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Good morning everyone I'm gonna say a speech today. What is freedom?

Or what is marriage or
something bah blah blah... today I'm not gonna answer that cause we're gonna talk about my story that
involves me.

I was walking down the road when I saw my friend he was getting some spider because it's trending
he was with a child name Jxxx so I helped them but I don't know how to cause I'm scared of bugs
because of something terrible. When something is in my shirt or on me that is a bug I freak really bad
that I even took my shirt in the public so I do is I pretend to be like a brave young man but within me I'm
scared really scared like freaking out that they won't go to me and freak me out. So let's get back in the
story we were going in to small forest and bushes then we encountered something it was a house it was
getting build but didn't finish then there were sounds of some kind then something "thud" in the fences
that is near the house so I run and Jxxx then my friend Nxxx he was teasing us I was furious then I tickled
him because that is his weakness so it's short I know so I got more shorter story for you.

We we're in a boy scout trip we got toooooo...... Um I forgot but there were many mythical
creatures or "aswang" so I was scared we got into a church then there were a lady that pass through the
side of the church then we went there then there was no people except a house with a fence then we
got back to our seat then the lady got back but not going back but the same direction as she
entertainment earlier then we didn't go cause we were scared the end.

Soooo this is all I go it's not funny because it's to amuse people Bc

But ma'am if your saying that I got a happy life then your wrong cause I'm just a clown in the class and I
got feelings too ma'am I'm really hurt when you said mean words to me when I was asking you politely
and others i thought this is the best class but I'm wrong this was no I've been looking for.

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