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Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

Welcome to Lazuardi New Comer orientation Week 2021-2022.

Excellency Mr Salim Muhsin BSA., M.Pd, director of junior high school and senior high school Lazuardi Ideal Purwakarta
The honorable Mr Maran Sutarya, M.Pd, principal of junior high school and senior high school Lazuardi Ideal Purwakarta
Respectable teachers and academic staff
And dearly, Our beloved students

We would like to introduce our selves. I am Tr Wati and my parter is ……

W: btw, mr Angga, how are you feeling today?


Yes, sure Mr Angga. New academic year always gives us more energy. Let me deliver the programs:
First. Opening Fifth. Teacher’s performance
Second. Reciting Qur’an Sixth. Closing Prayer
Third. Speech from Director of JHS and SHS Lazuardi Ideal Ninth. Closing
Forth. Speech from school Principal

Thank you Hadiar and Wulan.

Next program is speech, the first speech will be delivered by Director of JHS and SHS Lazuardi Ideal and we’re going to invite Mr Salim Muhsin,BSA., M.Pd.
Please welcome

Thank you. Teacher Maran. You must be tired, huh. So, let’s invite one of the best pop singers in a milky way galaxy, teacher Juliaaaaaaaaaan.

Yes agree, tr Angga. That was a beautiful song, too.

Dear students, next agenda is closing prayer. We invite one of our teachers, Dr Srie Muldianto. Please welcome.

Thanks Tr Angga. Okay students, here are the list of ingredients for cooking day
1. Cheese
2. Spring rolls
3. sweetened condensed milk

I am Tr Wati.
Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

Welcome to Lazuardi New Comer orientation Week 2021-2022.

Puji syukur ke hadirat Allah SWT Tuhan yang Maha Esa karena atas berkahnya kita semua berada disini untuk menghadiri kegiatan New Comer Orientation Week
2021-2022. Solawat serta salam semoga senantiasa tercurah pada junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad yang selalu member syafaat dan hidayahnya.

……..Tr angga and we are Master Ceremony of New Comer Orientation Week opening ceremony.

A: As a teacher, I am so excited. We face new academic year, new fresh students as well, we have prepared an outstanding program for new orientation week.
right teacher wati?

Okay. For opening the program, let’s recite basmallah together.


For reciting Al Qur’an, we would like to invite Hadiar and Wulan from XI grade.

Thank you. Teacher Salim. We hope that we can implement the lesson that has been told By Mr Salim.

Dear students, let’s hear some speech and announcement that will be delivered by Principal of JHS and SHS Lazuardi Ideal and we’re inviting Mr maran Sutarya,
M.Pd. Please welcome.

Wow. Great. It’s a beautiful performance. I feel like I was listening to Afgan Syahreza. Do you think the same, Tr Wati?

Terima kasih kepada Dr. Srie Muldianto yang telah meminpin acara doa’penutup. Sebelum kita sampai di sesi terakhir. Ada sedikit pengumuman nih buat temen-
temen kelas VII, VIII, IX, dan X. tolong di catat ya, bahan-bahan yang harus temen-temen sediakan untuk acara cooking Day. Siap??? Coba cek dulu doang
suaranya. Okay, Tr Wati, temen-temen sudah siap mencatat nih.

Terima kasih Tr Wati. Alhamdulillah, rangkaian acara New Comer Orientation Week untuk sesi satu sudah selesai. Don’t go anywhere students, coz we still have
two programs more to go. We take a break 30 minutes and we will log in again on the same link. Thank you for spending time with us this morning. I am Tr

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

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