ACTIVITY 1: Adaptation Instructions:: 21St Century Literature From The Philippines and The World

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Ateneo de Davao University

Senior High School
Grade 11
ACTIVITY 1: Adaptation
1. With the same group in Choosing a Literary Text, do Activity 1.
2. Each member of your group will give 1 personal favorite adaptation, whether it is from a
book adapted to another genre, or a book to a movie/series (i.e., Game of T
hrones, Harry Potter, etc.).
3. After answering, convert the worksheet to PDF file.
4. The file name should be: Section_Activity1_Group#
5. Every member of the group will submit the group’s file in Hurtado, under Lesson 1, during
the QILT.

Name of Groupmates What is your personal favorite adaptation?

1. Last Name, First Name 1. Bustamante, Rena Christine V.
2. Last Name, First Name 2. Cabriana, Marbe-lyn
3. Last Name, First Name 3. Bermudez, Sophia Andrea Marie P.
Answer as a Group
(2-5 sentences each)
As a group, what is the common quality of As we shared our thoughts about our favorite
your favorite adaptation (book/movie) that adaptations, we found that a common reason we
makes it a good adaptation for you? love them is because the director visualized the
author's vision for the story perfectly. They took
creative liberties to make it more relevant to the
modern age and to appeal to the new audience.
Since all our favorites were derived from books,
one of the reasons why we love them was
because the movies/series that were made also
expanded the stories and explored more of the
other characters' points of view, making it more
diverse and interesting. Despite this, we wouldn't
say the adaptations were fully reconstructed and
changed. They stayed true to the books and put
importance into the mini details people might've
Reflection: During our free time, we met through Google
As a group, how is your commitment to Meet to read the literary texts together. We also
accomplish your tasks help your team made a Messenger group chat to send each other
finish your activities today? the sentences we have constructed for Activity 1.
We knew our responsibilities and set a
designated time for us to do our homework so
we can manage our time properly. This helped us
bring our ideas to the table and finish our
activities to meet the target deadline.

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

-Proverbs 27:17

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