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The Divine Ability of Prayer

So I say to you, ask and it shall be given to you; seek, and you will find, knock, and it will

be open to you. “For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who

knocks it will be opened.... if you then being evil, knows how to give good gifts to your

children, how much more will your heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask

Him” Luke 11:9-13

Ironically, most people argue about how God answers prayers. Some say God doesn’t answer certain

kinds of prayer, some say he answers only prayers that are according to His will, some say he does

not answer because of sin and so on.

The truth is God answers all kinds of prayers but the problem is that we don’t get the answer from

God. Many people today more especially Christians suffer loss amongst people in the world due to

indecision. Most Christian’s weaver at whether to wait on God to get the answer to their problems

or to source alternative methods to do so. Christians also consider the possibility of God answering

their prayers by weighing their level of righteousness or even faith thus they wonder where they had

gone wrong.

While an unbeliever will be meticulous in his affairs, a Christian will weaver between leaving it to

God and doing something about it. This is an extent of foolishness, you do have to pick a side to

work with either you do your things the earthly way or you do it the Godly way.

When you got born again, you found the way to make your prayers heard by God (John 14:12). Jesus

Christ makes us to understand that our prayers will come to the father through him and since the

father cannot refuse him anything, then we will get whatever we ask as far as we ask through him.

But all Christians ask different things all in the name of Jesus why then is it that he does not give

Indeed he does give answers but we do not receive these answers because the answers are received

only while you ask them. The answers to everything you have ever prayed for is received while you

just ask of it. The problem is that we don’t witness the answers physically.

Now listen, God is a spirit Christ is equally now a spirit therefore you cannot receive from them

unless you are also a spirit. We human beings are spirits also whether in the world or in godliness we

are all spirits. But we are too carnally minded that we do not know that “that which is spirit is spirit

and that which is flesh is flesh”. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned, while prayer is a spiritual

thing how is it that we expect its manifestation in physical things.

Prayer is a communication not a command. There is a difference between speaking to a situation

and praying to God. When you pray or commune with Christ or ask from God you are in a

communication therefore it’s a forward backward thing. If you are commanding things on earth or

on the spiritual you are speaking power which you received through prayers.

When you ask God for anything you immediately receive the ability inside your spirit. You do not

need to see it change; you now know you have the ability to change that situation or circumstance.

If you have little faith you can move mountains, walk on the sea etc. Mark the word “you,” that

means it is something you will do if you believe in what you have.

People who study a course in school practice what they studied in the real world that is because

they have actually studied it and are sure they know how to do those things. If you are sure that you

believe in Christ that means you truly can do all things.

You know how to make you business work do not listen to people who tell you about demons and all

those things you do not need to be afraid of those things. If truly you are of Christ they will find

noting in you. You do not fight battles with them God is big enough to fight your battles.

In the spiritual you are in Zion the city of God that is where God dwells they can harm neither you

nor your business. They can only get you when you are out of Zion. And you can only be out of Zion
in the spiritual when you begin to observe the situation of earthly definitions. When you begin to

judge by what you see and feel in your body.

Now I must tell you that you will not receive unless you ask and you will not find unless you seek.

This is the importance of prayer. During any communication with God, it is an opportunity to ask him

of anything that you need in life he will give it to you. And be equally bold to stand to what you have

received. So many people have received abilities to teach the gospel but do not because they think

they have not received. That is wrong, always believed what the lord has done for you so that you

can glorify Him for that.

Most people say “it is well” when they are through with their prayers about a particular situation

and yet wait patiently to see the change come but it does not come, that is because change cannot

come by sitting down and waiting for it, no it doesn’t work like that. If God was to change the world

like that then he would not have need for living humans. If you expect God to come down from

heaven again to change things here on earth then you are missing the point.

The change that must occur must occur through you. When you received Jesus you received the

spirit of God the kind that is in God. When you ask anything from God you receive the ability to

perform that into your spirit through the spirit of God which is in God.

No wonder Jacob saw the ladder to heaven and angels ascending and descending through it.

Without the spirit a man is nothing remembers it is the spirit that defines a man. Therefore you

receive from God in your spirit not in the flesh.

You must be born again to start the chain you must be a member of that house. Daddy does not

respond to outsiders he can only hear his son. Jesus says “unless a man is born again he cannot enter

the kingdom of God” you have to belong to his people.

Now when you get born again you should ask for the Holy Spirit into your life. Now the chain has

been connected you have entered into a perpetual connection with the father, now he takes care of

your needs and is ready to hear your wants.

It’s important also that you know who you are in Christ; this brings about the will of God. Those who

believe in Christ are those who love him and if you love him you will do his will. John 14.The will of

God is not hidden so that you will say you do not know but it is revealed in his spirit which is in you

and in the word of God.

Gods will is simple always do what is right according to the leading of his spirit which is in you, love

God in all you do and consider in love other people around the world and around you. That is the will

of God.

If your business is killing another person why do you ask God for help? Do you ask God for help in

your finance so that you will be better than your neighbour? God doesn’t want you to be better than

your neighbour in wealth.

God has already made you the best but you have to get your neighbour to be as good as you. You

need money as you grow in the spirit but it is not a factor of God’s blessings in your life. The greatest

blessing a man can receive in life is an opportunity to be like God to reign with him in the coming of

Christ. If you don’t appreciate that, will you then appreciate little things like money?

Open your eyes and see what he has done for you. You can have anything you desire once you are

walking in the spirit with Christ.

When you pray you also have to believe. Let it be real to you so that you can act in confidence. Your

state of mind matters a lot. Just as you believe in some things in this earth believe also that as the

lord says so also will it be done to you.

If you are confident in the word of God you will act in it and the word has the ability to do what it

talks about because the word is true.

Now when you are in the spirit you know the will of God and therefore your asking is in his will. Gods

wants his children to be the best and to make other people his children too. He wants you to better

people’s lives. That is what he wants and He wants to use you.

When you pray for these you receive them because He wants it also. All you have to do is to act in

the ability that you have received and keep acting as you grow in that area of life.

If you want money in other to save lives, pray to God concerning that and ask for his ability into your

spirit. As you receive that do not wait to see money appear before your face, know that the stage

has been set now you have to move toward achieving your goal and nothing can stop you because

you have seen the end from the beginning, use what you have to save lives first. You might not have

money then but as you assist people in other ways goodness and mercy and favour will be plotting

the road for you and all things will be working well thus the peace of the lord will be upon you.

Always be confident in what you have received as a Christian and know that God loves you and

wants to always make you happy as you make him happy too.

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Thanks and God bless you.

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