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1.Name, title, position, degree, contact number, scientific interests

Didenko Victoria Ivanovna, teacher, 0550464900
2.Name of the discipline, code and number of credits
General and clinical Biochemistry, - 0.63credits, 2 nd year, 4 semestr
3. Time and place of the academic discipline Room №414
4.Prerequisites and post-requisites for the academic discipline
The course "Biochemistry" is the basic university discipline and forms the basis for studying the
following disciplines: Plant biotechnology; Physiology; Molecular biology; Molecular Genetics;
Endocrinology; Therapy; Medical genetics; Hematology; Nephrology.
Results of the discipline:
- the essence of the most important biochemical processes taking place in the living Organisms
and its constituent metabolism;
-the technique of biochemical research;
be able
- to acquire knowledge in the process of working with literature independently and performance
of laboratory tasks;
- to set up experiments independently, conduct observations, analyze
The results of experiments with modern
Information technologies and formulate conclusions;
- to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge and skills of laboratory research in the work in the
field of science "Biochemistry";
- to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in the course and graduation thesis and in future
professional activities;

Have skill in:

- the skills of experimental work;
- analysis and comparison of materials of own observations;
- to organize research activities Students.
Innovative educational-methodical complex. The content of the discipline is implemented on the
basis of information and developing and problem-oriented learning technologies.
In the process of teaching the course of "Biochemistry" as science is a practical discipline, the
most efficient is the combined use of different groups of teaching methods:
- explanatory-illustrative (interactive lecture, story and conversation) using the multimedia
problem-search and active (interactive lecture, dialogue, polylogue, role-playing, discussions,
work in small groups, etc.). The methods presented provide an opportunity to develop students '
systematic approach to generating knowledge, ability to think problem
5. Characteristics of the academic discipline
The discipline Biochemistry is the discipline of the basic part of natural cycle disciplines of the
curriculum AsMI 560001 for the specialty "General Medicine".

5.1. Purpose of the Learning Objective

The main for biochemistry is to elucidate the functional, i.e. biological use of all chemical and
physical and chemical processes in a living organism, and the mechanism of disorders of these
functions in different diseases.
Modern biochemistry solves the following tasks:
1. Biotechnology, i.e. the creation of pharmaceuticals (hormones, enzymes), plant growth
regulators, pest control, food additives.
2. Conducts the development of new methods and means of diagnostics and treatment of
hereditary diseases, carcinogenesis, nature of oncogenes and oncoproteins.
3. Leads the development of gene and cell engineering to obtain brand-new breeds of animals
and forms of plants with more valuable characteristics.
4. Studying the molecular basis of memory, of the psyche, bioenergy, nutrition and a variety of
other tasks.
5.The development of intellectual abilities of students and skills of independent work with
sources of information, and thereby contribute to the development of the scientific potential of
the Kyrgyz Republic.
The program for the discipline “Biochemistry” is compiled in accordance with the requirements
of the State Educational Standard for specialty 560001 “General Medicine”, which provides
training of specialists of higher professional qualification, according to the modern requirements
of the Kyrgyz Republic, and in accordance with Basic Educational Program of AsMI, this
program provides:

5.3. Learning outcomes (Результаты обучения)

Learning Outcome 1. Ability to take basic knowledge of natural-humanitarian, social,
fundamental biomedical and clinical disciplines in the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and
rehabilitation of patients of different ages within their competence.
Learning Outcome 2. Ability to present their thoughts and opinions in the state and official
languages of their country (KR or country of residence).
Learning Outcome 5. Ability to participate in research work using basic research skills.
Learning Outcome 6. Possession of skills in moral and cultural behavior, critical thinking and
aspiration for self-improvement.

5.4. The content of the academic discipline:

- Lecturing and presentation;
-Practical training: oral and written questioning, discussion, work in small groups, the decision
of test tasks and situational tasks, preparation of schemes;
-laboratory activities: laboratory works, development of chemical methods of research,
discussion of results, execution of protocols, video lessons.
-independent work of students under the guidance of a teacher: work with scientific and
educational literature, electronic databases, the protection of the essay on curriculum, discussion,
decision of situational tasks, work with interactive learning programs, preparation of

5.4. Plan for studying the academic discipline

№ Topics name Lectur Practical CI Total
e hours hours W
1 Cardiovascular system
Important enzymes and lipoproteins in cardiac 3 0 0 3
diseases, primary and secondary
hyperlipoproteinemia. Estimation of cardiac
enzymes. Electrolyte balance in the event of heart
diseases. Hypoxia and anoxia. Prognostic
biochemical markers of HD.

2 Digestive system
Categories of metabolic diseases. Possible 2 4 2 8
biochemical causes of digestive disorders.
Abnormalities of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids
digestion and absorption. Abnormalities related to
HCL secretion : Achlorhydria. Disorders of
Glycolysis and the Pentose Phosphate Pathway.
Disorders purine and pyrimidine metabolism.
Cholestatic Jaundice (Cholestasis, Cholestatic
Hepatitis). Disorders of bilirubin metabolism.
Glycogen storage diseases. Non-alcoholic fatty liver
disease and obesity: Biochemical, metabolic and
clinical presentations.

3 Hematopoietic system
Biochemistry of hematopoietic stem cells. 2 0 0 2
Hemoglobin-structure, synthesis ,
hemoglobinopathies. Biochemistry of blood, heme
biosynthesis and degradation, disorders. Causes of
Some Important Disorders Affecting Red Blood
Cells, Classification of the Causes of Anemia.
Erythropoietin. Important Aspects of the Metabolism
of the Red Blood Cell. Properties of the Glucose
Transporter of the Membrane of the Red Blood Cell
(GLUT1). Reticulocytes are active in protein
synthesis, superoxide Dismutase,
Catalase,Glutathione Protect Blood Cells from
Oxidative Stress & Damage.

4 Musculoskeletal system
Introduction to Muscle Cell Types. Organization of 2 2 2 6
Contractile Proteins in Muscle Organization of the
Sarcomere Proteins of the Myofilaments.
Organization of Actin Thin Filaments.Skeletal
versus Cardiac Muscle Action Potentials. Myosin
and the Power Stroke of Contraction. Calcium: Role
in Muscle Contraction and Relaxation. The
Dystrophin Complex The Muscular Dystrophies.
Acetylcholine and Receptors in Muscle Functions.
Tetany and Rigor Mortis. Bone biochemistry,
measurement of total Ca, hypercalcemia.

Total: 19

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