Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



Week 1: Doing Philosophy

Name of Learner: ___________________________________________________________________

Grade Level: ___________________________________________________________________
Section: ___________________________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________________________

A. Background Information for Learners

This lesson was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided and independent
learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while being
an active learner. After going through this lesson, you are expected to define the meaning of perspective or point of
view; differentiate e holistic perspective and partial point of view; and apply holistic perspective and partial point of
view in different situation and issues.

B. Most Essential Learning Competencies

1. Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view.
2. Realize the value of doing philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective on life.
3. Do a philosophical reflection on a concrete situation from a holistic perspective

C. Exercises / Activities

Task 1: Picture Analysis:

Direction: Look at the picture below and answer the following questions. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper
Guide Questions:
1. What do you notice from the picture?
2. What does this image imply about our efforts to comprehend life's realities or solve long-standing

What is Philosophy?

Philosophy is defined as love of wisdom because it came from two Greek words philos (love) and Sophia
Greece is the birthplace of philosophy in the West. To be more precise it is the ancient Greek city of Miletus
in the Western coast of what is now Turkey that gave birth to philosophy.

Thales - first philosopher in the West

- Known as the Father of Philosophy in the Western civilization
- He believed that despite the different things we encounter there is one underlying stuff or substance in
which everything is composed. There is One in the Many. He was the first individual who tried to reduce
the multiplicity into a unity (Jones,1969).


Cognitive Branches - These branches provide a description of being (existence) and knowing. They are the
foundations of understanding any philosophical system. Concerned with what “is”

1. Metaphysics - subdivided into ontology which studies existence as such and philosophical anthropology
which deals with the fundamental and essential characteristics of human nature (Gotthelf and Salmieri,
2015); and How do I know it? concerns the nature of human knowledge and the way to obtain it.
2. Epistemology - “branch of philosophy that studies the nature and means of human knowledge.”

Normative branches- These branches are concerned with the standard of the good and with what “ought” to be.
1. ethics or morality - a branch of philosophy that provides a human being with a “code of values to
guide man’s choices and actions - the choices and actions that determine the course of his life (Rand,
2. politics - Rand’s definition politics is a branch of philosophy “which defines the principles of a proper
social system“ . According to Rand, the term "proper" refers to what is appropriate for human beings,
which assumes that one understands what a human being is.
3. Aesthetics - studies the nature of art. It is concerned with the nature and the objective judgement of


Scenario #1
Scenario # 2


A teacher listens first to both stories of her two
- Are worldviews which try to define the arguing students before making any conclusion
nature of life, the worlds, and the
about the issue.
A teacher scold student A after student B accused
him of stealing her pencil case. However, the
teacher only listened to the story of student B, and
relationship of individuals to the worlds and not to student A before deciding to scold the
its parts. student.
Activity #2
Direction: Test all the perspective you thought of by answering whether it is right for Jericho to take the money. Pick
a perspective and say why you choose this perspective. Remember to relate it to the given scenario. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Activity # 3

What can you say about the quotation below? Do you

agree with this? Express your answers on the space

D. Rubric for scoring (if necessary)

Short Constructed Response Rubric

The response gives evidence of a complete understanding of the
4-5 problem. It is fully developed and clearly communicated. All parts of the
problem are complete. There are no errors.
The response gives evidence of a complete understanding of the
1-3 problem. It is fully developed and clearly communicated. All parts of the
problem are complete. There are no errors.
0 There is no response, or the work is completely incorrect or irrelevant.

E. References for Learners

2. IntroToPhilo_001_Lesson (
3. Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM)
Department of Education – National Capital Region
5. 11-Intro-to-Philo-AS-v1.0.pdf (

Prepared by: Checked and Approved by: Noted by:

Beverly A. Bautista Renee Rose G. Granados Melanie V. Torres

Teacher 1 Master Teacher ll Principal ll

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Week 2: Methods of Philosophizing
Name of Learner: ___________________________________________________________________
Grade Level: ___________________________________________________________________
Section: ___________________________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________________________

A. Background Information for Learners

This lesson was designed and written to help you master the nature of philosophizing. After this lesson, you
will be able to identify the meaning, importance, and source of knowledge, describe the steps/processes of acquiring
knowledge, explain how validating one’s knowledge leads to truth and compare/contrast different theories of truth.

B. Most Essential Learning Competencies

1. Distinguish opinion from truth.
2. Realize that the methods of philosophy lead to wisdom and truth
3. Evaluate truth from opinions in different situations using the methods of philosophizing.

C. Exercises / Activities

Activity 1: Comic Strip (Critical Thinking, Communication, Character)

Direction: Analyze the comic strip and answer the following questions


Truth is knowledge validated and when we say validated, we mean they are based on the facts of reality.

For example the statement “Jose Rizal died in 1896” is true. You may not like that statement or deny it strongly. That
does not change the fact that the statement is true because it is based on what really happened in the past.

1. Based on the facts of reality 1. Based on emotions
2. Can be confirmed with other sources 2. Open to interpretation
3. Independent of one’s interpretation, preferences, 3. Cannot be confirmed
and biases 4. Inherently biased

However when you say that “Jose Rizal is the greatest man who ever lived” you are stating your preference and not
facts. This is an Opinion.

- A process of determining the truth or drawing a
conclusion from a statement using various
philosophical methods

1. The dialectic method

- It was conceived by the Greek philosopher Socrates. His’ aim was to achieve what he called the good life
which is based on the proper care of one’s soul (psyche in Greek). According to Him the soul can be
properly taken care of if we make it as good as possible (Stumpf 2008) and the soul can only be good if
we employ it in the activity of having a clear awareness of the meaning of some WORDS. We can achieve
this by an act of “disciplined conversation”.
2. The Pragmatic Method
- According to the pragmatists, philosophy seems to offer a set of beliefs about human beings and his
relationship to the world. Pragmatists offer no such beliefs. Rather, they seek to make philosophy
relevant by solving real life problems. It is purely a philosophy of method and not of substance.
Successful experience is the verification process of truth for the pragmatists (Stumpf 2008).
3. The Phenomenological Method
- It was conceived by Edmund Husserl (born in 1859), one of the greatest intellects of the 19th century.
His main purpose was to build a philosophy free from any biases or preconceived ideas. One can only do
this if one returns to immediate experience. Husserl said that he was only looking to “things and facts
themselves, as these are given in actual experience and intuition” (quoted by Stumpf 2008).
4. The Primary and Secondary reflections
- Identified by Gabriel Marcel. For him, reflection is not just a disinterested look at experience. It emerged
when something valuable is at stake.
Nowadays, we try to answer this question by filling up a form given by our school for example. The form
asked us to write our name, age, gender, address, name of parents, etc. To answer this, of course we
have to think to distinguish who we are (the self) against other things (the non-self or objects). This is
the primary reflection.
Yet, we had an uneasy feeling that all the information we put on the form (although true) do not fully
capture who we really are (Marcel 1970). We view that our self is bigger and more expansive than what
is there on the form. Thus, we are not merely thinking but we are thinking about thinking and about the
process we perform in answering the form. This is the secondary reflection.
5. The Analytic Method
- the analytic approach initiated by philosophers at Cambridge University (England): George Edward
Moore (1873-1958), Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) and Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951). The task of
analytic approach is not to create another system of ideas to counter the Hegelian system but to clarify
how philosophers used words through an analysis of language (Stumpf 2008).


Activity # 2 FACT VS. OPINION (Critical Thinking)

Directions: Analyze the following statements. Write F if it is FACT and O if it is OPINION. Write your answer
on a sheet of paper.

1. According to the latest survey, families are purchasing more household items on credit.
2. You can hear all the news you need to know from the BBC Radio 1 news team.
3. The professor argues that the effect of carbon emissions on the surrounding environment will only get
4. The research team has discovered a new method for conducting this chemical analysis.
5. The latest poll shows a marked increase in employee dissatisfaction.
6. I think public opinion will change over time.
7. This book is an enjoyable story of life in a small village.
8. The use of computers at the college has increased and the stationery budget has doubled in the last few

D. References
1. IntroToPhilo_005a_Lesson (
3. Department of Education – National Capital Region
E. Answer Key
1. F
2. F
3. O
4. F
5. F
6. O
7. O
8. O

Prepared by: Checked and Approved by: Noted by:

Beverly A. Bautista Renee Rose G. Granados Melanie V. Torres

Teacher 1 Master Teacher ll Principal ll

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