Prelim Activity 4 Apuan

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Directions: Read and answer the following questions. Post your answer here and
corresponding points will be given.

1. “Though society and culture do not appear to be a part of business situations, yet
they are actually key elements in showing how business activities will be conducted”.

When you are trying to understand the habits of a culture, it is important to know how
business is carried out within that culture. You can not form successful relationships
with people if you do not understand how they do business. If you are looking to
properly learn about the culture in order to secure a business relationship with them,
then be sure that you prepare accordingly. One of the first steps that should be taken
would be finding out all about their habits concerning business transactions.

2. Discuss the famous McDonald’s case where the multinational company failed to
understand the culture of India and thus failed initially, before bouncing back.

The famous McDonald's case where the multinational company failed to understand the
culture of India and thus failed initially, before bouncing back.A lot is said about
globalization and its impact on countries and cultures. This has been a hot topic since
globalization began, but there is still much that remains unknown despite the work that
has already been done in this area. This particular case study will take a look at what
happened when McDonald's came to India only to be met with increased competition
from local, government-owned eateries. I will first discuss how globalization impacted
India's cultural outlook as well as creating an unrealistic image of what it meant for the
United States.

3. How relevant is the political environment in international business? Enumerate

different types of political systems that exist around the globe.

It is increasingly necessary for businesses to analyze the political environment in which

they operate. International business is now a worldwide phenomenon, and it is nearly
impossible for a company to do business without understanding the political conditions
of the country in which they are operating. It's no surprise then that there are plenty of
types of government systems around the world to understand. From monarchies and
military dictatorships, oppressive communist states, or even democracies with various
degrees of deviation from pure democracy, international businesses should be prepared
to face many different types of political environments while operating abroad.
4. Describe the different types of economic systems. Explain with suitable examples.

Types of Economic systems The different kinds of economic systems are Market
Economy, Planned Economy, Centrally Planned Economy, Socialist, and Communist
Economies. All these are characterized by the ownership of the economics resources
and the allocation of the same.

5. “The development of new technologies helped international business”. Do you agree?

Justify your answer.

While international business may be booming, remittances from immigrants to their

home countries have been on the decline due to a lack of money transfers. In response,
companies such as Western Union and MoneyGram have tried a slew of new
technology solutions in an attempt to capture more market share from these

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