A LASSO Supervised School Poblacion, Minglanilla, Cebu SY 2020-2021

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ST. Cecilia's College-Cebu INC.

A LASSO Supervised School

Poblacion, Minglanilla, Cebu
SY 2020-2021

In Partial Fulfillment of Our Course Requirement in NSTP


Submitted by: Christine Reponte

Name of student

Submitted to: Mr. Ramel Obejero

NSTP instructor
My name is Christine Reponte. You can call me as tine/tintin. I'm 19 years
old and love to explore new things that I'm interested. My birthday falls on
every 10th of August. My zodiac sign is Leo. One of my favorite line from
Anonymous is "A girl should be like a butterfly. Pretty to see, hard to catch."
Everyone has their own weakness and strengths. My weakness is to do the
public speaking and my strength is the things that I'm good at. In spite of being
self-conscious I did everything to overcome my fear. When life knocks you
down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up. Let
your reason get you back up. I am a person that is easy to be with and never
hold grudges.
I'm not into sports but I love watching sports especially volleyball and
basketball. I am emotionally strong and physically weak. I love singing and
listening music. My comfort zone is food. I usually sing when I'm bored. I love
watching runway shows and my favorite model is Kendall Jenner.
I have many flaws and insecurities. I was insecure because of my teeth but
now I'm starting to love it and accept my flaws. I have also light sensitivity is
where the light level in the environment is too bright and causes me
discomfort. I have a weak immune system that I easily get sick.
Now, I am enjoying myself doing the things that I love and interested. I enjoy my studies even though it's stress me
up. If I have free time I'm doing tiktoks, reading wattpad and watch different discoveries. I also love spending time with
my mother, cousins and friends. I appreciate those people who believes in me and who sincerely loves me. I treasure
every moments with them because that moments gives me happiness.
VOLUNTEERISM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

ABOUT VOLUNTEERISM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2


FACE MASK MAKING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

HAND WASHING --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6

BACKYARD CLEANING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10

EMERGENCY MEDICAL KIT MAKING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12

TREE PLANTING ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14

INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16

CURRICULUM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18

FEEDBACK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19


• Sewing kit
• Cloth
• Pen
• Scissor
• Rubber band
1. Gather the materials. 2. Draw a line.

3. Cut the line you draw. 4. Sew each sides.

5. Get the rubber bands. 6. Attach the rubber bands to each corner.

7. Finish product.

 Soap
 Running water
 Clean towel


1. Wash your palms with running water. 2. Apply a soap.

3. Rub back of hands and between fingers. 4. Scrub each finger and between fingers.

5. Rub the base of the thumbs. 6. Rub the backs of fingers

7. Scrub your nails on palms. 8. Wash your wrist.

8. Dry hands with clean towel or tissue

Volunteering allows youth to develop skills such as teamwork and problem solving, which are
necessary for success in school, the career, and in their personal lives. Youth acquire a sense of
citizenship that lasts throughout adulthood, whether it's collecting money or caring for the elderly.
Volunteering also helps kids build strong, real-world experience for their resumes. That's why colleges
and corporations look for civically active candidates who can work well in groups and tackle difficult
Teens who volunteer increase their support network, or "social capital," by building relationships.
Social capital is important for upward mobility because it builds trust and a sense of community.
“Research shows [volunteerism] can serve as an effective conduit to positive educational and career
outcomes for low-income youth,” according to Opportunity Nation. Volunteer opportunities for low-
income teens are especially important in facilitating meaningful connections and sourcing educational
pathways, according to Opportunity Nation.
Volunteering boosts the chances of finding work, resulting in a measurable rise in employment
among volunteers aged 16 to 24 who were previously unemployed and not in school. Furthermore, for
college students ready to enter the workforce, volunteering is an effective channel; employers are 82
percent more likely to choose a candidate with volunteer experience, and 85 percent more inclined to
overlook résumé problems when volunteer work is included.

About Volunteerism
1. What volunteer job interests you according to your talents and abilities?
The volunteer job that interests me according to my talents and abilities are advocacy and
communication. I think I am suitable for this position since I am good in public speaking. I want
to encourage everyone to speak and participate in different activities. We all know that not
everyone are confident, with that I will help them to boost their confidence and improve their
2. Have you experienced being a volunteer?
Yes, before I volunteer as a catechist in our purok. It feels good that you deliver the message of
the Lord to the children. It is a warm hearted to see the children listening and participating my
3. If you become a volunteer (for the 1st), how will you make your volunteering experience a
good one?
If I will become a volunteer (for the 1st), I will make my volunteer experience a good one by
first, I will find a cause that I am passionate about. Second, I am going to ask myself what are
my goals and interests. Third, I’m going to ask the experts of volunteer organization. Fourth, I
will make sure that I know what to expect and that expectations are realistic. Lastly, I will not
be afraid to make a change and just enjoy being a volunteer.

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