Urban Legend

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Bautista Shermine Joyce

Mythology and folklore

Urban Legends
The Greed that Created the Hundred Islands
The story goes that a kingdom just lost their king in ill health and his people were left without a leader.
There were two datus from two warring tribes who are legitimate successors. They were not only rivals
to the throne but rivals to the love of a princess named Liglioa who was also a ward to the kingdom’s
priestess and for a mystic huge pearl which would give wealth to anyone who possesses it, but is
mysteriously un-gathered from the bottom of the sea.

These two rivals had been fighting for a long time now that the priestess finally consulted the ancestors
and the oracle gave her what ought to be done to attain peace and unity for the whole kingdom, which
she in turn instructed to the princess.

Liglioa then told the two warring datus that whoever wins in the last battle shall win her hand in
marriage and the pearl in the bottom of the ocean. The two datus and their tribes prepared long and
hard for the upcoming sea battle and by night, bodies and swords were clashing each other.

And before daybreak, something strange can be noticed on the dead warriors’ bodies and their
upturned bancas. They were immobile; and soon grass began to grow on them and became a hundred
small islands.

The priestess then told Liglioa what happened and the truth about the huge pearl. The real pearl was
Liglioa all along, sent to the people by the gods, as they foresaw that the kingdom would be without a
ruler when the former king dies. The huge pearl at the bottom of the ocean was a mere illusion made to
test the character of that rightful ruler.

Explain the purpose of the story; why is the legend still being circulated?
The legend is still being circulated because fishermen of today still swear that a bit farther off where the
islands are now, one can see the mysterious huge pearl mystically gleaming under the clear waters of
the sea, beckoning, then disappearing just as swiftly as it came.

Give the theme or moral or lesson of the story

The islands were created by man’s greed for power and other worldly things.

Give the source or reference either name of literature or the name of the person who
told you the story.
Http://www.alaminoscity.gov.ph/i-choose-hundred-islands/legends.html. (n.d.).

Include a Bible Verse or SOP quotation

Luke 12:15 Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life
does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”
Olongapo Legend Story
The story is that there was once a tribe whose people were disunited. A wise, old man seeing the evils
that disunity sow among his people, exerted great efforts and united the tribe. A group of villains,
however, did not appreciate the fruits of the old man's efforts. They bitterly disliked the idea of the tribe
having a true and good leader. One day, the wise, old man just disappeared. After a long search, the old
man's body was found but the head was missing. The natives launched diligent efforts to locate the
severed head of their leader. However, their efforts proved futile. But the search did not end there. A
boy, who made a vow not to stop until he could find the old man's head, indefatigably continued to look
for it. Then one day, he came upon the old man's head resting on the tip of a bamboo pole. The villains,
apparently, wanted to disgrace the wise, old man so that disunity and its evils would again prevail
among the natives. Upon seeing the head, the boy run back to his people crying, "ULO NG APO" around
the village.

Explain the purpose of the story; why is the legend still being circulated?
The legend is still being circulated today because the phrase “Ulo ng Apo” is the place were known as it
is today – OLONGAPO and the old man's head became the symbol of the native’s unity.

Give the theme or moral or lesson of the story

Unity is strength, division is weakness.

Give the source or reference either name of literature or the name of the person who
told you the story

Include a Bible Verse or SOP quotation

Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.1
Peter 3:8

The Legend of La Union Province

Long ago it’s well known among old folks living in Pangasinan and Ilocos that the province of La Union
not yet existed. But a feud between the people of Pangasinan and Ilocos over a vast area between them
sparked the idea of creating a separate new province. They referred to it as the uniting factor, and later
called it La Union. Then the legend of La Union started to circulate around. It was about siblings that
kept on quarreling with each other—Pangasinan and Ilocos. They had different mothers but had the
same father. Pngasinan’s mother was named Pampanga while Ilocos’ was named Cagayan. This allegedly
started the story that is now the legend of La Union. The father of the siblings, Fernando, was often put
to shame when his sons quarreled in public. And it was often about who Uniangan, their brother born
between them, would follow. The legend of La Union goes that each of them would make Uniangan run
errands at the same time. When Uniangan could not satisfy their demands simultaneously they two
other brother would fight over it. One day a Spanish Friar passed by their house and observed the
brothers Pangasinan and Ilocos quarreling and shouting at the top of their voices. The priests stopped
for a while to listen but could not understand the dialect. Finally an interpreter was called and the
mothers of the two boys were summoned. This story on the legend of La Union says from what the
priest heard all the quarrel was centered on who had more clout to order Uniangan around. “Ah!” the
priest finally remarked. “I know what you should do! We’d cut Uniangan into two so that each of you
could have half of him!” The two brothers were taken aback by the advice and looked at each other—
and then at Uniangan. The legend on La Union continues that they finally realized their foolishness and
started to pity their brother Uniangan. The priest saw the wonderful reconciliation among the brothers
and patted Uniangan on the back. According to this legend of La Union the priest said Uniangan was the
cause of The Union—or in Spanish, “La Union.” From the day on Uniangan was renamed La Union. When
the 3 brother got old and eventually died they were buried side by side with La Union in the middle of
Pangasinan and Ilocos. So, as this legend of La Union goes, the mounds grew bigger with the passage of
time until they became provinces.When the 3 brother got old and eventually died they were buried side
by side with La Union in the middle of Pangasinan and Ilocos. So, as this legend of La Union goes, the
mounds grew bigger with the passage of time until they became provinces.

Explain the purpose of the story; why is the legend still being circulated?
The story is being circulated because of the location of the place. Ilocos, La union and Pangasinan are
located connected to each other.

Give the theme or moral or lesson of the story

In the blink of an eye, everything can change. so forgive often and love with all your heart. You may
never have that change again.

Give the source or reference either name of literature or the name of the person who
told you the story

Include a Bible Verse or SOP quotation

Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as
the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13

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