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The story’s so short that it only consist 4 characters.

protagonist which are the maid and the cobbler, pepe

or senoritas brother as the antagonist and
deuteragonist or the person second in importance to the protagonist which is


> Maid – She is working for senorita in the house of a

vaudeville star before she met the cobbler. She was
terrified at the beginning of the story because of what
happened to her at her employer’s house.

> Cobbler- He is the maid’s lover whom she met after

the harassment. The cobbler is very hard working person,
he hung the wet the clothes in the backyard every morning
and went to the market. Mending a pair of shoes is his
source of income to support their everyday living and to
save up for their marriage.


> Pepe (Senorita’s Brother) – he harassed the maid

which is the reason why the maid left senorita’s house so
sudden. His character is very different to his sister.


> Senorita- Unlike her brother, senorita is a kind and

sincere type of person as she help the maid for their
wedding and gave her last salary.

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