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Self-Control in School-Age Children

Article  in  Educational Psychologist · July 2014

DOI: 10.1080/00461520.2014.926225


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Angela Duckworth
University of Pennsylvania


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Self-Control in School-Age Children

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Angela L. Duckworth , Tamar Szabó Gendler & James J. Gross
Psychology Department University of Pennsylvania
Department of Philosophy Yale University
Department of Psychology Stanford University
Published online: 19 Jun 2014.

To cite this article: Angela L. Duckworth, Tamar Szabó Gendler & James J. Gross (2014) Self-Control in School-Age
Children, Educational Psychologist, 49:3, 199-217, DOI: 10.1080/00461520.2014.926225

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EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGIST, 49(3), 199–217, 2014
Copyright Ó Division 15, American Psychological Association
ISSN: 0046-1520 print / 1532-6985 online
DOI: 10.1080/00461520.2014.926225

Self-Control in School-Age Children

Angela L. Duckworth
Psychology Department
University of Pennsylvania

Tamar Szab
o Gendler
Department of Philosophy
Yale University
Downloaded by [University of Pennsylvania] at 07:03 31 July 2014

James J. Gross
Department of Psychology
Stanford University

Conflicts between immediately rewarding activities and more enduringly valued goals
abound in the lives of school-age children. Such conflicts call upon children to exercise self-
control, a competence that depends in part on the mastery of metacognitive, prospective
strategies. The process model of self-control organizes these strategies into five families
corresponding to sequential phases in the process by which undesired and desired impulses
lose or gather force over time. Situation selection and situation modification strategies
involve choosing or changing physical or social circumstances. Attentional deployment and
cognitive change strategies involve altering whether and how objective features of the
situation are mentally represented. Finally, response modulation strategies involve the direct
suppression or enhancement of impulses. The process model of self-control predicts that
strategies deployed earlier in the process of impulse generation and regulation generally will
be more effective than those deployed later. Implications of this self-control perspective for
school-age children are considered.

No one can be called educated who will not do something methods have since evolved, diminishing emphasis on rote
that he would rather not do, at the time it ought to be done. practice and memorization, current evidence for self-con-
trol as a determinant of academic outcomes is stronger than
— Nicholas Murray Butler, founder of Columbia for any other aspect of personality or temperament (Duck-
Teacher’s College worth & Allred, 2012; Duckworth & Carlson, 2013). For
example, in prospective longitudinal studies, students who
Learning is said to be its own reward, but the task require-
are better able to regulate their attention, emotion, and
ments of “studenting” include doing things that are useful
behavior earn higher teacher-assigned course grades (Duck-
or important in the long run but not altogether pleasant (and
worth, Tsukayama, & May, 2010), standardized achieve-
sometimes downright unpleasant) in the here and now
ment test scores (Blair & Razza, 2007; Duckworth,
(Corno & Mandinach, 2004). More than a century ago,
Tsukayama, & Kirby, 2013; W. Mischel, Shoda, & Rodri-
James (1899) lectured to school teachers on the importance
guez, 1989) and high school diplomas (Vitaro, Brendgen,
of self-control to what he considered ineluctable aspects of
Larose, & Tremblay, 2005).
“classroom drudgery” (p. 109). Although instructional
The benefits of self-control extend beyond formal aca-
demic learning: Self-control also predicts social compe-
Correspondence should be addressed to Angela L. Duckworth,
tence and positive relationships with both adults and peers
Psychology Department, Positive Psychology Center, University of Penn-
sylvania, 3701 Market Street, Room 215, Philadelphia, PA 19104. E-mail: (Eisenberg, Hofer, Sulik, & Spinrad, 2014; Eisenberg et al., 2009); lower levels of cigarette, alcohol, and drug use

(Romer, Duckworth, Sznitman, & Sunhee, 2010; Wills & with self-control (e.g., self-regulation, self-discipline, will-
Stoolmiller, 2002); and better physical health (Tsukayama, power, effortful control, ego strength, and inhibitory control)
Toomey, Faith, & Duckworth, 2010). Recently, a landmark and its opposite, impulsiveness (Depue & Collins, 1999;
longitudinal study found that self-control measured in Evenden, 1999; J. L. White et al., 1994; Whiteside &
childhood predicts success and well-being in adulthood, Lynam, 2001). To avoid confusion, we begin by making our
including income, savings, and physical and mental health, own conception of self-control explicit.
with effect sizes comparable in magnitude to those of gen- For our purposes here, self-control is the voluntary regula-
eral intelligence or family socioeconomic status (Moffitt tion of attentional, emotional, and behavioral impulses when
et al., 2011). These positive life outcomes were partially immediate temptations conflict with more enduringly valued
explained by better decisions made in adolescence (e.g., goals. We believe that this perspective represents an increas-
staying in school, not smoking, and avoiding becoming a ingly consensual definition of self-control, resonant not only
teenage parent). with diverse psychological traditions (Baumeister, Heather-
In this article, we present an integrative model for self- ton, & Tice, 1994; Eisenberg, Smith, Sadovsky, & Spinrad,
control with a specific focus on different kinds of strategies 2004; Freud, 1920; Fujita, 2011; Hofmann, Friese, & Strack,
school-age children can use to resist temptation. We begin 2009; Milkman, Rogers, & Bazerman, 2008; W. Mischel
by explicitly defining self-control and distinguishing this et al., 1989; Rachlin, 2000; Rothbart & Rueda, 2005) but
Downloaded by [University of Pennsylvania] at 07:03 31 July 2014

construct from self-regulated learning. Next, we introduce also with classical and contemporary philosophical work on
the process model of self-control. Within this theoretical the same topic (Aristotle, 1999; Frankfurt, 1971).
framework, we explain how desired and undesired impulses Two features of our definition of self-control merit elab-
gather (or lose) strength over time and how self-control oration. First, self-control requires doing what we know to
involves intentional and strategic intervention at various be best in the long run in the face of a more immediately
stages of impulse generation. We then turn to metacogni- rewarding option. For instance, in the delay of gratification
tion and prospection, two foundational capacities that task, children who wait long enough get to eat a larger
enable the deployment of any self-control strategy. Finally, amount of a favorite treat (e.g., two marshmallows) rather
we review the five families of self-control strategies charac- than a smaller amount (e.g., one marshmallow) right away
terized by the process model, including findings from (W. Mischel, Shoda, & Peake, 1988; W. Mischel et al.,
empirical research and their potential application in the 1989). On many occasions, the rewards of exercising self-
lives of school-age children. control are not only delayed but also abstract. For instance,
students are often exhorted to study in order to “better their
future prospects” or “to improve themselves” or “to fulfill
CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS their potential.” Both temporal distance and conceptual
abstraction reduce the psychological salience of long-term
Two literatures are particularly relevant to self-control in goals that, although enduringly valued by the individual,
school-age children. In the self-control literature, there is a are dramatically less alluring in the moment of choice than
long tradition of studying how individuals adjudicate more concrete, immediately rewarding temptations (Fujita,
between conflicting impulses, beginning with James (1899) Trope, Liberman, & Levin-Sagi, 2006). Our second defini-
and Freud (1920) and now including an increasingly large tional requirement of self-control is that it be self-initiated.
proportion of developmental, personality, social, and clini- The term “self” as a prefix to the term “control” specifies
cal psychology researchers (W. Mischel, 2014). More that it is the individual, rather than an authority figure, who
recently, in the educational psychology literature, there instigates the process of regulation. This point allows us to
has emerged a very rich body of theoretical and empirical distinguish between two classroom scenarios: an orderly
work on self-regulated learning (SRL). With few notable classroom in which students are encouraged and taught to
exceptions (e.g., Ben-Eliyahu & Linnenbrink-Garcia, 2013; exercise self-control, and another where students are merely
Boekaerts, 2011), these two literatures have developed conforming to rules for fear of punishment. Children who
almost entirely in parallel, with little cross-fertilization. This willingly comply with directives from adults are easier to
is unfortunate, because we see self-control and SRL as over- manage than those who do not, but compliance should not
lapping—albeit separable—constructs. In this section, we be confused with fully autonomous, self-initiated regulation
elaborate on how they are both related and distinct, conclud- (Eisenberg, Duckworth, Spinrad, & Valiente, 2012).
ing with our specific focus in this article: self-control in
school-age children. Self-Regulated Learning (SRL)

Self-Control In recent decades, the construct of SRL has flourished in the

educational psychology literature (Boekaerts & Cascallar,
Because research on self-control spans diverse theoretical 2006; Corno & Mandinach, 2004; Efklides, 2011; Pintrich
traditions, a confusing array of terms are used synonymously & de Groot, 1990; Winne & Hadwin, 1998; Zimmerman,

1990, 2000). SRL is defined differently by different authors TABLE 1

but generally refers to “the agentic role of the learner” in Examples of Self-Control Successes and Failures From Among
autonomously, efficaciously guiding his or her own aca- Hundreds Volunteered by Middle School Students
demic learning (Efklides, 2011, p. 6). SRL thus encompasses Self-Control Successes
all aspects of students’ taking charge of their own learning. Paying attention in class
For example, SRL processes include volitional processes we Double-checking work
Tuning into what the teacher is saying
discuss in this article (e.g., academic goal setting, planning,
Being patient when a family member does something that could be
and self-talk) as well as motivational processes (e.g., aca- annoying
demic self-efficacy, academic task value, and performance Finishing your work on time
vs. mastery goal orientation) and cognitive processes (e.g., Being forgiving when a family member does something you don’t like
memorization and decoding strategies; Corno, 2011;Wol- Giving others a chance to talk during discussions
Sitting up in your chair
ters, 2003; Zimmerman, 2000, 2008) we consider to be dis-
Not watching TV at the same time as doing homework
tinct from self-control. Accordingly, widely used Saying “Excuse me”
questionnaire and interview measures of SRL assess not just Doing work as early as possible
how students handle conflicts between their academic goals Doing your chores
and more pleasurable alternatives but also test taking and Greeting teachers
Downloaded by [University of Pennsylvania] at 07:03 31 July 2014

Buckling seat belt

reading comprehension strategies, memorization and
Raising your hand if you want something
rehearsal strategies, interest and confidence in school, and Using table manners
anxiety about academic performance, among other factors Writing neatly
(see Zimmerman, 2008, for a review). In sum, SRL is a very Taking only as much as you can eat
broad construct insofar as it encompasses all aspects of self- Taking out the trash
Asking for help if you need help
directed learning and yet highly domain-specific insofar as it
Self-Control Failures
is concerned exclusively with academic goals. Text messaging someone while you are supposed to do something else
Saying mean things to the bus driver
Self-Control in School-Age Children Leaving a room messy and dirty
Getting your brother or sister in trouble on purpose
Playing computer or videogames without permission
Our interest in this article is to explore how school-age chil-
Asking for help without trying first
dren can exercise self-control in all important domains of Mocking a teacher
their life. Table 1 provides verbatim examples of everyday Littering
self-control successes and failures nominated by large and Whining
diverse sample of middle school students (Tsukayama, Fighting over the TV remote
Throwing gum on the floor
Duckworth, & Kim, 2013). These are the sorts of situations Doing something totally irrelevant to what is going on in class
of interest to us here. Notably, although many examples Passing notes while you’re supposed to pay attention to class
relate to academic learning in the classroom (e.g., “tuning Cutting the line
into what the teacher is saying,” “fooling around instead of Starting a fight
completing work”), others relate to academic learning out- Eavesdropping
Cutting class
side of the classroom (“not watching TV at the same time as
Breaking something (like a window) on purpose
doing homework,” “doing work as early as possible”). Many Gossiping
other examples relate to nonacademic domains of life (e.g., Not flushing the toilet
“doing your chores,” “starting a fight,” “cutting the line”). Fooling around instead of completing work
Individuals who successfully exercise self-control in one Forgetting something needed for class
Not being able to find something because your desk, locker, or bedroom
domain may struggle mightily in another, and this within-
was messy
individual domain-specificity can largely be explained by Forgetting to remember what your teacher told you to do
differences in how attractive some temptations are relative Letting your mind wandering when you should have been listening
to others (Tsukayama, Duckworth, & Kim, 2012, 2013). For Losing your temper at home or at school
instance, a child who struggles with her temper but not with Interrupting other students while they were talking
Saying something rude
her homework may experience stronger impulses to dis-
Talking back to a teacher or parent when you are was upset
charge her anger than to procrastinate. Still, self-controlled
behavior is moderately correlated across domains, suggest- Note. Data from Tsukayama, Duckworth, and Kim (2013).
ing that in conjunction with domain-specific impulses, there
are also domain-general processes, including learnable,
teachable strategies that explain why, across domains, some traditionally considered in SRL research. At the same time,
children are generally more self-controlled than others. we will be limiting our exposition to only a subset of SRL
Thus, our perspective encompasses a wider range processes (specifically, volitional strategies enabling stu-
of situations (e.g., maintaining friendships) than those dents to choose between valued goals and less valued but

momentarily more attractive temptations). That is, we will mechanisms. In doing so, we emphasize the relative effi-
not consider motivational aspects of SRL (e.g., mastery vs. ciency of strategies that effectively change the strength of
performance goal orientations) or cognitive processes unre- desirable and/or undesirable impulses well in advance of
lated to navigating conflicts between temptations and direct encounters with temptation.
enduringly valued goals. (See Wolters, 2003, and Zimmer-
man, 1998, for important reviews of volitional processes in
One recent empirical investigation comparing self-con-
trol to SRL found that although questionnaire measures of A popular view of self-control equates the capacity to resist
both constructs are associated with academic performance temptation with internal fortitude. Likewise, most contem-
in high school, SRL questionnaires demonstrate greater pre- porary psychology research on self-control is dominated by
dictive validity (Zimmerman & Kitsantas, 2014). We high- the ego depletion model, a theory that suggests self-control
light this important study because it represents one of the relies on a limited energy source: With every act of self-
first attempts to integrate these research traditions. In our control, this posited source of self-control energy is
view, the findings support our proposition that the construct depleted (Baumeister, Schmeichel, & Vohs, 2007). In sup-
of SRL is broader (encompassing all psychological pro- port of this model, ego depletion theorists have demon-
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cesses related to autonomous learning, not just those that strated in laboratory studies that performing one self-
are volitional in nature) but also more domain specific control task can impair performance on a second, unrelated
(focusing specifically on the domain of academic learning). self-control task. For example, undergraduates asked to eat
As might be expected, associations with outcomes like radishes instead of candies and cookies subsequently quit
report card grades and standardized achievement test faster on unsolvable puzzles than undergraduates asked to
scores are stronger when predictors include motivational, eat candies and cookies instead of radishes (Baumeister,
cognitive, and volitional dimensions of student compe- Bratslavsky, Muraven, & Tice, 1998). As discussed in more
tence. Moreover, because SRL questionnaires refer specifi- detail next, we agree that brute force suppression or
cally to the academic domain, whereas self-control strengthening of undesired or desired impulses is one way
questionnaires are domain general, we are not surprised to exercise self-control. We also concur that it can feel
that the predictive validity for academic outcomes was “exhausting” to do so, and in fact such exertions can impair
higher in Zimmerman’s study for measured SRL than for later self-control. Where we differ is our emphasis on the
measured self-control. multitude of intentional moves an individual can make far
Although self-control generally improves as children in advance of “last-ditch” efforts to directly modulate
grow older1 (Eisenberg et al., 2012; Rueda, Posner, & responses. Whereas the ego depletion model suggests that
Rothbart, 2005), most teachers are eager to accelerate its any attempt to regulate attention, emotion, and behavior
development. If, as a guide to classroom management pub- necessarily exhausts a finite energy source that cannot in
lished more than four decades ago suggests, “self-imposed the short term be restored, our view is that aligning our
discipline is the ideal of professional educators for their actions with our intentions need not be such an aversive
students” and if, to a large degree, “such discipline is a and unsustainable endeavor.
learned behavior” (LaGrand, 1969, p. 2), what do we know Indeed, as the story of Ulysses and the Sirens aptly illus-
now, that we didn’t before, about how to teach it? Is self- trates, individuals can exercise self-control in considerably
control, as the colloquial term willpower implies, simply a more strategic ways. On his famous odyssey home from the
matter of forcing oneself to do what one doesn’t feel like Trojan War, Ulysses is told by the goddess Circe that his
doing when directly confronted with temptation? Or are the ship will soon be passing the island of the Sirens, a group
most effective self-control strategies enacted long before of beautiful sea nymphs whose enchanting song is known
temptations cross our path? In the remainder of this article, to lure sailors to a certain death. Aware that he and his crew
we use the process model of self-control to organize diverse will be unable to resist the temptation, Ulysses takes precau-
self-control strategies according to their common tions: He blocks his sailors’ ears with beeswax so that they
will not hear the tempting voices and orders them to bind
Note, however, that adolescents often behave more impulsively than him firmly to the ship’s mast so that he will be unable to act
slightly younger children. Why this is so, despite generally improving self- when he encounters their seductive sounds (Homer, 1961).
control competence, has remained a mystery until very recently. It is now In a similar vein, Schelling wrote in his 1978 essay,
known that during adolescence there is a dramatic increase in sensitivity to “Egonomics, or the Art of Self-Management,”
rewards and, in particular, to the thrill of risky, dangerous, rule-breaking
behavior (Steinberg, 2007; Steinberg et al., 2009). Thus, although the
capacity to regulate attentional, emotional, and behavioral impulses seems Many of us have little tricks we play on ourselves to make
to improve steadily with age, certain impulses are especially strong during us do the things we ought to do or to keep us from the things
adolescence—and it is the combination of these two developmental trends we ought to foreswear. Sometimes we put things out of
that produces the spike in impulsive behavior. reach for the moment of temptation, sometimes we promise

ourselves small rewards, and sometimes we surrender attends to particular features of this situation in particular
authority to a trustworthy friend who will police our calo- ways (e.g., notices his friends talking in one corner), and
ries or our cigarettes. We place the alarm clock across the then he appraises the situation (e.g., construes this as a
room so we cannot turn it off without getting out of bed. good opportunity to find out what happened at the party he
People who are chronically late set their watches a few missed last night) in a way that, finally, gives rise to the
minutes ahead to deceive themselves. (p. 290)
generation of an impulse, or response tendency (e.g., walk-
From personal experience and observation, Schelling ing over to join the conversation). This sequence is tempo-
enumerated many other “contrivances,” like committing rally and causally unidirectional; earlier stages causally
publicly to deadlines that set a real penalty on procrastina- influence later stages but not vice versa (e.g., entering a
tion and modifying exercise routines that make physical noisy classroom makes it more likely that a student will see
exertion feel more like a game than a duty. his friends, but seeing his friends does not make entering
The array of self-control strategies that Schelling (1978, the classroom more likely).
1984) and others (e.g., Ariely, 2008; Ariely & Werten- Because impulses are not always strong enough to be
broch, 2002; W. Mischel & Ayduk, 2004; Perry, Hechter, enacted in a single iteration, the cycle of situation-atten-
Menec, & Weinberg, 1993; Poston & Foreyt, 2000; tion-appraisal-response often iterates several times before a
Rachlin, 2000; Wansink, 2007; Wolters, 2003; Zimmer- response tendency is enacted. With each iteration, impulses
Downloaded by [University of Pennsylvania] at 07:03 31 July 2014

man, 1998) have described is dizzying, both in terms of can increase or decrease in intensity, depending on how
their number and their variety. Are some “tricks” more information is processed. It is important to note that several
effective than others? How do they work, and do they all recursive situation-attention-appraisal-response loops can
work in the same way? Such questions can begin to be be activated at once (Ochsner & Gross, 2014). Thus, in the
addressed when we organize diverse self-control strategies preceding example, entering a noisy classroom might, in
according to the temporal stage at which they are parallel, remind the student of his teacher’s request to “keep
employed. Specifically, we can group strategies by how and things quiet during this free period,” which may lead to the
when they work because distinct psychological processes appraisal that taking out a book to read would be a good
unfold in sequence as we approach the required moment of idea that may strengthen the impulse to take a seat and start
resistance. Although not the only way to organize self-con- reading. For any of these loops, the stronger the generated
trol strategies, temporal ordering is nevertheless very use- impulse, relative to other response tendencies, the more
ful, in our view, for reasons we elaborate below. (See likely it is to be enacted. It is in the student’s interest to
Wolters, 2003, and Zimmerman, 1998, for alternative potentiate impulses that support her long-term goals (e.g.,
frameworks rooted in the SRL tradition.) the impulse to get to join classmates in casual conversation)
Our theoretical framework for organizing self-control and to attenuate impulses that conflict with those goals
strategies represents an extension of the process model of (e.g., the impulse to instead watch another half hour of real-
emotion regulation (Gross, 1998; Gross & Thompson, ity television). Hence, the crux of self-control is inten-
2007). This model proposes that impulses are response ten- tionally turning the tides by strengthening desired impulses
dencies that develop over time. As illustrated in the upper and weakening undesired impulses.
portion of Figure 1, impulses are thought to come into We contend that directing the tides of impulse genera-
being and to increase or decrease in intensity through a tion earlier is generally more efficient than attempting to
recursive situation-attention-appraisal-response sequence: do so later. Intervening earlier in the process is higher
First, an individual encounters a particular situation (e.g., leverage in that doing so influences downstream stages
walks into a noisy, somewhat chaotic classroom), next he within a given iteration of the situation-attention-
appraisal-response loop as well as subsequent iterations
thereof (for similar arguments, see Hofmann & Kotabe,
2012; Hofmann & Van Dillen, 2012; Magen & Gross,
2010; Sheppes & Gross, 2011). Therefore, the situation we
choose to be in causally influences where we direct our
attention; in turn, where we direct our attention influences
how we appraise our situation; and this appraisal then helps
determine how we respond. How we respond, of course,
may alter our situation, leading again to downstream
effects on attention, appraisal, and our next response. Para-
doxically, the most forward-looking self-control strategies
may be the least obvious for the same reason they are so
FIGURE 1 Process model of self-control, adapted from Gross & Thomp- effective: They minimize the subjective distress of resist-
son (2007). Ó Guilford Press. Adapted by permission of Guilford Press. ing immediate gratification. In contrast to the ego depletion
Permission to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder. model, our model suggests that willpower, using “tricks”

of the sort Schelling describes, may not feel like a test of age-related maturation in self-control (Cunningham,
the will at all. Zelazo, Packer, & Van Bavel, 2007). H. N. Mischel and
The process model was originally developed to explain Mischel (1983) showed that metacognitive knowledge
how individuals regulate their experience and expression of about self-control strategies improves from age 4, when
emotion. The unique theoretical contributions of our pres- many children falsely believe that leaving treats in plain
ent article are threefold: First, we generalize the process view in the delay of gratification paradigm makes it easier
model beyond emotion regulation to explain the regulation to wait for them, to age 6, when most children have
of attentional and behavioral impulses. To do so, we expand learned that out of sight means out of mind. Similarly,
upon an initial effort by Magen and Gross (2010), present- H. N. Mischel and Mischel found that by age 12, most
ing a more extensive exposition of how and why the out- children understand that mentally representing treats in
come of each stage of impulse generation can be abstract, nonconsummatory terms (“The marshmallows are
strategically directed. Second, whereas Magen and Gross puffy like clouds”) facilitates delaying gratification com-
explored self-control challenges facing adults (e.g., getting pared to representing treats in concrete, consummatory
adequate physical exercise), we are here concerned with terms (“The marshmallows taste yummy and chewy”;
how the process model might illuminate the everyday p. 606). Like W. Mischel (1981), our view is that increas-
dilemmas facing school-age children, including the exam- ingly sophisticated and accurate metacognitive knowledge
Downloaded by [University of Pennsylvania] at 07:03 31 July 2014

ples listed in Table 1. Finally, we address metacognition about what makes self-control easier rather than harder lays
and prospection, general capacities we consider founda- the foundation for “a diverse array of strategies for effec-
tional for the enactment of any self-control strategy but that tively managing otherwise formidable tasks, and for over-
have not been explicitly related to the process model. coming ‘stimulus control’ with self-control” (p. 267).
Of course, normative age-related improvements do not
imply that advances in metacognitive skills and knowledge
THE FOUNDATIONS: METACOGNITION are inevitable benefits of growing older. Social interactions
AND PROSPECTION with same-aged peers, older peers, and caring adults pro-
vide essential opportunities to model and practice metacog-
As illustrated in the lower portion of Figure 1, self-control nitive skills (Bandura & Mischel, 1965; Bodrova & Leong,
strategies of all types rely on general capacities for meta- 2007). In preschool-age children, providing opportunities
cognition and prospection. This is because all strategies and encouragement for pretend play has been theorized to
entail using reflective, higher order mental processes to cultivate metacognition and self-control (Berk, Mann, &
make predictions about how lower order processes will Ogan, 2006; Singer & Singer, 2006; Vygotsky, 1933/1978;
play out and, crucially, to intervene with these lower order Whitebread, 2010), though it should be noted that a recent
processes. meta-analysis (Lillard, 2012) concluded that more empiri-
cal evidence is needed to confirm causal claims. It has
Metacognition recently been suggested that for school-age children, meta-
cognitive skills and knowledge-supporting self-control be
Metacognition is cognition about cognition (Flavell, 1979). taught directly, trained, and supported in the same way that
Metacognitive processes are second-order mental processes violin, mathematics, and soccer might be, with “many posi-
that take first-order, or primary, processes as their objects. tive models of the successful exercise of self-control” and
As noted by several other authors (Achtziger, Martiny, Oet- “many hours of practice” (Strayhorn, 2002b, p. 17; Stray-
tingen, & Gollwitzer, 2012; Flavell, 1979; Nelson, Narens, horn, 2002a).
& Shimamura, 1994), self-control as we have characterized Self-talk—literally talking to oneself, either out loud or
it is inherently metacognitive: In the absence of a higher covertly—appears to facilitate metacognitive representa-
order process, when two impulse-generating processes— tions, particularly in younger children. As just discussed,
one more valued in the long run but less salient at the long-term goals are abstract by their nature (e.g., good
moment and the other less valued but more salient—come health, honesty) or by virtue of being temporally removed
into conflict, the less valued but more salient choice can from the present moment (e.g., two marshmallows after an
dominate. However, a higher order process can in fact adju- indeterminate wait). Unlike immediately available tempta-
dicate between these impulses and, in various ways tions, therefore, long-term goals are often mentally repre-
described in more detail later, diminish the potency of the sented in the inherently symbolic currency of words. This
less valued impulse and/or increase the potency of the more may explain the positive association between verbal ability
valued impulse. and wait time in the delay of gratification paradigm (Rodri-
In general, older children demonstrate more accurate guez, Mischel, & Shoda, 1989) and the observation of pre-
metacognitive knowledge than younger children (Dimmitt schoolers talking to themselves, reminding themselves of
& McCormick, 2012), suggesting that age-related increases the contingencies of the situation (“If I wait here a little lon-
in the capacity for self-reflexive cognition contribute to ger, I get to eat two marshmallows instead of one!”; Carlson

& Beck, 2009). Clinical research with highly impulsive Lynam, Miller, & Reynolds, 2005) to rate themselves. Sim-
children demonstrates that self-talk can be deliberately ilarly, measures of SRL typically include goal setting and
modeled, practiced, and reinforced (Kendall, 1977; planning (Zimmerman, 2008), and the SRL literature
Meichenbaum & Goodman, 1971). Kolovelonis, Goudas, affirms that such skills correlate with academic perfor-
Hassandra, & Dermitzaki (2012) have shown in a random mance (e.g., Eilam & Aharon, 2003).
assignment study of fifth and sixth graders that self-talk Like metacognition, prospection evolves over childhood
facilitates performance on physical tasks. Relatedly, in a and adolescence (Nurmi, 1991, 2005; Romer et al., 2010;
review of programs shown to improve self-control, three of Steinberg et al., 2009). For example, Steinberg et al.
four curricula highlighted by Diamond and Lee (2011) (2009) found that relative to early adolescents, older ado-
explicitly encourage self-talk. (See Corno, 2001; McCaslin lescents care more about the future, anticipate the future
& Hickey, 2001; and Zimmerman, 2000, for a lengthier dis- consequences of their behavior, and plan ahead. In the
cussion of inner speech in school-age children.) same study, older adolescents expressed a greater willing-
It bears noting that the metacognitive beliefs students ness to delay gratification: When given a series of hypothet-
acquire are not always adaptive. For instance, some stu- ical choices between smaller, sooner and larger, later sums
dents come to believe that their intelligence is entirely fixed of money (e.g., $800 tomorrow vs. $1,000 in a month),
(Yeager & Dweck, 2012), a belief at odds with empirical older adolescents were more likely to choose the latter.
Downloaded by [University of Pennsylvania] at 07:03 31 July 2014

evidence that intelligence can be changed incrementally as Romer et al. (2010) found very similar results in a nation-
a function of experience (Nisbett et al., 2012). The belief ally representative sample of American youth aged 14 to
that human attributes are malleable is associated with 22 years.
higher self-control and academic achievement (Burnette, As with metacognition, age-related changes in prospec-
O’Boyle, VanEpps, Pollack, & Finkel, 2013). Most rele- tion can be maladaptive. For example, simply fantasizing
vantly, some individuals hold the metacognitive belief that about the realization of future goals does not motivate
self-control depends on a finite, physical resource (Job, action toward their realization (Oettingen, 2012; Taylor,
Dweck, & Walton, 2010), a belief that leads individuals to Pham, Rivkin, & Armor, 1998). Likewise, exclusively
set fewer goals (Mukhopadhyay & Johar, 2005) and to dwelling on obstacles that lie beyond one’s control does not
withdraw effort from challenging tasks (Job et al., 2010; incline individuals to take goal-directed action (Rotter,
Job, Walton, Bernecker, & Dweck, in press). Longitudinal 1966; Seligman, 1990; Weiner, 1992). The good news is
intervention studies have established that when school-age that children, adolescents, and adults have all demonstrated
children are exposed to information that corrects metacog- the capacity to learn more adaptive forms of prospection,
nitive fallacies, they respond with greater effort and such as mental contrasting with implementation intentions
improved academic performance (Yeager & Dweck, 2012). (Oettingen, 2012). In mental contrasting, a desired future
goal is specified and then the positive outcomes of attaining
Prospection this goal are articulated and contrasted with negative
obstacles within control of the individual that stand in its
Prospection is the mental representation of possible futures way. Mental contrasting sets the stage for implementation
(Gilbert & Wilson, 2007; Seligman, Railton, Baumeister, & intentions, specific action plans for when, where, and how
Sripada, 2013). Insofar as they are initiated before, not to take action in order to circumvent or avoid the
after, impulses to indulge in temptation have gathered anticipated obstacles. In longitudinal intervention studies,
strength, strategies in the first four families identified in mental contrasting with implementation intentions training
Table 1 require at least some degree of forethought and has been shown to increase self-controlled behavior in
planning. And, even response modulation strategies—those school-age children (Duckworth, Gollwitzer, Kirby, & Oet-
initiated in the final stage of confronting temptation—are tingen, 2010), adolescents (Duckworth, Grant, Loew, Oet-
most likely to succeed when conceived of and committed tingen, & Gollwitzer, 2011), and adults (Adriaanse et al.,
to in advance. For instance, making simple, specific plans 2010; Christiansen, Oettingen, Dahme, & Klinger, 2010;
in advance enhances performance on challenging executive Kirk, Oettingen, & Gollwitzer, 2013). Preschool children
function tasks requiring task switching or response inhibi- also benefit from planning in advance how they hope to act
tion (A.-L. Cohen, Bayer, Jaudas, & Gollwitzer, 2008). Not in the future, though they require more direct guidance
surprisingly, personality questionnaires assessing self-con- from adults to do so (Bodrova & Leong, 2001; W. Mischel
trol invariably include items or subscales assessing the ten- & Patterson, 1976).
dency to plan ahead, regardless of whether they are
designed for parents to rate their preschool children (Roth- FIVE FAMILIES OF SELF-CONTROL STRATEGIES
bart, Ahadi, Hersey, & Fisher, 2001) or for school-age chil-
dren (Eysenck, Pearson, Easting, & Allsopp, 1984) or As suggested by Figure 1, self-control strategies can be cat-
adults (Barratt, 1965, 1972; Tangney, Baumeister, & egorized into five families depending on the stage in the
Boone, 2004; Whiteside & Lynam, 2001; Whiteside, impulse-generative process at which they intervene.

Situation selection and situation modification strategies prime thoughts of diversion or amusement (e.g., cell
change our external circumstances, attentional deployment phones, video games) are absent. Thus, a student’s attention
and cognitive change strategies influence our mental repre- may more easily be directed to work at the library than at
sentations of our circumstances, and finally response modu- home. A recent naturalistic study in which middle, high
lation strategies intervene at the point of behavioral school, and college students were observed studying for
response. In the next subsections, we describe the five fami- 15 min in their homes found an average of between two
lies of self-control strategies. For each family, we summa- and three visible technology-related distractors (e.g., TV,
rize relevant findings from both basic and applied research, cell phone, Facebook page) in the study area (Rosen, Car-
extending our purview to related literatures (e.g., addiction rier, & Cheever, 2013). On average, students in the study
research, dieting research) and studies of adults. In general, studied fewer than 6 min before switching to technological
we find empirical evidence corroborating the efficacy of distractors.
self-control strategies but surprisingly little translational Another reason to choose the library over home is to
research involving school-age children. Thus, our sugges- capitalize on social cues in the situation (e.g., other stu-
tions for how school-age children might employ particular dents engaged in studying). Laboratory research has dem-
self-control strategies in their everyday struggles with onstrated that children tend to mimic the behavior of other
temptation (see Table 2) are necessarily extrapolative. people, even if they are complete strangers who act out a
Downloaded by [University of Pennsylvania] at 07:03 31 July 2014

routine without words (Bandura, 1965; Herrmann, Legare,

Situation Selection Harris, & Whitehouse, 2013). At least one study has
shown that school-age children who watch an adult model
Self-control strategies in the situation selection family delaying gratification follow suit, with measurable effects
involve consciously choosing to be in places or with people one month later (Bandura & Mischel, 1965). Modeling
that facilitate self-control. Selecting situations strategically the behavior of others may be even more dramatic when
entails metacognition and prospection in the service of social influences are intimate peers, as has been docu-
moving into contexts whose physical and social cues tend mented in naturalistic field work (Hogue & Steinberg,
to strengthen desired impulses and attenuate undesired 1995; Kandel, 1978). Emerging experimental research on
ones. Consider, for instance, a student whose goal is to stop the dynamic social networks of school-age children indi-
procrastinating on homework. After school, she might cates that friends help determine what children believe to
decide that working will be easier in the school library. be “normal” or “good” and, in turn, their own behavior,
There, physical cues that prime thoughts of schoolwork for example, with respect to bullying (Paluck & Shepherd,
(e.g., books, papers) abound, whereas physical cues that 2012).

Families of Self-Control Strategies: Suggested Applications to School-Age Children

Strategy Type Applications to School-Age Children

Situation selection Studying in the library rather than at home to avoid distraction
Spending time with more self-controlled (vs. more impulsive) classmates
Joining a sports team with a strict and demanding coach
Choosing a route to walk home which bypasses the mall or other venues that trigger impulsive behaviors

Situation modification Sitting closer to the teacher and/or farther from more talkative students
Placing cell phone out of reach or out of sight (e.g., in a desk drawer)
Taking batteries out of the television remote control
Choosing due dates for projects that evenly space work over time
Turning off wireless connection if using laptop in class
Using an app that limits use of Internet or blocks tempting sites

Attentional deployment Tracking the speaker (i.e., looking directly at the teacher or the student who is speaking)
Counting backwards from 100 during heated conflicts (e.g., after getting pushed on the playground or in the hallway)
Imagining the aftermath (e.g., afterschool detention) of indulging in temptation (e.g., texting in class)

Cognitive change Appraising physiological arousal (e.g., elevated heart rate) as excitement rather than anxiety during a test
Framing mistakes as information rather than criticism
Framing mental effort as an opportunity to exercise willpower
Breaking a large, seemingly insurmountable project into smaller, more feasible chunks

Response modulation Engaging in previously planned behaviors

Deep breathing

Outside of educational psychology, there is considerable Situation selection will not work here. At least, it is not
empirical support for the importance of both physical and obvious how one can avoid altogether waking in a warm
social cues to self-control. For example, overweight chil- bed—hence Schelling’s advice to physically modify the sit-
dren and adults tend to eat more after smelling and seeing uation, in particular by setting an alarm clock and placing it
tempting foods (Jansen et al., 2003; Papies & Hamstra, across the room the night before. Choosing the cold morn-
2010; Rogers & Hill, 1989). Likewise, the sight and smell ing air over a warm bed can be difficult, but successful pro-
of cigarettes or even the location in which cigarettes are spection will reveal that choosing the cold-morning-air-
usually smoked can induce lapses in smokers trying to quit with-quiet over a warm-bed-with-blaring-noise is a bit
(Niaura et al., 1988). Physical trigger cues have been dem- easier.
onstrated to be the single most potent determinant of suc- Schelling’s alarm clock tactic exemplifies precommit-
cessful abstinence among drug addicts (Bonson et al., ment, a type of situation modification strategy in which
2002; Kelley, 2004; Weiss, 2005). Drug addicts who con- individuals voluntarily change their situations to make
tinue to socialize with other drug users are more than temptations more costly or less attractive. For example,
4 times more likely to continue to use drugs themselves Ariely and Wertenbroch (2002) showed that undergraduates
(Schroeder et al., 2001), leading many treatment programs can voluntarily self-impose deadlines for long-term proj-
to advise recovering addicts to move to a new neighbor- ects, agreeing in advance that their professors will deduct
Downloaded by [University of Pennsylvania] at 07:03 31 July 2014

hood (Doyle, Friedmann, & Zywiak, 2013). The dramatic points if deadlines are not met, and these deadlines in fact
influence of salient environmental cues on self-controlled do improve academic performance. Outside the educational
behavior (Mann & Ward, 2007; Thaler & Sunstein, 2008; context, Schwartz et al. (2014) has shown that grocery
Wansink, 2007) helps explains why more self-controlled shoppers can use precommitment contracts (i.e., promising
adults tend to avoid temptations as they go about their daily to pay a higher bill if they do not meet a target goal) to help
lives (Hofmann, Baumeister, F€ orster, & Vohs, 2012). them make healthier food purchases. Likewise, some recov-
Other than studying in the library, how might students ering alcoholics take drugs that create immediate symptoms
use situation selection to facilitate self-control? We sketch of a severe hangover upon consumption of alcohol (Krampe
out just a few speculative ideas in Table 2, including join- et al., 2006; Luty, 2006).
ing a sports team known to have a demanding coach. Another form of situation modification is to hide temp-
Choosing a route to walk home that bypasses the shopping tations from view, a technique that most children seem to
mall is another idea. And, of course, spending more time intuit without direct instruction soon after their preschool
with more self-controlled friends and less time with more years (H. N. Mischel & Mischel, 1983). Perhaps the earli-
impulsive friends may help. We are confident that students est modern empirical evidence for the adage “out of sight,
themselves are in a much better position to think about how out of mind” comes from a series of experiments by W.
they might place themselves in situations that make adher- Mischel and Ebbesen (1970) in which rewards in the delay
ence to long-term goals easier rather than harder. Neverthe- of gratification paradigm were either concealed from view
less, we are also assured that encounters with temptation or left visible. Compared to when rewards were made visi-
cannot always be avoided entirely. Thus, we now turn our ble, preschool children could wait much longer when
attention to how children can change, rather than select, rewards were hidden from view by an opaque cover or
their situations to advantage. removed from the room by an experimenter. Likewise, W.
Mischel, Ebbesen, and Zeiss (1972) found that children
given a toy to play with waited longer than when no diver-
Situation Modification
sions were made available. Similarly, Wansink, Painter,
Situations that cannot be avoided can often be proactively and Lee (2006) found that secretaries ate more candy
modified: Situation modification strategies entail purpose- when the candy bowl was clear versus opaque. In the
fully changing the physical or social situation to either same study, secretaries ate more candy when the bowl
strengthen desired impulses or attenuate undesirable ones. was placed on their desk versus 2 m away, suggesting that
Both metacognition and prospection are necessary for situa- not only visibility but also convenience can be manipu-
tion modification. To illustrate, consider the dilemma of lated to dampen the attractiveness of temptations. Relat-
getting out of a warm bed on a cold morning, a predicament edly, Rozin et al. (2011) found that making items in a
that James (1890) described from personal experience: salad bar only slightly more difficult to reach measurably
reduced their consumption. Of course, the obverse—mak-
ing desired impulses stronger by increasing the salience of
We know what it is to get out of bed on a freezing morning
in a room without a fire. . . . Probably most persons have goal-related cues—is also a form of situation modifica-
lain on certain mornings for an hour at a time unable to tion. For example, correlational studies find that academic
brace themselves to the resolve. We think how late we shall engagement is higher among students who sit at the front
be . . . but still the warm couch feels too delicious, the cold of the classroom (Schwebel & Cherlin, 1972; Walberg,
outside too cruel. (p. 524) 1969), and in one experimental study, elementary school

students who were randomly assigned to sit in the front of were to alter one’s attentional focus). Although attentional
the classroom were rated by their peers as more attentive deployment does not change any aspect of objective reality,
by both peers and teachers (Schwebel & Cherlin, 1972). it can dramatically alter subjective experience. Returning to
A third form of situation modification is to pair desired the example of a warm bed on a freezing morning, James
impulses (e.g., doing homework or household chores) with (1890) noted the utility of manipulating attention toward
rewards (e.g., a small snack when the work is done). For the day’s plans:
example, listening to music has been shown to reduce the
tedium of completing repetitive work tasks (Sansone, Weir,
Harpster, & Morgan, 1992). Similarly, listening to enter- If I may generalize from my own experience, we more often
than not get up without any struggle or decision at all. A
taining audiobooks has been shown to increase gym visits,
fortunate lapse of consciousness occurs; we forget both the
particularly if individuals follow a rule of not listening to
warmth and the cold; we fall into some revery connected
them at any other time (Milkman, Minson, & Volpp, 2014). with the day’s life, in the course of which the idea flashes
Of course, praise is itself a powerful reward, and students across us, “Hollo! I must lie here no longer”—an idea
can learn to praise themselves for completing arduous but which at that lucky instant awakens no contradictory or par-
important tasks (Rosenbaum & Drabman, 1979; Strayhorn, alyzing suggestions, and consequently produces immedi-
2002b). Indeed, numerous laboratory and field studies have ately its appropriate motor effects. (p. 524)
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shown that rewards (whether in the form of praise, food,

enjoyable activities, or money) that are self-administered Once attention is guided to the day’s events, the impulse
for completing a desired action tend to produce perfor- to get up is activated, whereas the impulse to cling to
mance which is as good or better than when rewards are warmth and comfort is weakened. One can imagine adoles-
administered by another individual (e.g., teacher; Bandura, cents in the same predicament as James intentionally over-
1976). coming the urge to lie in bed by turning their attention to
Because they have less freedom than adults to choose breakfast, their first-period class, and the friends they hope
where they spend time, school-age children may find situ- to see that day. Likewise, one can imagine children strug-
ation modification more practical than situation selection. gling to complete a difficult reading assignment inten-
Imagine, for example, challenging a classroom of students tionally turning their backs to chatty classmates, or children
to each make just one small physical change to their envi- struggling to contain their temper looking away from a
ronments in order to facilitate self-control. We found that momentarily despised adversary.
undergraduates tasked with this assignment were quite How does the strategy of attention deployment work?
creative: Many students found smartphone apps that Any situation has many more features than we can possibly
blocked access to distracting websites for periods of time attend to at any given moment (Johnston & Dark, 1986).
(R. E. White, Shearer, Gross, & Duckworth, 2014). Others Like pinhole cameras, our perceptive faculties allow our
shut down their computers or turned their phones brains to process just a fraction of the available information
completely off while studying. One student hid her nail in a given situation. The literature on change blindness, the
polish in a drawer to avoid procrastinating on her Chinese failure to notice objectively large changes in a visual stimu-
assignments, and another turned the television around so lus (Simons & Ambinder, 2005) has vividly demonstrated
that he could not see the screen while sitting at his desk. this point, but everyday experience also confirms that we
Regardless of the particular change students made, they cannot attend to all possible features of our situations at
were as a group better able to meet their self-assigned once. Because only a tiny subset of cues in our physical
study goals the following week than students randomly environment (or, for that matter, cues in our internal envi-
assigned to either a no-treatment or placebo-control con- ronment like hunger or itchiness) is able to enter conscious-
dition. See Table 2 and Corno (2001) for additional ness at once, we can choose to attend to those that
suggestions. facilitate, rather than undermine, our self-control (see
Kavanagh, Andrade, & May, 2004).
Attentional Deployment Research employing the delay of gratification paradigm
confirms James’s suggestion to direct attention away from
Sometimes, people are confronted with temptation in situa- temptation. Specifically, in correlational studies, children
tions that they can neither choose nor change. In such cases, who spontaneously diverted their gaze away from rewards
self-control is facilitated by selectively attending to certain waited longer than children who look directly at the
aspects of the situation that either minimize the salience of rewards (W. Mischel et al., 1988; Rodriguez et al., 1989).
temptation or heighten the salience of long-term goals. A longitudinal study by Sethi, Mischel, Aber, Shoda, and
Like situation selection and situation modification, atten- Rodriguez (2000) showed that toddlers who used selective
tional deployment in the service of self-control requires attention as a means of regulating their emotion were, at
both metacognition (thinking about one’s attentional focus) age 5, better able to delay gratification. In experimental
and prospection (determining what it might be like if one studies, children randomly assigned to a condition in which

they are gently encouraged to think fun thoughts (e.g., sing- studying, students might try keeping their gaze fixated on
ing songs, playing with toys) during the delay period wait their books rather than wandering elsewhere around the
longer than children assigned to conditions in which they room. Or, as Cookie Monster learned in a recent episode of
are encouraged to think about either sad things or the the television show Sesame Street, looking away from treats
rewards themselves (W. Mischel et al., 1972). one is trying not to eat is difficult but still easier than look-
Selective attention has also been demonstrated to facili- ing directly at them (Sesame Workshop, 2013). Likewise,
tate self-control when children must actively work, rather during heated interpersonal conflicts (e.g., getting pushed
than passively wait, for deferred gratification. For instance, on the playground), it may be difficult for students to inten-
in Patterson and Mischel (1975), preschool children com- tionally turn their attention inward (e.g., counting back-
pleted a boring pegboard task while “Mr. Clown Box,” a wards from 100), but doing so can attenuate hasty,
toy with flashing lights and other fun features, kept trying regrettable impulses (e.g., hitting the other child back).
to interrupt them (“Come play and talk to me. I have big
ears and love to hear what children say!”). Children were Cognitive Change
promised that if they kept working the entire time while the
experimenter stepped away, they would be allowed to play When selecting or modifying the situation is not an option
with “fun toys” rather than “broken toys” shown to them at and attending to temptations is unavoidable, people can still
Downloaded by [University of Pennsylvania] at 07:03 31 July 2014

the beginning of the session. Children given strategies for change the way in which they think about their situation.
focusing attention away from the Clown box and toward Cognitive change—a strategy at least as old as Epictetus
their work task (e.g., if the Clown Box makes that bzzt (1983)—entails appraising situational cues in ways that
sound, then you can say to yourself, “I’m going to keep make temptation less appealing, valued long-term goals
working so I can play with the fun toys and Mr. Clown Box more appealing, or both. This strategy, like the others,
later”) worked during 84% of a testing session, compared involves considerable metacognition (thinking about how
to children assigned to a no-strategy control condition who one is appraising the situation and finding new ways to
worked only 62% of the session. Subsequent studies using think about the situation) as well as prospection (consider-
similar paradigms affirm that fixating attention on tempting ing how one might feel if one thought about a situation in a
rewards undermines self-control in work situations (Patter- different way). For example, many American students think
son & Mischel, 1976; Peake, Hebl, & Mischel, 2002). about homework as a dreaded chore, whereas many
Just as turning attention away from short-term tempta- Chinese students construe homework as an opportunity to
tions can facilitate self-control, so can activating mental develop useful skills (Chen & Stevenson, 1989). Nepalese
representations of long-term goals, particularly when goals children tend to appraise difficult interpersonal situations
are compared to present circumstances. Self-monitoring (e. g., falling down and getting dirty in front of friends) in
(i.e., actively comparing desired and actual outcomes) ener- terms of shame, whereas American children tend to
gizes individuals to take action (Baumeister, Schmeichel, & appraise the same situations in terms of anger (Cole, Bru-
Vohs, 2007; Carver & Scheier, 1998; Korotitsch & Nelson- schi, & Tamang, 2002). Moderate stress can be perceived
Gray, 1999; Oettingen, 2012). Among the earliest and most as either competence enhancing or competence debilitating,
articulate of exemplars of self-monitoring, Benjamin Frank- and such construals in turn influence the extent to which
lin (1760/1996) made a chart listing 13 virtues to which he students seek out feedback and learn during stressful situa-
aspired and daily noted when he had and had not lived up tions (Crum, Salovey, & Achor, 2013).
to them. Journals have been shown to help students pay Even if it is an overstatement to claim “there is nothing
attention to their study behavior (Karoly, 1993; Morgan, either good or bad but thinking makes it so” (Shakespeare,
1985; Sagotsky, Patterson, & Lepper, 1978). For instance, 2008; Hamlet act 2, scene 2, lines 239–251), a growing
daily journals remind dieters and smokers to keep track of body of experimental research supports this general intui-
what they consumed (Baker & Kirschenbaum, 1993; Burke, tion and, further, demonstrates the direct relevance of cog-
Wang, & Sevick, 2011; McFall, 1970). nitive change in regulating effort on academic tasks. For
How might attentional deployment facilitate self-control example, sixth-grade students encouraged to think of mis-
in the everyday lives of school-age children? As noted in takes as indicative of learning rather than hard limits on
Table 2, students in the KIPP charter schools are encour- their ability tried harder and performed better on demand-
aged to track the speaker in the classroom at all times, ing working memory and reading comprehension tasks
including the teacher when they are lecturing or classmates (Autin & Croizet, 2012). Similarly, college students prepar-
when they are asking or answering questions. Of course, ing for the GRE instructed to think of their arousal as
looking at the speaker itself requires self-control, but doing improving their performance outperformed students in a
so may in turn minimize the salience of external distrac- no-treatment control condition (Jamieson, Mendes, Black-
tions (e.g., classmates who may be fooling around) as well stock, & Schmader, 2010). College students taking a timed
as distracting internal cues (e.g., feeling hot and sticky on a math test were more successful in ignoring funny video
late spring day). Extended to the context of homework and clips when encouraged to frame the task as a “test of their

willpower” than students who performed the same task treats themselves (Boysen & Berntson, 1995; Carlson,
without such explicit framing (Magen & Gross, 2007). Davis, & Leach, 2005). Psychological distancing has also
School-age children can also use cognitive change as a been studied in adults as a strategy for regulating eating
strategy to regulate their interpersonal behavior. In particu- and exercise (Mann, de Riddler, & Fujita, 2013), emotions
lar, some children tend to interpret other people’s intentions (Kross & Grossmann, 2011), and decision making (Pronin,
as hostile in intent, and this hostile attribution bias is reli- Olivola, & Kennedy, 2008).
ably associated with more aggressive behavior (de Castro, Emerging research on school-age children confirms find-
Veerman, Koops, Bosch, & Monshouwer, 2002). For ings obtained using younger and older individuals. For
instance, a student who gets bumped by another student example, Kross, Duckworth, Tsukayama, and Mischel
while in line at the cafeteria and assumes hostile intent is (2011) conducted a study in which fifth graders recalled an
more likely to push back and start a fight. FastTrack, a mul- angry memory and were randomly assigned to do so from a
tifaceted preventive intervention program for elementary psychologically distanced perspective (“Now take a few
school students, has been shown to reduce antisocial behav- steps back. Move away from the situation to a point where
ior in adolescence at least in part by encouraging more you can now watch the event unfold from a distance and
benign attributions for peer provocations (Dodge, Godwin, see yourself in the event. As you do this, focus on what has
& The Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group, now become the distant you. Now watch the situation
Downloaded by [University of Pennsylvania] at 07:03 31 July 2014

2013). unfold as if it were happening to the distant you all over

A cognitive change strategy with particular relevance to again.”) or a psychologically immersed perspective (“Now
self-control entails psychological distancing (Trope & see the situation unfold through your own eyes as if it were
Liberman, 2010). At one end of the psychological distance happening to you all over again.”). Compared to children in
continuum are detailed mental representations of the ego- the immersed condition, children in the self-distanced
centric here and now. At the other end of the continuum are group blamed the other person involved in their recalled
abstract representations that are removed in time, space, experience significantly less, which in turn led them to dis-
social distance, and/or realism. Temptations often involve play significantly lower levels of emotional reactivity.
low-level construals (“This cookie smells amazing!”) that The possibilities for applying cognitive change to
are inherently more salient and thus quite powerful determi- diverse self-control dilemmas are endless, and we offer a
nants of behavior, whereas valued goals often involve high- few specific suggestions in Table 2. One example inspired
level construals (“I need to eat in a healthy way!”; Fujita, by experimental research is to frame copious edits on an
2011). Shifting to more abstract, higher level construals of essay as evidence that teachers hold high standards and
the situation can tip the balance in favor of longer term give such detailed feedback because they believe their stu-
goals because such representations facilitate extraction of dents can achieve those standards (Yeager et al., 2014).
goal-relevant features, whereas lower level construals Nevertheless, in our view, deliberately changing cogni-
accentuate proximal temptations (Fujita & Carnevale, tions is nevertheless less efficient than intervening with
2012). impulse generation in prior stages. Once the gravitational
The earliest evidence for psychological distancing as an field of temptation has been entered, it requires consider-
effective self-control strategy came from experiments using able cognitive effort to reverse the developing recursive
the delay of gratification paradigm. Preschool children process whereby attention to a temptation heightens its
waiting for a preferred reward who are cued to dwell on the “hot” features (Sheppes & Gross, 2011).
“cool” features of rewards (e.g., “If you want to, when you
want to, you can think about how the marshmallows look Response Modulation
like white puffy clouds”) were able to wait twice as long as
children cued to dwell on their consummatory, “hot” fea- Unfortunately, there are occasions when impulses to
tures (e.g., “If you want to, when you want to, you can think indulge in short-term temptation at the expense of long-
about how sweet and chewy the marshmallows taste”; term goals must be experienced rather than eluded. Per-
W. Mischel & Baker, 1975). Even more remarkably, chil- haps there was no way the critical situations could have
dren faced with actual treats but cued to pretend they were been avoided or modified. Perhaps attention could not
pictures by essentially “putting a frame around them in have been diverted from temptation and thoughts could
your head” waited more than twice as long as children not have been controlled. Or perhaps these earlier stages
shown pictures of the rewards but asked to imagine that were, in fact, possible points of intervention but no action
they are real (Moore, Mischel, & Zeiss, 1976). Similarly, was taken at the opportune times. Response modulation
preschoolers and chimpanzees given the option to point to refers to the way in which people attempt to enact desired
symbols for different quantities of treats (e.g., a mouse to impulses once undesired impulses have already devel-
represent a small amount and an elephant to represent a oped. This approach to self-control may make more mod-
large amount) are both significantly better at inhibiting est demands on metacognition and prospection than the
impulsive responses than when presented with the actual others, but some degree of both is often nonetheless

necessary. Effectively, this family of strategies encom- impulse. If sufficient, this signal may prompt individuals to
passes ways in which we “just say no” to undesired reverse their commitment, breaking their self-declared
impulses and “just say yes” to desired impulses. promise, for instance, to do homework before watching
Although we include response modulation as the fifth television.
and final family of self-control strategies, it could easily be Leaving aside why response modulation can impair later
argued that response modulation is hardly strategic at all. efforts at self-control, there is the incontrovertible fact that
Exhorting children to “calm down!” “control your temper!” resisting temptation is an unpleasant experience: Doing it
“pay attention!” or otherwise suppress immediately reward- just doesn’t feel very good. For instance, in a recent study
ing yet ultimately undesired impulses is commonplace. Yet of high school students attempting to actively resist tempt-
how many children—or, for that matter, adults—would say ing videos and games in order to do math problems, self-
that doing so is an easy or pleasant experience? As noted in reported boredom, frustration, and fatigue increased
our earlier discussion of prospection, planning ahead what steadily over time, and elevation in these unpleasant feel-
one intends to do in a direct confrontation with temptation ings parallelled increases in time spent on distractions (vs.
can help (e.g., “If that boy teases me again, I will control math) as well as decreases in the number of correctly solved
my temper!”; Gollwitzer, 1999). Still, we contend that an math problems (Plummer, Galla, D’Mello, & Duckworth,
unrequited impulse, however detrimental that impulse may 2013). So, although response modulation can be used in
Downloaded by [University of Pennsylvania] at 07:03 31 July 2014

be in the long run, is nonetheless experienced as unpleasant any conflict pitting temptations against more enduringly
in the moment (Kurzban, Duckworth, Kable, & Myers, valued goals, it is in our view the least effective and least
2013). Moreover, the capacity to exert top-down control efficient of all self-control strategies.
over impulses, while superior in human beings compared to
any other animal, is nevertheless far from foolproof: Even
adults make mistakes in simple laboratory tasks of execu- CONCLUDING COMMENT
tive function (J. D. Cohen, 2005).
Perhaps the best studied example of response modula- The English word strategy derives from the Greek word
tion is in the emotional domain (Gross, 1998). Both chil- (strategos) for military general. These etymological origins
dren and adults are capable of voluntarily hiding overt are revealing. It is the responsibility of the general to ponder,
displays of emotion, but hiding how we feel often comes at far before meeting the enemy face-to-face, decisions about
a cost. Hiding a smile, suppressing a frown, and pretending how, when, and where best to take action. These choices are
not to be worried are all effortful behaviors requiring sub- deliberate and intentional, aimed to turn the tide of events to
stantial cognitive resources that could otherwise be advantage. In battles of self-control, of course, the enemy is
deployed for other functions (Richards & Gross, 2000). within. Still, the metaphor holds. Decisions that school-age
Moreover, suppressing emotions can magnify one’s physio- children make well in advance of confronting temptation
logical responses, leading to greater cardiovascular can make all the difference between victory and defeat.
responses than one would experience if one were not sup- Indeed, regulating attention, emotion, and behavior in any of
pressing one’s emotions (Gross & Levenson, 1993, 1997). the scenarios listed in Table 1 hinges as much on what
Emotional suppression also has social consequences: Sup- children do in advance of confronting temptation as on their
pressing emotions can increase the blood pressure of people brute force willpower in the heat of the moment.
around us and lead them to like us less than they otherwise In this review, we have proposed that the myriad strate-
would (Butler et al., 2003). gies school-age children employ across distinct life circum-
The specific mechanism by which impulse suppression stances can be helpfully organized using a simple
hinders later self-control is debatable. As noted earlier, one conceptual framework that specifies distinct phases of
view is that self-control relies on a finite, physical resource impulse generation. According to the process model of self-
(e.g., brain glucose) that is depleted with use (Baumeister, control, the earliest strategies target our physical or social
Vohs, & Tice, 2007). More recently, alternative explana- situation, which we can either select or modify to our
tions have been proposed (Inzlicht & Schmeichel, 2012; advantage. Next, we have the option of altering mental rep-
Kurzban et al., 2013). In particular, it has been suggested resentations of our situation, selectively deploying our
that resisting temptation precipitates feelings of distress attention or intentionally changing how we appraise our cir-
that alert individuals to the conflict between mutually cumstances. If all else fails, when faced directly with the
exclusive goals (Inzlicht & Legault, 2014) and the foregone experience of temptation, we can attempt to alter our
value of the “road not taken” (Kurzban et al., 2013). That response tendencies themselves. Using any of these strate-
is, it may be that when an individual adjudicates between gies requires metacognition and prospection, the abilities to
two conflicting impulses, the value of the unexecuted think about our own thinking and to forecast future possi-
impulse is registered as psychological distress or longing, bilities before taking action in the present.
thereby enabling the individual to keep track of what he or Our review highlights areas of inquiry that have received
she is giving up by choosing the ultimately more desired relatively little empirical attention to date. In particular,

there is surprisingly little research on situation selection Whereas Freud (1920) suggested that children would
strategies, which are the techniques our model would pre- spontaneously develop self-control “under the influence of
dict to be the most effective. Situation modification strate- the instructress Necessity” (p. 444), our voices join the
gies have received somewhat more attention, but on the chorus of psychologists and educators encouraging a more
whole, self-control psychologists have focused mostly on proactive and supportive approach (Anderson & Prawat,
mental strategies (attention deployment and cognitive 1983; Hofmann & Kotabe, 2012; Strayhorn, 2002b).
change). Overall, there is an urgent need for more transla- Indeed, like any other competency, self-control appears to
tional research on self-control in school-age children. depend on knowledge and skills that can be learned
Relatedly, the almost complete independence of the self- directly, modeled vicariously, practiced, and reinforced.
control and SRL literatures suggests that both would benefit In our view, school-age children can and should be
from cross-fertilization. Our organizing framework here taught that self-control derives most effectively from stra-
was inspired by the process model, originally developed to tegically avoiding, rather than quashing directly, undesired
understand how individuals regulate emotion and more impulses. We believe that with the support of caring
recently applied to other kinds of impulses. We hope that in adults, children can learn to be the generals of their own
future work we are able to integrate our approach with con- lives, intentionally selecting and shaping their situations to
ceptually overlapping work undertaken in the SRL tradition advantage and, subsequently, directing their attention and
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control strategies? Should instruction be didactic and direct,
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