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Statistical Concepts And Market Returns

Statistical methods are powerful tools to analyze data and draw useful
conclusions from the same
Statistical methods are used to summarize return distributions eg. Asset
returns, earnings growth rates, stock prices, etc.
Following four properties can be explored
❑ Where are the returns centered (Central Tendency)
❑ How far are the returns dispersed from their center (Dispersion)
❑ Whether the returns distribution is symmetrically shaped or
lopsided (Skewness)
❑ Whether extreme outcomes are likely (Kurtosis) Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Nature of Statistics

• Summarize large data sets into useful information.

The last 3 year annualized Descriptive • All measures of central tendency, dispersion,
returns on the equity shares Statistics skewness and kurtosis fall under this branch of
of Reliance Industries are statistics
10%, 14% and 9%. So the
average 3-year return is 11%.
Estimates suggest that equity
shares of Reliance Industries
will grow 10% more than the • Making forecasts, estimates and judgment for a
last 3-year return, so the Statistical larger group using a small group actually observed.
projected return for coming 1 Inference • Probability theory is the basis for the statistical
year would be 12.10% (11% + inference methods
10% of 11%). Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Populations and Sample

Population – All members of a specified sample

❑ Parameter – A descriptive measure of a population characteristic
Sample – It is a subset of a population. Certain people
❑ Sample Statistic – Quantity computed to describe a sample with Hyundai
cars (sample)
❑ You are a telecom analyst and would want to know the average
usage by customers of a particular locality
❑ In this case all the people using the phone in that locality becomes
your population.
❑ Average usage by customers is your parameter
❑ It is a huge coverage, so you decide to select 50 people and take
data from them. These 50 people become your sample.
❑ The mean usage of these 50 people lets say works out to 520 Total number of car owners
minutes a month. This is a sample statistic. in India (Population) Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Measurement Scales

• Categorize but not rank data

• Example - Qualification of mutual funds based on investment style – Large cap, small cap or
Gender Nominal
distinction between sector funds and balanced funds

• Sorts data and ranks the data points, however it does not differentiate between successively
Position ranked data points
• Example - Mutual fund ratings issued by MorningStar or ValueResearchonline. They provide
in a Ordinal
performance in star ratings. No clear performance differentiation is mentioned between a fund
match Scale
receiving 5 stars versus the one getting 4 stars
1st 2nd 5th
• Ranks data and the difference between the scale values is equal. It does not have a true zero
Thermometer • Example - Celsius scale for measurement of temperature is an interval scale. Difference between
19o and 20o is just 1 degree which is the same for any other scale values However 0o does not
mean an absence of temperature

• Ranks data and the difference between the scale values is equal. Also it has a true zero value.
Money • Example - Rate of returns is measured using a ratio scale. If our money doubles → rate of return is
Ratio 100%, if our money doesn’t grow → rate of return is 0%. A perfect zero, an actual absence of
Scale returns. Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Identify the type of Measurement Scales

Credit Ratings for

• Ordinal Scale
bond Issues

Cash Dividends per

• Ratio Scale

Hedge Fund
• Nominal Scale
classification types

Bond maturity • Ratio Scale Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Frequency Distribution

Frequency distribution – tabular display of data summarized into

relatively small number of intervals
Steps to construct a frequency distribution
❑ Sort the data in ascending order
❑ Calculate the range of data, range = Maximum – Minimum value
❑ Decide the number of intervals, k
❑ Calculate the interval width as Range / k
❑ Determine the intervals by successively adding the interval width,
starting with the minimum value
❑ Count number of observations falling in each interval
❑ Display data in a tabular manner Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Frequency Distribution

Relative frequency – Is the absolute frequency of each interval divided by the

total number of observations
Cumulative relative frequency – Cumulates the relative frequencies as we
move from first to last interval
Histogram – Is a bar chart of data that have been grouped into the frequency
Frequency polygon – Graph joining the midpoints of each interval on the x-
axis and absolute frequency for that interval on the y-axis
Cumulative Frequency Distribution – Frequency polygon when plotted with
cumulative frequencies as we move from first to last interval is called as a
cumulative frequency distribution Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Example – Frequency Distribution

Compute the frequency distribution for the given set of data

Real Equity Returns (1900-2000)

Country Arithmetic Mean

Australia 9.00%
Belgium 4.80%
Canada 7.70%
Denmark 6.20%
France 6.30%
Germany 8.80%
Ireland 7.00%
Italy 6.80%
Japan 9.30%
Netherlands 7.70%
South Africa 9.10%
Spain 5.80%
Sweden 9.90%
Switzerland 6.90%
United Kingdom 7.60%
United States 8.70%

Source: CFA Institute course material - Level 1

Source: Dimson, Marsh and Staunton (2002) Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Solution – Frequency Distribution

Data in ascending order

Country Arithmetic Mean

Steps to building Frequency Distribution

Belgium 4.80% Range = 9% - 4.8% = 4.20%

Spain 5.80%
Denmark 6.20% k = 6
France 6.30%
Italy 6.80% Interval Width = round ( 4.2% / 6) = ~ 1%
Switzerland 6.90%
Ireland 7.00%
United Kingdom 7.60% Frequency Distribution
Canada 7.70%
Netherlands 7.70% Return Absolute Cumulative Absolute Relative Cumulative relative
United States 8.70% Interval Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency
Germany 8.80% 4% to 5% 1 1 6.25% 6.25%
Australia 9.00% 5% to 6% 1 2 6.25% 12.50%
South Africa 9.10% 6% to 7% 4 6 25.00% 37.50%
Japan 9.30% 7% to 8% 4 10 25.00% 62.50%
Sweden 9.90% 8% to 9% 2 12 12.50% 75.00%
9% to 10% 4 16 25.00% 100.00%
Source: CFA Institute course material - Level 1
Source: Dimson, Marsh and Staunton (2002) 1 frequency point adds 6.25% to the cumulative frequency (1/16 = 6.25%) Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Solution – Frequency Distribution


Return Absolute Cumulative Relative Cumulative
4 4 4
Interval Frequency Absolute Frequency Frequency relative Frequency 4
4% to 5% 1 1 6% 6.25%
5% to 6% 1 2 6% 12.50% 3
6% to 7% 4 6 25% 37.50% 2
7% to 8% 4 10 25% 62.50% 1 1
8% to 9% 2 12 13% 75.00% 1
9% to 10% 4 16 25% 100.00%
4% to 5% to 6% to 7% to 8% to 9% to
5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%

Cumulative Frequency Polygon Frequency Polygon

120% 30%
100% 25% 25% 25%
100% 25%
80% 63% 20%
60% 15% 13%
40% 10% 6% 6%
13% 5%
20% 6%
0% 0%
0% 0%
2% to 3% to 4% to 5% to 6% to 7% to 8% to 9% to 10% to11% to 4% to 5% to 6% to 7% to 8% to 9% to
3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Measures of Central Tendency

Measures of Central
The 1-month returns for last 6 Measures of Location The 1-month returns for last 6
months on the stock of Coffee months on the stock of Coffee
Day Enterprises are: Day Enterprises are:

8%, 12%, -2%, 5% and 15% 8%, 12%, -2%, 5% and 15%
Measures the
Where is the data location or
So the average or mean return is: centered? distribution of So the 25%th returns are located
7.60% between -2% and 5% (we’ll see
data the calculations in forthcoming

Central Tendency provides a Arithmetic Mean,

single number or range of Quartiles,
Mode, Median,
numbers which represents Quintiles, Deciles
certain characteristic of the Weighted Mean,
and Percentiles
population or sample. Geometric Mean Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Arithmetic Mean

❑ The arithmetic mean is the sum of the observations divided by the
number of observations.
❑ It can be calculated for both the population as well as the sample.

To Remember

✓Arithmetic mean is affected by large values – for instance the

mean for 6,7,8,9,10 is 8 but for 6,7,8,9,100 is 26. Just one
number can change the mean by significant number. Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Arithmetic Mean…

Populations Mean:
❑ Always denoted by ‘µ’ (pronounced as ‘mew’)
❑ Formula
∑ Xi
µ = i=1
Sample Mean:
❑ Denoted by (read as X-bar)
❑ Formula X
X = i=1
∑ Xi
n Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd


Compute the arithmetic mean for the given set of data

Real Equity Returns (1900-2000)

Country Arithmetic Mean

Australia 9.00%
Belgium 4.80%
Canada 7.70%
Denmark 6.20%
France 6.30%
Germany 8.80%
Ireland 7.00%
Italy 6.80%
Japan Mean = 7.60%
Netherlands 7.70%
South Africa 9.10%
Spain 5.80%
Sweden 9.90%
Switzerland 6.90%
United Kingdom 7.60%
United States 8.70%

Source: CFA Institute course material - Level 1

Source: Dimson, Marsh and Staunton (2002) Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Properties of the Arithmetic Mean

▪It is cenre of an object

▪Mean return is used as a measure of outcome for an asset by analyst
▪Deviation from mean Indicate risk
▪Deviation form the basis of skewness,kurtosis and variance
▪Affected by extreme values that is arithematic mean could be misleading Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd


❑ The median is the value of middle item of a set of items that has
been sorted into ascending or descending order.
❑ For odd number of observations
➢ Median occupies = (n + 1)/2 position
❑ For even number of observations
➢ Median occupies the mean of the n/2 and (n + 2)/2 position Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd


Compute the Median Value for the given set of data

Real Equity Returns (1900-2000) Real Equity Returns (1900-2000)
a) b)
Country Arithmetic Mean
Country Arithmetic Mean

Australia 9.00%
Australia 9.00%
Belgium 4.80%
Belgium 4.80%
Canada 7.70%
Canada 7.70%
Denmark 6.20%
Denmark 6.20%
France 6.30%
France 6.30%
Germany 8.80%
Germany 8.80%
Ireland 7.00%
Ireland 7.00%
Italy 6.80%
Italy 6.80%
Japan 9.30%
Japan 9.30%
Netherlands 7.70%
Netherlands 7.70%
South Africa 9.10%
South Africa 9.10%
Spain 5.80%
Spain 5.80%
Sweden 9.90%
Sweden 9.90%
Switzerland 6.90%
Switzerland 6.90%
United Kingdom 7.60%
United Kingdom 7.60%
United States 8.70%

Source: CFA Institute course material - Level 1

Source: CFA Institute course material - Level 1
Source: Dimson, Marsh and Staunton (2002)
Source: Dimson, Marsh and Staunton (2002) Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd


a) Data in ascending order b) Data in ascending order

Sr No Country Arithmetic Mean Sr No Country Arithmetic Mean

1 Belgium 4.80% 1 Belgium 4.80%

2 Spain 5.80% 2 Spain 5.80%
3 Denmark 6.20% 3 Denmark 6.20%
4 France 6.30% 4 France 6.30%
5 Italy 6.80% 5 Italy 6.80%
6 Switzerland 6.90% 6 Switzerland 6.90%
7 Ireland 7.00% 7 Ireland 7.00%
8 United Kingdom 7.60% 8 United Kingdom 7.60%
9 Canada 7.70% 9 Canada 7.70%
10 Netherlands 7.70% 10 Netherlands 7.70%
11 United States 8.70% 11 Germany 8.80%
12 Germany 8.80% 12 Australia 9.00%
13 Australia 9.00% 13 South Africa 9.10%
14 South Africa 9.10% 14 Japan 9.30%
15 Japan 9.30% 15 Sweden 9.90%
16 Sweden 9.90%

Median Position = (16+1)/2 = 8.5 Median Position = (15+1)/2 = 8

Median Value = (7.6% + 7.7%) / 2
Median Value = 7.6%
Median Value = 7.65% Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd


❑ Definition:
➢ The mode is the most frequently occurring value in a distribution
➢ Distributions are unimodal when there is a single most frequently occurring value and
multimodal if there is more than one frequently occurring value

➢ Compute the mode value

Real Equity for the(1900-2000)
Returns given data set Data in ascending order

Country Arithmetic Mean Sr No Country Arithmetic Mean

Australia 9.00%
1 Belgium 4.80%
Belgium 4.80%
2 Spain 5.80% Unimodal
Canada 7.70%
Denmark 6.20% 3 Denmark 6.20%
France 6.30% 4 France 6.30%
Germany 8.80% 5 Italy 6.80%
Ireland 7.00% 6 Switzerland 6.90%
Italy 6.80% 7 Ireland 7.00%
Japan 9.30% 8 United Kingdom 7.60%
Netherlands 7.70% 9 Canada 7.70%
South Africa
10 Netherlands Mode = 7.70%

Sweden 9.90%
11 United States 8.70% Bimodal
Switzerland 6.90% 12 Germany 8.80%
United Kingdom 7.60% 13 Australia 9.00%
United States 8.70% 14 South Africa 9.10%
15 Japan 9.30%
Source: CFA Institute course material - Level 1 16 Sweden 9.90%
Source: Dimson, Marsh and Staunton (2002) Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Weighted Mean

❑ Assigning the weights of different frequencies (year-wise/asset-wise/etc) to the

frequencies -> summation of the entire weighted products will provide the weighted
❑ It is a concept applicable to portfolio analysis – generally referred as expected return
❑ For an equally weighted portfolio, compute the portfolio returns over the five years.
❑ The returns for different asset classes are as follows

Year Equities Bonds Year We Equities Wb Bonds
2005 -5.0% 7% 2005 50% -5.0% 50% 7.0% 1.00%
2006 12.0% 2% 2006 50% 12.0% 50% 2.0% 7.00%
2007 22.5% -1% 2007 50% 22.5% 50% -1.0% 10.75%
2008 -24.0% 9% 2008 50% -24.0% 50% 9.0% -7.50%
2009 50% 18.5% 50% 6.0% 12.25%
2009 18.5% 6% Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Geometric Mean

❑Geometric Mean compounds the previous period return with present

period rate as opposed to Arithmetic Mean
❑For instance, A 2-year fixed deposit of Rs 100 @ 10% will fetch
❑ Arithmetic Mean Return: Rs 120 (100 x 10% x 2)
❑ Geometric Mean Return: Rs 121 (100 x 1.102)
❑Used to compute growth rates of a variable
❑The geometric mean, G of a set of observations X1, X2, …., Xn is
G = √ (1+nX1) (1+ X2)… (1+ Xn) - 1
Year Equities Bonds
where, Xi ≥ 0, i = 1,2,3,…,n 2005 -5.0% 7%
2006 12.0% 2%
2007 22.5% -1%
❑ Calculate the geometric mean returns and arithmetic mean returns for 2008 -24.0% 9%
equities and bonds over the five years 2009 18.5% 6% Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Geometric Mean


Year Equities Bonds

2005 -5.0% 7%
2006 12.0% 2%
2007 22.5% -1%
2008 -24.0% 9%
2009 18.5% 6%

AM 4.80% 4.60%
GM 3.26% 4.54% Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Harmonic Mean

Rahul drove to office at 10

Harmonic mean is obtained by summing the reciprocals of the
km/hour and returned at 14
observations, then averaging that sum by dividing it by the number of
km/hour. What was Rahul’s
observations n and finally taking the reciprocal of the average.
average speed?
For average speed calculations,
Harmonic Mean is the right
XH = n / i=1∑ (1/X ) i

Where, Xi > 0, I = 1,2,3,…,n
2 HM finds its application in cost To Remember
HM =
1 1 averaging or value averaging ✓AM >= GM >= HM
10 14
= 11.67 km/hour such as SIP investing wherein (if all values are equal: AM = GM = HM else AM >
investments made over an GM > HM)

extended period lowers the total average cost (harmonic mean) Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd
Application of AM, GM and HM

❑ Aisha has invested $4,000 in the debt and $6,000 in the equity market. The debt
investments gave a return of 8.5% and the equity investments gave a return of 11%.
Find the return that she realized from her total investment.
❑ Her sister, Soniya has invested equal capital in two stocks. One stock is priced at $60
and the other is priced at $40. What is the average price she paid per stock?
❑ Find the better fund based on their five year growth rate. Their growth rates per year
is given below:

Year 2010 2011 2012 2013

Fund A 10% 11% -10% 2%
Fund B 12% 12% -15% 4% Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd


Quantile (or fractile) is a value at or below which a stated fraction of

data lies
Major Quantiles are as follows:

• Divides the distribution into four quarters

• There are 4 quartiles

• Divides the distribution into five parts

• There are 5 quintiles

• Divides the distribution into ten parts

• There are 10 Deciles

Percentile • Divides the distribution into hundred parts Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Computation of Quantiles

If we want 25th percentile from a given distribution then

❑ Compute the position of the 25th percentile as
❑ Ly = (n+1) * y / 100
➢ Ly is the location
➢ Py is the percentile
➢ n = number of datapoints
➢ y = position to be found out
❑ L25 = (n+1) * 25 /100
❑ When Ly lies between two closest integer numbers we use linear
interpolation to obtain the value Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd


Example: Real Equity Returns (1900-2000)

Country Arithmetic Mean

❑ For the given data set compute:

Australia 9.00%
➢ 10th and 90th percentile Belgium 4.80%
Canada 7.70%
➢ 1st, 2nd and 3rd quartile Denmark 6.20%
➢ 2nd and 3rd quintile France 6.30%
Germany 8.80%
Ireland 7.00%
Italy 6.80%
Japan 9.30%
Netherlands 7.70%
South Africa 9.10%
Spain 5.80%
Sweden 9.90%
Switzerland 6.90%
United Kingdom 7.60%
United States 8.70%

Source: CFA Institute course material - Level 1

Source: Dimson, Marsh and Staunton (2002) Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd


Solution: In Ascending Order

❑ For the given data set compute: Sr No Country Arithmetic Mean

➢ 10th and 90th percentile
1 Belgium 4.80%
➢ The 15 observations needs to be divided: (15+1) * 10/100 = 2 Spain 5.80%
1.6 3 Denmark 6.20%
4 France 6.30%
➢ Hence, the 10th percentile would be between Rank 1 and 2 5 Italy 6.80%
6 Switzerland 6.90%
➢ Rank 1 is 4.80% and Rank 2 is 5.80% 7 Ireland 7.00%
8 United Kingdom 7.60%
➢ By interpolation the 10th percentile comes to 5.40%: (0.60 9 Canada 7.70%
between 4.80% and 5.80%) 10 Netherlands 7.70%
11 Germany 8.80%
➢ Similarly, 90th percentile will be : (15+1) * 90/100 = 14.4 12 Australia 9.00%
13 South Africa 9.10%
➢ Hence, the 90th percentile would be 9.54% (0.40 between 14 Japan 9.30%
9.30% and 9.90%) 15 Sweden 9.90% Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd


Solution: In Ascending Order

❑ For the given data set compute: Sr No Country Arithmetic Mean

➢ 1st, 2nd and 3rd quartile
1 Belgium 4.80%
2 Spain 5.80%
3 Denmark 6.20%
4 France 6.30%
5 Italy 6.80%
Quartile Calculation Rank Result 6 Switzerland 6.90%
7 Ireland 7.00%
1st (15+1) * 1/4 = 4 Rank 4 6.30% 8 United Kingdom 7.60%
9 Canada 7.70%
2nd (15+1) * 2/4 = 8 Rank 8 7.60% 10 Netherlands 7.70%
11 Germany 8.80%
3rd (15+1) * 3/4 = 12 Rank 12 9.00% 12 Australia 9.00%
13 South Africa 9.10%
14 Japan 9.30%
15 Sweden 9.90% Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd


Solution: In Ascending Order

❑ For the given data set compute: Sr No Country Arithmetic Mean

➢ 2nd and 3rd quintile
1 Belgium 4.80%
➢ The 15 observations needs to be divided: (15+1) * 2/5 = 6.4 2 Spain 5.80%
3 Denmark 6.20%
➢ Hence, the 2nd quintile would be 6.94%: (0.40 between 4 France 6.30%
6.90% and 7.00%) 5 Italy 6.80%
6 Switzerland 6.90%
➢ For the 3rd quintile, (15+1) * 3/5 = 9.6 7 Ireland 7.00%
8 United Kingdom 7.60%
➢ Hence, the 3rd quintile would be 7.70%: (0.60 between 9 Canada 7.70%
7.70% and 7.70%) 10 Netherlands 7.70%
11 Germany 8.80%
12 Australia 9.00%
13 South Africa 9.10%
14 Japan 9.30%
15 Sweden 9.90% Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Quantiles in Investment Practice

▪Quantiles are used in portfolio performance evaluation as well as in investment strategy development and
▪Investment analysts use quantiles every day to rank performance—for example, the performance of
▪The performance of investment managers is often characterized in terms of the quartile in which they fall
relative to the performance of their peer group of managers
▪For example Dividing data into quantiles based on some characteristic allows analysts to evaluate the impact
of that characteristic on a quantity of interest Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Measures of Dispersion

❑ Dispersion is the variability around the central tendency

❑ Mean returns address the returns Sr No Country Arithmetic Mean

❑ Dispersion addresses risk 1 Belgium 4.80%

2 Spain 5.80%

❑ Following are the measures of dispersion 3

➢ Range 5 Italy 6.80%
6 Switzerland 6.90%
➢ Mean Absolute Deviation 7 Ireland 7.00%
8 United Kingdom 7.60%
➢ Variance 9 Canada 7.70%
10 Netherlands 7.70%
➢ Standard Deviation 11 Germany 8.80%
Solution: 12 Australia 9.00%
13 South Africa 9.10%
❑ The mean in the adjoining table is 7.60%. A very basic explanation of dispersion would 14 Japan 9.30%
be for instance between Spain and the mean there is a dispersion of 1.80% (difference 15 Sweden 9.90%
between 7.60% and 5.80%) Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Range & Mean Absolute Deviation

❑ The range is the difference between the maximum and minimum

values in a data set:
➢ Range = Maximum Value – Minimum Value
❑ Mean Absolute Deviation: Absolute distance from the mean is added
and then divided by the total number of observations
∑ Xi - X
MAD = i=1
❑ Example:
➢ Calculate the range and MAD for equities and Bond Year Equities Bonds
returns for the past 5 years 2005 -5.0% 7%
2006 12.0% 2%
2007 22.5% -1%
2008 -24.0% 9%
2009 18.5% 6% Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Range & Mean Absolute Deviation

Range MAD
Year Equities Bonds
Equities Mean = 4.8%
2005 -5.0% 7%
Between -24% and 22.5% i.e. Summation of absolute deviations:
2006 12.0% 2%
2007 22.5% -1% |-5 – 4.8| + |12 – 4.8| + |22.5 – 4.8| + |-
2008 -24.0% 9% 24 – 4.8| + |18.5 – 4.8|
2009 18.5% 6%
Bonds = 77.2
Between -1% and 9% i.e. 10% Range 46.5% 10.0% Dividing by total number of observations:
MAD 15.4% 3.3% 77.2 / 5
= 15.44% Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Variance and Standard Deviation

A dietician wants to study the calorie

intake pattern of this country. She finds ❑ Variance is the average of squared deviations from the mean
out various calorie intake levels of a ➢ Population Variance n
certain demography. She also finds out ∑ (Xi - µ )2
the average calorie intake. 2 = i=1
Now if she plots this information on a
line graph, she can view the dispersion
❑ Standard Deviation is the square root of variance
of various calorie levels.
➢ Population Standard Deviation
She now calculates the standard

deviation: - this number will tell her that
n To Remember
on an average the calorie intake of
∑ (Xi - µ )2
σ = i=1 ✓Standard deviation
various individuals varies by what unit. N
is commonly used
I would say standard deviation is a mean
of deviations from mean! measure of risk. Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Variance and Standard Deviation

Compute the variance and standard deviation for the following set of observations
Real Equity Returns (1900-2000)

Country Arithmetic Mean

Australia 9.00%
Belgium 4.80%
Canada 7.70%
Denmark 6.20%
France 6.30%
Germany 8.80%
Ireland 7.00%
Italy 6.80%
Japan 9.30%
Netherlands 7.70%
South Africa 9.10%
Spain 5.80%
Sweden 9.90%
Switzerland 6.90%
United Kingdom 7.60%
United States 8.70%

Source: CFA Institute course material - Level 1

Source: Dimson, Marsh and Staunton (2002) Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Variance and Standard Deviation

Real Equity Returns (1900-2000)

Country Arithmetic Mean

Australia 9.00%
Belgium 4.80%
Canada 7.70%
Denmark 6.20%
France 6.30%
Germany 8.80%
Ireland 7.00%
Italy 6.80%
Japan 9.30%
Netherlands 7.70%
South Africa 9.10%
Spain 5.80%
Sweden 9.90%
Switzerland 6.90%
United Kingdom 7.60%
United States 8.70%

Variance 0.02%
Standard Deviation 1.44% Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Sample Variance and Sample Standard Deviation

❑ Variance is the average of squared

deviations from the mean Since sampling is done for
estimating the characteristics of
➢ Sample Variance To Remember
the entire population, it is
n essential that the sample data is
✓n- 1 improves the statistical
2 ∑ (Xi - X ) 2
s = i=1 properties of the sample
n-1 variance Using N for calculating sample
❑ Standard Deviation is the square root of ✓It is the number of degrees of variance may result in a variance
variance lower than the actual population
freedom in estimating the
➢ Sample Standard Deviation variance (if the sample selection
population variance was not right). Hence, N-1 is used

n for sample variance, which will
✓Once we have the sample mean,
∑ 2 provide a lower value of
(Xi - X ) there are n – 1 independent
s = i=1 denominator and higher value of
n-1 deviations from it. variance, leading to an unbiased
estimation! Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Semivariance, Semideviation, and Related Concepts

Semivariance is defined as the average squared deviation below the mean

Semideviation (sometimes called semistandard deviation) is the positive square root of semivariance
To compute the sample semivariance, for example, we take the following steps:
I. Calculate the sample mean
II. Identify the observations that are smaller than or equal to the mean (discarding observations greater
than the mean).
III. Compute the sum of the squared negative deviations from the mean (using the observations that are
smaller than or equal to the mean).
IV. Divide the sum of the squared negative deviations from Step iii by the total sample size minus 1: n − 1. Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Semivariance, Semideviation, and Related Concepts

Target semivariance:The average squared deviation below a target value

Target semideviation is its positive square root
▪For asymmetric distributions, variance and semivariance rank prospects’ risk differently
▪variance (or standard deviation) is much more frequently used in investment practice. Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Chebyshev’s Inequality

❑ Standard deviation/variance concepts can be extended to compute and analyze the risk-reward
proportions. Some of the extensions are Chebyshev’s inequality and coefficient of variation.
❑ Chebyshev’s inequality:
❑ The proportion of values within k standard deviations of the arithmetic mean is at least 1 – 1/k2 ,
For all k > 1
❑ Predict the minimum number of values that will lie within 3 standard deviations of the mean from
a total of 900 values
❑ Proportions from Chebyshev’s Inequlity

Interval around
k Proportions
the sample mean
1.25 X ± 1.25s 36%
1.5 X ± 1.5s 56%
2 X ± 2s 75%
3 X ± 3s 89%
4 X ± 4s 94% Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Coefficient of Variation

❑ Risk and Return cannot be seen in isolation, hence risk-adjusted returns are calculated
and analyzed for a proper reasoning. Few tools are Coefficient of Variation/ Sharpe Ratio
❑ Coefficient of Variation is the ratio of standard deviation of a set of observations to their
mean value
➢ CV = s / X
❑ Inverse of CV explains the returns per unit of risk
❑ Example
➢ Compute the coefficient of variation
➢ Rank the asset classes from most risky to least risky based on coefficient of variation

To Remember
Asset Class Arithmetic Mean Standard Deviation
Equities Small Cap 19% 40% ✓Lower the value of CV, lower is
Equities Large Cap 13% 20% the risk exhibited by the asset
Equities Mid Cap 16% 30%
class Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Coefficient of Variation

❑ Solution

CV Rank
Asset Class Arithmetic Mean Standard Deviation
=40/19 = 2.105 1
Equities Small Cap 19% 40%
Equities Large Cap 13% 20% =20/13 = 1.538 3
Equities Mid Cap 16% 30% =30/16 = 1.875 2

❑ Ranking of the asset class in terms of riskiness is done based on highest CV to lowest CV
(higher the CV means more risk per unit of return) Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Sharpe Ratio

❑ It is measure of portfolio performance given by the ratio of excess return to

standard deviation
Sh = (Rp – RFR) / sp
❑ Where,
➢ Sh= Sharpe Ratio
➢ Rp= Portfolio returns
➢ sp= Standard deviation of portfolio returns
To Remember
➢ RFR = risk free rate
✓Risk averse investors
prefer portfolios with a
higher Sharpe Ratio Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Sharpe Ratio…

❑ Compute the CV and Sharpe ratio values for equities based on data provided for
the previous 5 years.
❑ Consider the risk free rate of 2%

Year Equities
2005 -5.0%
2006 12.0%
2007 22.5%
2008 -24.0%
2009 18.5% Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Sharpe Ratio…

❑ Risk free rate of 2%
Year Equities
2005 -5.0%
2006 12.0%
2007 22.5%
2008 -24.0%
2009 18.5%
Sharpe Ratio
= 4.80% - 2.00%
Mean 4.8% =0.1456
Std Dev 19% 0.19
CV 4.01
Sharpe Ratio 0.15 Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd


It is the name given to statistical measure of skew

❑ Normal Curve To Remember

✓ Normal Curve

✓ Symmetric about the mean, mode and median

✓ Negatively Skewed Curve

❑ Skewed Distribution ✓ Skewed part is to left
If someone pulled ✓ Most cases to right
the string of the
✓ There is more count in the tail than expected in
normal distribution
from right! the normal curve (negative skewness)

✓ Negatively Skewed Curve

If someone pulled
✓ Skewed part is to right
the string of the
normal distribution ✓ Most cases to left
from left! ✓ There is more count in the tail than expected in
the normal curve (positive skewness) Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd



❑ s = sample standard deviation

❑ n = number of observations

❑ Positive Skew: Mean>Median>Mode

❑ Negative Skew: Mean<Median<Mode Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Mean, Median, Mode and Skew

Describe the relative locations of the mean, median, and mode for a
uni-modal, non-symmetrical distribution
❑ Remember that mean is pulled towards the tail whereas the mode
occurs at the peak.

Mo Md M Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd


❑ It is a statistical measure that tells us when a distribution is more or less peaked

than a normal distribution

To Remember

✓Leptokurtic distribution has taller

peak than the normal distribution

✓Leptokurtic distribution has fatter

tails than a normal distribution.

❑ For all normal distribution kurtosis = 3

➢ Excess kurtosis is kurtosis value greater than normal distribution
➢ Leptokurtic – excess kurtosis positive (+) i.e. more than 3
➢ Platykurtic – excess kurtosis negative (-) i.e. less than 3 Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd


❑ Sample Excess Kurtosis

❑ s = sample standard deviation

❑ n = number of observations Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

AM and GM wrt Investment Returns

Compare the use of arithmetic and geometric means when analyzing

investment returns
❑ Geometric Mean is the appropriate measure for past performance
since returns are compounded every year.
❑ Arithmetic Mean is the best estimator for next year’s return. Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Practice Question

1.Published ratings on stocks ranging from 1 (strong sell) to 5 (strong buy) are examples of which
measurement scale?
2.Two portfolios have unimodal return distributions. Portfolio 1 has a skewness of 0.77, and Portfolio 2 has
a skewness of –1.11.
Which of the following is correct?
A)For Portfolio 1, the median is less than the mean.
B)For Portfolio 1, the mode is greater than the mean.
C)For Portfolio 2, the mean is greater than the median Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

Practice Question

3. In descriptive statistics, an example of a parameter is the:

A)median of a population.
B)mean of a sample of observations.
C)standard deviation of a sample of observations
4. Which of the following groups best illustrates a sample?
A)The set of all estimates for Exxon Mobil’s FY2015 EPS
B)The FTSE Eurotop 100 as a representation of the European stock market
C)UK shares traded on 13 August 2015 that also closed above £120/share on the London Stock Exchange Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd


1. A is correct. Ordinal scales sort data into categories that are ordered with respect to some characteristic
and may involve numbers to identify categories but do not assure that the differences between scale
values are equal. The buy rating scale indicates that a stock ranked 5 is expected to perform better than a
stock ranked 4, but it tells us nothing about the performance difference between stocks ranked 4 and 5
compared with the performance difference between stocks ranked 1 and 2, and so on
2.A is correct. Portfolio 1 is positively skewed, so the mean is greater than the median, which is greater
than the mode
3.A is correct. Any descriptive measure of a population characteristic is referred to as a parameter
4. B is correct. The FTSE Eurotop 100 represents a sample of all European stocks. It is a subset of the
population of all European stocks. Copyright©-IMS Proschool Pvt..Ltd

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