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TODAY: last day for UPTs 7 and 8 (until 11:59 pm)


As the whole
Tend/tends to
It can be
As a rule
____don’t/doesn’t usually

As a rule, people have to wear double face masks.

Peruvians generally celebrate when the Peruvian soccer team wins.
I don’t usually spend a lot of time watching movies or series.
Normally it is cold in the morning in Lima.
I make my dinner generally in 15 minutes.
I take generally 15 minutes in making my dinner.
It takes generally 15 minutes to prepare my dinner.
Typically, my family eat tamal every Sunday.
My mother tends to wake up at 6 am.


A couple of
Things/stuff like that
That sort/kind of thing

I admire a couple of actors, they could be Johnny Depp and Tom Hanks.
I have to go to the supermarket to buy potatoes and stuff like that.
I want/have to tell you a couple of words.
When I travel I carry a pair of blouses and things like that in my backpack.
I like to do handcrafts and that kind of things.
I usually store my Christmas tree and stuff like that in the closet.

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