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Second Quarter Accomplishment Report

I. Introduction
It is an inspiring moment of critical period, but in spite of it, we kept ourselves
busy following instructions and guidelines delineated to the schools as a performance
tasks serving the public as servants. Though the COVID 19 Pandemic had struck all
over countries and nations, our leaders in the Department of Education never ceased to
engage in the continuous service enlightening the young minds of the youths and they
were able to gear some changes and modifications to curriculum management. The fact
is, they have crafted the Learning Continuity Plan for S.Y. 2020-2021, applying various
modalities in teaching such as modular, online learning using gadgets and introduced
both as blended system just make education awake in the minds of the learners,
parents, and stakeholders. Their main objective is summed up that “no child/learner
should be left behind.” Just to make things possible and easier, they also modified
learning competencies into “Most Essential Learning Competencies” to cope with the
number of days to fore-run ahead before a COVID-19 vaccine will be unveiled for
medical use. Hopefully, the ‘face-to-face’ classroom scenario may also be on its plight
after the virus shall totally be eradicated.
II. Objectives

1. To ensure that education must continue despite the pandemic outbreak which
disturbed many people on the planet.
2. To find ways and means how education may continue and marked the efficiency
of the educators as well as the learners.
3. To ensure that learning must take place using modifications other than face-to-
4. To apply the Most Essential Learning Competencies as basis for the teaching
instruction this school year.
5. To implement the bridging program as a means of support-learning.
6. To carry out readers from the Roxas South District that will spring up from the
“Nagbabasang Palaweno” Program.
7. To enlist enrollees through remote enrolment and distribute the LESF to
applicants acknowledged by parents or guardians.

III. Accomplishments

1. The Roxas South District composed of 21 elementary schools and 5 secondary

and 1 Senior High school started to convene for instruction observing proper
health protocols implemented by the DOH and the Inter-Agency Task Force.
2. Collaborated efforts in pursuing the activities included in the Bridging Program as
stated in the Division Memorandum No. 87, s. 2020.
3. Monitor the movement of the enrollees as to transferred in or transferred out by
checking the LIS and school last attended and to be enrolled.
4. Teachers were able to attend WEBINARS in several learning aspects as a
professional growth and achievement.
5. Prepared the conduciveness of the classrooms for maintenance of cleanliness
and readiness for face-to-face classes once the hazard of the virus diminished.
6. Work at home was practical among teachers to their assigned tasks for official
conduct of school activities.
7. Attended to the preparation, printing, and distribution of the modules in English,
Science, Math, and Filipino to Grade 7 and 11 entrants.
8. Attended the WEBINAR on the Early Language Literacy and Numeracy
Assessment. This is a tool for extending learning and teaching to the pupils as
teachers got some skills from it.

IV. Recommendation
In this semester, that the new normal must be observed, teachers and parents
should be particular in assisting the adolescents on the observance of the IATF Health
Protocol as prerequisite.
That the blended learning is the key to educate children today, let us move
forward ad no one must be left behind without enrolling form school and education must
continue applying the different delivery modality and implementation mechanism to
augment the activities in the Learning Continuity Plan each school prepared and must
be undertaken.
V. MOV’s with captions?????

Prepared by:


Public Schools District Supervisor
Roxas-South District

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