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English version

MM220 Sweex Wi-Fi Internet Radio


• Do not expose the Sweex Wi-Fi Internet Radio to extreme temperatures. Do not place the device in direct sunlight or in the direct vicinity of heating elements.
• Do not use the Sweex Wi-Fi Internet Radio in extremely moist or dusty surroundings.
• Protect the device against powerful shocks and falls – they may damage the internal electronics.
• Never attempt to open the device yourself, there are no serviceable parts inside. Opening the device will cause the warranty to lapse.

Package contents

In this package you will find:

• Wi-Fi Internet Radio Deluxe
• CD with this manual
If you find that any of the package contents are missing, please return the package to the sales point where it was bought.

Product description

Front side:

Control Internet radio FM mode Music Player AUX IN mode

Press to turn the radio on/off

Press to switch between Internet Radio, Music Player, FM and Auxiliary Input mode.

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English version

Control Internet radio FM mode Music Player AUX IN mode

Previous Track

P2 Press and hold to save the current station as a

preset. Play/Pause
P1, P2, P3 or P4
Press to load the preset station Next Track
P1, P2, P3 or P4
No function N/A

Press to display information or go back to the playback screen

Press to enter the main main menu

Press to go back one menu level

Increase volume by turning the knob clockwise

Decrease volume by turning the knob anti-clockwise

a. Turn the knob to navigate menus and change options, press to select
b. FM mode: turn to change frequency, press to search stations No function

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English version

Back side:

Socket description
AUX IN Auxillary input
Headphone Stereo headphones output
note 1: Bass reflex pipe
note 2: AC power cord entrance.

First use

Before you can start using the radio, you will need to connect to your wireless network first, this is done in 5 easy steps.
1. After you turn on the radio for the first time, the following screen will appear:

2. Press “Select” to enter Internet radio mode.

3. You will be asked to select your WLAN region. Use the scroll knob to select the correct region and press “Select” to confirm.

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English version

4. The radio will now scan for and display the available wireless networks. Use the scroll knob to select your network and press “Select” to connect. If your network is not listed or if
you have a hidden network, please refer to the troubleshooting section of this manual.
5. If your wireless network is secured, the radio will now ask you to enter the network key. This key may also be known as WEP, WPA or Pre-shared (PSK) key. You can use the
scroll knob to select the right characters and press select to enter them. When finished, scroll to and press “Select” to confirm the key. Note: The key is case sensitive. For
more info, refer to the “Text input” section of this manual.

You should now be connected to your wireless network and you are ready to tune in to one of the 11000 radio stations or 9000 podcasts. You should see the following screen:

To listen to a radio station, scroll to Stations and press “Select”, you can use the scroll knob to further navigate the menu and select a station by location, genre or search by station
name. Podcasts work in a similar fashion.
Optionally you can also change the menu language of the radio, this can be done under the “System Setup” –> “Language” menu.
We also recommend setting the time zone after initial setup for correct display of the time on the radio. This setting can be accessed at “System Setup” –> “Time Setup” –> “Set
Time Zone”. For more information please refer to the menu reference in this manual.

Text input

For certain operations, you will need to input text. Here we will explain the use of the text input screen:

In this screen, you can use the scroll knob to select the desired character. To input other characters than those displayed, press the “Back” button or simply scroll further forward or
back. To confirm your input, scroll to and press “Select”. To go back one character, scroll to and press “Select”. will exit the text input screen.
Note: Searches for radio stations or podcasts are not case sensitive. Entering usernames, password or network keys is case sensitive.


The radio has four playback modes. Press the “Mode” button to switch between modes:
• Internet radio
In this mode, you can listen to internet radio stations and podcasts
• Music player
In this mode you can listen to music on local network shares and from streaming media servers, such as Windows Media Player 11 ®.
• FM
In this mode you can listen to ordinary FM radio stations
• Auxiliary input
This mode plays back sound received on the Auxiliary input on the back of the radio. Auxiliary input mode has no menu, options or settings.

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English version

Internet radio mode

In this mode, you can listen to internet radio stations and podcasts. You can also access lists of popular and new stations added to the internet radio service, access favourite stations
and manually added stations. For more information on favourites and manual stations, please refer to the on-line services section of this manual. For more information on the
individual menu options in Internet radio mode, please refer to the menu reference section of this manual.

When tuned in to an internet radio station, you will see the following on the playback screen:

By pressing the “Info” button, you can display various information about the current station. When in a menu, pressing the “Info” button will return you to the playback screen.

The P1-4 buttons allow you to instantly access preset stations by pressing them.

To store the current station as a preset, press and hold the desired P1-4 button. A message saying “Preset stored” will confirm that the station has been stored as a preset.

Music player mode

In this mode you can browse and listen to music on local network shares and from streaming UPnP media servers, such as ®. For more information on UPnP media streaming
please refer to the “UPnP media streaming” chapter of this manual. For more information on the individual menu options in Internet radio mode, please refer to the menu reference
section of this manual.

In music player mode, the P1-3 buttons act as “Previous track”, “Play/Pause” and “Next track” buttons. The info button acts the same as in Internet radio mode.

Protected shares
If you want to play back music from a network share that requires certain credentials, you can set the correct user name and password in the “System setup” -> “Internet setup” ->
PC setup” menu.

FM mode
In this mode you can listen to ordinary FM radio stations. Turn the select knob to tune to a station manually or press the “Select” button to search automatically.

The P1-4 buttons allow you to instantly access preset stations by pressing them.

To store the current station as a preset, press and hold the desired P1-4 button. A message saying “Preset stored” will confirm that the station has been stored as a preset.

Auxiliary mode
This mode plays back sound received on the Auxiliary input on the back of the radio. You can connect for example a MP3 player, CD player or other device to the AUX input. Auxiliary
input mode has no menu, options or settings.

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English version

Menu reference

The radio has an extensive menu structure. This section of the manual will list and explain all available menu options

• Internet radio menu

This menu can be accessed by pressing the “Menu” button in internet radio mode.

> Last listened

Here you will find a list of stations you have last listened to. Select a station to listen to it.

> Station list

This will take you straight to the internet radio menu from where you can tune in to stations and podcasts.

> Main menu

Select “Main menu” to access the main menu.

• Music Player menu

This menu can be accessed by pressing the “Menu” button in Music Player mode.

> Browse
Browse lets you browse network shares and UPnP media servers.

> Main menu

Select “Main menu” to access the main menu.

• FM menu
This menu can be accessed by pressing the “Menu” button in FM mode.

> Scan setting

Here you can change the automatic scanning behaviour to lock on all stations, or strong stations only.

> Main menu

Select “Main menu” to access the main menu.

• Main menu

> Internet radio

> My Favourites
In this menu you can select stations from your lists of favourite stations. For information on managing favourites, please refer to the on-line services section of this manual.

> Stations

> Location
Here you can browse radio stations by region and country first, then state and finally genre.

> Genre
Here you can browse radio stations by genre first, then country and state.

> Search stations
This menu option lets you input text that you can search the list of stations with.

> Popular stations

This is the list of overall most popular radio stations.

> New stations

Here you will find the most recently added stations.

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English version

• Podcasts

> Location
Here you can browse podcasts by region and country first, then state and optionally by genre.

> Genre
Here you can browse podcasts by genre.

> Search podcasts

This menu option lets you input text that you can search the list of podcasts with. Please note that this option searches the podcasts themselves rather than the actual broadcasts.

• My Added Stations
This is the list of stations added manually through the web-interface. For information on my added stations, please refer to the on-line services section of this manual.

• Help

> Get access code
Here you can retrieve the access code used for the on-line services “My Favourites” and “My added stations”.

You can access in-radio help topics in the FAQ

• Music Player

> Shared media
Here you will see the available UPnP media servers. You can browse, select and play using the scroll knob. For more information on UPnP media streaming please refer to the
“UPnP media streaming” chapter of this manual.

> Shared folders
In the shared folder menu you can browse network shares by workgroup, computer and share name. If a share requires credentials, you can set them in the the “System setup ->
Internet setup -> PC setup” menu.

• FM
Press “Select” to go to FM mode

• Auxillary Input
Press “Select” to go to Auxiliary Input mode

• Sleep
This menu option lets you configure the sleep time. From off to 90 minutes in steps of 15 minutes. After the sleep time has passed, the radio will switch to stand-by automatically.

• Alarms
In this menu you can set the alarm clocks of the radio.

> Alarm 1

> Time
Here you can set the time of the alarm

> On / Off
Enables / disables the alarm

> Mode (Internet / etc)

Selects the mode in which the radio should wake up when the alarm rings and what it should play back.

> Save
Press “Select” to save and apply the current alarm clock settings.


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English version

> Alarm 2
Same as Alarm 1.

> Snooze
This option allows you to configure the snooze time from 5 to 30 minutes in steps of 5 minutes.

> System setup

In this menu you can access and configure all of the radio’s settings.

> Internet setup
In this menu you can configure all internet & networking related settings.

> Wizard
The wizard is the easiest way to let the radio connect to a wireless network. Simply follow the instructions on screen!

• PC settings

> User name

Here you can set the user name used for accessing network shares. The default is “guest”

> Password (voor network share)
Enter the password corresponding to that user here. The default is no password.

> View settings
You can use this menu to review the current settings for diagnostic purposes.
> Active adapter
> MAC address
> PC settings
> User name
> Password
> IP settings
> IP address
> Subnet mask
> Gateway addres
> Primary DNS
> Secondary DNS
> Wlan region

• Wlan region
In this menu you can change the WLAN region. The WLAN region controls which frequencies the wireless networking module of the radip may operate on. Do not set the WLAN
region to a different region than your current region, you may violate local regulations if you do this! The choices are:
> Most of Europe
> Canada
> Spain
> France
> Japan
> Singapore
> Australia
> Republic of Korea

• Manual settings
This will start the wizard to manually configure a wireless network and optionally enter IP settings manually. This is for advanced users only. You will need to use the manual
settings wizard only if you use a hidden wireless network or need to set a static IP address for the radio.


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English version

• Network profile
You can view and delete the preconfigured wireless networks in this menu. The network the radio is currently connected to cannot be deleted.

• Time setup
In this menu you can set the time and time display options of the radio. By default, the radio uses it’s wireless connection to retrieve the current time from the Internet.
> Set clock
> Set date
> Auto update
> Set Time Zone
> Set 12/24 hour

• Language
You can change the menu language here.
> English (GB)
> English (US)
> Danish
> Dutch
> Finnish
> French
> German
> Italian
> Norwegian
> Portugese
> Spanish
> Swedish

• Factory Reset
The Factory Reset option lets you reset all settings in the radio to the factory defaults. You need to press the “Info” button to confirm the reset.
Please note that on-line services such as “My Favourites” and “My Added Stations” will not be reset.

• Software update
Press “Select” to let the radio search for newer software (firmware) online and upgrade if new software is available. New software may fix glitches or enable additional features.

• Info

> SW version
Here you can review the current software version of the radio.

> Radio ID
This will display the ID of the radio.


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English version

On-line services

You can manage your favourite radio stations and add unlisted stations manually using a web-interface. To do this, you will first need to register using the access code that can be
found in the “Help” menu.

Registering is done in 3 simple steps:

1. Open Internet Explorer:
2. Click “Register here”:

3. Fill out the form and click the “Register” button.

After registering, you can login with your email address and password. Using the menu on the left side you can browse stations, podcasts and manage your favourites and manually
added stations.

Add a station to your favourites

To add a station to your favourites, browse to a station and click the button:

A popup will appear, follow the instructions in the popup to complete the process.


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English version

Add a station manually

Sometimes it may happen that a station is not present in the list of stations. In that case you can contact us by clicking the “Suggest a station” link at the bottom left of the
webpage. You can also add a station manually so that it appears in the “My Added stations” list:

Simply fill out the form and press when you’re done! Note: some technical knowledge is required.

UPnP media streaming

UPnP media streaming is a more advanced method of playing back music from your music library compared to streaming files from network shares. With Windows Media Player 11,
it is possible to directly access your music library using UPnP through the internet radio. We will explain how to setup WMP11 to enable this feature.

Start WMP11 and click “Tools” –> “Options” or click the title bar with the right mouse button and then select “Tools” -> “Options”:


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English version

In the options window, go to the “Library” tab and click the “Configure Sharing” button:

Check the “Share my media” checkbox and click OK:

Your computer should now become visible under “Shared media”, you still have to authorise it however. Upon connecting, you will receive an error message on your radio and on
your computer, the following message will appear:


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English version

Click the balloon, you will see the following message, click “Allow” to allow the radio to stream from WMP11:

On the radio, you can now press “Select” to retry.

Besides WMP11 you may also use other software or hardware that supports UPnP media streaming, for example:
• Nokia N82, N95 ®
• Nero MediaHome ®
• Musicmatch Jukebox ®


• My wireless network is not listed

> This may happen if your wireless network is hidden, or out of range. First try placing the radio closer to your wireless router or access point. If your network is hidden, it has to be
added manually. This can be done through the “System setup” -> “Internet setup” -> “Manual settings” menu


Thank you for purchasing this Sweex product. Sweex devotes ample attention and care to the quality, reliability, functionality, durability and user friendliness of all its products. In
this way Sweex distinguishes itself in the market and can we convince you as a buyer to continue purchasing products of the Sweex brand. We wish you a lot of pleasure with your

An important extra advantage for you is the possibility of product registration.

You can register the product you purchased online on

By registering your product Sweex offers you a number of important yet equally useful advantages.
For example, if you wish so, you are regularly informed by us of the latest developments in our assortment by means of a digital newsletter.
Where applicable, you also automatically receive the latest drivers and/or firmware from us for the product you purchased to preserve or improve the compatibility and the
Moreover, our support desk can assist you faster in case of possible support questions about the product if you registered the product.


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English version

Sweex warranty conditions.

2-year standard warranty within the EU

• In a standard manner a warranty period of 2 years as from the purchase date is available for this Sweex product within the EU.
• Should you wish to invoke this warranty within the first 2 years after the purchase then you can directly apply to the point of sale where you purchased the product for the
conditions and procedures.

Matters that are excluded from the warranty

• The warranty of Sweex only covers manufacturing defects. Excluded from the warranty are accessories like batteries, rechargeable batteries and also supplied software, where applicable.
• The liability of Sweex is limited to the costs of repair and/or replacement of the product covered by the warranty.
• The standard warranty is null and void if the product has been opened, changes have been made, physical damage was caused to the product and if the product is used for
another purpose than for which it is originally meant.

All brand names and associated rights mentioned in this manual are and remain the sole property of the rightful claimant.


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