Capricorn Horoscope For December 2020 - Susan Miller Astrology Zone

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Capricorn Horoscope For December 2020

DEC 22 - JAN 19

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Sometimes when you are on a 1,000-mile journey, it can seem
interminable. Many days begin to look the same, so you start to think it
will always be this way—until suddenly, and without warning, conditions
change for the better. December could become a major turning point for
you. The many months of pressure and the long journey toward your goals
are finishing up, and you are about to see tangible rewards for all your
hard work.

The trend you’ve been in for so long began in December of 2017, when
your ruler Saturn entered Capricorn, a place Saturn had not toured since
your ruler Saturn entered Capricorn, a place Saturn had not toured since
1991 to 1994. We only get three visits of Saturn in a lifetime because
Saturn takes 29.5 years to circle the Sun, so Saturn will not be back to visit
your sign again until 2049.

Visits of Saturn to your Sun are meant to test your abilities on many
fronts, and this is what you’ve gone through for three years. Saturn
teaches by using tough love, and one of Saturn’s most important lessons is
that the accomplishments we value the most in life are the ones we
worked hardest to achieve. Saturn teaches patience and requires
complete concentration on goals, without distractions.

You may have been called on to sacrifice a short-term goal (or instant
gratification) in favor of achieving a long-term gain. You did all these
things for Saturn in December 2017. Early-born Capricorns (born in
December) felt Saturn’s effect strongest in the first six months of 2018.
Late-born Capricorns, born January 15-21, had their biggest pressures
this past year, in 2020.

Yet all this hard work Saturn demanded from you has made you emerge
stronger, leaner, and with an aura of authority that is attractive because it
is honed by experience. Your trials and tribulations had purpose and
merit, and now having had three years of Saturn-in-Capricorn testing, you
are a more mature person, seasoned by life events, and ready for anything
life might throw your way.

Think back to where you were at the start of 2017, and reflect on how
much you’ve evolved since then. Congratulate yourself for personal and
professional work well done.

Think of Saturn as a high-priced private advisor who has only limited time
to devote to you, so when he does come by (at most, three times in a
lifetime), he demands you pay attention, to the exclusion of everything
else. His teaching has to be strong and memorable, for you would need to
carry the wisdom you gain under this tutelage for three decades, until he
can come back and give you a refresher course.
can come back and give you a refresher course.

You are done with your test. When Saturn returns to Capricorn in 2049,
you will find the course easier, for theoretically, you will have learned
much of what you needed to know during Saturn’s prior time with you. (If
you have a Saturn visit in childhood, you may not have noticed the visit.
Some astrologers feel you need to be at least 12 years old to notice strong
aspects like this one.)

I love the tender full moon on

December 29 because Uranus
will send a friendly electric beam
to the full moon and Sun, Kling
your holiday with surprises. If
you are dating someone
seriously, you may be surprised
by getting—or impulsively
giving—a marriage proposal.
With Uranus, you can never tell
what the surprise will be, but I
can assure you, this looks like
something joyful. ”

Saturn teaches the value and methods you would need to follow to build a
foundation for your future life—the deeper the foundation, the taller the
structure you can build. From December 2017 though 2019 were the
hard years.

Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, came into Capricorn to lift your spirits
and help you grasp one or more of your goals. Saturn will leave Capricorn
on December 16, and Jupiter will leave three days later, on December 19.
The pressure is off. Saturn has to go somewhere in the next three years, so
let’s start to look at that.

Saturn will enter your second house of earned income. If you are sitting
there saying to yourself, wait, that sounds terrible, let me assure you it is
not—it can be quite positive. Besides, nothing could be as hard as what
you already went through. Any planet on the angles—the first, fourth,
seventh, and tenth houses—acts as a wild stallion, untamed and full of

Any planet in Capricorn, by definition, was on the cusp of your solar first
house. This year you had Mars in the fourth house the entire second half
of 2020, and Mars will still be there until January 6, 2021. A planet on
those four points on the horoscope aligns with the points of a compass
(north, south, east, and west), and those points define direction. That’s
why planets on those points are so strong.

Saturn always leaves a gift by the door upon exiting, given to you as
thanks for dealing with his rigors. You can expect to get a material or
spiritual reward—something you dearly want—sometime soon, very
possibly in January. It could be you are finally able to buy the car you had
your eye on (material), or you might find out you are expecting a baby
(spiritual), as two examples. You will know when your reward arrives as it
will be an unmistakable gift you want.

Now, Saturn will enter your second house and give you a financial MBA.
You might examine how you earn, spend, save, and invest. You may think
You might examine how you earn, spend, save, and invest. You may think
about how you handle debt, and if you are self-employed, how you file and
pay taxes and care for your employees. To make your adjustment to
Saturn in the second house of earned income easier, you will have Jupiter,
the planet of good fortune, who has special dominion over finances,
alongside Saturn.

Now would be the right time to share with you a scientific discovery I just
happened upon that is quite amazing—it has bearing on you, for you have
Jupiter and Saturn about to enter your second house of earned income
this month for a long stay. Here it is:

Scientists believe that storms continually rain diamonds on Jupiter and

Saturn. Until now, scientists have known that storms were producing
diamonds on Uranus and Neptune but assumed the conditions were not
conducive for the same to happen on Jupiter and Saturn. That assumption
has now been revised.

In an article Mr. James Morgan wrote for BBC News on October 14, 2013,
“‘Diamond rain’ falls on Saturn and Jupiter”
(, “New
atmospheric data for the gas giants indicates that carbon is abundant in
its dazzling crystal form. Lightning storms turn methane into soot (carbon)
which as it falls hardens into chunks of graphite and then diamonds…,
which eventually melt into a liquid sea in the planets’ hot cores.”

These diamonds are not small. The BBC report states film stars like
Elizabeth Taylor, who loved diamonds, would be proud to wear the
diamonds falling on Saturn and Jupiter—they would be big, not puny little
diamonds. Of course, these large diamonds are uncut by jewelers because
the last time I looked, Tiffany and Cartier have not yet set up shops on
Jupiter and Saturn. That seems to be a minor point, though.

I want you to keep this beautiful image in your mind, dear Capricorn: in
2021, you will have Jupiter and Saturn “raining diamonds” in your second
house of earned income. You will have to do your part to find the
house of earned income. You will have to do your part to find the
“diamonds” in your life. Saturn is known not to make the process easy, but
Jupiter will help you by giving you a plethora of opportunities—you need
to convince the person in charge that you are the one for the job, and
then, you might uncover sources of income, even in the aftermath of a
pandemic that has ravaged so many parts of the world economy.

Don’t expect to sit on your couch and wait for a call from a new employer
who will offer you a generous salary. Life doesn’t usually work that way.
You will need to burn a little midnight oil to find this lucrative position or
client, but it is out there for you if you do. You won’t likely win the lottery
either, so save your money (the lotto is found in a different place in your
chart, the eighth house). The second house of income rules money that
comes to you the old-fashioned way, by earning it.

Under this trend started by Jupiter and Saturn, you may reevaluate how
you make your living and decide whether or not it gives you satisfaction.
As a Capricorn, you are ruled by Saturn, so you tend to deal objectively
and rationally and take in the teachings of Saturn more easily than most. If
you feel you must make a major career change, try to do it sometime
within the next three years, even if you have to take a temporary pay cut
to prove your worth in a new arena.

You may also look for ways to cut waste (do you need a subscription to
that one channel you rarely watch?). You will become a smart shopper too
—you will likely be intent on finding bargains and ways to buy below
wholesale. If you own your own business, you will think big and find ways
to make it grow.

Now for the really exciting part!

On December 21, we have the historic meeting of Saturn and Jupiter!

This happens every 20 years, and they only meet one time. Astrologers
have named this once-in-20-year meeting the Grand Conjunction. The
last time they met was in Taurus, May 2000, 20 years ago. This is very
important because Saturn and Jupiter provide the background to the
important because Saturn and Jupiter provide the background to the
coming 20 years. They influence society’s goals, interests, themes, politics,
and the agenda of governments. The place Jupiter and Saturn meet
influences arts and entertainment, music, fashion, and food, not only in
terms of what we eat, but how it is grown and how it gets to us.

Jupiter takes 12 years to travel around the Sun and all 12 signs, and
Saturn takes 29.5 years to take the same journey.

Here is the amazing part of these two planets in conjunction. Every time
Jupiter and Saturn have met, reaching back to 1801, they have always met
in earth signs. Over and over, they met in Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn in
rotation, always giving the next sign in the element its turn. Now, for the
first time in all those years—nearly 200 years, they will meet in an air sign,
Aquarius, and break the cycle of meeting in the earth element. From now
on, for the rest of your life, they will only meet in air signs. In 2040, they
will meet in air-sign Libra, in 2060 in air-sign Gemini, and then after that,
20 years later, in 2080 back to air-sign Aquarius. Astrologers have a name
for this special event—a new 200-year cycle starting up in a new element
—and it is called the Grand Mutation.

We are so lucky to be alive during a time to see and experience the

changeover. Suddenly, what you know and contribute to the world will
become more important than your family status or your ethnic
background—the emphasis will be on an even playing field and what you
contribute to others in the world, not what possessions you own or how
much money you have in the bank.

Aquarius is light, mobile, analytical, and communicative. We will see

advances in medicine and science we could never have imagined.
Aquarius is particularly linked to science, so exploration of space and the
oceans will move forward with vigor, as will solutions to protect the planet
and endangered species. Aquarius likes to question and break tradition,
and you will see new techniques surface in hundreds of industries. In your
life, the digital age, advanced computers, and robots will have a strong
influence on the way you make your income because the Grand Mutation
will light your second house of salary and other earned income.

Three is too much to say here, so I will devote an entire newsletter to a

detailed discussion of the Grand Mutation. You may say to me, I didn’t
know you had a newsletter. I do, but I refuse to send out unnecessary e-
mail because that would be annoying to you. I only will send you a
newsletter when I have something important to share with you—the
entire story of the Grand Mutation fits that criteria, for sure! I will give an
overview and then address each sign.

If you would like to receive this essay (it’s free), go to the homepage of
AstrologyZone. Look for the photo of the small lotus blossom below the
compatibility box—that is where you sign up. It says “Join Our
Newsletter.” Or just click here

After you do, remember to reply to the confirmation email from us. (If you
don’t see it, check your Spam box.) Then, you will be all set.

You will be the first to read my essay, for you will be sent my newsletter a
week before I post it on Astrology Zone’s home page or on the premium
edition of my new app, “Daily Horoscope AstrologyZone + More by Susan
Miller” (subscriber version, $4.99 a month) available on Apple App Store
and Google Play Store. I will post on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to
let you know when I am sending the essay out this month, so you can
watch for it to come in your email.

After I send you my essay on the Grand Mutation, I will write another
newsletter in January about the coming clash of Saturn and Uranus, an
aspect that will happen three times in 2021—February 17, June 14, and
December 23, and then not again until January 2043.

Rare aspects are always noticed because we have little experience with
them. Saturn governs all that is historical and traditional, things we want
to preserve and cherish. Since Saturn is your ruling planet, you might have
to preserve and cherish. Since Saturn is your ruling planet, you might have
a strong instinct to care for things of value from the past. Uranus, which
rules scientific discovery and innovation, will sweep away all that this
planet deems outworn and irrelevant to make room for all that is new and
modern. Not everything will be swept away of course—Saturn will make
sure that does not happen, and with this dynamic tension, good decisions
will surface.

This is a major feature of 2021. These two titans of the solar system,
Uranus and Saturn, will clang and bang through 2021, each representing
their side of the debate, and in the sweaty process, they will give birth to a
new way of life for us all. You will have a starring role to play. In case you
thought 2021 would be a quiet little year, it won’t be—it will be far more
exciting than you think.

In a way, it will be like smashing a mirror and creating a new one to reflect
with greater clarity a revised, insightful vision of our collective selves and
our values. It will be time to debate what we hold dear and what needs to
go. In the process, our world will evolve and be made better for having had
this debate.

I have one more aspect to tell you about in December, so let’s zoom back
to this calendar month.

As the year winds down to a close, it will bring a big tender full moon on
December 29 in Cancer, 9 degrees. It is not an eclipse, but a very
encouraging full moon that will light your seventh house of committed
relationships. All full moons have a period of plus five days after they
appear, so that will bring you through New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.
This year might be one for the record books in terms of the pure
excitement you will feel from one special person in your life.

I love this full moon because Uranus will send a friendly electric beam to
the full moon and Sun, filing your holiday with surprises. If you are dating
someone seriously, you may be surprised by getting—or impulsively giving
—a marriage proposal. With Uranus, you can never tell what the surprise
—a marriage proposal. With Uranus, you can never tell what the surprise
will be, but I can assure you, this looks like something joyful.

If you are married, your partner will likely bring you something special. A
full moon in Cancer rules the home, so stay in, stay safe, and make an
enchanting dinner for just the two of you.

If you are not dating and not attached, you still can still feel this dazzling
full moon. You may be signing a new agent, manager, accountant, lawyer,
or other collaborator with whom you will work in a one-on-one way. The
aim will be to help you get ahead, and you may want to sign papers
together before the end of the year to make this relationship official.
Again, with Uranus sending such sparkling beams to the Sun and new
moon, you are likely to be very happy about joining forces.

Make sure you know the person you are promising your heart to, for
Venus and Neptune will be at odds. I hope you know one another well, as
opposed to running off to the Elvis Chapel in Las Vegas. As I always say,
never sign papers—including a marriage contract or license—by the light
of neon. I don’t think you would, but I felt compelled to add this little

Money seems to come to you at this full moon, which could mean your
collaborator already brings in business for you (or helps you save money).
Alternatively, you may get very valuable gifts from loving relatives and
friends, and possibly cash, too.

I am excited to tell you all the news in your December report. Life is
changing, but for you, it is all for the better, dear Capricorn. Now that
Saturn won’t be in Capricorn, you will feel the pressure ease and can turn
to the future with great hope.


Note to Capricorn readers: There was so much important news this

month, I never got to discuss the two eclipses, November 30 and
December 14. For the past two years, you have had eclipses in your sign,
Capricorn, and opposite sign of Cancer, but those are now over, and a new
family of signs has replaced them, Gemini and Sagittarius. These will likely
affect you in mild ways.

I will also touch on the move of Mars out of Aries and into Taurus next
month on January 6, having been in Aries, your home sector, for months,
since June 27.

Your highly romantic period will extend from January 6 to March 3, and I
will touch on it below, too. You need not wait until next month to feel the
sweep and thrill of love—Venus in Scorpio is a superb place for you, in
place from November 21 to December 15. It would be a magical time to
improve your appearance (for both women and men) in any way you like,
from getting flattering new clothes or a great hair cut or finding new
perfume or cologne. If you want Botox, do so in the first half of December.
(Mars rules needles and will be very friendly to the Sun on December 10.)

Your focus will still be on home and family in December, and while it might
bring tension, you will likely make good progress on a home-related goal.

Here, then, is not so much a summary, but a review of some of the aspects
I never got to above, but still wanted you to know about.

This has been quite an unusual year, but knowing you, you found a way to
make it work for you. You’ve had an unusually long—and possibly stressful
—focus on your home life, so you may be experiencing vast changes, either
in regard to helping an elderly relative or coping with the changing family
dynamics as a result of welcoming a new baby. You might have had to deal
with squabbling relatives or a difficult landlord or neighbor, as some
additional examples. On the other hand, you may have moved (or soon
will) into a beautiful new space or started working on decorating or
renovating your present residence.

The accent on this private home part of your life has been going on since
June 27, and having Mars in Aries, where it is extra-strong, is not an easy
June 27, and having Mars in Aries, where it is extra-strong, is not an easy
placement for any Capricorn. Mars is a rambunctious planet, even more
so in Aries, and is known to bring noise and commotion. Mars stayed a
long time in this area of your chart. The more typical visit is six to nine
weeks, not six months.

To add to your frustration, Mars went retrograde from September 9 to

November 13, so you may have faced delays or a setback within that
period. Mars’ little brother Mercury was retrograde too, from October 13
to November 3, overlapping part of the period when Mars was retrograde.
That was quite difficult because it’s not wise to launch anything new, in
any part of your life, with Mars and Mercury retrograde. Now that both
have moved direct, you will be able to make rapid progress.

Mars will remain in Aries until January 6, so you may see a home-related
project finish, or you could announce a decision regarding a home or
family matter you have been trying to settle. Any tension you may have
felt about your home or concerning a beloved relative is about to end
now. This has to be good news for you.

Now let’s look at your eclipses, the first arrived November 30 in Gemini in
your sixth house of work projects. While the major emphasis on home and
family was ongoing, you appear to have been working on a complex work
project and may have finished it on November 30, plus five days (bringing
you into the early days of this month). It may have centered on an
assignment at work, possibly one that involves writing, editing, speaking,
code writing, or other elements of the communication arts. If so,
important things usually happen on eclipses, so that project may have
brought you into a new realm, and more may flow from it.

Alternatively, you may have scheduled medical screenings and taken

proactive steps to stay healthy and fit, for the sixth house also rules
health. If so, you may hear good news about the results—this lunar eclipse
appears to bring upbeat news. If you need to have a procedure (not likely,
but if you do), you might want to do so right away, just after the solar
but if you do), you might want to do so right away, just after the solar
eclipse, December 14, which would afford you time to rest and have

This December 14 eclipse falls in your twelfth house, ruling productivity

when in solitude, behind closed doors. With three heavenly bodies in
Sagittarius, your assignment could have international application and
popularity. Are you writing a book or a thesis? Hunker down after
December 14, and you will have something you will be proud to show.

The second half of December, after the solar eclipse, will be the ideal time
to start to map out a comfortable, well-appointed home office. If this is a
goal, take steps to make it a reality. I am aware this is a very hard time to
do anything new—everyone is in a holiday mood—but capturing the
energy of the new moon solar eclipse would be helpful for you. Consider
taking a few baby steps to get the project flowing, and perhaps, start with
a vision board to stimulate your imagination.

In a month that seems to have much news, you will want to devote quality
time to your spouse. You will get that ideal time at the full moon,
December 29, in home-oriented Cancer. All full moons are strong for an
extra five days, taking you to New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. It
should be a lovely, joyous, and emotionally festive full moon, so design a
private celebration at home to make you both want to raise your glasses
to toast a better year to come.

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