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Limnol. Oceanogr.

, 42(2), 1997, 357-364

0 1997, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc.

Altered cell wall morphology in nutrient-deficient phytoplankton and its

impact on grazers
E. Van Donk and M. Liirling
Department of Water Quality Management and Aquatic Ecology, Agricultural University Wageningen, POB 8080, 6700
DD Wageningen, The Netherlands

D. 0. Hessen
Department of Biology, Division Limnology, University of Oslo, POB 1027 Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway

G. M. Lokhorst
University of Leiden, Research Institute Rijksherbarium/Hortus Botanicus, POB 9514, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands

Grazing experiments were performed with the zooplankters Daphnia pulex and Daphnia magna feeding on
nitrogen- and phosphorus-limited cells of two green algae (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Selenastrum cupricor-
nutum). To analyze the role of the cell wall structure in digestibility of the algae by Daphnia, the sameexperiments
were carried out with both wild-type C. reinhardtii and a cell wall-deficient mutant.
The nonlimited algae were efficiently assimilated, whereas P- and N-limited algal cells were not. Especially
P-limited cells passedmostly intact and viable through the gut and were thus spared from heavy grazing pressure.
In life-history experiments, D. pulex grazing on nonlimited algae reached the largest body size, whereas animals
fed N- or P-limited algae exhibited reduced growth. Cells of the wall-deficient mutant of Chlamydomonas, grown
under both nutrient-limited and nonlimited conditions, were efficiently ingested and digested by Daphnia. Morpho-
logical changes in the cell wall of nutrient-limited cells most probably reduced their digestibility. This phenomenon
might be considered a defense mechanism by the algae to reduce grazing pressure when their growth rates are low.

Herbivores depend on food resources that are normally An additional mechanism that may contribute to the re-
nutritionally deficient in relation to their needs. When com- duced success of Daphnia feeding on P-limited algae was
paring plant and grazer stoichiometry, there is a common proposed by Van Donk and Hessen (1993). Following the
mismatch between the somatic need for nitrogen or phos- observation that both Daphnia pulex and Daphnia magna
phorus relative to carbon in the grazer and that provided by exerted lower grazing pressure on P-starved green algae (Se-
the plant (McNaughton 1988; Hessen 1992). In pelagic sys- lenastrum capricornutum and Scenedesmus subspicatus) rel-
tems, the C : N or C : P ratios of phytoplankton, particularly ative to nutrient-saturated algae, Van Donk and Hessen
under nutrient limitation, often exceed those of most pelagic (1993) found that P-starved cells passed largely intact
grazers (Sterner and Hessen 1994). Even though assimilation through the daphnid gut. Typically, the P-starved algae in-
efficiency of C in algal cells can be low, there is often a creased their cell size, probably owing to arrested cell di-
deficiency of N and P in net accumulated food compared vision and accumulation of intracellular glycogen com-
with the grazers’ stoichiometry (Sterner and Hessen 1994), pounds. In a follow-up study with D. magna feeding on S.
leading to the assumption that the growth of zooplankton capricornutum, Van Donk and Hessen (1995) confirmed this
grazers is limited by minerals (Hessen 1992; Urabe and Wa- mechanism and demonstrated the same effect in UV-B-ir-
tanabe 1992). This view is supported by the common ob- radiated algae.
servation that zooplankton, notably Daphnia, feeding on Similar observations have been interpreted as decreased
P-deficient algae have reduced growth rates and depressed ingestion rates (Sterner and Smith 1993; Sterner et al. 1993).
fecundity (Sommer 1992; Urabe and Watanabe 1992; Sterner However, part of these reductions may have been the result
et al. 1993), while P-deficient algae are sufficient for main- of varying ability to assimilate nutrient-limited cells, because
tenance (Sterner and Robinson 1994). However, these stud- they determined clearance rates in long-term experiments
ies do not constitute proof of causality, and there is no doubt (-8 h). The observation of a major whole cell gut passage
that the biochemical make-up of the food (like the content led Van Donk and Hessen (1993) to conclude that the effect
of unsaturated fatty acids) can also play a major role (Ahl- could be largely accredited to increased resistance of the
gren et al. 1990; Miiller-Navarra 1995).
algae to the grazers’ digestive enzymes. Most phytoplankton
species accumulate excess C as starch granula, whereas in
some phytoplankton and bacteria species, mineral nutrient
We thank the staff at the Norwegian Institute for Water Research
for the use of algal cultures and laboratory facilities, W. Star for deficiency leads to accumulation of excess C as extracellular
making the TEM photos, W. Lukassen for her assistance during the polysaccharides (Myklestad 1977; Sondergaard and Schienip
life-history experiments, and R. D. Gulati and B. A. Faafeng for 1982), which may also block digestive enzymes (Malej and
their constructive comments on the manuscript. Harris 1993).
358 Van Donk et al.

Planktonic algae are able to withstand grazing pressure lets that were fixed in 2% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M sodium
from zooplankton in various ways. The most obvious way cacodylate buffer (pH 7.6) for 1.5 h at room temperature.
is through changes in morphological features such as size or After resuspension and rinsing in buffer, cells were again
cell wall shape. There is a tradeoff between the metabolic concentrated. by gentle centrifugation, collected on cellulose
costs associated with morphological changes produced for nitrate filters (Schleicher and Schtill; pore size 0.8 pm), and
grazing protection and growth rate. With mineral nutrient covered by #agar.The filters with the attached layer of cells
supply in excess, fast growth rates may to some extent com- in agar were cut into small pieces, postfixed in 1% 0~0, in
pensate for grazing losses. In nutrient-deficient systems, 0.1 M sodium cacodylate for 1 h at room temperature, rinsed
however, growth rate slows and some morphological means in distilled water, dehydrated with en bloc staining in 1%
of grazer protection would be more beneficial, even at the uranyl acetate in an ethanol series, and finally embedded in
expense of growth rate. For some algal species, increased Epon. Seria.1 sections were cut with a diamond knife on a
cell wall thickness under unfavorable conditions may be LKB ultratome and mounted on pioloform-coated slot grids.
seen as a preparation for encystment; one can hardly claim Specimens were poststained with uranyl acetate and lead ci-
that thickening of the cell wall is a primary strategy to de- trate and examined with a JEOL lo-10 electron microscope.
press growth of grazers, yet it may have exactly that effect.
Hence, for a number of reasons, nutrient-deficient phyto- Grazing experiments-The grazing experiments were car-
plankton constitute poor food for zooplankton, and such a ried out in OS-liter Erlenmeyer flasks, containing 200 ml of
nutrient shortage at the base of the food web will have an medium. The initial algal cell concentration was -2X 10”
impact on the entire food web and adversely affect second- cells ml-l for Selenastrum and lo5 cells ml-’ for Chlamy-
ary production at all levels. domonas. In our first experiment we studied D. pulex feeding
In this study, the use of a mutant clone of the green algae on S. capric,ornutum and C. reinhardtii (with cell wall), cul-
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, which lacks a cell wall, al- tured under non-, P-, and N-limited conditions. In our second
lowed a direct test of the role of algal cell wall properties experiment we fed D. magna both algae. Our third experi-
on Daphnia grazing and growth. We found that morpholog- ment was performed with D. magna grazing on non-, P-,
ical changes in the cell wall of nutrient-limited algal cells and N-limited mutant C. reinhardtii (lacking cell wall). At
reduced their digestibility and that animals feeding on these the start of Exp. 1, 12 similar-sized D. p&x (length 2.0-2.5
algae exhibited reduced growth. mm, weight 34-67 pg C) were added to 200 ml of each
algal monoculture. For the experiments with D. magna (Exp.
Methods 2 and 3), 1:hree individuals (mean length 3.5 mm, mean
weight 160 pg C) were incubated in the 200-ml algal sus-
Planktonic organisms-The green algae S. capricornutum pension. Before incubation, the animals were washed to re-
NIVA CHL 1, C. reinhardtii NIVA CHL 13 (wild-type move surface contamination. The grazing experiments, last-
strain), and C. reinhardtii NIVA CHL 75 (cell wall-deficient ing 2-3 d, were carried out in duplicate. Control flasks were
mutant) were used in the experiments. These algal species without animals. Flasks were shaken manually four times a
are kept in cultures at the Norwegian Institute for Water day. Samples for algal counts in the experimental flasks were
Research. The zooplankters D. pulex and D. magna were taken at t == 0, 19, 43, and 67 h in Exp. 1 and at t = 0, 19,
used for the grazing experiments. 24, 43, 48, and 67 h in Exp. 2 and 3 (Daphnia introduced
at t = 0). Samples were preserved with Lugol’s solution.
Pretreatment oj’ phytoplankton-Inoculum phytoplankton Algae were counted microscopically and least-squares re-
cultures were incubated in the inorganic nutrient medium 28 gressions of ln(cells ml-‘) vs. time (h) were calculated. Be-
20% at 20°C; for the Chlamydomonas mutant, 28 medium cause measurements for replicate flasks were close compared
was modified according to Skulberg and Skulberg (1990). to other sources of variation, replicates were pooled. The
Illumination was provided by cool-white fluorescent tubes at slopes of the regressions for the controls (algal growth rates)
70 pmol quanta m-* s-l at 14: 10 L/D cycle. To obtain P- plus the disappearance rates in the grazing experiments gave
and N-limited algal cells, we inoculated exponentially grow- the apparent clearance rates. These apparent clearance rates
ing cells into flasks containing a P-free medium and N-free are not typical clearance rates because a great proportion of
medium, respectively. The cells entered stationary state after algae in th,e nutrient-deficient treatments were not digested
5 d (P limitation) and 3 d (N limitation). At the start of each and were hence recounted. Fecal analyses of the daphnids
grazing experiment the C, N, and P contents of the algae accompanied each experiment. For this purpose animals
were analyzed. C and N contents were measured on a Carlo- were placed individually in a drop of water on slides under
Erba CHN 1106 elemental analyzer and P content on the coverslips. After the animals had defecated, rectal contents
total samples after peroxo-disulfate digestion. Cell volumes were dispersed and examined microscopically (Porter 1975).
of the algae were determined in a Coulter Multisizer II (100
,um capillary). Viability experiments- To study viability of algal cells in
the feces o-FDaphnia, we incubated D. magna in suspensions
Transmission electron microscopy-To study changes in of P-limited and nonlimited cells of Chlamydomonas. After
the morphology and structure of the algae, we made trans- 10 min the daphnids were successively placed in five Petri
mission electron microscopy (TEM) photos of the algal cells dishes with Z8 medium without algae to remove contami-
cultured under different nutrient conditions. The algae were nation by surface-attached algae. This step took less than 3
initially concentrated by gentle centrifugation to obtain pel- min. The daphnids were then transfered to flasks with 25 ml
Altered cell wall morphology 359

of complete 28 medium and removed again after 15 min. Table 1. Apparent clearance rates of algae (ml ind.-’ h-l) (SE
These flasks with egested material of daphnids were then in parentheses) as measured in three experiments with zooplankters
incubated for 5 d at 20°C and at an illumination of 70 pm01 Daphnia pulex (60 ind. liter-’ in Exp. 1) and Daphnia magna (15
quanta mm2 s-l on a 14: 10 L/D cycle. At days 0, 1, 2, 3, ind. liter-’ in Exp. 2 and 3). In Exp. 1 and 2 grazing was on non-,
N-, and P-limited Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (C.r.) and Selenas-
and 5 the number of cells were counted with a Coulter Coun-
trum capricornutum (SC.). In Exp. 3 grazing was on a cell wall-
ter. The experiment was performed in triplicate. deficient mutant of C. reinhardtii (m.C.r.).
Feeding rates- To study the effect of P- and N-limited C:N:P Apparent
Chlamydomonas on feeding rates of Daphnia, we conducted in algae clearance rate
experiments with D. pulex grazing on a mixture of algae and Treatment (atomic ratios) (ml ind.-’ h-l)
polystyrene beads. The beads were used to analyze whether Exp. 1
the reduction in clearance rates, found for nutrient-limited
C. r. (nonlim.) 214:31: 1 0.69(+0.15)
algae, could be explained by an increased resistance of these C.r. (P lim.) 845:99: 1 0.02( 20.09)
algae to assimilation or by a reduced feeding rate of the C.r. (N lim.) 665: 1 0.23( 20.02)
animals. At least 1 h prior to the grazing experiments, a SC. (nonlim.) 69:lO:l 1.50(+0.11)
cohort of D. pulex (-2.7 mm) was transferred into mem- S.C. (P lim.) 408:33: 1 0.16(?0.06)
brane-filtered Lake Maarsseveen water to empty their guts. S.C. (N lim.) 182:14:1 1.05(+0.12)
Thereafter, feeding rates of these animals were measured on Exp. 2
a mixture of C. reinhardtii varying in quality and polysty- C. r. (nonlim.) 223:25: 1 2.94(+0.17)
rene beads (particle diameter 2 1.6 pm). The algal food types Cr. (P lim.) 611:85:1 0.33(?0.12)
(C. reinhardtii) were nonlimited, N-limited, and P-limited Cr. (N lim.) 73:4: 1 0.83(&0.22)
algae. Five adult animals (-2.7 mm) were placed in 25 ml S.c. (nonlim.) 67:9: 1 5.89(&0.24)
of food suspension, a mixture of similar volumes of algae S.C. (P lim.) 714:72: 1 0.61(10.22)
(1.8X106 pm3 ml-l) and polystyrene beads (1,100 beads S.C. (N lim.) 55:2: 1 2.94(50.22)
ml-‘) in 0.45-pm membrane-filtered lake water. Statistical Exp. ‘3
optimization of the experiment revealed that at least 26 an- m.C.r. (nonlim.) 15:2: 1 7.25( 20.58)
imals per food type had to be used. Hence, for each food m.C.r. (P lim.) 49:4: 1 6.94( “0.47)
type, 6 replicates with 5 or 6 animals per vessel were ap- m.C.r. (N lim.) 36:2: 1 6.38(?0.33)
plied. After a 5-min grazing period in the dark at 2O”C, the
animals were rapidly transferred into and rinsed in CO,-sat-
urated water. Narcotized animals were placed on a glass slide cell, P- and N-limited algae were added at similar volumes
and dissolved in concentrated sulfuric acid (according to as used in the series with nonlimited Chlamydomonas. The
Bern 1990) and polystyrene beads were counted with the test tubes with the experimental animals were incubated at
light microscope (100X magnification). The mean numbers 20°C in the dark to prevent algal growth. The animals were
of ingested beads per food type were compared statistically transferred daily into clean tubes containing fresh medium
by one-way ANOVA. Clearance rates (CR) (ml ind.-’ h-l) with similar pH (8.25rt0.12) and conductivity (450524 PLS
were calculated from the number of ingested beads in rela- cm-l). Body length was measured and the animals were ex-
tion to suspended beads: amined daily for molting. Time needed to reach maturity,
Beads ind.-’ number of newborns, and length of newborns were recorded.
CR = x 6o Newborns were removed from the tubes. Growth and repro-
Beads ml-l 5’ duction were measured until the animals reached the fourth
Life history experiments-These experiments were carried adult instar and consequently had released their third clutch,
out to determine population growth rate of D. pulex when because the population growth rate is mainly determined by
feeding on C. reinhardtii (with cell wall), cultured under the first three clutches (Vanni and Lampert 1992). The in-
non-, P-, and N-limited conditions. A life-table test with both trinsic rate of population increase (r) was estimated using
Chlamydomonas clones (with cell wall and mutant cells), the Euler equation:
growing in log-phase and under nutrient limitation, would
also have allowed us to distinguish between effects of re- 1 = 2 exp(-rx)l,m,,
duced assimilation and a biochemical/mineral mismatch.
However, we were unable to maintain the nutrient-limited, where r is the rate of population increase (d-l), x is age class
cell-wall-deficient clone stable in culture for a sufficient time (0 . . . N), 1, is probability of surviving to age x, and m, is
to conduct life-history experiments. fecundity at age x.
The experimental animals were produced by a cohort of Owing to the impossibility to compute standard errors of
Daphnia females cultured at a food level of 2 mg liter-l C the population parameter r directly, a Jackknife method was
nonlimited Chlamydomonas. Newborns from the third clutch used to calculate standard errors (Meyer et al. 1986).
were collected within 20 h of birth and joined in a 500-ml
beaker. For each series, 20 neonates were randomly selected Results
from this beaker and placed individually in loo-ml test tubes
containing 60-ml of non-, N-, or P-limited C. reinhardtii. Grazing experiments- The apparent clearance rates for D.
Because of dissimilar morphology and varying C content per pulex and D. magna feeding on P-limited and N-limited algal
Altered cell wall morphology 361

cells in Exp. 1 and 2 were greatly reduced, compared with Table 2. Cell volume (pm’) (SE in parentheses) of algal cells
the rates on nonlimited algae (Table 1). There was a reduc- of Selenastrum carpicornutum, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and
tion of -9O-95% of the apparent clearance rate for P-limited Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (mutant) cultured under different con-
and -3O-70% for N-limited cells of Selenastrum and ditions.
Chlamydomonas. In Exp. 3, D. magna feeding on P-limited
Non- N P
and N-limited cells of Chlamydomonas mutant showed no limited limited limited
significant reduction in apparent clearance rates compared
with the nonlimited cells (Table 1). The clearance rates were S. capricornutum 31.0(+2.5) 39.0(&3.4) 60.0(+ 1.8)
twice as high for the mutant as for the nonlimited Chlamy- C. reinhardtii 97.3(&8.8) 204.3(&28.2) 153.4(+22.3)
C. reinhardtii (mutant) 71.6(+3.5) 76.4(?3.8) 77.8( k2.5)
domonas with cell wall.
Transmission electron microscopy-The TEM photo-
graphs show that irrespective of the nutrient composition of
the culture medium, the cell wall of the Chlamydomonas The reduction in apparent clearance rate can be largely at-
cells is composed of an inner and an outer layer (Fig. 1.5, tributed to a decreased assimilation of the nutrient-deficient
1.6). The inner layer (Wl) is amorphous and electron-lucent. algal cells.
The outer layer is connected firmly to the outer surface of
Wl and is composed of several sublayers including the elec- Life-history experiments -D. pulex grazing on nonlimited
tron-dense W2 and W6 (Fig. 1.5, 1.6) (see also Roberts et Chlamydomonas reached the largest size, while in those fed
al. 1985). P-and N-limited cells have a thicker cell wall com- N- or P-limited algae the increase in size was significantly
pared to nonlimited cells, which is apparently caused by less (Fig. 3). The intrinsic rate of population increase (r) was
swelling of Wl (Fig. 1.3, 1.4, and 1.6). The TEM photo- significantly different for the three treatments (F2,54= 143.1;
graphs of the nonlimited cells are self-explanatory (Fig. 1.1, P < 0.001); th e h’ig h est value recorded was for D. pulex
1.2). Additionally, TEM observations show that the chloro- grown on nonlimited algae and the lowest for those fed with
plast of the nutrient-limited cells is strongly obscured by P-limited algae (Table 4). The duration of the juvenile period
heavy accumulation of storage products. In N-limited cells was similar for Daphnia fed non- or N-limited algae
the pyrenoid is often difficult to detect (Fig. 1.4). Apparently, (5.850.6 and 5.810.5 d, respectively), but was higher for
these changes in structure would not serve as a morpholog- those fed P-limited algae (6.62 1.3 d). Food quality signifi-
ical constraint for ingestion by Daphnia, but may reduce the cantly affected the size at maturity (F2,50 = 109.6; P <
assimilation efficiency. 0.001) (Table 4) and the number of total newborns produced
by the three observed adult instars (Fig. 4).
Feces analyses and viability experiments-Feces analyses
revealed that P-limited and to a lesser extent N-limited algal Discussion
cells of Selenastrum and Chlamydomonas (both with cell
wall) passed mostly undamaged through the guts of the The data for D. magna grazing on two clones of C. rein-
daphnids, probably owing to reduced digestibility. Under the hardtii indicate that the cell wall of the alga, especially under
light microscope the presence of large starch grains was seen nutrient-limited conditions, forms a barrier for digestion by
in nutrient-limited algae and an increase in cell volume (Ta- zooplankton. The cells became less digestible, probably due
ble 2). The number of Chlamydomonas cells still viable in to morphological changes. The increase in cell volume and
the feces of Daphnia after gut passage is shown in Fig. 2. wall thickness of nutrient-limited algae may reflect a storage
The feces of daphnids fed P-limited cells contained high of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids probably owing to de-
numbers of intact algal cells, but for animals fed nonlimited layed cell division. Increased cell volumes and a granular
cells viable algal cells were very scarce and observed only appearance have also been noticed in other algae cultured
after 2 d of incubation. The growth rate of defecated P-lim- under nutrient limitation (Mitchell et al. 1992; Sterner et al.
ited cells was not significantly different from the rate of 1993; Van Donk and Hessen 1993). Myklestad (1977) and
nonlimited cells. Sondergaard and Schierup (1982) observed the release of
photosynthetic products by algae growing under nutrient
Feeding rates-In the presence of different food types stress. Such extracellular mucous layers may also block di-
(non-, N-, or P-limited algae) the uptake of polystyrene gestive enzymes (e.g. Malej and Harris 1993). The two lay-
beads did not differ significantly (F2,9, = 0.78; P = 0.465), ers in the cell wall of Chlamydomonas are both composed
and hence clearance rates based on bead ingestion were sim- entirely of glycoproteins (Roberts et al. 1985). During nu-
ilar (Table 3). Also, the number of beads in the daphnid guts trient limitation, the inner wall layer, which becomes thicker
did not differ statistically (Table 3). Hence, Daphnia did not (see Fig 1.6: Wl), is rich in hydroxyproline and contains a
reduce its feeding rate in response to nutrient-deficient cells. high percentage of carbohydrates. Furthermore, this layer is

Fig. 1. Longitudinal sections of cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (TEM photos). 1. Nutrient-saturated cell (X 8,800). 2. Wall-deficient
mutant (X8,480). 3. P-limited cell (X7,000). 4. N-limited cell (X8,500). 5. Detail of wall of nonlimited cells (X85,800). 6. As panel 5,
but of P-limited cell. Abbreviations used: C, chloroplast; FA, flagellar apparatus; N, nucleus; P pyrenoid; S, starch; ST, stigma; W, sublayer
of wall (numbered according to the convention of Roberts et al. 1985).
362 Van Donk et al.

13 ,

l Nonlimited
o N limited

: m 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

01 I I I I I 1
Time (d)
Fig. 3. Increase in length over 14 d of Daphnia pulex feeding
on non-, P-, and N-limited Chlamydomonas cells.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (d)
as measured by Sterner and Smith (1993), may have been
Fig. 2. Cell density of Chlamydomonas cells with cell wall the result of varying ability to assimilate nutrient-limited
(P-limited and nonlimited) still viable in the feces of Daphnia. Lin- cells, because they determined feeding rates (in fact assim-
ear regression lines are presented-for nonlimited cells, y = 0.90x ilation rates) in long-term experiments (-8 h) by monitoring
+ 5.12 (R2 = 0.77); for P-limited cells, y = 1.03x + 0.65 (R2 = the decline of food-cell densities.
We found that Daphnia grazing on P-limited algae exhib-
ited reduced rates of growth to maturity and reduced fecun-
amorphous and very insoluble (Home et al. 1971). The mu- dity. Mitchell et al. (1992) also found that Daphnia survived
tant of Chlamydomonas does not form a normal cell wall, better, grew faster, and had larger broods when fed on non-
but secretes its cell wall glycoproteins into the culture me- limited Chlamydomonas than on N- or P-limited cells. They
dium (Lang and Chrispeels 1976). suggested that the effect might be related to the nutritional
The results of the grazing and viability experiments as inadequacy of the algae, but they were not able to find a
well as microscopic analysis of the algal cell wall and feces direct relationship to the nutrient content of the cells. Other
of daphnids indicate that the ingestion rates of nutrient-lim- studies have also reported decreased growth and reproduc-
ited algae and nonlimited algae are similar but that nutrient- tion in Daphnia if fed P- or N-limited algae even though
limited algae are poorly digested. In the literature the ability food was abundant (Hessen 1990; Watanabe 1990; Groeger
of various species of zooplankton to sense nutrient-limited et al. 199 1; Sommer 1992). The observed differences in life-
algal cells has been discussed as a mechanism that allows history parameters of Daphnia grazing on nonlimited and
them to discriminate against potentially low-quality food. nutrient-limited algae are probably due to both a reduced
Several species of filter-feeding copepods are known to dis- food availability, because of decreased assimilation of nu-
criminate against N-deficient cells (Cowles et al. 1988; But- trient-limited algae, and a reduced nutritional content of the
ler et al. 1989; Kiorboe 1989). However, daphnids lack such algae. Th.s finding is strikingly analogous to the well-known
active selection in mixtures (DeMott 1986), but may change reduced palatability of older leaves in many terrestrial plants
the rate of food collection (Butler et al. 1989) and apparently due to their poor nutrient quality (Mattson 1980).
also the rate of ingestion (Sterner and Smith 1993). Sterner If these observations also apply to natural plankton pop-
and Smith (1993) reported reduced clearance and feeding ulations, they might constitute an important feedback mech-
rates, irrespective of food concentrations, when fed Daphnia anism contributing to the stability of open-water ecosystems.
on nutrient-limited Scenedesmus, especially P-deficient cells. Thus at tj.mes when phytoplankton growth rates are reduced
However, some of these reductions in feeding by Daphnia,
Table 4. Rate of population increase (r, d-l ? 1 SD), size at
Table 3. Ingested beads (+SE) and clearance rates based on maturity, and body length of the juveniles (mm, -I-1 SD) of Daphnia
beads (ml ind.-’ h-l; +SE) of Daphnia pulex fed on a mixture of pulex gro’nn on Chlamydomonas reinhardtii of different quality.
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii varying in quality and polystyrene Asterisks not sharing the same vertical column indicate homoge-
beads (N = number of daphnids). neous groups that are significantly different at a 95% level (Tukey
Ingested Clearance
Food type beads rate N Food type r (d-l) Adults (mm) Juveniles (mm)
Nonlimited 962 18 1.04?0.02 30 Nonlimited 0.50+0.02* 2.5250.07 (n = 20)” 0.76kO.03
N limited 7629 0.83?0.10 32 N limited 0.36t0.08 * 2.2750.09 (n = 18) * 0.75?0.04
P limited 9529 1.03?0.10 32 P limited 0.21kO.05 * 2.08+0.11 (n = 17) * 0.72-LO.04
Altered cell vu11morphology 363

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