Single-Cell PCR Amplification of Thecate Dino Agellates: A Case Study of Tripos (Dinophyceae)

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Single-cell PCR amplification of thecate dinoflagellates: a case study of Tripos


Article  in  Journal of Applied Phycology · April 2018

DOI: 10.1007/s10811-017-1269-1


1 426

4 authors:

Adriana Hernandez Rosas Maria Esther Meave del Castillo

Metropolitan Autonomous University Metropolitan Autonomous University


Jhoana Díaz-Larrea F. Rodríguez

Metropolitan Autonomous University Instituto Español de Oceanografia


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J Appl Phycol (2018) 30:1117–1124
DOI 10.1007/s10811-017-1269-1

Single-cell PCR amplification of thecate dinoflagellates: a case

study of Tripos (Dinophyceae)
A. Hernández-Rosas 1 & M. E. Meave del Castillo 2 & J. Díaz-Larrea 3 & F. Rodríguez 4

Received: 12 April 2017 / Revised and accepted: 4 September 2017 / Published online: 6 October 2017
# Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2017

Abstract The relief of amplification inhibition in preserved Keywords RNAlater® . Tripos . LSU . SSU . rDNA
phytoplankton samples is a major challenge in genetic studies amplification
relying on single-cell sequencing. The successful amplifica-
tion of rDNA genes varies considerably depending on the
organisms, fixatives, and time of analysis after collection. Introduction
Among other fixatives, RNAlater® is found to be a suitable
choice for PCR amplification after long-term storage. In this Specific recognition of dinoflagellate taxa based on mor-
study, we tested the performance of RNAlater® samples ap- phological characters is not always feasible due to their sim-
plied to single-cell PCR amplification in isolates of the thecate ilarity at an intrageneric level (Reguera et al. 2011; Hansen
dinoflagellate genus Tripos, with an amplification success et al. 2000). This poses a relevant problem especially in the
over 70%. The single-cell protocol proposed in this study case of harmful algal blooms (HABs) and toxic events,
amplified an average of 650 pb of large subunit and small which draw much attention due to their potential socioeco-
subunit rDNA fragments in RNAlater® preserved cells after nomic impact in aquaculture resources and marine ecosys-
5 months. Furthermore, it was possible to obtain rDNA se- tems (Reguera 2002; Hallegraeff 2004). Therefore, a lot of
quences from samples up to 8 months old. The approach de- effort has been devoted to improve the characterization of
scribed here could also be useful to amplify a wide range of HAB species in multidisciplinary studies focusing on their
thecate and non-thecate dinoflagellate taxa, especially those taxonomy, ecophysiology, and toxicology (Anderson et al.
species difficult to maintain in culture. 2012; Fraga 2014).
In recent decades, the advent of molecular techniques
allowed to describe cryptic and pseudocryptic dinoflagel-
late species, generally based on rDNA gene sequencing.
* A. Hernández-Rosas However, the limited amount of genetic material, especially
in the case of these organisms that is difficult to maintain in
the laboratory, represents a major obstacle in some studies
Doctorado en Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud, Universidad (Andersen 2005; Graham and Wilcox 2000). Therefore, a
Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa (UAM-I), Av. San number of molecular studies using different thecate dino-
Rafael Atlixco #86, Col. Vicentina, Del. Iztapalapa Cd.,
09340 Mexico City, Mexico
flagellate taxa (Marin et al. 2001; Godhe et al. 2002;
Auinger et al. 2008) have examined the PCR amplification
Laboratorio de Fitoplancton Marino y Salobre, Departamento de
Hidrobiología, División de Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud,
efficiencies on preserved samples using the most common
UAM-I, Mexico City, Mexico substances, such as formalin, ethanol, methanol, Lugol’s
Laboratorio de Macroalgas, Departamento de Hidrobiología,
solution, and formalin/methanol, with mixed success de-
División de Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud, UAM-I, Mexico pending on the particular organisms and protocols.
City, Mexico Specifically, the formalin/methanol mixture appears to
Instituto Oceanográfico de Vigo, IEO, Subida a radio Faro, 50, strongly inhibit PCR amplification, whereas other fixatives
36390 Vigo, Spain such as Lugol’s iodine solution and ethanol do allow direct
1118 J Appl Phycol (2018) 30:1117–1124

PCR on single cells following a recommended protocol Materials and methods

(Godhe et al. 2002). DNA alteration over time and the im-
portance of choosing an adequate preserving agent has been Sample collection and preservation Samples were collected
identified in many cases as a crucial step, especially when in Acapulco Bay, in the Tropical Mexican Pacific (99° 50′
controlled temperature conditions and safe storage during 52″–99° 56′ N and 16° 47′–16° 51′ 40″ W), and in the Ría
transport to the laboratory are not feasible (Godhe et al. de Vigo, NW Spain (42° 11′ 56.46″ N and 8° 47′ 54.09″ W),
2002). In addition, the rigid wall on thecate dinoflagellates with a 60-μm mesh size net and a Van Dorn bottle. Twenty-six
can be an obstacle in the success of DNA extraction and the samples were preserved in four ways: (1) 4% formalin fixa-
steps used in the different techniques increase the chances tion. (2) Lugol fixation: 1 mL Lugol’s iodine solution was
of cross-contamination (Ki and Han 2007). added to a bottle sample of 250 mL, with a storage time of
Thecate dinoflagellates of the genus Tripos are cosmo- 2 months. (3) Live samples obtained from the bottle and the
politan and diverse marine organisms, with up to 155 spe- net kept at a low temperature (4 °C). Individual cells were
cies (Guiry and Guiry 2017), commonly found in coastal isolated, placed in PCR tubes, and stored at − 20 °C for later
waters, although some species live in the open ocean. One amplification. (4) RNAlater®: Samples obtained from the
important characteristic is the autotomy phenomenon of bottle were concentrated by reverse filtration. Net live samples
Tripos species; these species can cast off their horns be- were placed in sterile bottles; two drops of Lugol’s iodine
cause they do not need to have large horns for them to be were added, and samples stored at 4 °C. Then each sample
suspended on a sea column (Kofoid 1908). Their morpho- was allowed to settle by positive gravity for 4 h. The concen-
logical variability at the intraspecific level and the overlap trate was placed in cryogenic vials or Eppendorf tubes and
in meristic characters hinder the identification of several RNAlater® was added in a 1:6 ratio (Ambion 2010). The
species and intraspecific categories, such as varieties and tubes were stored at 4 °C until analysis.
forms (Sournia 1968; Taylor 1976; Balech 1988). When
considering these categories, the number of currently ac- Cell isolation Three hundred sixty cells of the genus Tripos
cepted taxonomic entities in the genus Tripos rises to 450 were isolated using a micropipette made from a capillary
(Gómez 2013). Yet, such variability has only been explored thinned on a Bunsen burner (Fireboy, Integra Biosciences
based on a few morphometric studies (López 1955; AG, CH) of the four ways of preservation. They were washed
Yarranton 1967; Hansen et al. 2000; Hernández Rosas in three drops of Milli-Q water to eliminate possible contam-
2011; Lyakh and Bryantseva 2014) that do not achieve un- inants and placed in PCR tubes, each of those containing a
ambiguous specific resolution in all cases. Although spe- single cell. TE buffer (1 μL) was added to Lugol-fixed sam-
cies of genus Tripos are non-toxic, they can proliferate with ples and stored at − 80 °C with RNAlater® in order to avoid
damage to the ecosystem (Orellana et al. 2004; Morton DNA degradation. The use of TE buffer also had the advan-
et al. 2011; Pichen and Probyn et al. 2011). tage of preventing cell disruption, commonly observed in
Molecular characterization of Tripos spp. based on single Milli-Q water due to osmotic shock. Photomicrographs were
cells and cultures would be very useful to delineate the phy- taken of each isolated cell, and species identification was con-
logenetic position of species identified solely by morpholog- firmed by morphological features as silhouette, dimensions,
ical means and to determine the putative presence of cryptic shape of apical and antapical horns, and structures as ribs on
and pseudocryptic species in this genus. Nonetheless, the ef- thecae. Lastly, the samples were stored at − 80 °C.
ficiency of PCR amplifications either on live or preserved
single cells can be highly variable due to the inherent limita- Cell DNA extraction and amplification Five procedures
tions of this approach (small amount of template DNA, PCR were used for DNA extraction on preserved samples accord-
inhibition associated with cellular constituents or fixatives) ing to the four methods, formerly described: (1) the plant/
(Godhe et al. 2002; Ki et al. 2005; Auinger et al. 2008; Lang fungi gDNA (Nzytech) extraction kit was used following the
and Kaczmarska 2011). These factors must be considered manufacturer’s recommendations; (2) Ten percent (Sigma) of
when using cells from the natural environment in the amplifi- Chelex was used following the protocol by Richlen and
cation protocol. Barber (2005); (3) temperature thermal shock: samples were
The objective of this study was to compare the suitability frozen at − 80 °C and heated at 95 °C for 6 min (Saldarriaga
of different fixatives on single-cell PCR amplification of et al. 2004); (4) incubation with proteinase K (200 μg mL−1) at
large subunit (LSU) rDNA in specimens of the dinoflagellate 55 °C for 50 min (Ki et al. 2005); and (5) sonication: PCR
genus Tripos, considering cases in which it is not possible to tubes were placed in an ultrasonic bath for 5–10 min and ice
transport living material to the laboratory. Specifically, we was added to the water bath to avoid heating.
tested the PCR success of (fresh, RNAlater®) preserved The LSU and small subunit (SSU) rDNA regions were
specimens and common fixatives such as formalin and amplified using the primers and combinations shown in
Lugol’s iodine solution. Table 1 and Fig. 1. D1–D2 sequences of LSU rDNA were
J Appl Phycol (2018) 30:1117–1124 1119

Table 1 Primers and their

combination used in the protocols Region Primers Reference Combination of primers Fragment
for amplification of the LSU and
SSU rDNA LSU D1R-F Scholin et al. D1R-F vs D2C-R D1–D2
D1C-R Scholin et al. D1R-F vs D1C-R D1
D2C-R Scholin et al. D1R-F vs D3B-R D1–D3
D2Ra-F Scholin et al. D2Ra-F vs D2C-R D2
D3B-R Scholin et al. D2Ra-F vs D3B-R D2–D3
SSU SR1-F Matsuoka et al. SR1-F vs SR9- R SR1–SR9
SR4-F Matsuoka et al. SR1-F vs SR7-R SR1–SR7
SR7-R Matsuoka et al. SR4-F vs SR7-R SR4–SR7
SR9-R Matsuoka et al. SR4-F vs SR9-R SR4–SR9

assembled from D1- and D2-amplified fragments from differ- from photomicrographs taken during cell isolation on the
ent PCR tubes containing individuals of the same morphospe- same organisms (or those sharing identical characters to the
cies. PCR reaction mixtures (25 μL) contained the following sample used in the PCR amplification).
components: Milli-Q water, 2UTaq DNA polymerase or
2UPaq5000 DNA polymerase, 10× buffer, 10 mM dNTPs,
10 μmol of each primer, and bovine serum albumin (BSA)
(Sigma-Aldrich). Alternatively, samples were amplified using Results and discussion
Maxima Hot Start PCR Master Mix (2X) (Thermo Scientific).
Two different Taq polymerases were assayed: Taq DNA po- Cell preservation and isolation RNAlater® has been used
lymerase (Qiagen) and Paq5000 DNA polymerase (Agilent mainly to preserve tissue fragments of mammals, fish, am-
Technologies). In the case of the Maxima Hot Start, a 50 μL + phibians, plants, and bacteria films (Gorokhova 2005,
10 μmol mixture of each primer was used. The conditions of Ambion 2010, Gray et al. 2011, Hamilton 2015). In the pres-
amplification used for each region are detailed in Tables 2 and ent study, the use of RNAlater® to preserve genomic DNA of
3. The PCR products were observed in a 1% agarose gel, and the thecate dinoflagellate genus Tripos enabled the successful
the amplicons were purified using ExoSAP-IT® (USB) ac- PCR amplification of partial sequences from rDNA genes.
cording to the manufacturer’s indications. The purified PCR One of the most important advantages of using RNAlater®
products were stored at − 20 °C until sequencing. is that it allowed us to preserve nucleic acids immediately after
sample collection at ambient temperature. The manufacturer
states that tissues embedded in RNAlater® may be stored at
Sequencing and aligning of sequences Sequencing was per- − 20 °C indefinitely or at 4 °C for 1 month, at 25 °C for 1 week,
formed using an AB 3130 sequencer (Applied Biosystems) in and at 37 °C for 1 day. RNAlater® is also simpler and easier
the CACTI (Centro de Apoyo Científico y Tecnológico a la to use compared with compounds such as ethanol, methanol,
Investigación, University of Vigo, Spain). The sequences ob- and the formalin/methanol mixture (Marin et al. 2001; Godhe
tained were aligned using the BioEdit program (version 7.2.5) et al. 2002) that needs to be stored immediately after collection
and were compared with sequences in the GenBank using the at low temperature. The choice of a suitable fixative for geno-
BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) program. mic analyses also varies depending on the studied organism.
Genetic results were correlated with morphological features Gorokhova (2005) stated that the storage time of Artemia

Fig. 1 a, b TIFF. DNAr

fragments and position of the
primers used in the amplification
protocols. a Dominions of the
LSU region. b Fragments of the
SSU region. Forward 3′
(rightwards arrow), reverse 5′
(leftwards arrow)
1120 J Appl Phycol (2018) 30:1117–1124

Table 2 Amplification conditions for the D1–D3 dominions of the results of the present study, we recommend a maximum
LSU region, using Taq DNA polymerase (Qiagen), Paq5000 DNA
storage time of 5 months in samples used for single-cell
polymerase (Agilent Technologies), and Maxima Hot Start PCR Master
Mix (2X) (Thermo Scientific). Amplification conditions were the same in PCR to avoid morphological alterations and a decrease in
both Taq DNA polymerase and Paq5000 DNA polymerase the amplification success and when the difficulty is related
to the rapidity of transporting live sample to the laboratory
Taq-Paq5000 DNA Pol Maxima Hot Start PCR Master Mix
where the amplification is to be carried out.
°C min °C min In this regard, no amplification was obtained in the PCR
reactions when the cell consistency was lost and the release of
1 94 3 35 cycles 95 4 35 cycles the nucleus was confirmed (Fig. 2c, d). This degradation
2 94 1 95 30 s
might be due also to excessive time during sample handling.
3 50–58a 1 Tmb 30 s
However, cells became much less fragile when stored in
4 72 3 72 1
RNAlater® solution; natural phytoplankton samples usually
5 72 10 72 10
contain a variety of organisms and manual isolation of target
6 4 ∞ 4 ∞ cells, Tripos in the case of the present study, needs to be done
1. Initial denaturation, 2. Denaturation, 3. Hybridization, 4. Extension, 5. as fast as possible to avoid cell damage that will difficult
Final extension, 6. Sample maintenance further genetic analyses. This is particularly important in the
T° hybridization to amplify the DNAr fragments (Table 1) case of large cells such as those of the genus Tripos that pos-
Average primer temperature sess a wide surface and ornamental structures that easily attach
other biological materials, especially in those samples with
high densities of organisms and/or detritus (Fig. 2d). In some
nauplii with RNAlater® could be extended up to 8 months at cases, the proper isolation of clean individuals of the genus
4 °C while the recommended time is only 1 month according Tripos was impossible and contaminant nucleic acids from
to the manufacturer’s instructions. However, cells used in other dinoflagellates or planktonic organisms, such as cope-
PCR amplifications stored up to 5 months at 4 °C were also pods, were amplified instead.
positive in the present study (Table 4). As mentioned previ- For these reasons, it is recommended to take small aliquots
ously, the original morphology of Tripos was maintained in to isolate individual cells, avoiding an extended exposure of
good condition after that period with no apparent signs of cell samples under the microscope. After isolation, individual cells
rupture, as corroborated by their observations under the light must be frozen at − 80 °C and it is highly recommended to
microscope. These cells showed a well-consolidated nucle- process them in the shortest delays (less than 10 days) (Fig. 4).
us (Fig. 2a, b), a characteristic that according to Echeverría
et al. (1993) indicates that the DNA did not undergo degra-
Extraction The DNA extraction protocols, based on a com-
dation. Amplifications carried out using these preserved
mercial kit (plant/fungi gDNA Nzytech) and the Chelex pro-
cells showed up ~ 80% of success. Thus, based in the
cedure, were not successful for further PCR amplifications of
rDNA genes in single cells of Tripos. The greatest drawback
Table 3 Amplification conditions for the fragments of the SSU region, in using these protocols was that they required multiple steps
using Taq DNA polymerase (Qiagen), Paq5000 DNA polymerase when transferring materials for DNA extraction, increasing
(Agilent Technologies), and Maxima Hot Start PCR Master Mix (2X) the probability to lose or contaminate the DNA. In contrast,
(Thermo Scientific). Amplification conditions were the same in both
Taq DNA polymerase and Paq5000 DNA polymerase
the use of thermal shock (− 80 to 95 °C) and incubation with
proteinase K proved to be both adequate methods for DNA
Taq-Paq5000 DNA Pol Maxima Hot Start PCR Master Mix extraction. The advantage of these methods lied in the fact that
the permeation of cell structure takes place in the same PCR
°C min °C min
tube where the organisms were isolated and further amplified.
1 95 3 35 cycles 95 4 35 cycles The use of an ultrasonic bath to disrupt cells prior to PCR
2 95 1 95 30 s did not render any particular advantage; for single cells, this is
3 56–58a 1 Tmb 30 s not always effective, particularly when working with cells
4 72 3 72 1 with a thick theca. The Tripos cells that were exposed to ul-
5 72 10 72 10 trasonic method, even for up to 10 min, did not show cell wall
6 4 ∞ 4 ∞ fragmentation and did not release their genetic contents,
resulting in difficulty in further PCR amplification.
1. Initial denaturation, 2. Denaturation, 3. Hybridization, 4. Extension, 5.
Final extension, 6. Sample maintenance
T° hybridization to amplify the DNAr fragments (Table 1) Amplification Successful amplifications were only obtained
Average primer temperature with the combinations of primers D1R-F vs D1C-R (D1) and
J Appl Phycol (2018) 30:1117–1124 1121

Table 4 Amplified LSU and SSU sequences obtained from a single Tripos cell. Unicellular organisms of Tripos from Acapulco Bay, Mexico, were
preserved in RNAlater® and those from Ria de Vigo, Spain, were fresh cells. The organisms were identified by morphological characteristics. *Cells
with more than 5 months in RNAlater®. a, b, and c correspond to sequences of different cells, identified as the same species from the same sample

Organism Locality rADN No. access GenBank

T. balechii f. balechii* (Meave del Castillo, Acapulco Bay, Mexico LSU (D1–D2) MF927991
Okolodkov, and Zamudio) Gómez
T. balechii f. balechii (a) Acapulco Bay, Mexico LSU (D1) MF927992
T. balechii f. balechii (b) Acapulco Bay, Mexico LSU (D1) MF927993
T. balechii f. balechii (c) Acapulco Bay, Mexico LSU (D1) MF927994
T. muelleri f. parallelus* (=Ceratium breve var. parallelum Acapulco Bay, Mexico LSU (D1–D2) MF927995
(Schmidt) Jorgensen) (Schmidt) Gómez
T. deflexus* (Kofoid) Gómez Acapulco Bay, Mexico LSU (D1–D2) MF927996
T. furca var. furca (Ehrenberg) Gómez Acapulco Bay, Mexico LSU (D1) MF927997
T. furca var. furca Ria de Vigo, Spain LSU (D1) MF927998
T. fusus (Ehrenberg) Gómez Acapulco Bay, Mexico LSU (D1–D2) MF927999
T. fusus Ria de Vigo, Spain LSU (D1–D2) MF928000
T. massiliensis var. armatus* (Karsten) Gómez (a) Acapulco Bay, Mexico LSU (D1) MF928001
T. massiliensis var. armatus (b) Acapulco Bay, Mexico LSU (D1) MF928002
T. muelleri var. atlanticus (Ostenfeld) Gómez Ria de Vigo, Spain LSU (D1–D2) MF928003
T. balechii f. balechii Acapulco Bay, Mexico SSU MF927973
T. muelleri f. parallelus (a) Acapulco Bay, Mexico SSU MF927974
T. muelleri f. parallelus (b) Acapulco Bay, Mexico SSU MF927975
T. candelabrus (Ehrenberg) Gómez Acapulco Bay, Mexico SSU MF927976
T. candelabrus Ria de Vigo, Spain SSU MF927977
T. deflexus* Acapulco Bay, Mexico SSU MF927978
T. falcatus (Kofoid) Gómez Acapulco Bay, Mexico SSU MF927979
T. furca var. eugrammus* (Erhenberg) Gómez Acapulco Bay, Mexico SSU MF927980
T. furca var. furca Acapulco Bay, Mexico SSU MF927981
T. furca var. furca (a) Ria de Vigo, Spain SSU MF927982
T. furca var. furca (b) Ria de Vigo, Spain SSU MF927983
T. fusus (a) Acapulco Bay, Mexico SSU MF927984
T. fusus (b) Acapulco Bay, Mexico SSU MF927985
T. fusus Ria de Vigo, Spain SSU MF927986
T. massiliensis var. armatus* Acapulco Bay, Mexico SSU MF927989
T. massiliensis var. armatus Ria de Vigo, Spain SSU MF927988
T. muelleri var. atlanticus Ria de Vigo, Spain SSU MF927990

D2Ra-F vs D2C-R (D2) of LSU rDNA and SR4-F vs SR9-R the latter samples could be due to their inappropriate han-
of SSU rDNA genes, respectively. dling due to the long period elapsed (3–4 days) at high
The first PCR reactions on samples stored for month in temperature (> 20 °C) between their collection and the ar-
Lugol’s solution, formalin, and ethanol were negative in all rival at the laboratory.
cases. Their failure coincided with observations by Marin The use of Taq polymerase and Maxima Hot Start PCR
et al. (2001) who stated that some purification steps were Master Mix, exclusively with cells preserved in RNAlater®,
previously required in samples of dinoflagellate cells, as the provided similar amplification success and readable final se-
thecate genus Dinophysis. In addition, PCR trials on cells quences (Fig. 3a, b). However, the use of the Master Mix was
isolated from a fresh sample and immediately frozen at nearly always effective, with a rate of 70% (32 positives out of
− 80 °C (without fixatives) were only 20% successful. 46 samples).
The use of TE buffer allowed positive PCR amplifications The addition of BSA protein to the PCR reaction mixtures
in fresh cells, especially from NW Spain, but not in previ- is advised to prevent the adhesion of enzymes to the reaction
ously fixed cells from Mexico. The low rates of success in tubes (Farell and Alexandre 2012). Therefore, we added three
1122 J Appl Phycol (2018) 30:1117–1124

Fig. 2 a–d TIFF. Tripos

unicellular organisms used in the
PCR, stained with SYBR Green
to observe the nuclei. a
T. muelleri. b–d T. furca. a, b
Whole cells with defined
morphology and nuclei that
proved positive in the PCR
amplification. c, d Damaged cells
with material adhered to the
periphery that proved negative in
the amplification

different volumes of BSA (0.5, 0.75, and 1 μL) to the PCR in the original tube after PCR cycling. When working with
reaction mixture, to explore its effect on the amplification cysts and vegetative cells of the thecate dinoflagellate genus
success. Positive amplifications were obtained with 0.75 and Protoperidinium, Matsuoka et al. (2006) found an alternative
0.5 μL of BSA. This could be explained by a larger amount of extraction method. They recommend breaking the cell wall on
BSA required in order to increase the PCR yield on low purity a glass slide with a sharp glass stick and then placing the
templates (Farell and Alexandre 2012). cytoplasm in a PCR tube. This must be done quickly, and
Tripos cells preserved in RNAlater® that showed up neg- TE buffer must be added, since the genetic material is more
ative results could be observed in many cases to remain intact exposed to degradation with this technique (Fig. 4).

Fig. 3 a, b TIFF. PCR products

of the LSU and SSU obtained
from a Tripos cell preserved in
RNAlater®. Well-defined bands
of fragments larger than 600 pb
for the SSU region (primers SR4-
F vs SR9-R) and of 300 pb for D1
dominion (D1R-F vs D1C-R) of
LSU region. a Amplification
using Maxima Hot Start PCR
Master Mix. b Amplification
using the traditional Taq
polymerase mixture
J Appl Phycol (2018) 30:1117–1124 1123

Sequencing The identity of the amplified LSU and SSU

rDNA sequences from Tripos cells were confirmed by their
comparison with other available records in GenBank.
Amplifications of partial LSU rDNA from different cells shar-
ing the same morphological features were obtained. D1 do-
main was easier to obtain than D2; this is the reason in the
difference of base pairs in the LSU region (Table 4). In the
case of the SSU rDNA region amplified, an average of 695 bp
were obtained for 13 species of Tripos, while an average of
690 bp were obtained for the LSU rDNA fragment (D1–D2
region) for six species of Tripos. In Tripos furca and
T. massiliensis, only the D1 domain of LSU rDNA could be
amplified (Table 4).
In conclusion, our results showed that cells of Tripos em-
bedded in RNAlater® could be stored up to 5 months, unlike
those preserved in Lugol’s iodine solution and formalin,
which never rendered positive DNA amplifications.
RNAlater® preserved intact cells and their morphological
features as well. The use of cells preserved with RNAlater®
for the amplification of the LSU and SSU rDNA regions led to
positive results in 50–70% of the samples assayed in this
The protocol recommended in the present study provides a
simpler and faster way of preserving phytoplankton cells and
running successful PCR analyses, while preserving Tripos
morphological features for taxonomic analysis. This protocol
could also be used and adapted in the case of other thecate
dinoflagellates, unarmored dinoflagellates, or diatoms
(Hamilton et al. 2015).
Handling the cells at low temperatures and minimizing
their manipulation during the extraction procedure appear also
as relevant factors to achieve successful DNA sequencing of
marker regions like the ribosomal genes considered in the
present study.

Funding This research is part of the first author’s PhD dissertation at

the División de Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud of the Universidad
Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa (UAM-I). The first author
had a Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT) PhD
Scholarship: 174843. This study was funded too by the UAM project
titled BTaxonomía y biogeografía del fitoplancton marino y salobre en
Fig. 4 TIFF. Protocol for sampling, preserving, revising, and PCR for costas mexicanas, con énfasis en el Pacífico Tropical Mexicano y porción
cells of Tripos by four methods of preserve and five procedures before sur del Golfo de México.^
PCR amplification. In case of RNAlater®, vital steps to add the
preservative, storage at 4 °C, time minimum to examine aliquots,
transfer of the clean cell from Milli-Q water to PCR tubes, and freezing
of cells

Ambion (2010) RNAlater® tissue collection: RNA stabilization solution.

Purification All the PCR products observed in agarose gel Protocol Thermo fisher Scientific.
with sizes from 300 to 400 pb (D1 and D2 domains of LSU) content/dam/LifeTech/migration/en/filelibrary/nucleic-acid-
and from 600 to 700 pb (fragment SR4-F vs SR7-R of SSU)
Andersen R (2005) Algal culturing techniques. Elsevier Academic
were purified with ExoSAP-IT®. Other purification methods, Press, NY
commercial kits, led to a loss of DNA material that prevented Anderson DM, Cembella AD, Hallegraeff GM (2012) Progress in under-
further sequencing. standing harmful algae blooms: paradigm shifts and new
1124 J Appl Phycol (2018) 30:1117–1124

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