COMPLETE RPH 5E Density (Year 3)

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Lesson Plan

Date : 14/10/2021
Time : 2.30 pm- 03.30 pm
Class : 3 Brilliant
No. of Pupils : 30

Theme Physical Science

Topic Density
content 7.1 Objects or materials which are more or less dense than
7.1.1 Make inferences about objects or materials that float or
sink by carrying out activities.
Learning 7.1.2 Relate objects or materials that float and objects or
materials that sink with density.
7.1.4 Explain the result of observations about object or
materials which are more or less dense through written
or verbal forms, sketches or ICT in a creative way.
1. Pupils learnt in year 1 about the term object, material and the
Prior different between them.
2. Most pupils are aware that some objects float and some objects
Knowledge sink in the water

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to

1. Identify objects or materials that float or sink in water
2. make inferences about objects or materials that float or sink by
carrying out activities
Learning 3. relate objects or materials that float and objects or materials that
Objective sink with density (but not depends on the weight) by carrying out
4. state that objects or materials that float are less dense than
water; the objects or materials that sink are more dense than
water by carrying out activities
Success By the end of the lesson,
1. I can state at least 3 objects or materials that float and 3
objects or materials that sink in water.
2. I can make at least one inference about objects or materials
that float or sink after carrying out the activity
3. I can say that object that float or sink is not depends on their
weight.and size.
4. I can explain by saying that objects or materials that float are
less dense than water; the objects or materials that sink are
more dense than water.
5. I can draw and label layered liquids in the bottle using liquids

that have more or less density than water.

Element across
process skills
Critical &
thinking skills

attitudes &
Noble values
Teaching &

21st Century

Soft skills

Assessment Oral through Q&A session

Phase/Time Content Teaching & Learning Activities Remark

Engagemen Objects or materials that float and 1. Teacher uses Q&A session to help pupils recall
t the objects or materials that sink what they learnt in year 1. Creative thinking
Teacher inform students that they have learnt skills:
(5 mins) these two words/terms in Year 1: object & material. • Relating
Teacher asks, • generating
-What is object? Please give me examples of ideas
- What is material? Please give me examples of Scientific
material. attitudes/ Noble
Teacher give further explanation if needed. • Having an
interest and
2. Teacher asks: curiosity
i. If I throw some of the objects like marbles, towards the
stone, mineral water bottle, wood into a pond environment.
or a big basin of water, what will happen?
ii. What are the objects that will float or sink?
iii. What makes an object float or sink in the

2. Teacher tells the pupils that they are going to find

out the objects or materials that float or sink by
carrying out activities.

3. Teacher also tells that they are also going to learn

what makes some objects or materials float or
sink in the water.

4. Teacher writes on the writing board,

“Objects or materials that float or sink in the

Exploration Objects or materials that float and 1. Teacher divides the pupils into groups of four. Manipulative
(15 mins) the objects or materials that sink 2. Teacher provides each group with a small basin skills:
filled with water and some objects and materials: Use and handle
science apparatus
Objects: and substances
-a metal spoon, a plastic spoon, a piece of correctly.
styrofoam, a metal bottle cap, a plastic bottle cap,
a cork, a metal coin, a small stone and a rubber SPS:
eraser. • Observing
• Making
Materials: inferences
-a small strip/block of: rubber, plastic, metal (iron), • Predicting
wood • Communicating
• Interpreting
3. Teacher asks the pupils to predict if the objects data
What are the objects that will float or will float or sink by putting a tick (✓) in the column
sink? “Prediction before activity” in Table 1. Creative & critical
thinking skills:
Object/materia Prediction Observatio Correct Incorrect • Attributing
l (put in the before n during prediction prediction
• Comparing &
water) activity activity (✓) (X)
Float Sink Float Sink contrasting
• Relating
Objects: • Making
spoon A
spoon B
• Making
mineral bottle generalisations
coin Scientific
cork attitudes/ Noble
eraser • Being honest
pencil and accurate in

empty cup A recording and
empty cup B validating data.
• Giving attention
Table 1 and response.
4. Teacher asks the pupils to put an object into the
basin of water. Teacher asks the pupils to
observe if the object floats or sinks by putting a
tick (✓) in the column “Observation during activity”
in Table 1.

5. Teacher asks the pupils to repeat Step 4 using

other objects and materials as shown in Table 1.

6. Teacher asks the pupils to compare what they

observe with what they have predicted, and tick in
the columns either “Correct prediction” or
“Incorrect prediction”.

7. Teacher asks the pupils to group the objects that

float or sink in Table 2 then write down the
materials used to make the objects and make
conclusion from their findings.
What makes some objects float or
sink in the water.
Objects that float in Objects that sink in
water water
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.

Objects that Objects that sink
float in in water
water Material: Material:
1. spoon A 1. spoonB(metal)
(plastic) 2. coil
2. styrofoam 3. sand
3. mineral 4. stone
bottle cap 5. empty cup A
4. cork (glass) Conclusion:
5. Eraser
6. pencil ____________________________________
7. empty cup B _
Table 2
Material: Material:
1. plastic 1. metal
2. styrene 2. glass
3. wood 3. soil
4. rubber


1. some objects float & some

objects sink.
2. Objects which are made by
plastic, styreen, wood & float
3. Objects which are made by
metal, stone & soil sink

Table 2 (answer)

Explanation Objects or materials that float: 1. Teacher asks the pupils to put aside the water SPS:

(15 mins) plastic spoon, styrofoam, mineral basin/objects/materials/ and focus on discussion.
water bottle cap, cork, pencil, eraser,
• Observing
card & pastic cup 2. Teacher asks the representative of two groups to
• Communicating
present their results recorded in Table 2.
Objects or materials that sink:
stone, sand, coil, metal spoon & 3. Teacher gives feedback and guides the pupils to
empty glass cup group the objects and materials correctly if
needed with following question: Creative & critical
thinking skills:
Refer to Table 2 (answer)
• Relating
Teacher guides the pupils to make conclusion • Making
that: conclusion

(i). some objects float & some objects sink.

(ii). Objects which are made by plastic, styreen,
rubber and wood float
(iii). Objects which are made by metal, glass & soil

4. Teacher asks the pupils if they have done all the

predictions accurately for the objects or materials
that sink or float in water. Teacher discusses
some of unaccurate predictions and get the
groups to explain why their predictions are
unaccurate. Teacher reminds students that
prediction is not a guesswork.

(move down here, parallel with the 5. Teacher tells the pupils that they have just
question on the right column) learned that some objects or materials float and
Discrepant event: some objects or materials sink in the water.
Objects or materials that float or sink
in water are not related to the weight 6. Teacher asks,

of the objects or materials. -What makes an objects or materials float or sink
in the water?
Objects or materials that float or sink (Most likely the pupils will answer “Objects float-
in water are related to the density of ligt/small; objects sink –heavy/big”)-
the objects or materials compared to Misconception
the density of water.
7. To correct the misconception, teacher shows the
An object or material sinks in water pupils a wooden block and a metal paper clip and
is more dense than the water. (The asks,
density of the object or material is i. Which one is heavier/bigger, a wooden
more than the density of water). block or a metal paper clip? (A wooden
An object or material floats in water ii. Which one is lighter/smaller, a wooden
is less dense than the water. (The block or a metal paper clip? (A metal paper
density of the object or material is clip)
less than the density of water).
(Teacher can repeats asking the same
questions using a stone and a sand grain to
correct students’ misconception: Objects or
materials float depends on their weight/size)

10. Teacher distributes additional objects: a wooden

block, a metal paper clip, a stone (distributed in
earlier activity) and some sand grains to each
group and asks the pupils to put them in the

11. Teacher asks,

-Which object floats? (The wooden block);
-Which object sinks? (The metal paper clip; the
stone, the sand grain)

12. Teacher asks,

-Must a heavy/big object sink? (No)
-Must a light/small object float? (No)
-Does an object sink because it is heavy/big?(No)
-Does an object float because it is light/small?

13. Teacher explains,

-Now you know that objects or materials sink or
float not because they are heavy or light, big or
-The objects or materials sink or float are not
caused by their weight or size but depend on their
density. A new scientific term that you will learn
today and you will learn more about density in
secondary school.

14. Teacher introduces the term “density” and writes

it on the writing board.

15. Teacher explains,

-an object that floats or sinks is related to the
density of the object and the density of water.
- When an object sinks in the water, the object is
more dense than water (Teacher write this on the
writing board).
-(We say that the density of the object is more
than the density of water.)

-e.g.: A metal paper clip sinks in the water,

˗ a metal paper clip is more dense than the

water; (The density of a metal paper clip is
more than the density of water.)
˗ Teacher repeats using other examples in
the activity to get the pupils used to
“_______sinks in the water; ________ is
more dense than the water.”

-when an object floats in the water, the object is

less dense than water (Teacher writes on the
writing board).
(We say that the density of the object is less than
the density of water.)

-e.g.: A wooden block floats in the water,

• the wooden block is less dense than the
water; (The density of a wooden block is
more than the density of water.)
• Teacher repeats using other examples in
the activity to get the pupils used to
“_______floats in the water; ________ is
less dense than the water.”

16. Teacher guides the pupils to summarize and read

-“Objects or materials that are more dense than
water will sink;
-objects or materials that are less dense than
water will float.”

Elaboration The cooking oil floats in water is less 1. Teacher shows the pupils a mineral water bottle, Manipulative
(15 mins) dense than water. some coloured water and oil, and asks, skills:
(The density of the cooking oil is less -Predict what will happen if I pour the coloured Sketch specimens,
than the density of water). water and oil into the mineral water bottle, shake apparatus and
and leave it for a while. substances
Glycerine sinks in water is more -Predict what will happen if I pour in again some accurately
dense than water. amount of glycerine into the bottle.
(The density of glycerine is more SPS:
than the density of water). (Teacher accepts pupils’ answer without • Observing
correcting them) • Predicting
• Communicating
2. Teacher asks the pupils to work in groups.

3. Teacher provides each group with a 250 ml Creative & critical

mineral water bottle, a filter funnel, 50 ml each of thinking skills:
coloured water, cooking oil and glycerine. • Attributing
• Comparing &
4. Teacher asks the pupils to pour the coloured contrasting
water into the bottle using the funnel, then pour • Relating
in the cooking oil. Teacher asks the pupils to • Making
close the bottle cap tightly, shake it and leave it generalisations
for a while, then observe the changes that take

5. Teacher asks,
-What happened to the two liquids you poured
into the water bottle?(separate into two layers, oil
is on top of the water)
- Why does oil stay on the water? (Oil is less
dense than the water)
-Teacher guides the pupils to state that,
“The oil floats in the water, the oil is less dense
than the water.”

6. Teacher asks the pupils to pour in slowly
glycerine and observe the changes.

7. Teacher asks the pupils to record their work by

drawing and labelling the layers of liquid in the

8. Teacher asks,
-Is glycerine forming any layer? Where is it?
(Yes, at the bottom of the water bottle)
-Why does glycerine sink below the water?
(Glycerine is more dense than water)
-Teacher guides the pupils to state that,
“Glycerine sinks in the water, glycerine is more
dense than water.”

9. Teacher asks the pupils to sequence the three

liquids in the bottle from most dense to least

10. Teacher guides the pupils to read together,

“Objects or materials that are ( ) dense than
water will float in the water; objects or materials
that are ( ) dense than water will sink in the

Evaluation Worksheet & Summarize the lesson 1. Teachers distributes worksheet for pupils to
(10 mins) by fill in the blank answer a few questions.

2. Teachers evaluate the understanding of students Creative & critical

and give guidance and explanation when needed. thinking skills:
• Making

3. Before the class end, teacher guides the pupils generalisations
to summarize the lesson by reading together
and asks students to fill in the blank,

(a) Some objects or materials float and some

objects or materials ( ).

(b) The floating or sinking of an object is related

to the ( ) of the object and the
density of water.”

(c) Objects or materials that are ( ) dense

than water will float in the water.

(d) Objects or materials that are ( ) dense

than water will sink in the water.

4. Teacher thanks the pupils for their cooperation,

curiosity and good work.

5. Teacher tells the pupils that they will learn about

density of water in next lesson.

6. Teacher tells the pupils to leave the water

bottles at the science corner in the class for

Name : Date:
Class :

Topic: Objects or materials which are more or less dense than water

A. Circle the correct answer

1. All/Some objects or materials float in water.

2. Objects or materials that float or sink in water are related to it weight/size/density.
3. Object A float in water, object A is less/more dense than water.

B. Answer the questions below

1. Write 3 objects which float in water.

2. Write 3 objects which sink in water.

3. When oil is pour into the water, this is what you will observe.



(a) Write your observation.

(b) Give explanation why this can happened.


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