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Name: Jones Clarence M.

Zepeda Grade/Section: ABM 12-Keynes

Photo Essay
Evaluate my Personal Decision: In a phrase or a sentence cite at least 2 personal
decisions in your life where your choices accrued consequences that you have not
forgotten. Give realization about your choices. If you do not have available photo/s, you
can use photos in the internet provided you must acknowledge it.

Personal Decision Consequence/s Realization

1. Making myself alone I avoided people and it Having a negative
or Self-isolation in time gives me social anxiety. mindset can give us
of pandemic Because of this I many negative impacts.
became introvert person. It is not cool when you
I lose friends and some avoid people and there
opportunities. is nothing wrong in
making friends with other
2. Eating more often and I become fat and I have Its okay to be not okay
staying late at night no time to work on my but we should not let this
because of anxiety fat. Sleep deprivation or problem control our
during the pandemic having an inadequate situation. There is
quantity or quality of sleep nothing wrong in seeking
become more often. for help. Mental health is
very important.

Photo Essay: Make a photo essay in a short size coupon bond to expound your

Decision 1 Decision 2

TITLE: Personal Decision: Importance of Prudence in Choices

How can we take the right courses of action or decision in our life? And how is it
important to have prudence in committing a sound decision? Personal Decision making
is a process where we decide on things that we want or important to do. These
decisions might change our life and the way we see the world. There are instances that
I didn’t realize that my decision might bring negative impacts on my life not until I face
the consequence of the particular decision. Anxiety, depression and its other impacts
has greatly impact me during our new normal situation. How can we avoid committing
wrong decisions in life?

Well to put this simply, everyone of us should realize the importance of prudence
and importance of having prudence in every decision. Prudence enables us to take
appropriate action in a variety of scenarios. When presented with a decision, a person
analyzes numerous moral paths to a desired objective. We should weigh possibilities or
consequences in every action we plan to do. All important matter should be weighed
through prudence. Especially nowadays, based on a study number of anxiety and
depression on teenagers rise because of this pandemic and I am one of those. We
teenagers nowadays tend to have multiple emotions and not being cautious on the
actions we plan to do. Having the sense of prudence in decision making process can
help to bring cautiousness and wisdom to avoid negative instances and to take or
commit the right courses of action in life. Sometimes we tend to realize its
consequences when we are done doing it. And as a result, we suffer its negative
consequences. Without prudence, I will not be able to overcome the negative impacts of
committing wrong choices. I practice my coping mechanism by finding happiness and
strength in my family. Let our breakdowns turn into breakthroughs.

Analyzing every situation is a hard thing to do especially when we experience a

lot of problems. We encounter a lot of negative thoughts and as a result it takes us
away from having a sound and wise decisions. It is okay to be not okay if we experience
a lot of problems, taking a deep breath and setting those problems aside. But it is not
okay to be not okay when we let this problem control our lives, control what we think,
and control what we really are. There’s nothing wrong in seeking for help and asking for
advices in life. Nothing is perfect, we can commit mistakes and learn from it.

Share: You can share your realization to any member of your family so that you can
also solicit some advice or any helpful tips that may help you in doing.

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