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NEM 325 Nuclear Engineering 1

Midterm Exam


1. (10 pts.) A certain reactor is fueled with 1000 kg of uranium rods enriched to (5.0 w/o) 235 U.
The remainder is 23BU. The density of uranium is 19.1 g/cm 3. What is the amount of 235 U in
the reactor? What are the atom densities of 235 U and 23B U ?

2. (15 pts.) The fission-product 131-1 has a half life 8.05 days and is produced in fission with a
yield of 2.9% -that is, 0.029 atoms of 131-1 are produced per-fission. Calculate the equilibrium
activity of this radionuclide in a reactor operating at 100 MW.

3. (20 pts.) A beam of 0.2 MeV y-rays with an intensity 10B y-rays/cm 2-s is incident on thin foil
of graphite. At this energy, Compton cross-section is 0.5 barn, Compton absorption cross section
is 0.3 barn and photoelectric cross section is 1 barn. What thickness of graphite is required to
reduce the intensity of un-collided 0.2 Me V y-rays by 10 %? What is the approximate energy
deposition rate into foil? (Density of graphite is 1.6 g/cm 3.) [Note: 10 % of photons must
undergo interaction in the foil.]

4. (20 pts.) Suppose that a fission neutron having energy of 1 MeV slows down to 1 eV as a
result of successive collisions in a moderator. If on the average the neutron gain in lethargy for
hydrogen is 1 and for carbon is 0.158 in each collision, how many collisions are required if the
moderator is a mixture of hydrogen and graphite with NH=2.1 0 atoms/cm 3 , N c=1 021 atomslcm 3
and (isH =1 barn, (isc=5 barn.

5. (15 pts.) If a reactor has a thermal power of 3800 MW and an expected fuel burnup of 30,000
MW-d/ton, how much fuel must be replaced after each 275 days of continues operation?

6. (20 pts.) Measurements on an experimental fast reactor fueled by 239pU and 23BU shows that,
for every 100 fast neutrons emitted in fission, 15 of them are escaped from the reactor. Rest of
the neutrons is absorbed in reactor. Of those absorbed neutrons, 40% are absorbed in fissile
material. (a) To sustain criticality, what must be the number of neutrons generated as a result of
fast fission by 23BU? (b) Suppose that thermal leakage is reduced by one third. How would this
change the value of k? Determine the reactivity. (c) Determine the conversion ratio. [Note: The
values of 239(ia = 2.5 barn, 239(if = 2.2 barn, 239v = 2.5 and 23B(ia = 1.9 barn, 23B(if = 0.4 barn, 23B v =

yY) ; J..~ tX-cLM T ~~~~

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- 2.~S-~ 10 ~~/CM~

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5) . For c:J J ~
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-:;::- 3"t ' r Ta/vt .
-1 0 0 lU.M hl\\

51 a~JoJr k J b;;
ofW (Yt-a/-droAs .


Fe. k J ('-if 1U.v!..r.,1\ aL,~Dr ~ J (. 'i1 p" ·

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(J1I.1J .j

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LQ...t1J~ J
NEM 325 Nuclear Engineering I

Homework # 8

Due 2015-12-17

I. The material composition for the core ofa large reactor yields koo = 1.03 and M = 25 em.
a. Calculate the critical volume for a bare cyl inder with a height to diameter ratio of one.
b. Calculate the critical volume ofa bare sphere.

Which of the two volumes did you expect to be larger? Why?

2. A cylindrical tank is constructed for storage of liquids containing fissionable material. The
tank has a diameter of 0.90111, and it is surrounded by a llonreflecting neutron absorber. Material
with kCQ = 1.6 and M = 8.0 em is poured into the tank. Neglecting extrapolation lengths,
a. To what height can the tank be filled before it becomes critical?
b. Estimate the maximum value of koo permissible (M remaining unchanged) if it must be
guaranteed that criticality \vi11 not be reached no matter to what height the tank is filled.
c. It is decided to reduce the diameter of the tank so that the material in part a can never reach
criticality. Estimate the reduced diameter.

3. An infinite slab reactor (extending to infinity in the y and z directions) has a thickness of 2a
with vacuum on either side . The properties for material 1 occupying O<x< a are k~ = kCQ , DI==D,
and Ia l == I a and those for material 2 occupying a <x< 2a are k~ = 0, D 1 ==D, and I/ = O.
Neglecting extrapolation distances,
a. Find a criticality equation relating a, koo , D, and Ia.
b. Sketch the flux bet\veen 0 and 2a.

4. Two group diffusion parameters for a homogeneous cylinrieal bare reactor is given as:

V.Oll043 D) 1.l%77
La) (CI11-) )

1 O.()lI<;)SS I D} 0.37815
VL I I (cm- )

Ia1 (em-I) O. 1204-t :

I 0.21 R49:
vL f2 (CI71- )

I.\) ..•: (CI11­


And take r ."l as 0.0963 .

Determine six factors characterizing neutron multiplication factor of the reactor.

5. Lamarsh Problem 6.2,

6. Lamarsh Problem 6.1 1,
~) 0) F" r .pnd-c J

( ; ) ~+ (7-.~O)-r~ ~

212.=- H .

- 25'1­

25""" . 1~1.. -t- 2 . '-IV 5"l.. r= 151.11

~ ­ ~ ~
(0 ,0 ~
V ~,£. = ITI2..'l· H -= '2.. IT 12.. ~ = I . '1'2.11 10 l' CM 1

ro,o s
VSfL........ _ 1~ IT e.' = I.HI< 10'1- CM 'J

I'-e 0. <.A.." ,.. s i..s /Yl M ;M Jte J. ~ :> v..! .(!. .. ~~ -h,
\) kve... ~ +-AD '() f- 'Sf ~ ,"50 I\A. "" N.A ~ .

As r-e.~v--A+)
C\ \lsf~ L Vuy<- "

JMC-L /lOA N...,~~ ~~

0( b So r t~ U").e...J. .)

~) "V o.

b) "



SMQ ~ =-0 .

~(x)= A~(x-'2c.)

cPr (rA) - ¢L (D.) -3> A I S'ih ~ Q =- Al c..

_ Q c?, ((a) -== - t;) . cA__f (4) - GIS A, c,J /?,q -::~A3
( B . C. Us" = - I ID-- )

CI : +-1 C'~ iia- ~JJ +~ .


\7'2.eP, =: - 8 5"- ¢ I ¢ (r) t-)

'V Z¢2. -:::: - f$ '3~ ¢ 2- ¢ ( r J -i: )

(G g'ij2--+ ~I
1 ) 1;{ - -t (" ~h ci:» t- {kCil)
(9L q,; T ~L) cjJL = 25 I-n CP,

E =- ~~\ ¢( +,,~ cb?.

Yf h- cPt.

::i:1.H tlz

1+Li gra1.

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