WDP - Floor On Pile

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WDP - Brailla


Dramix® Pile Supported Industrial Floors

Detailed Design Note and Basic Theory

Pile Supported Slabs with Dramix® Steel Fibre Reinforcement

This calculation is only valid for DRAMIX® steel fibres.

Using fibres of any other kind is strictly prohibited and Bekaert will refuse any liability or warranty.

Project WDP
object Brailla

Customer Bekaert
internet INPUT

date 12.2.2016

This design was made by:

Bekaert Ges.m.b.H
Dietram Rudoba
Grüngasse 16
AT-1050 Wien

www.bekaert.com/building Floors on Piles 3.0.3

12.02.2016 Only for use with Dramix® Steel fibres!

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WDP - Brailla

Terms and Definitions

αcc is the coefficient taking account of long term effects on the compressive strength.
apile is the length of a rectangular pile in the global x-direction.
arack is the transverse leg distance of a rack and equal to the rack depth.
as is the cross sectional area of the reinforcing bars per linear metre.
β is a factor accounting for the eccentricity of the support reaction with regard to the
control perimeter.
bbeam is the width of the edge and the joint support beam respectively.
bpile is the length of a rectangular pile in the global y-direction.
brack is the distance between two racks, placed back-to-back.
cnom is the nominal concrete cover of the reinforcing bars (if any).
crack is the longitudinal leg distance of a rack and equal to the rack width.
d is the static height of the slab.
deff is the effective static depth for punching design.
df is the static height assigned to Ff.
distedge is the distance between the pile centre and the free edge.
Dp is the pile (cap) diameter in case of round piles and equal to the equivalent diameter.
Dp,eq is the equivalent pile (cap) diameter in case of rectangular piles (circle of equal area).
du1 is the design value of the static height assigned to the basic control perimeter.
εc is the actual compressive strain in the concrete.
εcu is the ultimate compressive strain in the concrete.
ed is the design value of the uniformly distributed loading.
εf is the actual tensile strain in the steel fibre concrete.
εfu is the ultimate tensile strain in the steel fibre concrete.
eforklift is the wheel centre distance of the forklift.
erack is the width of the aisle between two racks.
εs is the actual tensile strain in the reinforcing bars (if any).
Es is the design value of the modulus of elasticity of the reinforcing steel.
εsu is the ultimate tensile strain in the reinforcing bars (if any).
fcd is the design value of the concrete compressive strength.
fck is the characteristic compressive cylinder strength of concrete at 28 days.
fctk,0.05 is the characteristic value of the tensile strength of concrete.
Fd is the design value of one foot of a rack.
Ff is the tension force generated by the steel fibres per linear meter
Fk is the characteristic value of a downward load.
fR1,k is the characteristic residual flexural strength, corresponding to fR1,m
fR1,m is the mean residual flexural strength of steel fibre concrete according to EN 14651, at a
crack mouth opening displacement of 0.5 mm.
fR3/4,k is the characteristic residual flexural strength, corresponding to fR3/4,m
fR3/4,m is the mean residual flexural strength of steel fibre concrete according to EN 14651, at a
crack mouth opening displacement of 2.5mm / 3.5mm.
fRt,d(ε) is the tensile strain of the steel fibre concrete at the edge of the tension zone.
fRt1,d is the design value of the post crack tensile strength, corresponding to fR1,m.
fRt3/4,d is the design value of the post crack tensile strength, corresponding to fR3/4,m.
Fs is the design value of the force in the tension zone due to the reinforcing bars.
fyd is the design yield strength of the reinforcement.
fyk is the characteristic yield strength of the reinforcement.
gd is the design value of a permanent, uniformly distributed action.
gd + qd,inf is the design value of the permanent and the inferior value of the variable action.
gd + qd,sup is the design value of the permanent and the superior value of the variable action.
gk is the characteristic value of a permanent, uniformly distributed action.
h is the depth of the pile supported floor slab.

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WDP - Brailla

hbeam is the depth of the edge and the joint support beam respectively.
κchar is a factor to convert mean to characteristic values.
κint is an additional safety to allow for interaction of actions in case of "fibre only".
mRxd is the positive bending moment resistance around the global x-axis.
m'Rxd is the negative bending moment resistance around the global x-axis.
mRyd is the positive bending moment resistance around the global y-axis.
m'Ryd is the negative bending moment resistance around the global y-axis.
mxd is the design value of the internal positive bending moment around the global x-axis.
m'xd is the design value of the internal negative bending moment around the global x-axis.
myd is the design value of the internal positive bending moment around the global y-axis.
m'yd is the design value of the internal negative bending moment around the global y-axis.
ϕ is the dynamic factor applied to wheel loads.
qd is the design value of a variable, uniformly distributed action.
qeq is an equivalent uniformly distributed action which has been derived from a point action
to generate the same bending action. The value is geometry dependent.
qk is the characteristic value of a variable, uniformly distributed action.
qk,eq,mezzanine is the characteristic value of the equivalent UDL due to actions from a mezzanine.
qk,eq,racks is the characteristic value of the equivalent UDL due to actions from a rack.
qk,eq,single axle is the characteristic value of the equivalent UDL due to a single axle.
qk,eq,twin axle is the characteristic value of the equivalent UDL due to a double axle.
qk,uniform is the characteristic value of a uniformly distributed action.
ρl is the reinforcement ratio for longitudinal reinforcement.
rtype is the radius of the positive yield lines in case of the fan pattern.
Sd,c is the design value of a corner support column.
Sd,e is the design value of an edge support column.
Sd,i is the design value of an inner support column.
u0 is the column perimeter considered for punching design.
u1 is the length of the basic control perimeter of the punching design.
UDL is a uniformly distributed loading such as g and q.
VEd is the design value of the applied shear force.
vEd, u0 is the maximum punching shear stress at the column perimeter.
vEd, u1 is the maximum punching shear stress at the basic control perimeter.
vRd,c is the design value of the punching shear resistance of a slab without punching shear
reinforcement along the control section considered.
vRd,f is the contribution of the steel fibres to the design value of the punching shear
resistance along the control section considered.
vRd,f,int is equal to vRd,f but taking κint into account.
vRd,max is the design value of the maximum punching shear resistance along the control section

x is the depth of the compression zone in a section.

Xe is the centre distance of the edge piles in the global x-direction.
Xi is the centre distance of the inner piles in the global x-direction.
ξlim is the ultimate value of the rotation in the section, x/d and x/h respectively.
ξmax is the rotation in the section, x/d and x/h respectively.
Ye is the centre distance of the edge piles in the global y-direction.
Yi is the centre distance of the inner piles in the global y-direction.

my Please refer to EN 1992-1-1 for further terms and definitions.


12.02.2016 Only for use with Dramix® Steel fibres!

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WDP - Brailla

Practical Recommendations and Conditions

This design accounts for the specific conditions of a Pile Supported Industrial Floor in an indoor environment.
Pile supported floors located in or built under outdoor conditions require additional calculations, mainly for
serviceability limit state (Dramix® CombiSlab). The same holds for specific crack width requirements.
The floors may be reinforced with fibres only, additional mesh patches, a continuous layer of mesh or a combination
thereof, depending on the results of the calculation. As this application is specific to areas with poor soil conditions, the
floor is designed as a point supported flat slab. Even though there might be soil contact in certain cases, this is not
taken into account giving conservative results.
However, the results of this calculation may not be applied to other applications like pile supported rafts or elevated
slabs unless explicitly approved by Bekaert.
A flooring design can never replace careful detailing, suitable concrete composition, proper compaction and the
importance of curing. Execution and detailing have to be done according to the state of the art and the relevant
Like traditional industrial floors, a Pile Supported Industrial Floor must not be connected to fixed elements. Also, a
membrane has to be placed between the top of the soil and the top of the pile(head)s on the one hand and the bottom
of the slab on the other hand. Any connection between pile(head)s and slab, like rebars or piles projecting over the soil
surface and into the slab, has to be avoided.
Saw cuts are not allowed in a Pile Supported Industrial Floor. All joints and free edges have to be supported by piles
or beams. The slab must not be connected to those piles or beams. Dowelled joint profiles with suitable edge
protection shall be used at a maximum distance which is specified in this design note. The length / width - ratio of all
panels created through the planned joints shall preferably be 1.0 and should be between 0.5 and 2.0. Working joints
shall not be introduced between the planned joints.
The floor is not designed to resist water pressure.

figure 2: pile (left) and pile cap (right) support

Beams, piles or pile caps require sufficient dimensions in order to

support joint profiles. Please refer to the chapter 'Input Data'.
figure 1: free edge with beam (left) and pile (right) support

All figures are indicative only.

floor figure 3: joint profile above pile (left),
pile, pile cap, beam pile cap (middle) and beam support.

From experience, a steel fibre concrete with

- slump S3 / flow slump F3 or higher
- maximum aggregate size 16mm
- sieve curve B16
has proven to work. Other concrete compositions are, of course, possible.
Please consult Bekaert for further recommendations, mixing and dosing instructions.
A minimum distance in between reinforcement of ~1,5•(fibre length) is recommended. Smaller distances may be
possible but should be checked on beforehand. If so and also in any case of doubt, a preliminary test is always
In order to avoid a sieve effect, reinforcement has to be placed accurately, especially within the lap length.

12.02.2016 Only for use with Dramix® Steel fibres!

15:09 © NV Bekaert SA, Bekaertstraat 2, B-8550 Zwevegem, www.bekaert.com/building 4/15
WDP - Brailla

General Remarks
This design concept for Pile Supported Industrial Floors is based on [1], [2] and [7], as well on the general principles of
yield line design [3], [5], [6].
The basic concepts are applied together with recent knowledge on the design of steel fibre concrete and material
properties according to EN 14651 [8]. The bending moment capacity of each relevant section is determined on those
material properties (fR1 and fR3/4) and simplified constitutive laws. Appropriate safety factors are applied.

Dramix® Steel fibre properties are controlled and certified according to EN 14889-1 [10] and are suitable for structural
purposes, system "1".
Apart from the experience from numerous projects worldwide, the design benefits from knowledge achieved through
large scale testing at the universities of Braunschweig (Germany) [5] and Delft (The Netherlands) [4].

Ultimate Limit State (ULS):

Yield-line theory requires to determine the relevant yield-line mechanism together with the corresponding load case.
For Pile Supported Industrial Floors two major mechanisms are governing
- folded plate pattern (figure 4 and 5)
- fan pattern (figure 6)

figure 4: folded plate mechanism under full loading

Not only the maximum loading (figure 4) but also non-symmetric loading (figure 5) needs to be accounted for. This is
especially important in the case of curtailed top reinforcement.

figure 5: folded plate mechanism under non-symmetric loading and with curtailed top reinforcement

As the piles are not connected to the slab, the fan pattern can only form at inner and edge piles (figure 6).

positive yield line

negative yield line

figure 6: fan pattern at inner (left) and edge piles (middle and right)

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WDP - Brailla

It is common practice for the folded plate mechanism - and also used in this design - to convert point loads to
uniformly distributed loads (UDL). These equivalent loads are determined to provide the same virtual work as the point
load(s) so that their action finally results in the same bending moment as the corresponding point load(s). Verifications
of the calculation are much simplified and only one design engine is required.
However, it is important to calculate these equivalent UDLs correctly. Both the geometry of the structure and the
geometry of the load pattern play an important role. The same point load can result in two different equivalent UDL,
depending on the yield line mechanism and/or location that is associated with it.
In the case of a single point load in the middle of the span (figure 7), the equivalent UDL would need to be 2 times
bigger than the UDL derived by simply dividing the force F by the length l and the width b of the respective field
(equation 1). Otherwise the virtual work performed by F and by the two resulting forces due to qeq respectively (black
arrows) were not equal (equation 2).
2 ∙  ∙ ∙  ∙ ∙
qeq F 2 4 2
(equation 1)
l/2 l/2 1∙
⇒   (equation 2)
figure 7: equivalent UDL for a single point load based on equal virtual work ∙

With an increasing number of point loads the factor "2" in equation 1 changes and becomes smaller. More yield line
systems have to be investigated so that all load configurations are covered. Figure 8 gives an example for a maximum
of five point loads.

qeq qeq


figure 8: equivalent UDL for a multiple point loads

Punching has to be verified in addition. However, punching does typically not occur in slabs which do only contain
steel fibre reinforcement. Those slabs are dominated by bending action.

Serviceability Limit State (SLS):

Due to the nature of concrete, crack free structures can not be guaranteed. The concept for this Dramix® Pile
Supported Industrial Floor is thus aimed at avoiding and, if inevitable, limiting cracks and crack width. This is achieved
by applying
- high performing steel fibres with a corresponding minimum dosage
- safety factors for ULS which intrinsically result in SLS performance
- specific detailing provisions for flooring applications
- a limitation on the pile and joint grid
- a maximum span / depth ratio
- a minimum slab thickness
maximum joint distance 50 [m]
minimum joint distance 25 [m]
Please refer to the chapter 'Practical Recommendations and Conditions' for possible joint layouts and support
assumptions. Saw cut joints are not allowed.

Limitation of span / depth - ratio

edge span / depth - ratio ≤ 18 [-]
inner span / depth - ratio ≤ 23 [-]

Limitation of pile grid

Xi / Yi ≤ max 0,50 ≤ 2,00 [-]
Xe / Xi ≤ max 0,60 ≤ 1,00 [-]
Ye / Yi ≤ max 0,60 ≤ 1,00 [-]
Xe / Ye ≤ max 0,50 ≤ 2,00 [-]

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WDP - Brailla

Input Data
slab depth h 250 [mm]
maximum joint distance 50 [m]
minimum joint distance 25 [m]
edge and joint support piles

Pile or Pile Cap Data

pile or pile cap shape round
diameter 1200 [mm] 1200 mm
equivalent diameter Deq 1200 [mm]
Pile and pile cap design are not covered by this design note.

Pile Grid
Xe 2300 [mm]
Xi 3000 [mm]
Ye 2300 [mm]
Yi 3000 [mm]
Xe Xi Xi Xi Xe






figure 9: pile grid (indicative drawing, pile or pile cap size and dimensions are not to scale, pile shape might differ)

Pile or pile cap design are not covered by

this design note.

0 mm projection
figure 10: slab projection and assumed support

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WDP - Brailla

concrete acc. EN 206-1 C30/37 (suitable for steel fibre reinforced industrial floors)
fck 30 [N/mm²] (EN 1992-1-1)
fctm / fctk,0.05 2,9 / 2,0 [N/mm²] (EN 1992-1-1)
αcc 0,85 [-]
η 0,95 [-]

Reinforcement Concept Fibre Only

Fibre Reinforcement
fibre type Dramix 5D 65/60BG (EN 14889-1: System '1' - Structural Use)
fR1,m 3,59 [N/mm²] (residual flexural strength at CMOD1 according to EN 14651)
fR3 ,m 5,00 [N/mm²] (residual flexural strength at CMOD3 according to EN 14651)

Conventional Reinforcement
yield strength fyk - [N/mm²]
E-modulus - [N/mm²]
concrete cover at top - [mm]
concrete cover at bottom - [mm]
first layer -
second layer -

Top Reinforcement no additional reinforcement (except for detailing)

figure 11a: outline of

top reinforcement

Bottom Reinforcement no additional reinforcement (except for detailing)

figure 11b: outline of

bottom reinforcement

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Slab Dead Weight

slab dead weight gk 6,0 [kN/m²]

Uniformly Distributed Loading (UDL)

qk,uniform 50,0 [kN/m²]

Rack Loads
F1k 50,0 [kN]
F2k 50,0 [kN]
F3k 50,0 [kN] F1k F2k F3k F4k F1k
F4k 50,0 [kN]
rack depth arack 1100 [mm]
rack distance brack 300 [mm]
rack width crack 2750 [mm] arack brack arack
aisle width erack 2500 [mm]
rack orientation x or y-direction

figure 12: rack layout (orientation in x or y-direction)

Mezzanine No mezzanine specified.

Fk,mezzanine and qk,mezzanine are assumed to occur on one
Fk,mezzanine - [kN]
panel and at the same time. Mezzanine loads shall not
qk,mezzanine - [kN/m²] be placed close to corner or edge piles.

2 x Fk Fk Fk
Single Axle
Fk,single axle 25,0 [kN]
esingle axle 1200 [mm] e
ϕsingle axle 1,4 [-]

Safety Factors

Loads Materials
γG permanent load 1,35 [-] γc concrete 1,5 [-]
γQ variable load 1,5 [-] γf steel fibres 1,5 [-]
γQ defined racking 1,5 [-] γs reinforcement steel 1,15 [-]
γQ dynamic load 1,5 [-]
γQ mezzanine load 1,5 [-]

Conversion Factors

Fibre Concrete
β1 (fR1,m → fRt1,m) 0,45 [-]
βi (fRi,m → fRti,m) 0,37 [-] (i = 3)

 ∙  ∙ ,

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WDP - Brailla

η·fcd εc ≤ εcu
Moment Capacity
η·fcd 16,2 [N/mm²]
εcu 3,5 [‰]
λ 0,80 [-]
εs ≤ εsu
Steel Fibre Reinforcement
fR1,m 3,59 [N/mm²] fRt,d(ε) ≤ εf ≤ εfu
fR3 ,m 5,00 [N/mm²] fRt3/4,d
κchar 1,00 [-] x λ∙x
λ ∙ x ∙ fcd
fRt1,d 1,08 [N/mm²]
fRt3 ,d 1,23 [N/mm²] df
εfu 25 [‰] h h-x d
Steel Reinforcement
fyd 435 [N/mm²]
Es 200000 [N/mm²] Fs
εsu 25 [‰]

Fibres Only Fibres Only Type 4

Reinforcement Type m'Rxd m'Ryd mRxd mRyd mRxd, type4 mRyd, type4
yield line location top bottom not applicable
εf [‰] 25,00 25,00 25,00 25,00 - -
εs [‰] 21,19 21,19 20,64 20,64 - -
εc [‰] 2,23 2,23 2,23 2,23 - -
x [mm] 21 21 21 21 - -
fRt,d(ε) [N/mm²] 1,23 1,23 1,23 1,23 - -
Ff [N/m] 264936 264936 264936 264936 - -
df [mm] 138 138 138 138 - -
as [mm²/m] 0 0 0 0 - -
Fs [N/m] 0 0 0 0 - -
d [mm] 215 215 210 210 - -
ξ = x/d [-] 0,082 0,082 0,082 0,082 - -
mRd [kNm/m] 34,35 34,35 34,35 34,35 - -

Patch Type 1 Patch Type 2 Patch Type 3

Reinforcement Type m'Rxd m'Ryd m'Rxd m'Ryd m'Rxd m'Ryd
yield line location not applicable not applicable not applicable
εf [‰] - - - - - -
εs [‰] - - - - - -
εc [‰] - - - - - -
x [mm] - - - - - -
fRt,d(ε) [N/mm²] - - - - - -
Ff [N/m] - - - - - -
df [mm] - - - - - -
as [mm²/m] - - - - - -
Fs [N/m] - - - - - -
d [mm] - - - - - -
ξ = x/d [-] - - - - - -
mRd [kNm/m] - - - - - -

table 1: moment capacity of the different areas

The resisting bending moment capacity will be spread along the relevant yield lines.

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WDP - Brailla

Bending Moments my

The yield lines are expected to occur above the piles giving conservative slab edge y
results. The equivalent UDL is calculated for the distance between the yield positive yield line mx
lines. negative yield line x

Bending: Folded Plate Model

Xe Xi Xe Xi

3 1 7 8

Yi 4 2 5 6

figure 13: relevant folded plate mechanisms

The equivalent UDL has to be calculated for the distance between the yield lines.

m'xd, mxd panel 1 panel 2 panel 3 panel 4

gk 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 [kN/m²]
qk,eq,racks 54,1 37,0 54,1 37,0 [kN/m²]
qk,eq,mezzanine 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 [kN/m²]
qk,eq,single axle 31,5 21,6 41,1 28,2 [kN/m²]
qk,uniform 50,0 50,0 50,0 50,0 [kN/m²]
qk,eq,racks + single axle 63,5 43,5 63,5 43,5 [kN/m²]
gd + qd,inf 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 [kN/m²]
gd + qd,sup 103,4 83,1 103,4 83,1 [kN/m²]
relevant span 1480 2160 1480 2160 [mm]
m'xd, symmetric 19,42 24,23 19,42 24,23 [kNm/m] (occurring)
m'Rxd, symmetric 34,35 34,35 34,35 34,35 [kNm/m] (resisting)
mxd, symmetric 19,42 24,23 19,42 24,23 [kNm/m] (occurring)
mRxd, symmetric 34,35 34,35 34,35 34,35 [kNm/m] (resisting)
m'xd, non-symmetric 0,00 14,11 0,00 14,11 [kNm/m] (occurring)
m'Rxd, non-symmetric 34,35 34,35 34,35 34,35 [kNm/m] (resisting)
m'yd, myd panel 5 panel 6 panel 7 panel 8
gk 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 [kN/m²]
qk,eq,racks 54,1 37,0 54,1 37,0 [kN/m²]
qk,eq,mezzanine 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 [kN/m²]
qk,eq,single axle 31,5 21,6 41,1 28,2 [kN/m²]
qk,uniform 50,0 50,0 50,0 50,0 [kN/m²]
qk,eq,racks + single axle 63,5 43,5 63,5 43,5 [kN/m²]
gd + qd,inf 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 [kN/m²]
gd + qd,sup 103,4 83,1 103,4 83,1 [kN/m²]
relevant span 1480 2160 1480 2160 [mm]
m'yd, symmetric 19,42 24,23 19,42 24,23 [kNm/m] (occurring)
m'Ryd, symmetric 34,35 34,35 34,35 34,35 [kNm/m] (resisting)
myd, symmetric 19,42 24,23 19,42 24,23 [kNm/m] (occurring)
mRyd, symmetric 34,35 34,35 34,35 34,35 [kNm/m] (resisting)
m'yd, non-symmetric 0,00 14,11 0,00 14,11 [kNm/m] (occurring)
m'Ryd, non-symmetric 34,35 34,35 34,35 34,35 [kNm/m] (resisting)
table 2: equivalent uniform loads and bending moments according to figures 4, 5, 7, 8, and 13

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Bending: Fan Pattern

xtype1 xtype2

rtype1 rtype2

figure 15a: fan pattern for inner pile (pile 1, left) and pile next to a free edge or joint (pile 2, right)

atype3 atype3


figure 15b: fan pattern for a pile at a free edge (pile 3edge, left) and a pile at a joint (pile3joint, right)

m'xd = m'Yd, mxd = myd pile 1 pile 2 pile 3edge pile 3joint
gk 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 [kN/m²]
qk,eq,racks 14,5 14,5 14,5 14,5 [kN/m²]
qk,eq,mezzanine 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 [kN/m²]
qk,eq,single axle 7,8 10,3 11,7 11,7 [kN/m²]
qk,uniform 50,0 50,0 50,0 50,0 [kN/m²]
qk,eq,racks + single axle 18,4 19,7 20,4 20,4 [kN/m²]
gd + qd,sup 83,1 83,1 83,1 83,1 [kN/m²]
Sd,i 747,9 660,6 436,3 286,7 [kN]
distedge n/a n/a 600 n/a [mm]
rtype,i 1337 1272 1080 917 [mm]
m'xd = m'yd 29,71 25,13 33,99 25,24 [kNm/m] (occurring)
m'Rxd = m'Ryd 34,35 34,35 34,35 34,35 [kNm/m] (resisting)
mxd = myd 29,71 25,13 33,99 25,24 [kNm/m] (occurring)
mRxd = mRyd 34,35 34,35 34,35 34,35 [kNm/m] (resisting)
table 4: equivalent uniform loads and bending moments according to figure 15

High ductility reinforcement class B or C according to EN 1992-1-1, Annex C is assumed.

The ultimate rotation ξlim is not exceeded:

ξlim 0,25 [-] (EN 1992-1-1
ξmax 0,082 [-] (see table 1)

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WDP - Brailla

The punching design is done in accordance with [1], [2] and [4].

pile 1 pile 2 pile 3edge pile 3joint

Ved,u1 1) 499,7 412,5 215,0 133,5 [kN]
Ved,u0 747,9 660,6 436,3 286,7 [kN]
h 250 250 250 250 [mm]
deff 250 250 250 250 [mm]
projection p - - 0 - [mm]
control perimeter u0 3770 3770 1885 1885 [mm]
du1 188 188 188 188 [mm]
factor for du1 2 2 2 2 [-]
control perimeter u1 6126 6126 4263 3063 [mm]
β 2) 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 [-]
CRd,c 0,12 0,12 0,12 0,12 [-]
k 1,89 1,89 1,89 1,89 [-]
ρl 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 [-]
fck 30 30 30 30 [N/mm²]
k1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 [-]
vmin 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 [N/mm²]
vRd,c 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 [N/mm²]
κchar 1,00 1,00 0,86 0,76 [-]
fR3 ,k 5,00 5,00 4,28 3,78 [N/mm²]
vRd,f 0,43 0,43 0,37 0,32 [N/mm²]
κint 0,14 0,27 0,01 0,27 [-]
vRd,f,int 0,06 0,12 0,00 0,09 [N/mm²]
fcd 17,0 17,0 17,0 17,0 [N/mm²]
ν 0,528 0,528 0,528 0,528 [-]
vEd,u1 0,33 0,27 0,20 0,17 [N/mm²] (occurring)
vRd,c + vRd,f,int 0,56 0,61 0,50 0,59 [N/mm²] (resisting)
vEd,u0 0,79 0,70 0,93 0,61 [N/mm²] (occurring)
vRd,max 3,59 3,59 3,59 3,59 [N/mm²] (resisting)
qk,uniform is only taken into account outside the punching cone.
Because the support reaction is not eccentric with regard to the control perimeter.
table 5: punching design

vEd ≤ vRd ,c + vRd , f ,int

Act u ⋅d
κ char = 0.5 + 12 ⋅ = 0.5 + 12 ⋅ 1 u1
1.5 1.5
≥ κ char , min
≤ κ char , max

κ char ⋅ f R 3 / 4,m
v Rd , f ,int = κ int ⋅ 0.18 ⋅
1.4 ⋅ γ f
All other relevant equations and variables see [1].

12.02.2016 Only for use with Dramix® Steel fibres!

15:09 © NV Bekaert SA, Bekaertstraat 2, B-8550 Zwevegem, www.bekaert.com/building 13/15
WDP - Brailla

Conclusion and Proposal:

Despite the Bekaert data sheets allowing a good estimation of post crack strength, it does not relieve others to test the
applied material properties. Bekaert is prepared to give advice and practical support for quality control.

Reinforcement Layout
type Fibre Only

pile grid 2,3m - 3m / 2,3m - 3m (Xe - Xi / Ye - Yi)
slab thickness 250 [mm]
maximum field size 50 [m] (distances between supported
minimum field size 25 [m] joints / free edges)
pile (cap) diameter 1200 [mm] (pile or pile cap diameter)
edge and joint support piles
Joint profiles shall be directly supported by piles or pile caps.
The pile dimensions used in this design note may either be associated to a pile or a pile cap.
Pile and pile cap design are not covered by this design note and require a separate design.

Characteristic Pile Load

Approximate load on an inner pile or a pile next to a free edge or joint, without load safety factors.
max Sk,i 504 [kN]

Steel Fibres and Fibre Concrete

concrete class C30/37 (The exposure class is to be defined by the project engineer, ≥ XC2.)
required fR1,m 3,59 [N/mm²] (EN 14651)
required f3R ,m 5,00 [N/mm²] (EN 14651)
fibre type Dramix 5D 65/60BG (EN 14889-1: System '1' - Structural Use)
dosage 30 kg/m³ (recommended dosage for performance testing)

type 1 none (top)
type 2 none (top)
type 3 - joint none (top)
type 3 - edge none (top)
type 4 none (bottom)
yield strength fyk - [N/mm²]
ductility class - [-]
E-modulus Es - [mm]
concrete cover cnom,top - [mm]
concrete cover cnom,bottom - [mm]
first layer -
second layer - Data Base 1.0.2
Floors on Piles 3.0.3

All input data provided to Bekaert is assumed as correct and thus without Bekaert's responsibility. Assumptions made
by Bekaert are evident for successful execution and thus have to be verified by the project engineer.
The recommended fibre dosage for performance testing is based on a large data base and should meet the
requirements for fR1,m and fR3,m in a concrete as stated above.

This design is only valid for Dramix®-steel fibres. Violation hereof shall entail legal proceedings by BEKAERT
in view of indemnification of all losses that BEKAERT may sustain as a result of such violation. In case other
fibre types than specified above or fibres of other manufacturers are used, this design is null and void. In such
a case, Bekaert rejects any liability for this design and for the consequences of putting it in practice.

12.02.2016 Only for use with Dramix® Steel fibres!

15:09 © NV Bekaert SA, Bekaertstraat 2, B-8550 Zwevegem, www.bekaert.com/building 14/15
WDP - Brailla

application [1] EN 1992-1-1:
Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings
[2] CUR Recommendation 111:
Steel fibre reinforced concrete industrial floors on pile foundations - Design and
construction, CURNET 12/2007
[3] G. Kennedy, C. H. Goodchild:
Practical Yield Line Design, The Concrete Centre 09/2004
[4] C.R. Braam:
Punching shear capacity of a steel fibre reinforced concrete slab - influence of pile mesh
reinforcement, Delft University of Technology 11/2008
[5] U. Gossla, H. Falkner:
Pfahlgestützte Bodenplatten aus Stahlfaserbeton, TU Braunschweig, 03/1997
[6] A. Sawczuk, Th. Jaeger:
Grenztragfähigkeits-Theorie der Platten, Springer Verlag
[7] The Concrete Society:
Technical Report 34 - Concrete Industrial Ground Floors

post crack strength [8] EN 14651:2003 and relevant national standards

materials [ 9] EN 206-1 and relevant national standards

[10] EN 14889-1 and relevant national standards

Dramix® steel fibres, where added to concrete, will enable the latter to transfer stresses over a cracked section. In this respect, "Dramix® Pile
Supported Industrial Floors" is meant to be a methodology that is to allow the users of the Dramix® steel fibres (where such fibres are added to
concrete) to determine the load carrying capacity of Dramix® steel fibre reinforced concrete alone or in a combination with traditional reinforcement.
The methodology and required assumptions are explained in the detailed design note.

Whereas BEKAERT is confident with the scientific quality of "Dramix® Pile Supported Industrial Floors" and whereas, as a result thereof, BEKAERT
warrants the validity of the software and the resulting design note as a methodology, BEKAERT is nevertheless unable to have an insight in (and a
control over) the correctness of the data (such as but not limited to correct geometry, materials and design conditions) that are actually being used
by others for the purpose of any calculation that is being made on the basis of the software.

In addition, BEKAERT is also unable to have an insight in (and a control over) the respect by others of the conditions (such as but not limited to the
mixing of Dramix® steel fibres with concrete according to BEKAERT specifications, the timely curing of the concrete, the use of adequate concrete
composition) that are precedent to Dramix® steel fibre reinforced concrete performing as intended.

In respect of what precedes, BEKAERT hereby declines any liability whatsoever for losses and/or damages of whatever kind (and sustained by
whomever) that might result either from use by others of erroneous data (where used for the purpose of any calculation that is being made on the
basis of the software) or from disrespect by others of any of the conditions that are precedent to Dramix® steel fibre reinforced concrete performing
as intended. BEKAERT can not be considered to be nor to become an architect and/or building engineer on the sole basis of BEKAERT providing to
others this design note and in the same respect, BEKAERT can not be considered to accept any of the liabilities that may possibly devolve on
architects and/or building engineers.

Finally, this design note does not relieve others to test the material properties, especially post-crack tensile strength, of the Dramix® steel fibre
reinforced concrete according to the standards stated above.

By the single fact of utilizing this design note, the user accepts and agrees that this utilization is considered to be done or to have been done under
the terms and conditions stated above. By the same fact, the user agrees to waive all rights of subrogation against BEKAERT and/or to hold
BEKAERT harmless from and against all claims for all losses and/or damages (of whatever kind and by whomever sustained) for which BEKAERT,
pursuant to what precedes, declines liability.

This design note may not be used for any other purpose than for making calculations in respect of the Dramix® steel fibres; violation hereof shall
entail legal proceedings by BEKAERT in view of indemnification of all losses that BEKAERT may sustain as a result of such violation. At all times,
the rights of intellectual property over this design note will remain vested in BEKAERT; the single fact of the utilization by others of this design note
can under no circumstances be considered to constitute a transfer to others of the rights of intellectual property over this design note. The sales of
this design note (and/or the commercializing thereof in any other way) to others is strictly prohibited; violation hereof shall entail legal proceedings by
BEKAERT in view of indemnification of all losses that BEKAERT may sustain as a result of such violation.

12.02.2016 Only for use with Dramix® Steel fibres!

15:09 © NV Bekaert SA, Bekaertstraat 2, B-8550 Zwevegem, www.bekaert.com/building 15/15

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