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Lesson Plan in Science III

I. Objectives

a. Identify and describe the functions of each part of a plant.

b. Identify the uses of plants
c. States how important are plants to humans and animals.

II. Subject matter

Topic: Parts and Uses of Plants

Reference: Scilab 3, pp. 140 – 152

Materials: laptop, projector, pictures, fake flowers, green construction paper, glue, scissors,
marker, and white construction paper

III. Procedure

A. Motivation

a. Paste a picture of a plant on the board.

b. Ask the pupils to tell what the teacher has pasted.

c. Ask if they know different parts

B. Presentation

a. Ask pupils to label the parts of the plant on the board and ask them the following
questions: What does the roots? What purpose does the leaf serve? What does the stem
do? What do flowers do?

b. One by one, explain the function of each plant part.

Roots hold the plant into the soil. They take in water and minerals to help the plant stay
alive. Stem as the part that carries water from the roots to the other parts of the plant. The
flower helps the plant reproduce, making seeds that will grow into new plants. Leaves
take in the air and light that a plant needs to live. The process where the leaves make their
food using sunlight is called as Photosynthesis.

c. Ask some pupils to name the different plants they see around the community.

d. Explain also that plants need sunlight, water, soil and air to live.
e. Ask pupils, can you live without plants around you? Why do you need them?

f. Show some pictures on the different uses of plants for humans and animals.
g. Ask students to explain each picture they see.

h. Teacher explains the uses of plants as, source of food, medicine, clothing materials,
building materials, decoration and beautification.
C. Application

a. Group the class into two, pass out the following supplies to each group: fake flowers,
green construction paper, glue, scissors, and white construction paper.

b. Tell your pupils that they will each be creating a plant that has roots, a stem, leaves,
and a flower.
c. Encourage your class to get creative, and invent a name for their plant. They can also
invent the uses of their plant. They also have time allotment of five minutes to finish the

D. Generalization

Invite students to present their plants to the class, being sure to share their plants name
and function, as well as the parts of their plant and what they're used for.

IV. Evaluation

A. Label the parts of the plant.

B. Write what are the uses of the following plants.

1. Rose
2. Narra
3. Oregano
4. Pineapple
5. Mango

V. Assignment

Put a check on the space before the number if the sentence show the proper way on how we
should take care plants around us.

____1. I will help put fertilizers in the soil of the school garden.

____2. I will not water the plants in our backyard for three days.

____3. I will join community groups that care for plants

____4. I will step on plants in parks and school gardens.

____5. I will plant fruit and vegetable seeds in our backyard.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Tarlac City Schools Division
Tarlac City

Lesson Plan in Science III

( Parts and Uses of Plants)

Prepared by:
Teacher Applicant

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