The sense of transaction
Transaction MWh Quantity 2790 Number of MWh traded
Transaction Contract Quantity 90 Number of traded contracts at a unique price within a transaction (T
Transaction price 100 The price of the transaction
Transaction limit (+) or Margin Call (-) 20000 Transaction limit (+) or Margin Call (-)

Unique transaction scenario for a BUYER initially set for a monthly product with an initial margin o

In order to simulate portfolio situations and

scenarios introduce/modify values
highlighted with YELLOW and with RED
writing (Daily settlement price, simulated
transactions and account balance)

Extra formula support

Unlimited positive exposure -27000
Sign change for position margin calculation 27000

Positive exposure limited to maximum compensation -27000

Reference value for the initial margin 300
Nr of MWh/ contract 31
Nr of contracts within open orders 10
GasForward CCP platform (ex: Bank letter of guarantee)
s open to the market after the conclusion of a trading session valid for at least the next day. (initial margin reference value/ contracts in lei)
d Positions* initial margin reference value/contracts in lei
d/compensated for the price risk of the transaction reported to the market price (daily settlement price). Positive value (C6) OR negative val

argin ofused towards
the open the trading
position+ limit. In variation
the adjusted case of amargin
positive variation margin (+) the highest value will be of up to the initial margin for open p

trading a product.
ng positions (Number of contracts bought- Number of contract sold and vice versa) for a product. (No need for mixed calculations within this

unique price within a transaction (This simulator only simulates a unique transaction at a unique price)

duct with an initial margin of 300 lei/ contract and 31 MWh/contract (ex: December)
erence value/ contracts in lei)

ve value (C6) OR negative value (C7)

p to the initial margin for open positions; the algebric sum of the two values is maximum 0. In case of a negative variation margin, the negati

r mixed calculations within this simulator.)

ve variation margin, the negative value is considered (you cannot compensate – with -)
Terminology CalculatioExplanation
Accout balance 50000 The guarantee deposited for the GasForward CCP platform (ex: B
Initial order margin 0 The guarantee withheld for orders open to the market after the con
Open position Margin -27000 The guarantee withheld for Netted Positions* initial margin referen
Variation margin (2 types) -139500 The guarantee withheld or cleared/compensated for the price risk
Positive exposure 0 Positive exposure calculation (see formula)
Negative exposure -139500 Negative exposure calculation (see formula)
Adjusted variation margin -139500 The
margin ofmargin which is effectively
the orders+the margin ofused towards
the open the trading
position+ the ad
Net margin within the trade -166500
Physical delivery margin 0 Only calculated in the last day of trading a product.
Net positions 90 Number of open buying and selling positions (Number of contracts
Transaction sense V The sense of transaction
Transaction MWh Quantity 2790 Number of MWh traded
Transaction Contract Quantity 90 Number of traded contracts at a unique price within a transaction (
Transaction price 100 The price of the transaction
Transaction limit (+) or Margin Call (-) -116500 Transaction limit (+) or Margin Call (-)

Unique transaction scenario for a

SELLER initially set for a monthly
product with an initial margin of 300
lei/ contract and 31 MWh/contract (ex:

In order to simulate portfolio situations and

scenarios introduce/modify values
highlighted with YELLOW and with RED
writing (Daily settlement price, simulated
transactions and account balance)

Extra formula support

Unlimited positive exposure -27000
Sign change for position margin calculation 27000
Positive exposure limited to maximum compensation -27000
Reference value for the initial margin 300
Nr of MWh/ contract 31
Nr of contracts within open orders 0
GasForward CCP platform (ex: Bank letter of guarantee)
s open to the market after the conclusion of a trading session valid for at least the next day. (initial margin reference value/ contracts in lei)
d Positions* initial margin reference value/contracts in lei
d/compensated for the price risk of the transaction reported to the market price (daily settlement price). Positive value (C6) OR negative val

argin ofused towards
the open the trading
position+ limit. In variation
the adjusted case of amargin
positive variation margin (+) the highest value will be of up to the initial margin for open p

trading a product.
ng positions (Number of contracts bought- Number of contract sold and vice versa) for a product. (No need for mixed calculations within this

unique price within a transaction (This simulator only simulates a unique transaction at a unique price)
erence value/ contracts in lei)

ve value (C6) OR negative value (C7)

p to the initial margin for open positions; the algebric sum of the two values is maximum 0. In case of a negative variation margin, the negati

r mixed calculations within this simulator.)

ve variation margin, the negative value is considered (you cannot compensate – with -)

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