Topic Volunteerism: A LASSO Supervised School Poblacion, Minglanilla, Cebu SY 2020-2021

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ST. Cecilia's College-Cebu INC.

A LASSO Supervised School

Poblacion, Minglanilla, Cebu
SY 2020-2021

In Partial Fulfillment of Our Course Requirement in NSTP


Submitted by: Diana Angela T. Barinan

Name of student

Submitted to: Mr. Ramel Obejero

NSTP instructor

My name is Diana Angela T. Bariñan, I'm a 1st year college student and
everyone who knows me can agree that I am a good and a positive kind of
person. I love watching movies, kdramas, and animes. I also like dancing and
singing. I love how positive person myself is because inspite of many
challenges and difficulties I have encountered in life, I just solve and face them
with a smile.
I can say that I am a responsible and a hard working student. In addition
to being a sociable person, I have a large number of friends because I enjoy
interacting with others and learning about new people. My friends describe me
as a funny, interesting girl with a great sense of humour. As soon as I met new
people who are happy to meet me, I feel extremely comfortable with them. I
believe that friendship is one of the most important values in human life. We
exchange new ideas, learn new things about each other, and have new
experiences. I value friendship and the people in my life.
My current goal is to start making changes within myself in order to make
the world a better place to live in. Sure, I've had bad luck in my life, but that's
exactly what has shaped me into the person I am now: appreciative, loving,
and eager to study hard in the hopes of becoming a successful person with a
quality of life in the future. I suppose it is becoming more apparent day by day, and I am taking on a greater sense of
responsibility for what I do and where I go. With what I've already accomplished, I'm confident that I'm on the right track,
and I'll do everything I can to encourage people to live their lives the way they want to.
VOLUNTEERISM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1

ABOUT VOLUNTEERISM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2


FACE MASK MAKING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

HAND WASHING -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6

BACKYARD CLEANING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10

EMERGENCY MEDICAL KIT MAKING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12

TREE PLANTING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14

INFORMATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16

CURRICULUM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18

FEEDBACK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19


• Sewing kit
• Old Cloth
• Scissor
• Rubber band

1. Gather all the materials. 2. Cut the old cloth in two (2) rectangular shapes.

3. Attach the 2 clothes, then sew each sides. 4. Attach the rubber band in the sides.
5. Finish product.

 Soap
 Clean water
 Clean towel
1. Wash your hands with clean water. 2. Apply soap.

3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. 4. Rinse your hands well with clean water.

5. Dry your hands using a clean towel.

Volunteers throughout the world are involved for a range of reasons: in helping to eliminate
poverty and improve basic health and education, in addressing environmental challenges, in reducing
risks of disasters and in combating social isolation and violent conflicts. Volunteering makes a special
contribution to all of these areas by providing people and their communities with well-being.
Volunteers are motivated by the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, such as justice,
equality and freedom. A society that promotes and promotes various sorts of voluntary work is likely to
be a society that promotes the well-being of citizens as well.
Worldwide volunteers work more than 1 billion people, most of them in their own countries.
Many are in the lead in improving their management and engagement with their fellow people. In
addition, volunteers play a significant role in increasing government accountability and responsiveness
for its populations throughout the world. They engage with governments and civil society to hold
accountable and reflect the voices of individuals who are typically left out of choices about
development, such as women, youth and marginalized groups. The final result is more inclusive and
therefore more effective.
Volunteerism is a fundamental manifestation of human relations. It is a question of people
participating and feeling they matter to others in their societies. We firmly think that the social
interactions inherent in voluntary work are crucial to the well-being of individuals and groups. Values
such as solidarity, reciprocity, mutual trust, membership and empowerment contribute to the quality
of life in the spirit of volunteerism.
1. What volunteer job interests you according to your talents and abilities?
The volunteer job that interests me the most according to my talents and abilities is the
feeding program advocacy. Through feeding program I want to provide delicious and
nutritious meal to children to help decrease the incidence of malnourishment.
2. Have you experienced being a volunteer?
Yes, I experienced being a volunteer by giving my old clothes to the children who needs it.
Volunteering gives me opportunity to change people’s lives, including my own. It gives me
satisfaction of playing a role in someone else’s life, helping people who may not be able to
help themselves.
3. If you become a volunteer (for the 1st), how will you make your volunteering experience a
good one?
Volunteering is a great way to get involved in your community and make a difference. If I will
become a volunteer for the first time, I will make my volunteering experience a good one by:
first, I will decide what causes I care about. Second, I will identify my skills and knowledge I
can offer. And lastly, I won’t be afraid of the consequences I will change.

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