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U5 Reflection on Enhancing Active Listening

and Inclusivity in Diversity

Chenyu Jin (Cici)

Department of Commerce-Finance Major

GE1000-Transition to WKU

Instructor Fengming Liu

October 16, 2021


According to my active listening self-assessment results, I found I did well on

keeping eye contact with speaker and repeating in my own words what I have just heard to

ensure understanding. Because I thought it was a sign of respect to look at the speaker while

they were talking. And repeating what the speaker said in my mind helps me learn new

things. Meanwhile, I found I still need work on the aspects like taking notes as appropriate

and asking questions to get more information and encourage the speaker to continue. And

after watching the video, I got some methods on how I can enhance my active listening skills.

First, like the video said: “active listening involves verbal communication. So, I think when

the speaker was talking, we needed to ask some good questions. In this way, the speaker will

feel that we were paying attention and were interested in the topic. The speaker will had the

motivation and passion to continue speaking. Second, we needed to respond to what the

speaker said. In my eyes, I think speaking was not just about listening to the speaker. The

listener must respond appropriately. Because in fact, the dominant role of a speech was in the

listener, only the listener to respond, can promote the speaker's speech. And here were the

reasons why active listening was important to foster inclusivity in diversity. On the one hand,

good listening is an easier way to connect with other people and build relationships. So,

active listening can enhance inclusiveness. On the other hand, active listening can make the

whole speech form a virtuous circle, thus enhancing the group's collaborative ability.

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