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1.    I meet Raisa last night and _____ signed _____ t-shirt.

a.    (she, my)

b.    (he, my)
c.    (her, my)
d.    (his, mine)

2.    I can’t find _____. Does _____ steal it?

a.    (my, she)

b.    (she, you)
c.    (it, they)
d.    (mine, he)

3.    My father has a dog. _____ likes play with _____.

a.    (him, it)

b.    (he, it)
c.    (he, him)
d.    (he, her)

4.    When my boss promoted me, _____ was so proud and _____ gave me so many advices.

a.    (he, him)

b.    (he, she)
c.    (he, he)
d.    (them, he)

5.    My brother works in a big factory. _____ says that _____ is a nice place.

a.    (she, it)

b.    (he, it)
c.    (it, it)
d.    (he, there)
6. This scarf belongs to my aunt Tina. This scarf is...
A. Theirs
B. His
C. Hers
D. Yours

7. This toy belongs to you. This toy is...

A. Theirs
B. His
C. Hers
D. Yours

8. We haven’t tested our strategy yet. Have you tested … lately?

A. Hers
B. Yours
C. Ours
D. His

9. The horse swished....tail to keep flies away.

A. It’s
B. Its
C. Its’
D. The

10. This dessert is ... but you can have it.

A. My
B. Mine
C. Yours
D. Delicious

1. Had the make up class been an nounced earlier, more students would have attended
the lecture.
From the above sentence we may conclude that ...
A. no students came to the make up class
B. many students knew about the make up class
C. students did not want to attend the class
D. many students missed the make up class
E. the make up class was not announced
Jawab : D
Fakta dari kalimat tersebut adalah "The make up class was announced late, so few students
attended the lecture". Jadi kesimpulannya banyak siswa yang tidak masuk

2. If I work harder, I ... my paper in due time.

A. will finish
B. would finish
C. has finished
D. will be finished
E. will have finished
Jawab : A
Conditional tipe 1 mempunyai rumus = if + S + V1, S +will +inf

3. Anggi : Why weren't you in class yesterday?

Rindy : I was sick. If I hadn’t eaten spicy food, I wouldn’t have had a stomachache.
The underlined sentence means ...
A. Rindi had
B. Rindi has
C. Anggi had
D. Anggi has
E. both of them had
Jawab : A
Conditional type 3 tersebut mempunyai fakta: I ate spicy food, so I had stomachache
4. X : John had drawn all his money because he needed it for his father's operation.
Y: .... If his father's health had not been in a such bad condition.
A. He would not take all his money
B. He should take all his money
C. He didn't take all his money
D. He must have taken all his money
E. He wouldn't have taken all his money
Jawab : E
Conditional type 3 mempunyai pola = S+ would + have + V3, If + S+ had +V3 dengan
bentuk yang berlawanan dengan fakta.

5. He .... if I had not reminded him.

A. may forget
B. should forget
C. might have forgotten
D. must forget
E. may forget
Jawab: C
Anak kalimat dengan had + V3 menandakan conditional type 3 memerlukan modal + have +

6. Were the doctor here, he would have examine Mary. This means ...
A. The doctor is here and examining Mary
B. Mary ls being examined because the doctor Is here
C. Although the doctor is here, Mary is not examined
D. The doctor ls not here but Mary has been examined
E. Mary cannot be examined because the doctor is not here
Jawab: E
Conditional type 2 faktanya berbentuk Present (V1) dan merupakan lawan dari conditional-

7. He will be late for school if he .... at once.

A. does not leave
B. will leave
C. may not leave
D. did not leave
E. had not leave
Jawab : A
Penggunaan will +Inf menunjukkan conditional type 1 dengan predikat V1 (Present) pada
anak kalimatnya.

8. Your drawing was very good.

I could have done better if I .... more time.
A. had
B. had had
C. will have had
D. would have
E. will have had
Jawab : B
Conditional type 3 memerlukan anak kalimat dengan bentuk had + V3

9. "Why didn't you be those shoes? You seemed to like them".

"I would have, if they had been cheaper."
A. I did by the shoes
B. I was not again the price
C. the shoes were too expensive
D. I looked for a more expensive pain
E. the shoes were a bargain
Jawab : C
Karena conditional type 3 faktanya tipe 2 dan maknanya berlawanan.
"Saya akan membelinya kalau harganya lebih murah" berarti faktanya, "Saya tidak
membelinya karena harganya mahal".
10. "If they had knows that the flood was coming, They would not have stayed In their
Means .....
A. They knew that the flood was coming therefore the stayed In their house
B. They decided to stay in their house although the flood was coming
C. They couldn't stay In their house because they knew that the flood was coming
D. They didn't know that the flood was coming therefore, they stayed in their house
E. They didn't want to stay in their house because they knew that the flood was coming
Jawab : D
Karena conditional nya type 3, faktanya type 2, dan maknanya berlawanan "jika mereka tahu
banjir sedang datang, mereka tidak akan tinggal di rumah," maka faktanya "mereka tidak tahu
bahwa banjir akan datang sehingga mereka tinggal di rumah".

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