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del Mundo, Harvey Jay U.

CE 3-6

1. Which of the following are invalid variable names and why? Determine which of the following
are valid identifiers. If invalid, explain why. (2pts. each)

● record1 - Valid

● $tax - Invalid, should start with letters only

● Name-and-address - Invalid, illegal characters ( - )

● lrecorde - Invalid, illegal characters ( blank space )

● file–3 - Invalid, illegal characters ( blank space )

● name and address - Invalid, illegal characters ( blank space )

● 123-45 -6789 - Invalid, illegal characters ( blank space and - )

● Return - Valid

● If - Invalid, resesrved word

● float - Invalid, function names

2. Write appropriate declaration for each group of variables given and assign the values from
the given set. (2pts. each)

● Integer variable : num, b, first - int a=7, b=b, c=first;

● Floating point : area, volume, num - float a=69ft 2 , b=108m3 , c=13;

● Character : coin, reg_no - char d=dollar, e=1900903;

● Short integer variable : tree - short int tree;

● Long integer variable : pen - long int pen;

● Double precision variable : book - double book;

● String: name, address - str name=Rico, address=Lemery;

● Boolean: correct, wrong - bool correct=true, wrong=false;

● Constant value: pi = 3.1416 - cons int pi=3.1416;

● Floating point: salary, tax - float salary=20$, tax=2%

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