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Student Response and Assessment Tools

Lesson Title Review of Cladograms

Content Area Classification and Evolution

Content Standards SB4. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to illustrate the
organization of interacting systems within single-celled and multi-celled
b. Analyze and interpret data to develop models (i.e., cladograms and
phylogenetic trees) based on patterns of common ancestry and the theory of
evolution to determine relationships among major groups of organisms.
Technology Standards 1.1 Empowered Learner
Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving,
and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the
learning sciences.
c. Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their
practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
Reference or Nearpod
Supporting Resources

Integrated Tool Gimkit

Pacing Teacher-Paced
Hardware Used Computer, Phone, Tablet

Bloom’s Taxonomy Remembering, Understanding

Integration Level Level 2: Exploration

Universal Design Students will continue their learning of cladograms. Students will take part in
Rationale a Nearpod lesson review, Gimkit, and then a quiz. The interactive review will
help students have practice, and receive feedback on their knowledge of
cladograms before their quiz at the end of class. This will help students
remember the content better by repetition and feedback on the material.

Lesson Idea - Prior Before the SRAT activity, the students will enter the classroom. I will tell them
to open up their devices and put in our Nearpod code. They will complete a
warm-up question that askes what they have learned about cladograms so
far. After the students answer, I will continue on with the Nearpod that reviews
cladograms. After the cladogram review, I will introduce the Gimkit.

SRAT Purpose Assess prior knowledge, Test preparation

Question Types Multiple Choice; True/False; Yes/No

Lesson Idea - During During the lesson the students will participate in the Nearpod and Gimkit. For
the Gimkit, I will ask my student to choose what game they want to play and
then we will play it at least once but depending on time we will play again. I
will lead the Nearpod and the introduction to the Gimkit. The materials the
students need is a device (computer, phone, or tablet) to complete the lesson.
The Nearpod and Gimkit will take up the entire class period.

I will close up the lesson by reminding the students we will be taking the quiz
in the next class.
Data Plan Information from this activity will not be taken up as a grade, but it is a review
for the quiz. I will encourage the students to assess their own knowledge by
thinking about what they missed or what topics they had trouble with in order
to prepare for the quiz.
Personal Learning In this Gimkit, I hope to keep students’ engagement during a review lesson. I
Goals notice that a lot of students get distracted while filling out a review or study
guide, so I want to increase student engagement by playing a fun game to
review. I hope to learn how I can best use Gimkit as a tool to review and help
students practice content. I think the students will learn the information
through repetition.
Design Reflection I feel like this activity can affect student learning by keeping my students
interested and engaged in the content we are learning. When students are
more interested in the content they are learning, they are more motivated to
commit the content to memory. I could extend this lesson by also reviewing
dichotomous keys. I could enhance this lesson by using another technology
tool like Flipgrid, where the students can explain what they know about a
cladogram picture I show them.

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