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ENG 101

Lesson -37
Dr.Surriya Shaffi Mir

Para 1 general statement Introduction

thesis statement

Para 2 Topic sent

A. support
B. support
C. support
Concluding Sent

Para 3 Topic sent MainBody

4,5,6… A support
B support
C support
concluding sent.

Concl Restatement/Summary
Para opinion: final comment Conclusion
There are three main patterns for organizing the body
of the essay. Writing showing relationships: (i) Linear
(ii) Spatial relationships
(iii) Comparison and contrast.I- Linear relationships (
4 types) describing
a) Chronological b) process in linear sequence.
II- Spatial relationships:classifications & definition
III- Comparison in contrast
c) Process in cyclic sequence
d) cause-effect
Practice 1. Read the following text and complete the
diagram which follows.
As long ago as 1779, John Frere, an English country
gentleman, discovered, at Suffolk several bones from
extinct animals associated with stone age flint tools.
He published his findings in 1800. Frere’s report was
not appreciated for another 60 years. But now Frere is
known as the founder of prehistoric archaeology.
New Scientist, London
List the words and phrases that demonstrate the
chronological order of the above paragraph
Practice 2:
Put the following information in an acceptable order.
1In 1930, the first analog computer was built by an
American named Vannevar Bush. 2This device was
used in World War II to help aim guns. 3Mark I, the
name given to the first digital computer, was
completed in 1944. 4This was the first machine that
could figure out long lists of mathematical problems,
all at a very fast rate. 5Author important advancement
in computers came in 1947, when John Von
Newmann developed the idea of keeping instructions
for the computer inside the computer’s memory. 6 In
1946 two engineers at the University of Pennsylvania,
J. Eckert and J. Mauchly, built the first digital
computer using parts called vacuum tubes.
Practice 3.
Read the following text and see if you can answer the
questions given at the end.
A Kashmiri Emigrant’s Story
In 1947, Ahmed Din butt, a poverty-stricken twenty
year old farm worker left Kashmir for Pakistan. What
the future held in store for him, he did not know.
However, he did not that it could not be any worse
than the past. He had grown up during the cruel rule
of the Dogras in Kashmir and had known what it was
to be hungry and jobless.
He had watched his mother die of tuberculosis a
month before; his father had died a year after Ahmed
Din was born. There was nothing now to keep him in
Kashmir and so, on a cold march morning, he got into
a bus bound for Rawalpindi. In years to come he
would remember this moment. A) Why do you think
the passage starts with 1947 and then goes back into
the past rather than starting in the past and ending
with 1947?
b) If the text were in the expected sequence, what
verb tense would you expect to find used?
c) Which of the following tenses are used in the text?
Present / present perfect / past / past perfect
Practice 4.
Look at another version of the same story. Compare
the two versions. Which is more interesting? Ahmed
Din Butt was a bright but poverty stricken twenty year
old farm worker who grew up during the Dogra rule in
Kashmir. He knew what it was to the hungry and
jobless. His father had died in 1928, he had watched
his mother die of tuberculosis in February 1947.
There was nothing to keep him in Kashmir, so, on a
cold march morning in 1947, he got into a bus bound
for Rawalpindi. In years to come he would remember
this moment.
Practice 5.
How to mend a punctured football.
Take bladder out of its cover
inflate it a little
dip into tub of water, with marker
let air out press to find out the hole
mark spot, dry bladder
rub marked place and a rubber piece with sand paper
apply rubber solution to both, let them dry
place rubber piece on bladder press the two very hard

Practice 6.
Convert the following process as a flow diagram by
filling in the boxes.
Next the programmer must construct an algorithm
flowchart or a block diagram. The relationship
between the events is shown by means of a
connecting arrow. This is followed by translating the
algorithm / flow chart into a computer program. The
program is usually written on coding sheets which
have a specific format drawn on them. The
programmer must then keypunch the program. Or key
it in at a terminal. The program must then be tested.
Next a print out show if the works or if it has errors
(bugs). The last step is to add the data to the program
and run the program.
The following table gives some sequencing words that
are used when describing a process:
Beginning Middle steps End

-First -second (ly) -last (ly)

- firstly - third (ly) etc. - finally
- to begin with - next -at
the end
- initially - then
- subsequently
- after this
- before this
- at the same time

define the prog formulate an translate

algorithm algorithm into
flowchart a computer prog

Add data test the prog keypunch

prog /
run the correct the bugs key it in at a
program terminal
1Many scientists have worked on solar heating. 2One
such attempt was made in 1949 when a house was
designed which was heated by using the energy from
the sun. in this house energy from the sum was
absorbed by a large area of blackened metal sheets
which were covered by double plates of glass. 3The
air circulating behind the metal sheets carried away
the heat. 4Before the heat could be blown around the
house it was first stored in large tanks containing
Glauber’s salt, a given volume of which can hold eight
and a half times more heat than water.
Practice 7
a) Rice is harvested out in the fields. ( __ )
b) Hired laborers load the rice onto bullock carts. (
__ )
c) The truck cart drivers bring the rice to the factory.
( __ )
d) The laborers put the rice into the threshers. ( __ )
e) The rice is threshed by machines. ( __ )
f) These machines are regularly maintained. ( __ )

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