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Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation / Mo Dao Zu Shi / 魔道祖师

第108章 藏锋 2 聂明玦我X你X¥#%@&#*&@
Original novel written by 墨香铜臭

MDZS Chapter 108 Trump Card - Nie Mingjue Me X You X ¥#%@&#*&@ (English
By @chiaki_himura on IG

If the sword managed to hit its target, even if it was not enough to suppress Nie Mingjue,
it could at least help buy some time. However, Su She had expended all of his spiritual energy
on that single technique and sent too much spiritual energy into the sword, exceeding its limit.
With a deafening clang, it broke into multiple pieces just as it reached Nie Mingjue’s chest and
Nie Mingjue’s fist landed heavily on Su She’s chest.

Instantly, the glow of spiritual energy around Su She vanished. Before he even had the
chance to spit out blood or to say any last words, the life in his eyes was extinguished.

Jin Guangyao lay paralyzed beside Lan Xichen, watching every moment of the scene. It
was unknown whether it was due to the extreme pain from losing an arm and bleeding from his
abdomen, or some other reason, his eyes had begun to fill with tears. Yet, there was no time to
even take a breather or tend to his wounds, Nie Mingjue pulled his hand out of Su She’s lifeless
body and turned around, looking straight at Jin Guangyao.

Nie Mingjue’s face held the same coldness and austerity as when he was alive and Jin
Guangyao was most terrified of him when he was like that. As though his tears had been
frightened back into his ducts, he whimpered, “Second Brother……”

Lan Xichen pointed his sword at Nie Mingjue as Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji hastily
played an urgent tune. However, since the whistling had been broken previously, it would be
much harder to try once again. Just then, someone shouted, “Wei Wuxian!”

“What?” Wei Wuxian instantly responded.

Only after replying did he realize that the person who had called him was actually Jiang
Cheng and he felt slightly astonished. Jiang Cheng did not reply directly but instead pulled
something out of his sleeve and threw it towards him. Wei Wuxian reached out and caught the
object before focusing his eyes on it. The object Jiang Cheng had thrown was a sleek, black
flute with a blood red tassel.

It was the ghost flute Chenqing!

The moment his fingers came into contact with the flute that he was all too familiar with,
Wei Wuxian didn’t even care about being surprised and immediately placed it against his lips,
shouting, “Lan Zhan!”

Lan Zhan nodded slightly and without saying a word, the duet between flute and zither
began to flow through the hall. The strum of the zither was like an icy spring and the melody of
the flute was like the cry of a bird as one suppressed and the other enticed. Under the combined
efforts of zither and flute, Nie Mingjue’s figure wavered for several moments before finally
moving reluctantly away from Jin Guangyao.

He continued to walk, one step at a time, under the control of the zither and the flute,
once more towards the empty coffin, and Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji too moved closer, one
step at a time. When he finally entered the coffin, the two simultaneously gave the coffin lid a
kick. The coffin lid slammed down with such force that it rebounded, and Wei Wuxian lightly
flipped onto the top of the coffin, securing Chenqing back on his waist with his left hand and
biting his right finger before swiftly scrawling across the coffin lid. A string of strange symbols
and patterns emerged as he continued to draw until the entire lid was covered in a bloody curse,
drawn without stopping with a single stroke!

Finally, the howling within the coffin slowly began to reside. Lan Wangji pressed his palm
against the seven strings of his zither, stopping its tune. Wei Wuxian released a sigh of relief,
tensely feeling for energy for several moments, assuring that there was no longer any force
underneath the coffin lid before standing up and saying, “What a bad temper he has, doesn’t

Wei Wuxian stop atop the coffin, too high up. Lan Wangji kept his zither and looked up at
him, staring intently with pale, golden eyes. Wei Wuxian lowered his head, his right arm moving
on its own to caress the clean, fair face in front of him. Whether it was intentional or not, his
fingers left several streaks of blood on his face. Yet Lan Wangji seemed not to care, saying,
“Come down.”

Wei Wuxian beamed and jumped off the coffin, landing in Lan Wangji’s arms.

They stood in that position for a peaceful moment before the silence was shattered with
Nie Huaisang’s cries of pain.

“Big Brother Xichen, quick, help me take a look, is my leg still intact?!” He sobbed.

Lan Xichen walked over, pressed his leg down and took a look.

“Huaisang, you’re fine, you don’t need to be so scared, your leg is not broken. You’ve
just been slashed on one side,” Lan Xichen responded.
“Slashed?! How can I not be scared when I’ve been slashed?! Did it pierce through my
leg? Big Brother Xichen, help me!” Nie Huaisang continued wailing.

Lan Xichen looked incredulous as he responded exasperatedly, “It’s not that serious.”

Yet Nie Huaisang continued to roll on the ground, hugging his leg. Lan Xichen knew that
Nie Huaisang was most afraid of pain, so he retrieved a bottle of medicine from his robes and
placed it in his hand, saying, “Painkillers.”

Nie Huaisang quickly swallowed the pills, saying, “How unlucky I am to have been
caught by that Su Minshan for no good reason while I was on my way back. He was going to
escape and yet he still wounded me! Doesn’t he know that he just had to push me away, why
does he have to use his sword……”

Lan Xichen stood up and turned around. Jin Guangyao was collapsed on the floor, his
face white as paper, his hair a tousled mess. Beads of cold sweat collected on his forehead and
he looked extremely pitiable. The pain of losing a hand was probably too great to bear and he
was continuously letting out soft whimpers. He looked up at Lan Xichen. Even though he did not
say anything, just by looking at him in this state, adding his miserable gaze, it was hard for one
not to pity him.

Lan Xichen looked at him for several moments before sighing heavily and pulling out the
medicine that he always carried with him.

“Sect Leader Lan,” Wei Wuxian’s voice held a warning tone.

“Young Master Wei, he’s already… this state, he probably can’t do anything. If we
don’t treat him now, I’m afraid he’ll die here. There are still many things that I have not asked

“......Sect Leader Lan, I understand, I’m not stopping you from saving him, I’m just
reminding you to be careful. Best to silence him, don’t let him speak anymore.”

Lan Xichen nodded and turned to Jin Guangyao, saying, “Sect Leader Jin, you’ve heard
him. Please don’t make any unnecessary actions anymore. Or else, just as a precaution, if you
make any move at all, I will not hesitate to……” Breathing in deeply, Lan Xichen continued,
“ kill you.”

Jin Guangyao nodded weakly, meekly responding, “Many thanks, ZeWu-Jun……”

Lan Xichen bent down and carefully tended to his severed arm as he trembled
uncontrollably. To see his once glorious sworn brother reduced to this state, Lan Xichen did not
know what to say and could only sigh repeatedly in his heart.
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji headed towards the corner of the hall where Wen Ning was
still awkwardly lying on Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling. Wei Wuxian placed him flat on the ground
and examined the hole in his chest.

“You see…....if you can find something to fill it up…?” Wei Wuxian murmured.

“Young Master, is it very serious?” Wen Ning asked.

“It’s not serious. You don’t need the organs in here. But it’s ugly.”

“But I don’t need to look good……”

Hearing the exchange, Jiang Cheng remained sullenly silent while Jin Ling looked as if
he wanted to say something, but remained silent as well.

On the other side of the hall, Lan Xichen continued tending to Jin Guangyao’s wound.
Lan Xichen had originally wanted to lecture him, but seeing that he was about to faint from the
pain, he couldn’t help but remain quiet as he turned around and said, “Huaisang, pass me the
bottle of medicine from earlier.”

Nie Huaisang had eaten two of the pills and kept the bottle in his robes, so he hurriedly
reached into his robes, saying, “Oh, got it.” After rummaging through his robes for a moment, he
finally found the bottle and was about to hand it to Lan Xichen when suddenly, his pupils dilated
as he screamed, “Big Brother Xichen watch your back!!!”

Lan Xichen had not let down his guard against Jin Guangyao and was already on
tenterhooks when he saw Nie Huaisang’s expression and heard his scream. His heart freezing,
Lan Xichen pulled out his sword and thrust it behind him.

And Jin Guangyao was stabbed squarely in the chest by his sword, his face full of shock
and betrayal.

Upon seeing this sudden turn of events, the others rushed over and Wei Wuxian asked
panickedly, “What’s going on?!”

“I-I-I…...saw Third Brother just now…...No, I saw Sect Leader Jin reach his hand behind
him, I wasn’t sure if……” Nie Huaisang stuttered fearfully.

Jin Guangyao looked at the sword sticking through his chest and moved his lips, wanting
to speak, but because he was under the silencing spell, he could not speak. Wei Wuxian felt
that the situation seemed off and was about to speak when Jin Guangyao coughed out a
mouthful of blood and rasped, “Lan Xichen!”
He had actually broken the silencing spell by force.

Jin Guangyao was now wounded on every part of his body; his left arm poisoned, right
hand severed, his abdomen missing some flesh; his entire body was stained with blood and he
had found it difficult to even sit up. However, as though his energy had returned to him, he
managed to stand up as he shouted again hatefully, “Lan Xichen!”

Lan Xichen looked extremely disappointed and upset as he said, “Sect Leader Jin, I told
you. If you try anything funny, I wouldn’t let you off.”

“Yes!” Jin Guangyao spat vehemently. “You said that. But did I do anything?!”

He had always been a figure of poise and courtesy in front of others, but now his face
bore an extremely frightful and ugly expression. Seeing his reaction, Lan Xichen too felt
something had gone wrong, and turned to face Nie Huaisang immediately. Jin Guangyao
started to laugh hysterically.

“I’m done here! What are you looking at him for? Stop looking! What can you find? Even
I didn’t see it coming for so many years. Huaisang, you’re really something. Hahahaha……”

Nie Huaisang looked at them with a tongue-tied expression, as though he had been
frightened to the point where he couldn’t even speak.

“To think that you would be my undoing……” Jin Guangyao growled venomously.

Struggling, he tried to move towards Nie Huaisang, but with the sword still pierced
through his chest, he winced in pain after moving a single step. Lan Xichen couldn’t bear to
deliver the final blow, but he also couldn’t pull out his sword and could only implore, “Don’t

Jin Guangyao indeed stopped moving. He couldn’t move anymore. Wrapping his left
hand tightly around the blade protruding out of his chest, he stood firmly and spat out another
mouthful of blood, saying, “What a great actor you are! No wonder…...Hiding it for so many
years, it must have been hard on you!”

Nie Huaisang stuttered again, “Big Brother Xichen, you must believe me, I really saw

His face full of loathing, Jin Guangyao roared, “You!”

He tried to lunge for Nie Huaisang again, but the sword in his chest moved deeper an
inch and Lan Xichen shouted, “Don’t move!”
Earlier, Lan Xichen had already fallen under Jin Guangyao’s multiple ruses and tricks
and it was difficult for him not to be on guard against him. Suspecting that he had reacted this
way towards Nie Huaisang because his actions had been exposed by him, it made Lan Xichen
all the more wary. However, Jin Guangyao easily read what Lan Xichen was thinking and
laughed exasperatedly, saying, “Lan Xichen! In this life, I’ve lied to and harmed countless of
people, just as you said, murdered my father, brother, wife, son, master and friend. There is
nothing evil that I’ve not yet committed on this earth!”

Taking a deep breath, his voice cracked as he continued, “But I have never once thought
of ever harming you!”

Lan Xichen was struck speechless.

Jin Guangyao breathed raggedly as he clutched the sword, gritting his teeth and
continuing, “......Back then when you were fleeing after the Cloud Recesses had burnt down,
who was the one who saved you? After that when the Gusu Lan sect rebuilt the Cloud
Recesses, who was the one who offered you assistance? All these years, when have I ever
suppressed the Gusu Lan sect and when was I ever not supportive of everything you did?!
Apart from temporarily sealing your spiritual powers, have I ever done anything to wrong you
and your clan? When have I never expressed my gratitude to you?!”

Upon hearing Jin Guangyao’s tirade of questions, Lan Xichen could no longer convince
himself to cast the silencing spell on him.

“Su Minshan was just repaying a debt of gratitude to me for remembering his name back
then. And you, ZeWu-Jun, Sect Leader Lan, just the same as Nie Mingjue, could not tolerate
me, not even to spare my life!”

After he finished his last sentence, Jin Guangyao suddenly retreated swiftly as he pulled
Shuoyue out of his chest, a stream of blood spurting as the sword came out.

“Don’t let him escape!” Jiang Cheng shouted.

Lan Xichen moved forward swiftly and caught his arm without much effort. In his current
state, no matter how fast he ran, Jin Guangyao could no longer go anywhere. Even Jin Ling
could catch him blindfolded. Moreover, he was mortally wounded and no longer had any
defenses. However, Wei Wuxian suddenly shouted urgently, “He’s not trying to escape!!!
ZeWu-Jun, get away from him now!!!”

It was too late. Jin Guangyao had already placed his severed arm over the coffin,
dripping fresh blood over the array that Wei Wuxian had originally drawn as it flowed into the
Nie Mingjue, who had previously been sealed in the coffin, sprung out again as he let out
a tremendous roar!

The coffin splintered in all four directions as a large white hand grabbed Jin Guangyao’s
neck, the other reaching for Lan Xichen’s throat.

Jin Guangyao was not trying to escape; he was trying to use his final breath to drag Lan
Xichen over to Nie Mingjue, and end their lives together!

Lan Wangji immediately unsheathed Bichen and sent it flying towards Nie Mingjue, its
blade brimming with spiritual energy, but Nie Mingjue seemed to have no fear towards such
cultivational weapons. Even as Bichen struck him, it did not do anything to prevent him from
moving forward and closing the distance between his hand and Lan Xichen’s throat.

However, just as the hand was about to wrap itself around Lan Xichen’s neck, Jin
Guangyao used his left hand and pushed Lan Xichen viciously on the chest, knocking him

Jin Guangyao himself was smashed against the coffin by Nie Mingjue as the fierce
corpse raised him again, high above his head like a rag doll. The scene was terrifying and
nightmarish to behold. Jin Guangyao’s remaining hand grasped Nie Mingjue’s iron-like arm
tightly as he struggled ceaselessly due to the immense suffering, his appearance wild and his
expression murderous. Using the last of his energy, he screamed, “Nie Mingjue, fuck you! Do
you think I’d be scared of you?! I……”

Jin Guangyao spat a mouthful of blood at Nie Mingjue as everyone heard the terrible
and crisp sound of bones cracking.

A thin wisp of smoke emerged from Jin Guangyao’s mouth as his head lolled. Jin Ling
shuddered violently as he shut his eyes and covered his ears, not daring to hear or see anything

- End -

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