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Roi Nicholai Virtucio STEM 125

Performance Task # 2

The video that was given for us to watch was about a man named Tim
Urban about a master procrastinator. Before anything else, I have a question, are you
one of those people who are guilty of procrastinating? Are you one of those people who
loves saying the lines “I’ll do it later, “I’ll do it tomorrow”, and many more?

Tim Urban, the speaker, discussed or shared about his life when procrastinating
in the past, he even talked about his life when procrastinating during his college times.
Tim began by displaying a chart depicting his work ethic. It began productively, but as
seen in the second part; his works was limited due to the due date of the activity. After
that, he talked about their 90 – page senior thesis. He talked about how he delayed
making that paper until three days before the deadline. The speaker goes on to say that
waiting is undesirable not just while seeking to complete a task on time, but also when
attempting to achieve a goal. Procrastinators put off not just school assignments and job
projects until the last minute, but also starting a new business, raising a family, and
resolving a significant issue. Tim also added that everyone became a procrastinator in
their life. there is a part in everyone’s life that they said the lines “I’ll do it later”, “I’ll do it
tomorrow”, etc., since no one has truly taken the steps necessary to achieve their goals
in life. Personally, I can relate to what Tim Urban said because honestly, I also became
a procrastinator once in my life, sometimes I still do it, but I am trying to eliminate in step
by step in my life. Going back to the 90 – page senior thesis paper that Tim Urban was
saying, he described it as a steady growth in the beginning, then an increase in
productivity as the thesis deadline approached. Tim also went on to say that he had a
theory that a non-procrastinator’s brain is different from the brain of procrastinators. So,
after that, he found a lab where he can test it. The scientist examined his brain and that
of a known procrastinator.

Tim Urban made his conversation stand out with is creative use of visuals.
Throughout his talk in the segment called “Ted-Talk”, he generated his own pictures and
made them humorous, keeping the audience amused, keeping the audience amused. He
also established regular strong connections between the visuals and the audience,
Roi Nicholai Virtucio STEM 125

making his topic even more relevant to his audience’s interest, which I find fascinating
and loved the entire Ted Talk. He keeps the audience’s attention by simply talking fast
and putting emotions on it.

There are a lot of things that I learned in this talk of Mr. Urban. As student, I can
relate so bad in the topic he talked about which is procrastinating, especially in these
times of pandemic where we are in an online learning or distance learning.

He used a lot of symbols in his talk. First, he utilized the immediate gratification
monkey as a metaphor for being distracted and only wanting to do things that are simple
and enjoyable. Second, he used another visual used is the logical decision maker, which
represents a person’s structured and disciplined side, in contrast to the monkey. Only
humans have the ability to visualize the future and see the broad picture, which allows
them to make reasonable decisions. Another symbol is the dark playground as the
procrastinator’s final goal, which is completely outside of the makes sense circle.

But all in all, I enjoyed watching his talk. He got all of my attention even though I
am just watching him from a screen. Also, I liked his talk because I can relate to his topic,
especially I am a student who procrastinates most of the time. For me, Tim Urban is such
a great speaker and delivered the topic about procrastinating very well. I liked what he
said and agree with most of it. I learned some things in different aspects. I learned that
procrastination has different kinds of impact in our lives. Hands down to Mr. Urban for his

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