Data Analysis Cot LP

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Excellent Very Good Poor Needs

Criteria (5 points) Good (3 points) (2 points) Improvement

(4 points) (1 point)
Show very Shows meaningful Enumerates Lacks evidence that No details provided
meaningful content, content complete significant points connect to the
Content explanation and with explanation related to the topic provided topic
relation to real-world
Sentence structures Insignificant errors in A few errors in Some errors in Sentence structure is
are well - defined, sentence structure, sentence structure, sentence structure, incorrect, grammar is
accurate, and clear grammar, spelling grammar, spelling grammar, spelling poor, and errors in
Mechanics with no spelling, and punctuation are and punctuation are and punctuation are spelling and
punctuation and noted. noted. present. punctuation abound
grammar errors.
The code and The code and The code and The code and No evidence of
themes are very well themes are focused themes are slightly themes are loosely organization of the
Organization organized, coherence and directed. organized. organized. code and themes .
and cohesion are
very evident.
Purpose is clearly Purpose is clearly Purpose is clearly Purpose is Purpose is vaguely
Achievement established and established and established and established but established and
of Purpose effectively generally mostly may not be may not be
sustained. sustained. sustained sustained. sustained.
Relevant questions Most of the questions Some of the Few of the questions Questions are all
are asked. Manager are relevant and questions are are relevant and over the place, does
stays on topic and connected. Manager relevant and connected. Manager not seem relevant to
does not wander stays mostly on topic. connected. Manager stays mostly on topic interviewer or
from question. identifies at least two stays mostly on topic but may stray interviewee. OR the
Recognizes key skills from resume or but may stray occasionally. interview is not
Relevance words in resume and introduction. occasionally. Poor. conducted.
candidates answers Fair. Poor.
regarding interviewee
skills by mentioning
them in introduction.
The table matrix is The table matrix is The table matrix is The table matrix is The table matrix is
submitted before the submitted on time. submitted one day submitted one week submitted one week
Timeliness deadline. after the deadline. after the deadline. or more after the
Total Score / 15 points


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