RMC Guidelines231117

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10. Annexure. CONTENT Introduction Ready mix Concrete. Raw Materials & Size of the Plant. Process. Environmental Issues. Environmental Impacts. Environmental Management Plan. Comparison of Guidelines evolved by other SPCBs. Draft Guidelines for RMC Plants in Tamilnadu A. Proposed Ready Mix Concrete Plants. B. Existing Ready Mix Concrete Plants. A.Photos. B.AAQ Survey Report. C.TNPCE Letter. D, Other SPCBs Guideline. port on Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) Plant Introduction: “The Horible National Green Tribunal ($2), Chennai in Application No. 24 of 2017 fied by Thiru Mohan Daniel, Senneerkuppan, Chonan its arder dated 20.09.2017 has directed tho Board to formulate guidelines for Ready mix Concrete Plants. In this regare, the Board has formed a Committee to inspect and prepare draft guidelines for Ready mix Conerate Plants Video Lr No. THTNPCBILAWILAII/NGTM49112017 dated 08.08.2077 comprising the folowing members 4. Thiru K Ravichandran, District Environmental Enginee’ (fo DEE, Tamilnadu Pollution Gantol Board, Namakee! District, 2. Thit.D-Ragupathi Assistant Ervirenmertal Engineer, Ojo JCEE(M}, Tamtnady Palkaion Contre! Boor, Goimbatore. 3. Thins N Raikumar Assistant Engineer, le DEE, Tamilnadu Pallaton Cental Baad, Erode Distt ‘The Committee made inspection of Ready mix Pints in Tamil Nady and prepared a compreliensive report to adapt qutiolinas for RMC plants Ready Mixed Concrete, popularly ancwn as *RMC is pleying a vial role in the building construction and Road work. Invention of concrete brought 2 revolution in the building constuction. Same wise invention of RMC now become an integral par inthe construction of high raised buildings, Bridges, Pre-stessed concrete beams and Road werk. lt is estimated that there are over 300 RMC plants funclioning in ‘Tamilnadu end the seme is expected fo increase in numbers due to developmantal acivities. The total GFA of the units is about 500 crore and the labor employed in the sectors about $000. The tclal water requirement of these RMC is roughly around 6211 KLD, ‘The major advantage of RMC Is; the concrete can be procuced at various svength to sult the specific requirements of stuctural stability. Not ike conventional cast in situ concrete, the RMC can be made produced in large quantity ata Ume anc! the qualty can be monkored closely ‘Though these RMC plants are Sosio-econamicaly 2n important sector and the advantages of RMCs ace more, these RMC plants gives rise to subsiantal quantity of “Tugitve dust omission” which leads to public complaints: In order to prevenifcontral Yugitve dust emission’ an altempt is hereby made to. ‘ame a specie guidelines to RC plants. Raw Materials & Size of the Plant: The rae materiale requtod fo the preparation of RMI are coatse aggregate, fine aggregate (ter sand! m-cand), Comonty ach and Wetor. The coarse aggregate is normaly grante sione jelly of various sizes (6 mn to 50 mm) and the fine epmregate is river sand/ m-sand and quany dust. Water is sed for binding of materials and to raintain the required consistency, Vee Bee Seconds and bleeding time. “The Cagaaily of the RM Plants in general varies from 20 m*ihr to 100 m%hr. The small RMC plants are install for captive purpose within the construction sts, Based on tho capacity of the plant, the area of land for establishment nd operation of the RMC plants requived ie around 1 acre to S acre. The RMC plants are operated with automat PLC systems and conventional manual systems, in automatic systems ifthe grade of concrete fs oregremmed, the required quantity af aggregates are automaticaly fed into ‘mixer based on computer program. In manual systems, the raw materials are fed Into mixer manually by loading hoppers! wheel loaders. Proces: ‘The raw materials coarse aggregate and fire aggregate is normally stored in ‘open area and the cement & fly ath ie stored in Silos. ‘The canevete mixed machine generaly mounted at the centre and the raw materials ate stacked in the surrounding area lke @ heap. The comenttly asn i conveyed to the machine by pneunetic conveyors! sctew pumps and the coarse and fina aggregate are loaded into machine Using bucket elevators (Seraopers). War is stored fn sump and the same is pumped into the meer machine through pipes. Al the raw materials are loaded in tothe machine based upon the strength of the required concrete and allowed for mixing using water ‘After certain period the homogenized modure of conctets is leaded into tucks with required consistency. To maintain the slime (eansisionay ard workabiliy) admidures 10 acidod, Al these actvtias sre controled by 2 contally located computer aiéed operating system, In general, the concrete can be trenaporad to # distance of aboul 8 hr travel time. hence the establish fof new RMC plants within the city limits of maior cies cannot be ruled out. 1m of concrete generally requires 150 fo 200 lire of water ‘depending up on wataricomant ratio Environmental Iseues! ‘The RMC plant Industry can be classified a8 "Air Pollutng Insustry’. Though ‘waste water js also generated from cleaning of mixer, vehicles, the major polkatant is dust. As mentioned eater, the fine aggrogete (sanditn-sandiQuarry dust) and cvarse ‘aggregates (Granite stone jely of size 6 mm to 60 mm) are stored in open area. The fine dust present in the ine aggregate are coarse aggregate gel cartied away along with ‘wind and get deposited in the nearby agi lands, pathways, buildings ete. Likewise the fly ach ond coment also get cared away dung transportation, storage and uty. Jn _eilion dust omission is yoneratod trom the conerete mixer also. Environmental Impacts: tn ganeral the REG plans ave located nearer tothe worksite The msjar source of poltion na RM plant ie “give cust omission”. The dust particles deposited on the plants, leaves, stomata alfect the plant forty. The dust particles when got sleposited on watar sources affects the qualily of water. Furher when the RNC plant = located near to the work site, the dust got cazosted onthe nesrby buidings, residences to, The dust emission affects the materials, human health and vagstation to a major ratent_ Also the dust emission affects the pedestians, Road users, vehicles eto. ARQ survey conducted in the vein of the RIC plant functioning in aliachi Taluk reveals thatthe parameter Pid in the range of 25-68 PPM. Though the parameters are within the lil, con be ascertained that there would be a polenta dust fallin the nearby ‘The excess water used in the process and water used for clearing of wucks machines, pltioms generetes wastewater. The wesieweter containe high TSS and when the waste water is ellowed for stagnation in the nearby area, the water got leveporsted and a layer of slulge deposited on the ground which is @ cause of ground wator contamination, Further the dust deposition prevents the rsinwater percolation into the ground. “Though the RIM C plants produce reise during the operation, the main source of noise pollution is vehisular traffic in the RMC plant, The noise polution is not a major type of polidant in FMC plant. However, the same is also lo be addressed. The excess ‘concrete and conarete nol meeting the specifications are disposed 2s solid waste. This issue is also to be adcressed Enviconmental Management Plan: ‘As discussed in the previous patas, the main source af Alr pollution is “Tugiive ust emission” The same is due to te storage of raw material in open area, loading of raw materials from the aggregate piles to the mixer machine and unloading of raw materials (vom tucks. Likewise main source of water pollution is disposing the water used for cleaning of trucks and machines. “The mitigative measures to contral the “Lugitive dust emission” ean be dealt inte ways, (1) By adopting a siting ontevia and (2) By providing suitable Arr pollution contro! measures ‘The “fugitive dust emission” occurs in RMC plant is similar to the one in | solidtictow block manufacturing units and hot mix plants. Hence the {uidelines/recemmendations prepared by the TNPCE for the said {ype of industries ts, cansicered wnile preparing quidetinesirecommendations for RIG plant n of felines evolved by other State Pollution Control B Maharashira Peliaion Coro! Board and Haryana Potion Contol Board have vee guolne for IMC plant andthe sont ature of he guidelines rea fotos, | -Manarashira Pothtion Contel Board | Haryana Poon Contol Boord | 1 For Canmerear Mant a Bue zone of| No sing ca pec seproximote 100 meter sistance from | Guiteine speied for APC and ETP Hunan tabiation oF 1000 Sovls ot | measires | more and’ major sad {Nationale Jaen ors man at area), shall he maintained EEE EET 2 RMC should nol be Wealed within 200 meter from sensitive places euch as ‘School, College, Hospital and Court 3. For captive plant fo the spociic project | ‘he location of RMG can be inside the | project premises | 4 Conditions imposed for control | |__ meses Based on the above availatle infrmation and the vist made tothe RMC plants in ‘operation, the following draft guidelines of RMC plants evolved. | Draft Guidelines for RMC Plants in Tamil Nadu {a) Plant capacity <50 m°mr—1 acre {c) Plant capacity > 100 m*Pnr—1 hectare aD ic, saiviainnsssi xin system 5. Handling of cement, sand, m-sand, tly ash and aggregates chall be carried oul ‘covered corveyor system. 4. Weigh bins and hoppers shall be covered on three sidas and top where front end Joador is used. 5. Rewmaterils are to be weit with water Hequantly to avoid fying of fine dust. 6 The raw material's the quany dust shall be stored in an enclosed shedicontainment 7. Aggregates of various sizes shall be stared in such a mannar that he fine ‘aggregates are siored in between the coarser aggregates to contol dust emanation. 8, Allaggreastes stored wihin the premises shal net be stacked beyord the height of im ftom ground love. ‘8. Water sprinkling systems shall be proved in all posable dust emanating area {or suppression. 10.AN roadstvehieuiar movement areas at ste of RMC should be well paved and leaned regulary to mitigate dust 41.Natiorel Ambient Ar Quelty Stardards — CPCB Nolfieaion No- 29016/90/PC) — | Dates 1811 2008 tobe fotowed 412. The industry should plant green belt not less than 3m wish of thick canopy in all irection atthe periphery ofthe unit to attenuate noise anc dust poltution, 13. The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Centiol) Rules, 2000 2s Natied by MOEF 8.0128 (E) dated 14.02.2000 tobe followed. ‘Water Pollution Control: 4. The RMIC plant shall ensure that the waster required for ke process is eblained from the sources as approved by the Competent Aulhariy and 2 per the standing Rules. (int. Water required for 1 m® of concrete is 200 ive and weight of 1m? of concrete is 2.447) ‘An adequate capacity of cotection cum sotting tank shall be provided to collect 2 the wastewater genersted from the machine washing, ruck washing etc Garland disins with appropriate bunds shal be provided connecting all potential sources of wastewater and rainwater and the same shall be directed to a collection cum setting tank ‘Tre waste water generated ifom the sources ice Batching, Plant washing, Transit Mixer waching, Vehicle tyre washing and floor washing area shal be collected in the collesion tank and the same shall be tfeated by groviing comprenensive treatment system 60 6 19 meet the cispasal standards, The eated water shell be recycled for wetting the raw materials so as to conserve water Soll Waste Management Sold waste genersted from transit minture washing, debris(sludgehvaste or rejected concrete generated from) RMIC shall ether be reused through recovery ‘Restaiing system or disposed off at 2 decigrated approved site by local body for debris construction waste Other Requirements: Maintain good housekeeping practices wherever possible within the unit premises 10 control fugtive cust emission Wherever possible, day time operation is te be preferred rather than night time ‘operation to take advantage of favorable metrological condition prevailing during day time Adequete measures of safely for workers working in RMC plant shall be taken Personal protective devices such as gogales, mest, heknet and safety shoes shall be provided to workers, B. Existing Ready Mix Concrete Plants: Siting eritela: A evisting RMC plants shall not undertake expansion activity without prior ‘consent of the Boars. IF the unit apoly or consent of the Board for expansion aciviy, is to be considered as @ prosased Industy ane recommended sting ertana tobe adhered uth The exising RMC plents whieh are not maeting the sting criteria shal provide compound wall Tin chest coverageBaricadas to a height of 20 feet all ound the periphery ofthe unit promises Air Pollution control measur ‘Storage silos of eenent & fl.ash shell be aquippee with adequate capacity of ust Callecton systam such as bag fitere followed by bag heuse assembly for the collection, contol end suppression of dust emission during loading and Unloading ofthe si. “The cement and ty ach shal be loaded into silos ony using peumate eorveyor system Handling of sement, sand, mand, ty ash and aggregates shal be cared out covered conveyer system ‘eich bins and hoppers shall be covered! on thrse sides and top where from end toaderis used Raw materials ate to be welted with water frequertly o avod Tying of fine cus. The rawr materols fhe quany dust shall be stored in an enclosed shedicontainment. ‘Agaragates of various ses shall be siored in such a manner that the fine aggregetes ore stored in balucen the coarser aggregates to control dust emanation w 8. Allaggrepates stored witrn the premises shall not be stacked beyond the height cf am ram ground love 8. Water sinking systems shall be provided in all possible dust emanating area {or suppression 10 All readsivehicular movement areas at ste of REC should be well paved and cleaned regularly to mitigate dust ‘A.National Ambient Air Quality Standares - CPCB Notficaton Na- Be 201G/G0/PC\— | Dated 18.11.2009 0 bo folowed 12, The industry should plant green bel nat leas than 3 m width of thick earopy in all rection atthe perphory of the unt to attenuate noise and dust polation 19.The Noise Palluion (Regulation ané Control) Rules, 2000 as Notited by MOEF £0 123 (E} dated 14.02.2000 tobe followed ML Water Pollution Controt 4+. The RMIC plant shall ensure that the walar requited for is process is obtained from the sources a8 approved by the Competent Authority and as per the ‘standing Rules of TNPCB (Hint: Weter requited for 1m? of concrete is 200 like and weight of 1 m? af concrete is 2.4MT) 2. An adequate capacity of collection cum setling tank shall be provided to collect the wastewater generated rom the machine washing, truck washing ete ‘3, Garland drains with appropriate curds shall be provided connecting all potential sources of wasiewaler and iainwater and the same shall bo directed to a collection cum setting tank 44, The waste weler generated irom the sources tke Batching, Plant washing, Transit Mixer washing, Vehicle tyre washing and floor washing area shall be collected in n AE, Of0 DEE, TNPCB, the collection fark and the same shall be trested by providing comprehensive treatment system so 2s to meet the disposal standards. 5. The treated water shall be recycled for welling the raw materials so 25 to conserve water. IV. Solid Waete Management 4, Sole waste generated from transit mixture washing, debrissiudaeiasie or fejected concrete generated from RMC shall either be reused through recovery ‘Recisimsng systor or sisposes of at 2 designated approved sie by local body for debris construction waste V. Other 1. Maintsin good housekeening practises wherever possible within the unit premises to control fugitive dust emission. 2, wherever possibl, day time operation is to be preferred rather than nighttime ‘operation to take advantage of feverabie metrological condition prevailing duting day tine. 3. Adequate measures of safely for workers working in RM plant shal be taken. Personal protective dovices such as goggles, mask, helmet and safely shows hall be provided to workers alwat sea A Dg °Vchona Batata, «a ABE, O16 ICEE | DEE, TNPCB, Erode! TNPC, Coimbatore Namatiea District TOS SHOWING THE PRESENT SCENARIO IN RMC PLANTS Ramp for Loading Fine Aggregates - 30 m'/hr Plant Ramp for Leading Coarse Aggregates - 30 m‘/hr Plant Paved Roads within RMC Plant View of Mixer Vehicle Movement Area Bag Filter for Silos Visit made to M/s Ultra Ready Mix, Coimbatore (Capacity 60 m’/hr) Conveyors without covering "hnwsl Boceosoee cus: | i Rf Sia a, Dien ecm E Dinesh mat Rabon Oe Bod, Aion oor Pca sem, Piro tte Co an, SNR Calg Ro, i Sa eee Sat e se si nike reRES thao scarab 5 Sine a : ef, 1 Later Ne SERCH alas dad ARB 29mm 208! FS, 2 Taofie teNa DC hontADILHAHL CAEP" Buide 2016, GF © sitatmcistte stn de snainen egret inst & shen ena RN enone tence | 1 riibieeanr (tts NEC ba Cp on oft ont Page, iti : ; “TheDave go 18PC Re sine So te of ‘emai plese 2 copy was (Nae nae i ete Pi SNe. 12, Rap ‘engabpcneMGT), als Te : vat a pana? 9 *? issn A SDuetARS IS ig aly MBIT «sida We Been "oii. Nain sercdtig Ss chet alsranigon nga tiv. sae ie ua 4, THEA. sad mented Es : * toads sca Ya Se ra Bai Bre, Gomes ei “TAMILNADIEOLLUTION conTRoE 304RD: ‘Advsise Pave Usboritiry stage cot a ETT ET Sehomitis Dngr Shrwing LacoSRNAng AT = CM/AAO/SMunbA 44a ‘veel ote isu «ten ei ca a. oe ae Sine A aundteettpey PRES iy, vaaranie® MER 2 “rete Wag ti Sats iat Nor bat A eaten se ari a ; eae (es (as fee gg oie al te a8 "crs sean esenen grea igh ‘Suny le yen geese su Ais a fe — rude afl, S Pian eae ected tbe SOC SSO Tost _ RD = NGBE LI ee Regent aie EL SHESLSNE > Due a8 eee Cea aot 7 Reeser pom aeae eaT : Jamianeie se TTS ¥ [Daas Prema 1 [Sie Tg yaar eat [eter — ate eee —s (ieee rae oe oi — ing Paraibitors [iar are a ar sachet — | Tans mrs eae eA eepin TAS Rat wagging oe ewe “ert Scans | oe Ta [tint ent —agrcecegi——— ed % : : iq 2 ype TST Sr | a Bile oe acti T — ' Te Sore gear ewer er lsat fate Sees Sr + eee em oe oe ear Sia ornare eae Seep fetes iene ennsOe aetetaa at ae Sigrnaia ieee Ye _ (eee | ¥ Phe TR Viet aE Paap at A er ae Epics keno ee oink a coeee teas | age sh | 124 [oh i a 3 Rear (Wrest) —] eee vas} ps | soe four Ln erate en ee [Ratetineer TS te alte” So Taare rat Pateghane: 0082-3401; Evall seoctchceatios avtetenietcompyggsoe nag) || [7a Scag rl ae (Esai | rie F< 2 US seston 3 rn wscaanelnee CONTROL ROA ‘AbtancedDrsroeett Lateriry ‘Genratce 01 ‘GENERAE JARIECULART uta asinestielge: —iiGihncrncnme he SIPS SMe pa Ranipnan | a? Roa OT a Ta, si erst Dae tare saora0is [=] ee ica eS oar cc a a * ~ 7 a, [Se ar wrens ay aaron |e i aot oe — | eet Anise 7 a Re RE tye No. Date eerie eae ana oa ——_ eae ees —— Feat meaeeiace camccaneter f ir Csr. 156867908 De Sosaots ‘TOG aly apse 8. 122019 a aR 1 7 | Fanta SeioeoEAPCe i Re Tt ines "ida i as RT a ‘elptone: 663222 ee “aa @. ‘atin rouaro§ congo goat, Acstahetitbacoey— GHC M5205, AT ETAUATTTY Report ‘RuwortNSSUARL =CHELAAUHIO16—0007. Dare 08266 2 tame ete a sea bien Lt 2 Asters oft tatty on i ae aio ‘anton 88118 DainatSunvey BRIE aoraE Advaita 8 Hoare Seep, that starogcann e: ae i eas Sea |imiee Aa ‘Went Condition Cary | paar iL aie Wa ge | SE Wa= Noe Se SPORT ge et A uy Sir i esa : a a a] Taper a aT Seveogget hom | Epon, Knipe 2) nea | ce ea le 7 Septet ars | ek ene “ [aboen nope eT, Jose Tue Sisters Dist Gite Saris Spas tam | Sa sel Dohenesas one ae 1S te coms (upp [are iSealagee Chiat er oar, a Siinece arte ie a ET I Woes Taal Carn eter TE re # Wises malta ce “heroes tof ESI, a ae re, Si TSE [Oke ae te RR aT | Ra eT RR ' Tetepone: 422 ~ 23607, erat igsdebsswallcom a “te ‘Te ere avant Tans ‘Ga 0. ca Far to, ae me TAMNSADEYoLLATION coRnoL aKKD ‘Adsl Kanipanesiat bere ‘Este Sau lng Rot Piso: TV APMeNeS DESTIN, a ee Piaget ai. || TRA Qua Svey Traneaa ‘aaa Cieae ig pa aT aaah cae Sapo . ee} TTT ‘esha Ciara Nitaate OIG | ao] — aR ES ies tng charges) 15 a aa aap ar caer eens | RIT Ha “adie pa 7 ar si tia iia sea ATT TTC, —— e SwPEIG wre seGiunG anrfund From “he Member Sesctay, 4. Ths K, Ravishondan, “Tara Neos Paton Control Bos, ‘lei neonatal Engines, To. Mose Saal, Gul, ‘io. Dee, Tar ody Foon Control 00m, Bord, Namabiel Dist 2. Thu. Raghupathy, ‘Assia Eneronmenial Erghnoay, (fo. JCEE (i, Tam Nadu Potton Cori! Boar, Camara Dis 4. THU, Ramer, Assit Engen, ‘Gio, ORE, Tal Nod Poon Control Boars, Erode Dit. 1 No. THHYBCANLAWI A MNGT/40472017 nt 08.08.2047 Ready mex unis» Appleton No.24 of 2017 ted By 5 boore Hono NST, SZ, ste, ‘Sub: THPOB ~ Indust ‘Thi. Mohan Caio, Senneetizppar, Chen Chennal against eet mix plants regarding tho a poluton ~ Honbie NGT ‘rset dated 20.08.2097 Formation ot commit: Inpectand prepare daft [ids ne for ready me plansto be Submits Rea 1 Rett Hon'ble NGT onder dated 30.082017(con enclosed). | 1 am io i at oman ld Ta! nat | snug, Goapele et ss Ryo Co a Pret Se coos Setar Cher aR rds tia rtsaee Rox, Sati Cher aOR belcng io nlincadpandemaingrrnd ven Ten ease tole apn be pra 2h 27 ee nce nme a es Polen Cnt Bn eae siete on oy 207 sete ee a 0:07 as td a on restora ners giles er prensa Ine regard has boon decid to form aconmiteecomoring of te fan | settler Gpssibaoemmenanseneh. | ry gate I | Hence, te sommitn isoqese fo nepct he ready mic pli ent ato sh Beaton 1.082017 th drat. guldetns fer ready mix ast 1 ‘. 3 { 75, uate erate, Ae, Qesrwar ~ e20032 one «eterna tier sr aan 259 98 ams 2 2 dr Apmipnd Cans: oa oFoRE THA ORRER TLL ete nen te i apa nee ‘eb ct thie reer See Tunas, ean ges er iat 4 Lagenitenete kiana)” lnemactenstoatee gasnguan 2cseonian Ul onuen tas Saari i ie anger . eae f a al pa TT wT teen ein ng gen 0 itt mapheon. Rapn ane an austen vs Ren Me ech ehaninaoriren: Tatton Levin eeneere re ae nt inne tos brea Meco | ore Bhat, a eine MAHARASILATRA POLLUTION COVTROL NOARD ‘gotoesraozoras aarvaasooec puouersaenzanes ‘eaassia RE Pn Roa. ncn a oni atin aracs ay retcngt nrg uence ensbnsneshssohte yaa ceisieosiates “Te RC Pls cord nr cent niet gine ct Soo 5 Tonsemitone/ gartet NC aa be ined y te ane esa & sme@care. Thee stg rt wal be carte tabi ti Pat Ferme tue she pat 100 arc fr rran abtnon 3000 wir no marron on Saw Hegre. MOR ned ly a) hab hatare Foren it rt sect pap ato FMC can bo rade pect gemane "UC ol et ented vain 200m Romana posh ch. aa, Napa aN cae ‘The ot onenrt hodd snot tensor ht mgs inci ern pore the We Onitnes nd roi rn Noten ach a4 OC Res, MUR Poy aye Sra 2 ars grr samen 7 Stags Soest Salven Fone eennn gates ta sce et Beir ot enya Hn cet Potion coototeacuey ne 1) ArPohton Conte iit reece 1 -Auutsnt vam poi state cones 2. Tetanus tl be rodent etre ong + _Betccng a end pero! lt aay Met nam 20 et et he te evan ae we hr VA ht Sate mey en hve seo ing wrenever enone SE + ner sonnei! ili on ig stm snp the tony ie romcs fC Ten latent he ei aie Hoda RUG prin eg in Emin ona ie The ep faa sal segue arnt abu tn ht 2 Irak are eae cers Daly deaig! Rov cu onan ide las yet tab cy ot wnat 15 Tonle wating ey hab breve ty a et po, wanna aie (i Row tert nape 8g ™ Smge no comer sth t's eadeens wh waite pty oS ion eh ‘srs eens yb et er. 12 aig of Comer san yaa cape shal be cad wih chai! im SO 2 Mon prone sta a pertntoiy » owes ha, eu wn da crt mr a og prntes wl tap asda ial abel son. 14 it Camarer bof San, pens ears who hot and at oir cones pier beast lsat ie ores 1 Ming eecton of cont again sae sl te elon wn chat cay dt caecion system sth a vee loun ba tn 8 eink 18, Soe arancfeand 8 aegis eal be espoes aha owe sper 7 Tepito a pen cal eens 1 Ataris pi sete bad overheat rt pelo ene te ‘eset ay at tc 0 om sce Oh at ‘Tercera san owe aoe Pte Mater Pt 1 Nt ced 1 aoe ‘Pesce ae PZ Nat Eases @ fom 1) ater poaion cnt measures: 5 ‘he main atm s A W,T wseng and for ating asa coined gh a gta sige ton. ecco 2 ‘teveshalee vated 2 fond sametahe Sms sen a ard onal eet ‘Sta tne renner uty RE RNC Hts hl hte Sur Foot pas he prt rst bes or Ss Some side. The ner sh bec ents planets nee Sach TH RM ew Eonen yh and ocean empha roan cee ce EIS HAN Naty wo: They Heke n betnen nnd. ‘ste meat. ‘ew praiason wl be gras by Imposing ‘opunte wil nob considerate ‘© Manoa contin stall isomer nh cannes + De-gmeay sta peas aac we eae ane Se TRY con coon se ‘Tees te end etuata a oten cant srargenen ‘ven nr er (rsraeb nd Caso Poke ae erzeotr cing asst) Sj tam stare rouwno conrmor noana = Coll, SECTORS, PARCEL SEH Worse enwtnnchgrin tt pease com = ‘ie No ree tarrono nS ee ‘ies on te ecmmanen TAC Pl te Boa teeing nl en 20052014 vid rasan na 174.10 han apodeme peng ‘exon Rend Mx Concetta iveient cat es ane ‘oro coset marogernt provid tl hse uns wt oie he ees ‘tion col meatus andl we le te Bao eyed (até cons we snd peste fe Enderment Peto Re, 1120 charge ct Esnmera gelsent ‘ves, by ees al Randy Conte Pan hing ‘osm et ns nA, ter nag fa sian fe Comet Etat ‘4 Coat Ope tah oar dr Wa eeren& Carle Poaen) (e074 wt Ae Fever & Corl a Pion At 8 otter re at 1 cnn at hase ut i oie the ir pin ec meses alow the ees hued by te Baan ep Rey ae Carcte nie wea. 28-27 ene 2412208 conly wh he sande pes 'nitomect recon Res, 18 or dechrge ef Ertomerta pte Bearcat Deanna as Ente No HSPCBAON Tol) Joy amt gf, etm mont ei et ay ; Sipurmmentesre SO iit an anectae Ce ee Ain oes a $1. Envtonnenta nginkS a) po torn — HARYANA STATE POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD ¥ : ‘C-11 Sector-6, Panchkula — Ph - 0172. 877870-73, Fax No, 2581201 = waren No, HSPCB(2019/,9 63-24 Dated: 24/217 1. ‘Al the Regional Officer Sub: Issue regarding requirement of alr sampling in the Ready Mix Concrt Plants. 7” The issue regarding the requirement of stack and air sampling in the Ready Mi (Concrete Plants was raised by some Regional Oficer in the ROs meeting held on 20.11.20 ‘Aa desided in the RO meeting the two Reedy Mix Concrete Plants has been inspected by t {aio members of the TAC(Policy) and submitted folowing abservations and recommencation . \shich has been discussed in the meeting of TACIPolicy helé on 18.12.2013 - 4. These units requires Air Pollaion Control Measures (APCM) ie. cyclone followe by Bag House alongwith stack of proper height with sampling arrangement contol the air emissions from storage bins slo used for storage of cement, fy a8 and cement feeding section. 2 Concrete / metaled floor within the premises. and sprinklers are required fc suppression of cust due to the movement of vehicles. i ‘3. Sprinkler system is also required for weting of ground and aggregate ater storage yard for suppression of dust. ‘ 4. The conveyer belt end feeding Hopper for the aggregates should be proper covered. 5. In order to check the process emission, Ambient Air Quay samplings required BE check SPM level at process ste 8. Proper an seca so ng ats wheter anegezt before reckculaton Is requited, 7. For washing of vehicle, proper and metalod platform withthe appropdiate slope i required lo avoid the discharge of wasle water and it should be connected wit setting and rectculation tanks. 8. Effluent is generated ftom washing of vehicles as well as from washing of mixurod alter an interval of every four hours which i of poling nature and can not recycled without proper treatment and accordingly proper effluent treatment plant required as only setting tanks does not serve the purpose of proper and complet leeatment of eluent 9, Sludge separation system is needed to be installed alongwith the ETP. Conta. to Page Pi ‘Aer examining the above said observains and recomimendalions, the TAC{Pok has Tecommended that the Ready Mi Concrete Plans requires the A Potton Con Mesures ataces wth te sais of proper helght adhe efuentretment plant engu

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