Emerging Pedagogies For Effective Adult Learning: From Andragogy To Heutagogy

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Special Article

Emerging Pedagogies for Effective Adult Learning: From

Andragogy to Heutagogy
Thomas V. Chacko, M.B,B.S M.D
Dean Medical Education and Department of Community Medicine, Believers Church Medical College, Thiruvalla, Kerala, Director, PSG-FAIMER Regional Institute, Past
President, Academy of Health Professions Education, Past Secretary-General SEARAME (S-E Asia Regional Association of WFME), India

Understanding the way the student learns effectively is important for teachers so that they can then more effectively design their learning
experiences. As the student in the health profession education progress across the long period and phases of learning from being an advanced
beginner in a wider range of competencies during Undergraduate (UG) to becoming proficiently competent in areas of their specialization
during their Postgraduate (PG) period and then after professional specialization while engaging in learning for expertise on-the-job during
early professional development, they transition from a low learner maturity phase to full learner autonomy where they determine what and
how to learn. Whereas pedagogy with high degree of teacher control matches low learner maturity, as the learners become more autonomous,
teachers face the dilemma about how much they need to let go of their power and control to transition from “sage-on-stage” to “guide-on-the-
side”. This article examines some of these dilemmas and attempts to suggest use of effective pedagogies (teaching methods) that match the
transition of the adult learner engaged in the art and science of healing and progressing through the professional course’s stages of competence
progression from being a novice to a competent professional and after their formal professional qualification to help them reach expertise and
improve quality of care by engaging in continuing professional development (CPD). This knowledge about learner maturity and adult learning
principles will also help diagnose and address learner’s problems and obstacles to effective learning that is happening at the institutional level.

Keywords: Andragogy, Adult learning theories, continuing professional development, e-learning, heutagogy, pedagogy, self-directed
learning, self-determined learning, web 2.0 Technology

Introduction and so teachers are in a dilemma as to whether they should

continue with pedagogy or switch to methods directed toward
The learning during childhood is what all of us are familiar
adult learning or andragogy. In the era of competency‑based
with. Here the child in a protected environment is taught by the
medical education (CBME); however, even in preclinical
teacher, where the teacher determines what the child learner
phase since the application of basic science knowledge to its
needs to learn. The child, of course, has no prior knowledge
clinical application is being introduced, using principles of
of what is being taught, is like an empty vessel waiting to be
adult learning for application of this new knowledge needs to
filled in by the prior knowledge gained by an adult teacher
be initiated and so teachers must become familiar with and use
and so whatever the teacher says is accepted by the child in a
adult learning principles and design learning experiences to
nonquestioning way. We use the term “pedagogy” to describe
externally motivate the learner and initiate internal motivation
the methods mostly used by teachers during childhood.
by revealing the relevance of why the basic science knowledge
We often encounter such students in the preclinical years during needs to be acquired. During paraclinical and clinical phase,
their learning of basic sciences in the 1st year of medical schools greater scope for using adult learning theories and methods
where they have to acquire new basic science knowledge, and
this is compounded by the fact that they are fresh from high Address for correspondence: Dr. Thomas V. Chacko,
school where the teaching is also pedagogical unidirectional Department of Community Medicine, Believers Church Medical College,
Thiruvalla ‑ 689 103, Kerala, India.
transfer of knowledge from teacher to the learner. These E‑mail: drthomasvchacko@gmail.com
students are transitioning from adolescence to adulthood,
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DOI: How to cite this article: Chacko TV. Emerging pedagogies for effective
10.4103/amhs.amhs_141_18 adult learning: From andragogy to heutagogy. Arch Med Health Sci

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Chacko: From andragogy to heutagogy for effective adult learning

presents. It also becomes important for teachers to introduce the out that it was first used by a Dutch adult educator Alexander
students at this stage to become familiar and start using adult Kapp in 1833 who described it as fitting the educational
self‑directed learning and reflection on their learning. In fact, theory of the Greek philosopher Plato as the normal process
it is the habit of reflection on the learning that differentiates by which adults engage in continuing education. Building
and marks the transition from pedagogy to andragogy. Later, on his own work, Knowles[3] reiterated that for applying
after the students graduate and become professionals, their modern principles of adult learning, andragogy leverages the
learning needs and methods also change and so it becomes assumption that adults are independent and self‑directing,
a dilemma for the teachers of these adult learners who are have various degrees of prior experience, integrate learning
pursuing their postgraduate (PG) courses and some who have to the demand of their everyday life, are more interested in
completed formal higher specialization courses but are still immediate problem‑centered approaches and are motivated
in the learning and growing stage of professional proficiency more by internal than external drives.
toward expertise about when to use didactic methods and when
Taylor and Hamdy[4] citing Knowles et al. (2005) list how adult
to use adult learning theory and learning methods modelled
learners differ from child learners in six respects: first, the need
on these principles. Educators have recognized the need for
to know (Why do I need to know this?); second, the learners’
a different approach to meet the learning needs and style of
self‑concept (I am responsible for my own decisions); third,
the newly qualified professionals who are highly autonomous
the role of the learners’ experiences (I have experiences which
and for whom pedagogical and even andragogical educational
I value, and you should respect); fourth, the readiness to learn
methods are no longer an answer to preparing the professionally
(I need to learn because my circumstances are changing); fifth,
qualified learners for thriving in the workplace and so a more
the orientation to learning (learning will help me deal with the
self‑directed and self‑determined approach is needed where
situation in which I find myself) and finally the motivation
the learner reflects on what is learned and how it is learned and
(I learn because I want to).
where the educators teach the learners how to teach themselves,
this is termed as Heutagogy building on humanistic theory of Abela[5] in his review on adult learning theories in the realm
the 1950s.[1] Heutagogyis a form of self‑determined learning by of medical education stated that adult learning theories
an autonomous learner with practices and principles rooted in describe ways in which adults assimilate knowledge, skills,
andragogy where the learner chooses what is to be learned and and attitudes and that the adult learning theories can be
even how they would like to learn it. In this learner‑centered grouped into five main classes of learning  (instrumental,
and learner determined learning, the “teacher” takes the role self‑directed, experiential, perspective transformation, and
of facilitator, guide or mentor suggesting to the autonomous situated cognition) and Andragogy being one of the popular
learner how the desired learning might take place and if a theory of adult learning under self‑directed learning. Taylor
formal assessment of learning is required, assist in determining and Hamdy[4] also give a good overview of the adult learning
an appropriate method of assessment. theories categorizing them into instrumental learning theories,
humanistic theories, transformative learning theories, social
Therefore, as teaching faculty, for facilitating the learning of
theories of learning, motivational models, and reflective
students we are entrusted with, the dilemma and questions that
need to be answered are: What are the adult learning theories
and method based on them that we could use to facilitate Taylor and Hamdy [4] concluded that since instrumental
student learning at different phases of undergraduate (UG), learning theories focus on individual experiences and include
during PG and while mentoring them during early professional behaviorist and cognitive learning theories, behavioral theories
development? How will knowing adult learning theories inform are the basis of many competency‑based curricula where the
us teachers to facilitate their learning more effectively? This focus is on individual learning and explicitly states what the
article examines some of these dilemmas and attempts to suggest graduate of a course or a learning experience must be able
effective pedagogies (teaching methods) for the adult learner to do with observable performance or professional behavior
learning the art and science of healing and progressing through measured as the outcome to be achieved. Experiential learning
the professional course’s stages of competence progression from theory has helped educators create learning experiences in
being a novice to a competent professional and after their formal the curricula to facilitate learning through discovery. Kolb’s
professional qualification, at the workplace reaching the level experiential learning cycle helps curriculum planners and
of professional proficiency and expertise. educators make the learners plan for and later reflect on the
learning experience so that they are better prepared for the
An Overview of Adult Learning Theories and next time they are faced with the same problem or professional
task and thereby improve the quality or effectiveness with
Their Implications for Medical Education which the task is carried out. Maudsle and Strivens,[6] reiterate
Knowles[2] was the one who brought the concept of adult that in experiential learning using the Kolb’s framework
learning into prominence when he stated that adults learn helps in professional knowledge acquisition, fosters critical
in different ways from children and introduced the word thinking, problem‑solving and lifelong professional learning
andragogy. However, his interest in this theory led him to find by encouraging learners to test out and apply new knowledge.

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Chacko: From andragogy to heutagogy for effective adult learning

Transformative learning theories and the academic leadership within institutions to create
Mezirow’s theory of transformative learning[7] encourages a supportive learning environment. This theory also helps
critical reflection on an established frame of reference (currently diagnose problems in adult learning where the learner seems
accepted as “fact’ or “truth”) to challenge the assumptions and to be not motivated enough to learn and thereby acts as an
search for evidence. Learners are taken through experiential obstacle to improved performance as expected by the institution.
learning experience or simulated scenarios, and the teacher’s Kusurkar and Ten Cate.[12] (2013) applying this theory to
role is to facilitate the learners to question and reflect on medical students found that intrinsic motivation in education
own and others assumptions. Critical thinking, perspective is associated with deep learning, higher academic performance,
transformation in the affective domain, leadership, and greater creativity, higher engagement, higher persistence, lower
change management competencies can be learned using dropout, and more positive well‑being when compared with
this theory. Methods that work include the use of critical extrinsic motivation. They recommend that curricular reformers
incident analysis, small group discussion to arrive at ways need to pay more attention to the motivational component of
to solve and formulate new ideas and engaging in reflective learning and that teachers play an important role in determining
practice helps in bringing about the change in perspectives. student motivation, and that autonomy‑supportive teaching can
Greenhill et al.[8] using clinical immersion models of clerkship be learned and is not difficult to practice.
rotations in hospital and community over 4 years observed Reflective models
that the learners gained insights in the areas of self‑awareness, Schon’s “reflection on practice” when combined with deliberate
patient‑centeredness, systems thinking, self‑care, clinical practice and feedback for improving the performance of the
skepticism, and understanding diversity. novice learner and “reflection in practice” for the proficient
Social theories of learning or experts are helpful for improving their level of competence
Bandura [9] posited that learning happens by observing and quality of outcomes, respectively.[13] They help students
how others behave, a form of learning in context. In our become autonomous learners and later after their formal
apprenticeship model of medical education, most professional professional training is over, they find it easy to engage in CPD.
behaviors and attitudes, as well as ethics, are imbibed by Humanistic theories guide learning for self‑improvement that is
students observing their role model teachers. With the CBME mostly applicable for professional development after formally
curriculum being launched with attitude, communication qualifying as a professional. They are learner‑centered, produce
and ethics modules as a pilot, success will depend on individuals who have the potential for self‑actualization, are
teachers demonstrating through their everyday action and self‑directed and internally motivated. We can also use this
interaction with patients– the hidden curriculum. Wenger[10] theory for helping acquisition of competencies in the early
emphasized the importance and influence of “communities of stage of professional development where the teacher will
practice” (CoP) in guiding and encouraging the learner. CoP have to take remedial measures to counteract the absence of
has three elements‑ one, members are bound together and hold self‑motivation in the learning through role modeling with real
each other accountable to the joint enterprise; second, build patient encounters in the ambulatory and inpatient settings.
the community through mutual engagement building trust, and
sense of partnership; third, they produce a shared repertoire of Heutagogy
resources for use to gain the required competencies. Forming This approach to adult learning is most effective when directed
groups with common purpose help the group members to to adult learners who are already professionally qualified and
learn from and with each other. Learning within health are self‑motivated and self‑determined to improve practice
systems, in health teams, and in CoP helps to know each due to the challenges and complexities at the workplace.
other’s shared values and contribution to a shared common Heutagogy needs to be seen as a continuum of andragogical
purpose. Professionals engaged in continuing professional adult learning theory in line with the transition in graduate
development (CPD) and health professions education students medical education directed toward becoming competent using
engaged in interprofessional education to foster team‑work core andragogy of self‑directed learning to an autonomous,
and better health service delivery in teams are good candidates self‑determined learner once the professional qualifies and
for this mode of social learning in context and within CoP. focus now shifts from competency to capability  (proficient
and then on to the state of expertise). Blaschke[14] presents the
features of heutagogy as a continuum of andragogy as follows:
Motivational Models • Andragogy  (self‑directed learning)  Heutagogy
These, along with the reflective models help better understand (self‑determined)
factors influencing adult learning among educational theories. • Single loop  (experiential) learning  Double‑loop
Ryan and Deci.[11] postulated three innate psychological (reflection on experience)
needs‑‑competence, autonomy, and relatedness which when • Competency development  Capability development
satisfied yield enhanced self‑motivation and mental health and • Linear design and learning approach  Nonlinear design
when thwarted lead to diminished motivation and well‑being. and learning approach
These influencers need to be kept in mind by the educator • Instructor‑learner directed  Learner‑directed

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Chacko: From andragogy to heutagogy for effective adult learning

• Getting students to learn content  getting students to can leverage the six ways in which the adult learners differ
understand how (process). from child learners to improve the efficiency of learning of
our adult student learners.
Heutagogical methods addressing the self‑directed learning
needs of the autonomous professional learner include distance
learning and use of Web 2.0 technologies. Designing curricula Emerging Pedagogies for Effective Adult
and the learning modules used for CPD require a different set Learning
of teaching skills as course and learning module creator and
Knowing how adults learn across different phases of
provider of feedback that recognize the needs and styles of
professional education during formal UG, PG, and during
these learners is different.
early professional development helps us to identify and
choose methods that match the learner’s maturity transition
Andragogy and Heutagogy: A Good Fit for see [Figure 1] from immature learner during early UG period
Professionals as Methods for Continuing to a self‑directed one during later clinical years when single
loop experiential learning takes place and during PG years
Medical Education and Continuing Professional self‑directedness gets stronger but happens within the structured
Development curriculum of the higher education system within institutions.
Scott[15] studying and using evaluative research framework Postqualification as a specialist, the autonomous professional
to explore theoretical models to explore the relationship who is capable of determining their own learning needs on the
among key elements of certain theoretic models as applied to job, the heutagogical methodologies [Figure 2] become the
methods of choice by the proficient professional in search of
continuing medical education (CME) program concluded that
physicians as adult learners are:
1. Self‑directed and experientially oriented (Knowles) Basic Sciences  UG Clinical Phase  PG Training  Professional Practice
2. Impacted by their physical age and stage in life (Bennett)
3. Influenced by year or decade of graduation (Savatsky) Pedagogy  Andragogy-----------Heutagogy  Heautagogy

4. Impacted by four dimensions of practice (Nowlen)

5. Require a force and image for change (Fox) Learner Centered Learner determined
6. Must be motivated to participate in CME (Knox). Self Directed
Teacher/peers as
Teacher driven Teacher as facilitator professional co-mentors
learner engagement
How the Adult Learning Theories Inform Single-loop Double-loop
experiential learning reflection on & in practice
Practice and Medical Education
For the educationist, knowledge of adult learning theories
helps them to serve as a lens to look at the learning problems Learner Autonomy
Learner maturity Learner determined
and diagnose the reasons for and answer why effective learning Teacher Control course preference
is not taking place in a given scenario or context. Once the & course structuring

diagnosis is made, then remedial measures in the form of

effective strategies and approaches present themselves. Let Figure 1: Spectrum of learning in medicine from Pedagogy to Andragogy
us, for example [Table 1], examine how medical educators and Heutagogy

Table 1: Leveraging adult learning principles to increase efficiency of learning by adults

# How adult learners differ from child Educator’sroleto increase efficiency of professional learning by adult learners
learners (Knowles)
1 The need to know (Why do I need to know this?) Do a LNA of the learner
Making learner aware or help discover and identify further learning need
2 The learners’ self‑concept (I am responsible for Help learner become aware of the learning opportunities in context and that decisions
my own decisions) taken regarding them have professional consequences
3 The role of the learners’ experiences (I have Recognise and respect prior experience and help them build on their prior experience
experiences which I value, and you should respect) Help them plan their own “learning contract” keeping in mind the learning opportunities
and time available
4 Readiness to learn (I need to learn because my Help them with realizing the benefits of adapting to the changing environment
circumstances are changing) Prompt them to do a “gap analysis”
5 Orientation to learning (Learning will help me Make professionals aware of benefits of and avenues for engaging in CPD
deal with the situation in which I find myself) Create supportive institutional environment by promoting and rewarding engaging in CPD
6 Motivation (I learn because I want to) Explore ways to do extrinsic motivation like recognition and rewards to leverage/trigger
the internal motivation of the adult learner
CPD: Continuing professional development, LNA: Learning need assessment

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Chacko: From andragogy to heutagogy for effective adult learning

Figure 2: Learning environment and methods for learning and self-improvement

gaining further expertise in an increasingly competitive world learners and the introduction of such technologies including
of knowledgeable colleagues and patients and thereby putting the use of social media builds on what they are already
pressure for quality improvement in service delivery to ensure familiar outside the classroom. Flipped classrooms where
better patients’ outcomes and patients’ satisfaction. students deliver the content and classroom time is used for
The pedagogies of old– giving didactic lectures and teacher higher cognitive and deep learning make the student learning
directed courses are still useful and effective for both the more effective. Inter‑professional team training makes the
immature learner just coming out of high school and need a learner better prepared for working in teams in the healthcare
good knowledge base in a short time. However, these need delivery systems. Early exposure to reflection on learning and
to be gradually weaned off as learner maturity increases seeking feedback make them imbibe this important skill of
and experiential learning methods in simulated and real‑life self‑improvement in professional practice.
situations become more interesting and triggers and boosts Although Heutagogical methods are more suited for the
internal motivation of the adult learner to learn. Over the professional who by then becomes a mature autonomous
years, many innovative methods for engaging the learner learner who is internally motivated to improve professional
starting with interactive lectures have been tried and tested. skills and so determines and chooses what to learn and how
Group discussions and critical reflection on existing frames of to learn and how to get self-assessed to measure improvement
reference and worldview in thinking and feeling brings about in practice, exposure to these methodologies even in the early
transformative learning in feeling and thinking and builds phase of professional education makes learning interesting,
critical thinking. Case or problem triggered learning helps the breaks the monotony of the usual didactic teacher controlled
learner understand the relevance of learning basic sciences pedagogies and prepares them for the way they would be
for future professional practice as a doctor. Problem‑based learning in the future.
learning makes them familiar with the process of self‑directed
learning and diagnosis of their own further learning needs. Financial support and sponsorship
Use of technology always creates interest in the 21st century Nil.

282 Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences  ¦  Volume 6  ¦  Issue 2  ¦  July-December 2018
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Chacko: From andragogy to heutagogy for effective adult learning

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