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The four leadership behaviors are;

1. Directive leadership:
The leader is expected to define the tasks and responsibility of his group members, set performance
and reward norms, clarify the rules and regulations as applicable, provide guidance, advice and
instructions as necessary and monitor their performance.
Advantages: Since only leader takes the decision, hence no communication gap. In this type less
time is required to take decision.
Disadvantages: This type of leadership is rarely effective. Since group member are not the part of
decision making, this may leads to decrease in employee morale.
2. Supportive leadership:
In this expected behaviour, the leader establishes warm interpersonal relationships with the group,
understands and shares their aspirations and feelings, shows concern for their welfare and promotes
group cohesiveness.
Advantages: Different ideas are shared easily among one another. This type of leadership is highly
effective and productive.
Disadvantages: Difficult to maintain the co-ordination among the group. Agree and disagree on
particular topic may leads to communication gap.
3. Participative leadership:
Here members expect the leader to keep them informed on relevant tasks, goals and situations,
involve them in decision making, solicit their ideas and consult with them often.
Advantages: Leader encourages their group towards the target and makes them interactive and
more communicative.
Disadvantages: Risk taken can leads to bad result. Leaders have to ignore certain protocols of the
4. Achievement-oriented leadership
The leader is expected to develop and utilise the skills and talents of group members, set challenging
goals to them, make tasks interesting and meaningful, and give some freedom to people in their jobs.
The pattern of preference of people (followers or subordinates) with regard to the above kinds of
leader behaviour depends upon:
Advantages: In this type, leaders makes employee more productive. They eliminates each and every
doubts of the employee regarding any task.
Disadvantages: Leaders sometimes become insensitive towards their employees. They focus more
on target rather on employee’s creativity and encouragement.

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