The Impact of Online Classes Among SHS Students in ACLC College of Mandaue

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“The Impact of Online Classes among SHS Students in ACLC College of Mandaue”

Significance of the Study

Online learning leads to other essential information such as the gaps, problems,
challenges, and  concerns surrounding digital and traditional learning. Furthermore, the gaps or 
the problems can prevent learners from achieving desirable learning satisfaction  and learning
outcomes. However, this research will explore the said differences  and other essential
information that goes along with the impact of online classes among Senior High School
Students in order to provide the  following benefits: 

Senior High School Students or Respondents

They will be able to vent their concerns, share their experiences, and profit from
satisfying answers that will help them improve their overall learning satisfaction and learning
results. Furthermore, they may profit from high-quality learning from what the educators or
teachers get from the study. As a consequence of the study findings, several flaws in distance
learning or online classrooms may be simplified and improved.

Educators or Teachers

The findings and findings of this study will assist instructors in identifying difficulties
and concerns that require attention and improvement. Furthermore, the study's findings will
assist them in improving, developing, or deciding on an effective teaching approach or plan for
what they should do to give a better learning experience or learning satisfaction, as well as, most
significantly, the learning outcomes of individual students.


This study will assist parents in determining what proper teaching techniques or support
they can provide to their children in order to improve the students' overall performance, learning
satisfaction, and outcomes by providing information about the differences, issues, advantages,
disadvantages, and concerns associated with traditional and distance learning.

Department of Education

The study's findings will assist the Department of Education in recognizing the
challenges, problems, and major faults in remote learning and conventional learning that have a
negative impact on students' learning outcomes and learning satisfaction, as well as their general
health and well-being. The Department of Education will also benefit from obtaining trustworthy
and necessary information to serve as a guide or reference in order to decrease the
aforementioned faults and difficulties and improve learning techniques.

The Philippines
The country can profit from the study's findings and increased knowledge of the issues
surrounding online education. The findings and consequences of this research will assist the
country in recognizing the gaps, important issues, concerns, and difficulties that require action.
Furthermore, because education is a crucial component in determining a country's prosperity, the
study's findings can assist in strengthening and improving education.

Future Researchers

This study can be used as a resource or a starting point for future researchers who may
conduct parallel or comparable investigations and benefit from the findings and information
obtained in this study. This research also gives fresh knowledge and data to future researchers,
making the research more significant and rewarding. Finally, the findings of this study can assist
future researchers develop a more enhanced output that can aid in the resolution of the
aforementioned difficulties. This study will be used as a resource for those scholars who wish to
pursue the above-mentioned research. They can utilize it to acquire additional information for
their entire project. This study will help them formulate ideas that can be used in conducting
research papers.

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