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I. Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.
1. If you (make) make a run for it, you’ll catch the rain.
2. If Laura (not eat) didn’t eat so much, she wouldn’t have put on weight.
3. If they (have) …………………..………. their car serviced regularly, it never lets them down.
4. The earthquake would have caused less damage if the houses (be) had been of stronger construction.
5. If there (be) is a good breeze on Sunday, we’ll go hang-gliding.
6. You can get there more quickly if you (take) take the short cut across the playing field.
7. If you (leave) …………………..………. the milk out of the fridge in this weather, it’ll go off.
8. Would you contribute to the fund if I (ask) …………………..………. you?
9. If I (drop) …………………..………. Eve’s vase, she’d have been furious.
10. If you (be) …………………..………. really my friend, you’d lend me the money.
11. Had the councilors been re-elected, your proposal (be) …………………..………. accepted.
12. Productivity will improve if manufacturing procedures (be) …………………..………. streamlined.
13. (Be) …………………..………. you to take out the relevant insurance policy, you would be completely covered.
14. No matter what (happen)happens , I’ll always stand by him!
15. Supposing the computer (break down) …………………..………., what would you do?
II. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one, using the word given.
1. Should you persist in your defiance of instructions, disciplinary action will be taken. go
If you ___________________________________ disciplinary action.
2. If you changed your mind, you’d be welcome to join our staff. change
Were you ___________________________________ delighted to have you on the staff.
3. If I find that you’ve told me is true, I’ll resign my post. out
Should your information ___________________________________ in my resignation.
4. If he fails the final examination, he won’t be able to graduate. be
Unless he ___________________________________ unable to graduate.
5. Sally’s dog wasn’t muzzled, and so it bit the postman. have
If Sally’s dog ___________________________________ the postman.
6. Because the evidence was withheld, the prisoner was found guilty. presented
Had the evidence ___________________________________ acquitted.
III. Match the correct wish or regret on the left with the situation on the right.
1. If only he would tell her! A A. It’s a pity he didn’t tell her.
2. I wish he had stayed. B. We have no idea what to do.
3. If only we knew what to do! C. We didn’t know what to do.
4. I wish he had told her D. I‘d like him to tell her.
5. I wish we’d known what to do. E. It’s a pity he didn’t stay.
6. It’s time he stopped smoking. F. I’d like him to stay, if possible.
7. I’d rather he stayed. G. I think he should stop smoking.
8. If only he’d stopped smoking! H. He should have stopped smoking.
IV. Complete the sentences, using the correct tense of the verb in brackets.
1. No matter how many people (come) tonight, we’ll have a great time!
2. He looked at me as if I (just land) from the moon.
3. Supposing she (not agree), what would you do next?
4. However late you (be), there’ll be a warm welcome for you.
5. Wherever they (end up), I’m sure they’ll be happy.
6. It seemed as along with the deal, provided we (receive) our fair share of the profits.
7. We’ll go along with the deal, provided we (receive) our fair share of the profits.
8. I wish the firm (not go) bankrupt, but the shares would still have been worthless.
9. Supposing the police (not come), what would you have done?
10. I’d be on your side even if you (not be) my friend.
11. He stared at me. It was as if he (not hear) a word I’d said.
I. Complete each sentence with the correct form of one of the verbs below and the particle ON.
bring count drag hit look      stay witch     wave add carry hold live send sew
touch try call come   get go keep put take turn
1. …………...…………… the kettle …………...…! Let’s have a cup of tea!
2. The spectators …………...………………… helplessly as the car burst into flames.
3. Ivy left school at sixteen but her friend …………...………………… to get better qualifications.
4. At the road block the police …………...………… us …………... but the car behind had to stop.
5. I'll help you all I can. You can …………...………………… my full support. 
6. While we were talking, we …………...………………… an idea for making extra money.
7. All the excitement …………...………………… an asthma attack so we tried to calm him down.
8. Some people got very restless as the meeting …………...………………… past 10 o’clock.
9. You can write to my parents’ house. They’ll …………...………………… any letter to my new address.
10. I'm not sure if this dress in my size. Can I …………...………… it …………...…?
11. “A button has come off my jacket”. “And I suppose you’d like me to  …………...……… it …………… again!” 
12. Could you …………...………………… a moment? This won't take long.
13. That's not the total cost. You have to …………...………………… ten to fifteen per cent for postage and packing.
14. My wife has to go out to work as we can’t …………...………………… my wages alone.
15. The dog’s owner took no notice of our protests but …………...………………… hitting the poor defenseless animal.
16. During my talk I'll try to …………...………………… some of the problems that have come up in the last few months.
17. We haven't got much information to …………...…………………, but we’ll do our best.
18. There’s a terrific atmosphere at work. All the staff …………...………………… really well.
19. I wish Mr. Thomas wouldn’t …………...………………… criticizing me all the time.
20. The dog hadn't been at all aggressive so I didn't expect it to …………...………………… me and attack me like that.
21. Do you have to …………...………………… special make-up when you appear on television?
22. In his speech the boss said that he needed everyone’s help. He …………...………………… all his employees to do their
best to increase sales.
23. When exactly do you get these headaches? They usually seem to …………...………………… in the evening.
24. I need a break. I realize now that I've …………...………………… too much work.
II. Complete each sentence with the correct form of one of the verbs below and the particle OFF.
break cordon cut make scare show switch tell clear five laugh pull drown see work write come get go let put set
take turn
1. Save electricity. Please …………...………………… any unnecessary lights.
2. We were chatting on the phone when we were suddenly …………...………………… .
3. Our neighbor bought an enormous dog and had outside lighting installed to …………...………………… burglars.
4. My ex-girlfriend was the one who …………...………………… our relationship, not me!
5. When Yvette came home late, the mother was very angry and …………...……… her ……… .
6. Keith’s always talking about his latest car to …………...………………… but nobody is impressed.
7. The thieves attacked her and …………...………………… down the road, taking the money with them.
8. There’s been a bomb scare and the police have …………...………………… the area.
9. I saw the advertisement and decided to …………...………………… for further details.
10. I wish you’d …………...…………………! I don't want to speak to you!
11. Agnes tried to …………...………………… the accident but you could see she was really upset by what had happened.
12. My mother used to send me out to run round the park and …………...………………… some of my energy.
13. Finally, to …………...………………… the evening, they’ll be a Disco.
14. The old man used his stick to try and …………...………………… the mugger.
15. I don't know how she managed to …………...……… it …………... but she succeeded in making her boss change his
16. As my sister was going to be away for a long time, we all went to the station to …………...…………… her ………….. .
17. Some people aren’t here today so we've decided to …………...…… the meeting …………... until next week.
18. …………...………………… the bus at Beecher Road and take the first on the left.
19. All the posters had …………...………………… so I had to stick them up again.
20. There's a long journey of us so we want to …………...………………… early.
21. There was a bomb scare and the plane …………...………………… an hour late.
22. Suddenly the alarm …………...………………… and the guards rushed in.
23. Don't forget to …………...………………… the electric fire before you go to bed.
24. I asked the driver to …………...……...… me …………...… at the end of my road.
III. A. Match one half of the dialogue on the left with the other half on the right.
1. A button A. dozed off because they'd had such a tiring day.
2. The caller B.  drove off in his employer’s Rolls Royce.
3. The chauffeur C.  fell off and rolled under the chair.
4. The pain D. sparked off a violent demonstration.
5. The news E. held off and we were able to have our picnic.
6. The rain F. lifted off and soon disappeared in the clouds.
7. The rocket G.  rang off without leaving his phone number.
8. The sleepy H. wore off after the doctor gave her an injection.
B. Now do the same with these dialogues
1. call off A. this area to stop people getting in.
2. fence off B. his beard as his girlfriend doesn't like it.
3. keep off C.  a letter asking for more information.
4. give off D.  the meeting as so many people are away.
5. live off E.  the state.
6. scrape off F.  the paint with a knife.
7. send off G.  a strange smell which makes me feel ill.
8. shave off H.  the subject as she’s still very upset about it all.
IV. A. Match one half of the dialogue on the left with the other half on the right.
1. Do you think of this new dance? A. She didn't want to let on and spoil the surprise.
2. You can’t see much of the valley from here. B. No, I don't. The police moved us on so I didn't see
3. Could you tell him that his mother will be there very much.
at six? C. In that case we’ll have to lay on some extra
4. Why didn't Mary tell me they'd planned a party coaches.
for me? D. It’s a bit strange. I don't think it’ll catch on.
5. Shall I switch the TV off? E. You can reckon on at least fifty.
6. Lots of people want to go on the excursion. F. Let's walk on a bit and see if we can get a better
7. Do you know how badly people were injured in view somewhere else.
the accident? G. No problem. I'll pass on the messenger when I
8. How many people do you think will come to the see him this afternoon.
meeting? H. Could you leave it on? I want to watch the news.
B. Now do the same with these dialogues
1. You’d better wear a hat. A. At least mine runs on unleaded petrol.
2. Cars cause so much damage! B. Yes, he just rambles on and on and on!
3. So you caught the train after all. C. Yes, he is. The strain of not finding a job is
4. When did you realise you'd been tricked? beginning to tell on him.
5. What’s your company’s latest project? D. We’re working on a new type of fuel.
6. Bill’s looking really tired and worried these days. E.I suppose they look on me as a kind of father
7. I hate it when Ted chairs the meeting. finger.
8. What's the attitude of your staff towards you? F. It didn’t dawn on me till much later.
G. Yes. I just managed to jump on as it was leaving
the station.
H. Don't be silly. It’ll never stay on in this wind.
I. Match the following idioms with the meanings below
1. He's feeling fragile this morning. He had a late night. e a. He's under too much pressure.
2. He went to pieces when he heard of his mother's death. c b. You've got to be careful how
3. He's a smashing person and a really wonderful friend. f you treat him.
4. He's at breaking-point. You should see how much work he has! a c. He started to cry.
5. He needs careful handling. He's brilliant, but he's a bit sensitive to d. His parents divorced, and he
criticism. b was brought up by his mother.
6. "Do it yourself, if you think you can do it better!" he snapped back. h e. He's not very well.
7. After two days of interrogation, his son cracked and confessed to the f. He's very nice.
murder. g g. He started to tell the truth,
8. He comes from a broken home. d h. He replied angrily.
II. Fill in the following words and expressions in the sentences below:
a. shattered my confidence f. mend the relationship
b. a chip on his shoulder g. pick up the pieces
c. put his life back together h. a crushing blow
d. broke up i. knocked me down with a feather
e. handle him with kid gloves j. broke her heart
1. John's got ___b_____ about his background.
2. Losing your job can be ___h_____ to anyone - no matter how strong you are.
3. Be very careful what you say to Richard. You've got to ___e_____
4. When Mrs Jones' youngest son was killed in the war, it ___j_____
5. Failing my driving test for the second time totally ____a____
6. Diane wants a divorce, but Justin is trying to ____f____ 
7. When I heard the news, you could have ___l_____ 
8. Didn't you know that Harry and Jane __d______ last year?
9. It was terrible losing Mary, but I'm doing my best to ___g_____ 
10. After Ron's wife died, it took him a long time to ___c_____ !
III. Fill in the following idiomatic expressions in the situations below:
a. against a brick wall e. a foot in the door
b. on your doorstep f. hit the roof
c. on the tiles g. through the back door
d. laid the foundations h. like a ton of bricks
1. Why are you taking such a low-paid job? I'm sure you could find something better.
> I know, but it's a good company. I just want to get and ___e_____ with any luck I can work my way up.
2. I think the business is ready to expand now.
> I agree, we've __d______ and it's time to build on them.
3. Diana looks cross about something. What's happened?
> I just asked if I could leave early tonight and she came down on me ____h____
4. I've just told my dad about my exam results. He wasn't very pleased.
> Neither was mine. He ___f_____ when I told him I'd failed maths.
5. I don't know how you can live in the middle of town. It must be awful.
> It's alright once you're used to it. You've got everything right ____b____
6. How did you manage to get a job with the bank?
> Well, I got in ___g_____, really. My dad plays golf with one of the directors.
7. You still haven't got a job, then?
> No, I'm afraid not. I've applied for maybe 30 and I haven't had 1 interview. I feel as if I'm banging my head ____a____
8. You look as if you had a late night last night.
> Yes. It was my brother's birthday so we went out for a night __c______
IV. Put these parts of buildings into the sentences below:
brick wall / chimney / corridors / window / cement / closed doors / roof / door / wall
1. I was so ill with flu last week I thought I was at death's ________
2. The European Union needs to do more to ________ its relationship with the old Eastern Bloc countries.
3. They say smoking's bad for you but my grandfather's ninety-seven and he's always smoked like a ________
4. After the discovery of the new cancer drug, shares in Bionow Corporation have gone through the ________ 
5. The management and union bosses are having talks behind ________
6. Our business is not going too well at the moment. Financially, we've got our backs to the ________
7. I'm supposed to be on a diet at the moment. Whenever I have dinner with friends, it just goes out of the ________
8. Politicians soon discover that the ________ of power are not very safe places!
9. You never listen to me. It's like talking to a ________
V. Here are some ideas about cats. Match them with the idioms below:
a. Cats like to be in charge. e. Cats can be cruel.
b. Cats are very inquisitive. f. Some cats are considered unlucky.
c. Stroke cats from front to back. g. Cats are light on their feet.
d. Cats can be aggressive. h. Cats can seem sleepy.
1. When the cat's away, the mice will play. 5. Don't rub him up the wrong way.
2. Curiosity killed the cat! 6. I think I'll just have a catnap.
3. There isn't a cat in hell's chance. 7. That was a very catty thing to say!
4. Stop pussyfooting and say what you mean. 8. They fight like cat and dog.
VI. Choose an idiom below which you could say when you want to:
1. Describe a room as very small.
2. Tell someone that there are different ways of doing something.
3. Say that there's going to be trouble because of what someone has said or done.
4. Remind someone to keep something secret.
5. Describe what happens when the boss leaves the office for a day or two.
6. Warn someone not to try to find out private information about others.
7. Tell someone they are being jumpy and nervous.
8. Say that someone you know has an annoying personality.
9. Tell someone to stop being too hesitant and careful in expressing their opinion.
10. Tell someone that they will not succeed at what they are trying to do.

a. When the cat's away, the mice will play. f. He just rubs me up the wrong way.
b. There isn't enough room to swing a cat. g. That's put the cat among the pigeons.
c. You're like a cat on hot bricks. h. Don't let the cat out of the bag.
d. There's more than one way to skin a cat. i. Curiosity killed the cat.
e. Stop pussyfooting around. j. You haven't got a cat in hell's chance!
VII. Fill in the following sentences in the dialogues below:
a. Don't get your knickers in a twist. b. Don't get shirty with me.
c. I've got something up my sleeve. d. Just speak off the cuff.
e. It fits like a glove. f. I wouldn't like to be in her shoes.
g. We do everything on a shoestring. h. I'll collar him.
1. The colour suits you. How about the size? > Perfect __________________________________________________
2. The dinner's not ready. I haven't washed my hair. The place is a mess. They will be here any minute. What am I
going to do? > Just calm down! ____________________________________________
3. We just can't compete with bigger companies. > I know ____________________________________________________
4. It's Stuart's birthday tomorrow and we haven't bought or planned anything, Tim. > Don't worry _______________________
5. I've asked Cathy to break the news to the people who are losing their jobs. > Poor Cathy ________________________________
6. Where have you been? We've been waiting an hour. You're so inconsiderate! > Hey! ____________The car broke down! 
7. I've got to give a short speech tomorrow night at the annual dinner. > Oh, don't worry! _________________________________
8. I need to speak to John to see if he's free to play golf this Saturday. I'll see him tonight _________then and ask him.
VIII. Match these meanings with the idioms in bold type in the sentences below:
a. tell nobody d. old-fashioned, out of date
b. admire e. do something miraculous
c. he doesn't know what he's talking about f. now, without planning
1. Don't listen to what Robin is saying. He's talking through his hat.
2. I love Italy. If I could get a job there, I'd go at the drop of a hat.
3. I'm going to tell you something but you must promise to keep it under your hat.
4. Cassettes? Nobody uses them now. They're old hat. It's CDs or mini-discs now.
5. Richard's going to replace the heating system in his house all by himself. I take my hat off to him. I'd never do it
without professional help.
6. So, England are losing 1- 0 with two minutes to go. They really need to pull something out of the hat now.
IX. Put the following words into the sentences below:
shirt / shoes / sleeves / coat / belts / socks / caps / trousers
1. I've nearly finished decorating the living room. One wall just needs another ________ of paint and that's it finished.
2. There's a lot of unemployment in this area. People are having to tighten their ________just to survive.
3. You have to roll up your ________ and get on with it like everyone else.
4. My boss is going to a new job in NY. We're all going to miss her. It won't be easy to find someone to fill her ________
5. Jerry is the most generous man I know. He'd give you the ________ off his back.
6. Sorry, Sally, I have to say this. You're going to fail this course unless you pull your ________ up.
7. Don't bother asking Steve about coming for dinner, ask Lydia. She's the one who wears the ________ in their house.
8. Listen. We need to decide what to do for Joanne's leaving party. So get your thinking ________ on!
I. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences
1. Be realistic! You can’t go through life looking at the world through ________.
A. rosed-coloured spectacles B. bright sights C. magnificent spectacles D. green fingers
2. I realized________that he was a thief.
A. sooner or later B. all along C. at the beginning D. eventually
3. The minister made no________of any further negotiations.
A. mention B. comment C. indication D. remark
4. I don't think Jones and Marlowe should work together on this project. They have shown us before that
they are quite________ as partners.
A. rebellious B. disinterested C. disagreeable D. incompatible
5. Let me________ over the matter and give you my decision in a few days.
A. bite B. munch C. chew D. gnaw
6. Find someone who will let you talk things through, or ________ that, write down your thoughts.
A. except B. failing C. for all of D. given
7. They will need time to________ the proposals we have submitted.
A. lash out B. scroll over C. shrivel up D. mull over
8. Karen was terribly nervous before the interview but she managed to pull herself _____ and act confidently.
A. through B. over C. together D. off
9. I don't agree with his policies but I'm going to________ them for now.
A. play along with B. play cat and mouse with C. play havoc with D. play down
10. His promise is as good as________. We can rely on him.
A. gold B. gem C. diamond D. jewel
11. These days the castle is swamped with________of tourists.
A. hordes B. cliques C. mobs D. assemblies
12. His flat looks so________ that it is difficult to believe he just had a party last night.
A. spick and span B. by and large C. safe and sound D. sick and tired
13. I am not able to go anywhere this weekend because I am up to my________ in work.
A. neck B. nose C. waist D. ankle
14. Brain cancer requires ________treatment such as surgery.
A. aggressive B. confrontational C. malignant D. rigorous
15. He praised his wife for her dignity under the________ of the tabloid press.
A. onslaught B. assault C. onset D. offensive
16. The old man led a________ existence after she left and refused even to see his children.
A. reclusive B. deserted C. remote D. vacant
17. I thought I had made it________ that I didn’t wish to discuss this matter.
A. distinct B. plain C. frank D. straight
18. We work too much. Our teacher keeps our noses to the________.
A. stone B. mill stone C. stone mill D. grindstone
19. He is a simple fellow. He usually wears his heart on his ________
A. arm B. sleeve C. face D. brow
20. This is the straw that breaks the ________ back.
A. residence B. abode C. home D. domicile
21. The juvenile delinquent was placed on ________ for a year.
A. trial B. charge C. probation D. surveillance
22. I soon got the ________ of the new machine.
A. hang B. sway C. string D. drift
23. Harry was offered a scholarship to study in Japan and he ________ the opportunity with both hands.
A. grasped B. grabbed C. held D. passed
24. A full scholarship to Harvard and you are worried about leaving your job? You’d be a fool to ________ up a
chance like that.
A. turn B. brush C. pass D. cast
25. He admitted taking a bribe and he doesn’t think he’s ________ his chances of getting re-elected?
A. pulled B. wiped C. thrown D. blown
26. Until your finances are in the________, it is not a good idea to take out a loan.
A. credit B. funds C. profit D. black
27. The matter has been left in________ until the legal ramifications have been explored.
A. recess B. suspension C. abeyance D. waiting
28. It was an extremely hostile article which cast ________ on the conduct of the entire cabinet.
A. criticism B. aspersions C. disapproval D. abuse
33. Could I pick your ________on the subject before the meeting?
A. brains B. mind C. head D. intellect
34. Simon's business has been on the________ for some time and I understand he's going into liquidation.
A. fire B. rocks C. wave D. clouds
35. She wouldn’t have heard anything. She is ________deaf.
A. stone B. rock C. post D. bat
36. We've made some great improvements over the past three months, but we're still not out of the________.
A. jungle B. bush C. dark D. woods
37. We need a process that ________corrupt police officers.
A. tides over B. beats about C. barks up D. weeds out
38. If you had never seen a telly ad, you would be all at________ with popular culture.
A. crossroads B. distance C. sea D. length
39. Kristina felt on top of the________ when she won the beauty pageant.
A. world B. earth C. sky D. universe
40. Mary is the black ________ of the family. She's always in trouble with the police.
A. dog B. cat C. sheep D. horse
41. His fee is a drop in the ________compared with the real cost of broadcasting.
A. bucket B. ocean C. lake D. sea
42. I'd been living in this country for a few years, but it wasn't until I had kids that I felt like I had really put
down _____ here.
A. roots B. seeds C. nuts D. fruits
43. I'm absolutely________ under with work at the moment.
A. snowed B. iced C. rained D. fogged
44. I have been________ by ill health ever since I left university.
A. hounded B. wormed C. ducked D. dogged
45. It was a very wild winter. I think we had one________ of snow and that was it.
A. gust B. flurry C. drop D. patch
46. I always clean the flat before my mom comes round, but she always finds at least one _____ of dust and
says it’s filthy.
A. scrap B. gust C. speck D. blade
47. As winter ends, I always seem to feel a ________of energy.
A. charge B. spring C. revival D. burst
48. The entire staff was thrown off ________ when the news of the takeover was announced.
A. composure B. disarray C. stable D. balance
49. Gavin will ________to the challenge of his new promotion.
A. raise B. rise C. ride D. arise
50. I know you have a good voice and have ambitions to be a singer but do not give up your day ________ yet.
A. situation B. work C. job D. place
51. I am in the ________as to where Chris was last night.
A. shade B. dark C. pink D. black
52. Breaking his leg dealt a________ to his chances of becoming a professional footballer.
A. thump B. strike C. hit D. blow
53. Let’s make a dash for the train now as the rain seems to be________ off.
A. easing B. slowing C. reducing D. running
54. Our firm is so successful because it is at the cutting ________of computer technology.
A. limit B. fringe C. verge D. edge
55. Monsoon Wedding was described as a cinematic jewel when it hit the ________ screen.
A. golden B. silver C. bronze D. diamond
56. For busy people in today’s society, lifestyle management is gaining ________.
A. points B. speed C. ground D. terrain
57. We at Buyrite throw down the ________ to competitors to match us for price, quality and service.
A. mitten B. gauntlet C. sword D. hat
58. This time she's leaving for________. She will never return.
A. all B. always C. good D. once
59. The old house was________ furnished and we had to buy almost everything new.
A. thinly B. sparsely C. mildly D. rarely
60. Sometimes, we don't appreciate the________ pleasures of life such as a beautiful sky, a cup of coffee with a
friend or seeing a good film at the cinema.
A. sheer B. simple C. normal D. plain
61. That old house hasn't been lived in for nearly thirty years, hence the fact that it looks so ________.
A. decrepit B. trashed C. rotten D. derelict
62. Despite harsh criticism, she's sticking to her________ on this issue.
A. weapons B. guns C. thumb D. neck
63. If traffic increases beyond a certain level, the city grinds to a________
A. halt B. stop C. pause D. end
64. Various ecological issues have come to the______ since the discovery of the hole in the earth's ozone layer.
A. front B. back C. side D. fore
65. I've seen her perform on television, but never in the ________.
A. meat B. flesh C. blood D. vein
66. The full horror of the war only hit________ when we started seeing the television pictures of it.
A. base B. down C. home D. back
67. She's always________ to me about how badly she's treated at work.
A. grumbling B. whining C. objecting D. complaining
68. I didn’t mean to leave her name off the list; it was a(n) ________
A. neglect B. disregard C. insult D. oversight
69. The most important parts of your job may seem difficult now but they will become second________ to you
within a couple of weeks.
A. instinct B. thought C. nature D. mind
70. The winning team were roundly criticised by the local media for the way in which they had _____ over the
losing team. It was considered very unsporting.
A. gloated B. relished C. showed up D. dominated
71. Jack was disappointed not to be promoted as he was given to________ that the job would be his.
A. know B. understand C. realize D. say
72. I retired three years ago and didn't know what to do with myself. Getting this dog has given me a new
________ of life.
A. burst B. loan C. lease D. extension
73. I found the last scene extremely________ and particularly well - directed.
A. pathetic B. sympathetic C. pitiful D. moving
74. I'm about to start my long-planned swimming regime. But I've got really terrible cellulite, which makes
me feel rather________
A. self-assured B. self – centred C. self-conscious D. self-evident
75. What can we do to persuade drivers that alcohol can turn a car into a________ weapon?
A. lethal B. fatal C. mortal D. venal
76. Large UK-owned companies are ________their European rivals when it comes to creating wealth, a study
has concluded.
A. outstripping B. catching up C. overrunning D. exceeding
77. Donald Trump’s pledge to rip up existing trade deals with Mexico would________ substantial damage on
the US economy and kill the region’s competitiveness on the world stage, according to the Mexican
economist who led the country’s trade talks with the US.
A. induce B. inflict C. impose D. wreak
78. Another, perhaps inspired by the nursery rhyme, is that a(n) ________ for sweet things during pregnancy
makes you more likely to be having a girl, while a boy will make you crave savoury, salty foods, meat and
cheese in particular.
A. inspiration B. affinity C. predilection D. propensity
79. The inconsiderate driver was ________ for parking his vehicle in the wrong place.
A. inflicted B. harassed C. condemned D. confined
80. The proposal would ________ a storm of protest around the country
A. spark B. sparkle C. ignite D. trigger
81. She refused to answer questions that________ her private affairs
A. infringed on B. imprinted in C. impinged on D. indulged in
82. The book is such a ________that I cannot put it down
A. page-turner B. best-seller C. duvet-cover D. mind-reader
83. The European Parliament has called for a humanitarian conference to be________ to discuss how to tackle
the growing crisis.
A. gathered B. collected C. assembled D. convened
84. The rates of extreme poverty have halved in recent decades. But 1.2 billion people still live
A. on the house B. on the tenterhooks C. on the breadline D. on the cards
85. From football to fashion, from TV to stage, we name the________ stars whose careers are likely to rocket in
the future.
A. out and about B. up and coming C. down and out D. in and out
86. Obama expressed regret as a US drone strike has________ killed innocent hostages.
A. incongruously B. vehemently C. inadvertently D. graciously
87. You never know whether to take Vic seriously or whether his remarks are tongue in________
A. cheek B. mouth C. tooth D. face
88. Applications for the course are coming in thick and________.
A. thin B. quick C. fast D. skin
89. Mike________ the tone of the formal dinner by appearing in a pair of ripped jeans and an old T-shirt.
A. set B. lowered C. degraded D. put
90. The exercise routine works in________ with the diet.
A. tandem B. league C. hand D. cooperation
91. The audiences were in ________as they watched the latest Aykebourne comedy.
A. stitches B. pleats C. tears D. shreds
92. Do not mention work to Ray, as it is a sore________ with him at the moment.
A. finger B. point C. place D. thumb
93. It is hard to get back into the________ of things after a long holiday.
A. pace B. way C. swing D. rhythm
94. The trouble with socializing with colleagues is that they usually end up talking________
A. sense B. shop C. back D. safe
95. Take your mobile phone with you just to be on the________ side.
A. sunny B. secure C. straight D. safe
96. Dealing with the failed waste incinerator project is a ________ issue in west Norfolk
A. burning B. heating C. boiling D. firing
97. With the amount of traffic nowadays, even a trip across town is________ with dangers.
A. beset B. surrounded C. assaulted D. devoid
98. He was forced to ________ control of the company.
A. discard B. relinquish C. quit D. surrender
99. Getting up at 8 o’clock was early by her________
A. reasons B. standards C. limits D. levels
100. He kept telling us about his operation, in the most________ detail.
A. elaborate B. knotty C. graphic D. burning
101. The purpose of running a business is to make a ______.
A. service B. contribution C. money D. profit
102. Growing up, I always knew that my father expected me to run the family business someday – but I really wanted
to ______ my own company.
A. build B. start C. set up D. found
103. Sometimes job seekers need to take a ______ job in order to earn a living while they’re between jobs.
A. menial B. lucrative C. dead-end D. entry-level
104. If you do excellent work and are a good team ______, you could get a promotion or get a raise – hopefully both!
A. supporter B. leader C. player D. fan
105. We ______ a deal with my father, agreeing that he would be our primary supplier of fresh fruits and vegetables.
A. took B. made C. gave D. did
106. Despite the tough ______ in the sector, our little store managed to break ______ its first year in operation.
A. contest/level B. competition/equal C. competition/even D. opposition/equal
107. His record sold like hot ______ on the first day after its release.
A. dogs B. pots C. potatoes D. cakes
108. Our market ______ showed that there was a big demand for organic food in the area, so we began offering
primarily organic products and raised our prices.
A. place B. price C. research D. stock
109. Some of our customers ______ their business elsewhere, but others came from miles away due to our reputation
for excellent products and friendly customer service.
A. ran B. took C. went D. hold
110. It’s not easy to make ends ______ with a big family, but somehow we manage.
A. met B. meeting C. meet D. to meet
111. As your business grows, you can take on employees or make a deal with other companies to __ business together.
A. do B. make C. cooperate D. connect
112. Whenever you’re planning to ______ a new product, it’s essential to provide excellent customer service.
A. initiate B. start C. declare D. launch
113. Now that you have experience, you’ll be able to get a job with a more competitive salary and ______ benefits.
A. luxurious B. tremendous C. dramatic D. generous
114. She graduated in 1962 and ______ on a career as a teacher.
A. started B. embarked C. worked D. took
115. It’s normal for there to be periods of time when you ______ a heavy workload and need to work overtime.
A. carried B. made C. had D. took
116. My mother is a businessman. She often has to travel abroad ______ business.
A. in B. on C. at D. off
117. He worked himself into a ______ thinking of his former wife and her new boyfriend.
A. lather B. rage C. leather D. range
118. You’re always sticking your nose into my business while it’s none of your ______.
A. work B. master C. matter D. business
119. His poor management ______ the company to the brink of collapse. In fact, he ______ bankrupt after only a year in
A. brought/went B. drives/goes C. brings/goes D. led/was
120. Event organizers should plan everything carefully so as to leave nothing to ______.
A. possibility B. mistake C. opportunity D. chance
121. I don’t know what her job is but she certainly seems to have money to ______.
A. light B. fire C. burn D. flame
122. We have to pay lots of bills, honey. Please don’t ______ your money around.
A. put B. throw C. keep D. give
123. She inherited a fortune from her grandmother and suddenly ______ a fortune.
A. made B. did C. turned D. became
124: Sometimes your employer can pay your salary by ______ a deposit directly in your bank account.
A. doing B. making C. giving D. sending
125. I looked for a part-time job to ______ my income so that I could raise my three growing children and an old mother.
A. supplement B. provide C. increase D. supply
126. I get paid next week, so can we go out to dinner then? I’m just out of ______ right now.
A. danger B. debt C. pocket D. stock
127. If money is tight, you should ______ a budget and ______ your belt. Otherwise you could be deep in debt.
A. make/economize B. pay/tighten C. make/tight D. make/tighten
128. He just bought another new car. He has more money than ______.
A. sense B. sensitive C. sensibility D. senses
129. Jack is very punctual. You can bet your bottom ______ he’ll be here at 9 o’clock on the dot.
A. money B. credit C. cash D. dollar
130. I can’t afford a skiing holiday this winter – it would ______ the bank.
A. collapse B. break C. steal D. melt
131. He made a fast ______ selling those shares. I wonder if he had insider knowledge.
A. food B. speech C. buck D. speed
132. For my money, Sunday is the best day to travel because the roads are very quiet.
A. In my opinion B. To the best of my knowledge C. According to me D. As far as I know
133. You may be ______ broke, but you’ll find a way to pay your electricity bill or you will live in the dark.
A. short B. flat C. narrow D. near
134. ______ money is imitation currency produced without the legal sanction of the state or government.
A. False B. Hand-made C. Artificial D. Counterfeit
135. At first, they were quite novel and interesting, but now these little cafes are getting to be ______ a penny.
A. one B. two C. ten D. not
136. Ever since we had our second child, we’ve had to scrimp and save to make sure they both get what they want for
A. tighten our belt B. cost an arm and a leg C. not have a bean to rub together D. break the bank
137. If you drive into the city, you have to pay through the ______ for parking.
A. cheek B. head C. nose D. neck
138. My father was as poor as a church mouse growing up, so his sole focus was to give his kids every opportunity in
life that he missed out on.
A. looked like a million dollars B. was born with a silver spoon in his mouth C. was short of cash D. be very poor
139. If you haven’t saved up money or set aside money for the purchase, you can borrow money from the bank –
which is also called taking out a loan. The disadvantage of this is that you’ll need to pay the money back in ______.
A. instalments B. cash C. cheque D. loan
140. You can consider ______ money to a good cause, such as preserving the environment or researching cures for
diseases. Non-profit organizations are always trying ______ money for their various projects.
A. to donate/to raise B. supporting/to rise C. donating/to raise D. contributing/to raise
141. We couldn’t fly ______ because all the tickets had been sold out.
A. economics B. economy C. economical D. economic
142. We’ve got a long way to go. Let’s hit the road now to make it by sunset.
A. set off B. see off C. put off D. call off
143. She’s always complaining that she doesn’t have enough money, but we’re all in the same ______.
A. road B. ship C. boat D. sail
144. I decided to go abroad with my mother. It ______ comes to worst because I really don’t want to leave my
A. worse B. worst C. badly D. worsen
145. After a busy week, I just want to ______ the town on Saturday night.
A. bit B. hit C. nit D. beat
146. That horrible hotel was a case of any port in a ______ as we couldn’t find any place to spend the night.
A. hurricane B. typhoon C. tornado D. storm
147. The price discount ended yesterday and I just ______ the boat on a great deal.
A. missed B. lost C. turned D. crashed
148. ______ of a place is beautiful because it has not been changed or damaged by people.
A. Undamaged B. Unchanged C. Unspoilt D. Unaffected
149. When they give me my new ______ pass, they didn’t ask me if I’d prefer a window seat or an ______ seat – and I was
stuck in the middle.
A. boarding/aisle B. landing/middle C. getting/cozy D. travelling/aisle
150. Last week I had the worst business ______ I’ve ever taken. Normally a travel ______ takes care of booking my flight
and ______ my hotel reservation, but this time I decided ______ the travel arrangements myself.
A. travel/agent/making/make B. trip/agency/making/made
C. voyage/agency/taking/do D. occasion/agency/doing/take
151. I had books three nights at a ______ hotel in the ______ district where I was stuck sleeping on an uncomfortable
mattress in a ______ room.
A. luxurious/yellow-light/wet B. common/dimmer/cozy
C. seedy/red-light/dingy D. five-star/busy/damp
152. I’d love to help you but I have a full ______ right now.
A. vase B. bowl C. spoon D. plate
153. I have to watch my back at work – there are a lot of people who would like my job.
A. be careful of the people around me B. get a move on C. hit the road D. thumb me a lift
154. We made a quick ______ stop in Denver before continuing our journey.
A. bus B. pit C. bit D. hit
155. Taking a sunset ______ on the beautiful Saigon River is an unforgettable experience in my life.
A. trip B. excursion C. travel D. cruise
156. A flea market is a type of bazaar that rents or provides space to people who want to sell or barter merchandise.
A. swap meet B. love market C. scheduled trading session D. labor market
157. The farmhouse we stayed in was completely ______ the beaten track.
A. in B. off C. of D. on
158. I can’t wait to go on my vacation and laze ______ on the sandy beach for two weeks!
A. around B. down C. out D. round
159. Most festivals include dancing and music, as well as all kinds of local delicacies.
A. tourist traps B. holiday resorts C. regional specialties D. holiday destinations
160. Jet ______ is the feeling of tiredness and confusion that people experience after making a long journey by plane to a
place where the time is different from the place they left.
A. bag B. nag C. lag D. rag
I. Fill in each blank with its appropriate word form
PASSAGE A. Since exams are part and parcel of life at secondary school doing revision is one of those (1. AVOID)
_________________ chores that we are all have to put up with. In my first two years at high school, revision meant
(2. FRANTIC) _________________ trying to cram enough relevant information into my head on the night before an exam. I
soon came to the (3. REALISE) ______________, however, that there is an easier, more (4. FRUIT) _________ approach. My
secret is (5. REPEAT) _____________ : whenever we cover important new material in class, I (6. SUMMARY) ________________
it in some brief notes that night. I then go over those notes the following day and again at the weekend. Finally, I test
myself on the material a few weeks later. I’m often pleasantly surprised by how much I can (7. COLLECT) _______________
and laying the (8. GROUND) _________ in this way means that I’m much more relaxed and better prepared when exam
season comes around.
PASSAGE B. A recent breakthrough in ovarian transplant treatment is what scientists are claiming is the first step
towards developing the (1. CAPABLE) __________ to postpone menopause by a decade or more, which would see women
well into their late 50s potentially being given the opportunity to (2. GO) __________ a successful term of pregnancy at
the end of which they would have as good a chance as any of producing a healthy young child. The new technique
involves the (3. MOVE) __________ of parts of a healthy young ovary, which are then put into (4. STORE) __________ to be
transplanted back into the patient’s body decades later, (5. LONG) __________ her capacity to conceive for what is
potentially an indefinite period. Once perfected, the treatment could be so effective as to (6. ABLE) __________ women of
sixty-plus years to give birth. Of course, already the discovery has caused its fair share of controversy. Critics are very
worried that it could, in future, lead to a trend whereby elderly women have children at such an advanced age that
they are far from properly equipped to perform their (7. PARENT) __________ duties. But, such a scenario aside, the (8.
TREAT) __________ does offer a sense of hope to women, who, for whatever reason, only start to think about having kids
in their late thirties or early forties, because, in a sense, the biological clock will not seem like it is ticking so ominously
1. Moving ___clock-wise_______ is moving in a direction opposite to the direction the hands of the clock moves. (CLOCK)
2. Reta is studying animal__________ at the Oxford university. (GENE)
3. The crews fortuitously discovered a__________ in the ship’s cool chamber. (STOW)
4. The man was__________ on a medal for bravely taking a child out of the burning house. (STOW)
5. The report has__________ the cause of global warming in the past decades. (POINT)
6. It may take more than a month to deliver our car from Germany to Vietnam as it is __________. (SHIP)
7. “Titanic” is an example of__________ romance. (SHIP)
8. The machine cannot work properly as a direct result of__________. (ALIGN)
9. There used to be a__________ in Quang Tri, whose remains now become a historical site. (HOLD)
10. Andy was __________ from the volunteer group due to his poor attitude. (COMMUNICATE)
11. I was so__________ that even a spider scared me. (KNEE)
12. The government __________ its responsibility in the leakage of confidential information. (NEGATE)
13. Try not to be__________ even if you are tremendously successful. (VAIN)
14. Bob is a(n) __________ of an intelligent student. (TYPE)
15. The goverment’s policy to soothe the anger among people was __________. It should have happened earlier.
16. Tom’s collection is such a(n) __________. There is no connection between things. (MASH)
17. I was completely__________ by the fact that he was going to get married. (MUSE)
18. Sleeping during day and working when night comes sounds seemingly __________ (SCIENCE)
19. I question whether a spectacle so fantastic and impressive was ever deal with, even in the pages of __________
fiction. (SCIENCE)
20. Adam’s gait is a(n) __________ for his strong personality. (WORD)
21. The apricot blossom__________ during spring. (GERM)
22. In an __________ world, people have to change to get into the swing of the environment. (EVOLVE)
23. I __________ the distance from my house to the Ann’s hospital and arrived there rather late. (RECK)
24. Harry Porter’s personality is successfully__________ by J. K. Rowling throughout her series. (LINE)
25. Your __________ saying last night could hurt other people’s feelings although you might not intend to say so. (SENSE)
26. What Thuy Minh said has provoked violent __________ from critics as well as celebrities. (BLAST)
27. You are becoming a(n) __________. Just go outside and see what happens. (LAY)
28. A __________ is an instrument that separates light into a frequency spectrum and records the signal using a camera.
29. Cindy showed__________ support at Josh’s project. She always believes him. (FALTER)
30. This place is an __________ zone restricted to people who work in the Parliamentary House only. (EXCLUDE)
II. Choose an appropriate word to fill in 3 blanks
1. I'm going outside for a breath of fresh __________.
This meeting will be an opportunity to clear the __________ and start the healing process.
There's romance in the __________.
2. We need to strike a __________ between these conflicting interests.
The senator was clearly caught off __________ by the unexpected question.
The __________ of evidence suggests the Liberal party's decline began before the First World War.
3. Land prices will rise at a healthy __________.
She gave him a __________ round the ear for being cheeky.
He gave the hedge a __________.
4. When the shit hits the __________, I don't want to be here.
A loyal __________ base bought the new album.
Trump is said to have done nothing but __________ the flames of hatred.
5. It really goes against the __________ to have to work on a Sunday.
If I were you, I'd take everything he says with a grain of __________.
There isn't a __________ of truth in those rumors.
6. She had a will of __________.
The dictator ruled (the country) with a rod of __________.
I'll need to __________ that dress before I can wear it.
7. The article struck a raw __________ as it revived unpleasant memories.
He strained every __________ to snatch victory from defeat.
It took a lot of __________ to take the company to court.
8. By the time of the interview, I was a bundle of __________.
It really gets on my __________ when people talk loudly on the phone in public.
You need __________ of steel to be a good poker player.
9. She took up a teaching __________ at Bath University.
Morale is very low. People have just had enough of being thrown from pillar to __________.
The ball hit the __________ and bounced in.
10. This corporation follows the top-__________ management structure.
He lunged at the minister, but was soon pulled to the ground by a __________.
Her father carried a __________ burden of responsibility.
I. For questions 1 - 8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, D) best fits each gap.
PASSAGE A. There exists a sea creature whose simple yet beautiful (0)__outward__ appearance is a cause of delight -
the starfish. Their name (1) ______, starfish are not fish; they are a type of marine invertebrate, found in both shallow
and deep waters. Starfish come in all shapes, sizes and colors as there are over 1800 species of them. For protection,
starfish have (2) ______ skin and sometimes long sharp spines. They also have radial symmetry, meaning (3) ______
arrangement of body parts around a central axis. Although, most commonly, starfish have five arms, there are species
with up to forty, and each arm has at its (4) ______ an eye spot which can detect light and dark. The starfish also has the
ability to (5) ______ lost arms, though the process takes approximately a year. Another interesting, if somewhat (6)
______, fact about the starfish is its method of feeding. It takes (7) ______ of its prey (often clams, mussels or small fish),
slides its stomach out of its mouth, (8) ______ its prey outside the body, then slides its stomach back in.
1. A. opposing B. in contrast C. notwithstanding D. nevertheless
2. A. soft B. leathery C. dense D. sturdy
3. A. a constant B. a regular C. a habitual D. an alternating
4. A. tip B. edge C. peak D. summit
5. A. renovate B. refresh C. revive D. regenerate
6. A. off-putting B. impolite C. daunting D. adverse
7. A. hold B. clasp C. grip D. catch
8. A. diminishes B. compresses C. contracts D. digests
PASSAGE B. Located in the infamous badlands of southeastern Alberta, the park is undoubtedly best-known for its
(1)_____ fossil beds, where some 35 different species of dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous period have so far been
identified. The area was (2)_____ a UNESCO world heritage site some three decades ago, not just on account of its
paleontological value, but also due to the (3)_____ of animal and plant life to which it is home. The Red Deer River runs
through the present-day park, creating a habitat in which willows and cottonwoods (4)_____. Antelope and a type of
deer whose name is lent to the aforementioned intersecting river graze on the grassy plains of the area, which is also
(5)_____ to other mammalian species such as the predatory coyote and the rabbit - the coyote’s main food source in the
area, which also supports more than 150 species of birds. Dinosaur fossils were first discovered here nearly a century
and a half ago, but large-scale (6)_____ did not begin for another 30-odd years. Significant (7)_____ include a near-
complete skeleton of Albertosaurus libratus, a member of the tyrannosaur family, and a complete skull of
Centrosaurus apertus, a horned dinosaur that lived a(n) (8)_____ 75 million years ago.
1. A. extensive B. thorough C. expanded D. protracted
2. A. designated B. allocated C. apportioned D. nominated
3. A. uniformity B. diversity C. extent D. fluctuation
4. A. thrive B. progress C. improve D. elevate
5. A. home B. range C. ground D. open
6. A. explorations B. excavations C. examinations D. extrapolations
7. A. works B. catches C. assets D. finds
8. A. regarded B. anticipated C. predicted D. estimated
II. Think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.
PASSAGE A. On being informed that the peasants had no bread to eat, Marie Antoinette, the French queen,
purportedly responded, ‘Then let them eat cake.’ The story (1) _________ be considered apocryphal at best. Indeed, (2)
_________ exists convincing evidence that the exact same quote had been attributed (3) _________ several other French
princesses long before Marie Antoinette’s time. Nevertheless, the version of the story featuring Marie Antoinette, and
thus highlighting her supposed (4) _________ of sympathy for her subjects’ plight, clearly (5) _________ a chord in the
common imagination and continues to stain the young queen’s reputation to (6) _________ day. Marie Antoinette was
certainly a lavish spender who was fatally - some might say criminally - ignorant of the realities of her subjects’ lives.
However, it’s difficult not to feel at least a (7) _________ sympathy for the young woman who was delivered to a foreign
husband at the age of fifteen, lost her son when he was just seven and had to flee her home on three separate
occasions, a murderous mob literally (8) _________ her heels, before she was finally sent to the guillotine to be executed
in public.
PASSAGE B. Erskine Childers was not what you would call your average Irish freedom fighter. A Briton by birth, and a
proud (1)___one_______ at that for most of the early years of his life. Childers was a decorated soldier of the British
Admiralty (2)___who_______ had demonstrated unwavering commitment and loyalty to both king and country. And yet,
somewhere along the way, disillusionment (3)__ set_____ in. While it is difficult to pinpoint the precise moment when
doubt started to creep into Childers’ mind (4)____as______ to whether his loyalty was misguided, what was essentially a
complete philosophy shift - a total realignment of ideals - did occur. Childers went from (5)___being_______ a royalist to
a staunch nationalist, obsessed with the cause of Irish freedom. He befriended the (6)____likes______ of Eamon
DeVelera and Michael Collins, key figures in the Irish Republican camp, and even went so far as to ship illegal
armaments to the leaders of the ill-fated Easter Rising of 1916, which was easily put (7)___down_______ by the British
army. Later, he would fight on the side of the Irish rebels in the War of Independence, until an uneasy truce was
agreed between Britain and Ireland. Eventually, a treaty was signed partitioning the country. For Childers, by now
totally devoted to the cause of Irish freedom and the notion of a united Ireland, partition was (8)____too______ bitter a
pill to swallow.
III. You are going to read an extract from a novel. Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best
PASSAGE A. I stirred the browning pieces of chicken and then sat down at the large wooden table while taking in the
sturdy marble cupboards and the old worn armchair tucked away in the corner. Above my head hung rows and rows
of cooking utensils, and brightly polished pots and pans were carefully stacked on every worktop. As always,
everything had been cleaned meticulously and put back in its designated place after use. Looking back, I remembered
that Mum had designed the room herself. Everything was exactly as she thought it should be and it resembled
something from an English country house, not unlike the one she had worked in as a young woman. Until fairly
recently, it had been a cosy room the family would burst into, clambering over each other to be first to reach the stove
and lift the lid off the steaming pot.
Mum had been famous for her cooking skills and for the mountains of food she fed to her relatives and friends.
In all honesty, she really had no need to cook such huge amounts day in, day out, but she insisted everything tasted
better when eaten with the family and would sit patiently waiting for them to arrive. So, we would visit regularly and
gather around this table to be fed, creating a tradition that the old woman greatly appreciated. She had always
generous, wanting everyone to enjoy a hearty meal, but at times, I saw in this tradition a hint of selfishness. We did
after all, have our own families and day to day lives to attend to, and yet we had to drop everything and come running
when she had a big family meal planned.
Lost In thought, I glanced over at the comfortable armchair; her favorite place for a nap. I pictured my own
daughter, Steffi, when she was young, standing on a three-legged stool watching her grandmother intently as she
made extra-thick bread pudding with apples. Then, as the years went by, Steffi developed an even deeper interest in
learning her grandmother’s traditional recipes, writing them down in her best handwriting. I smiled as I recalled them
both busy in their old-fashioned aprons and covered in flour, separated by more than fifty years in age, but united in
their infectious laughter.
I absent-mindedly added water, salt and a cup full of rice to the pot. What a disappointment I must have been:
not particularly interested in cooking, and my lack of enthusiasm clearly comes across in the finished product. No one
even enjoys my efforts very much because preparing a meal seems like just another routine chore to me. In recent
weeks, when I saw that Mum was becoming frail, I made a small contributions when visiting. I bought the various
groceries from the market and weighed ingredients while she moved less steadily round the kitchen. Now that she’s
gone, I can see clearly: kitchens tell stories of who we are and, sadly, I won’t be able to step into my mother’s shoes.
Family members will not come together to sample my cooking or linger round the table, unable to tear themselves
I stirred the broth again, and took in the countless cookery books lined up on the shelves. The only one I own
is somewhere hidden away in the attic. A couple more unwanted gifts had gone out with the rubbish years ago,
another clear indication of the differences between us. Yes, she had tried to teach me about the joy of experimenting
with various ingredients, but understandably she soon lost patience in the face of my indifference. No wonder she had
been so pleased that Steffi felt so much more at home in the kitchen.
Nevertheless, I did gain things of great value in the hours I spent with everyone in Mum’s favorite room. First
of all, our gatherings round the table helped me to overcome my natural diffidence. I always felt comfortable in their
company and was able to be much more forthright about speaking my mind than I was elsewhere. Also, I would listen
to various issues being discussed, often impressed by how people with such different personalities could come
together to hammer out a solution to a problem facing the family. This wonderful warm kitchen was where I started
exploring the minds of others. I’m convinced that this is what led me to my current work as an educational
psychologist, helping young people who are experiencing problems in the classroom. I may not be the world’s best
chef, but I can certainly cook up a great story to help youngsters appreciate their surroundings and overcome what’s
troubling them.
I turned off the soup knowing full well that it was likely to be too salty or too oily, but I didn’t really care. My
husband was away on business and Steffi, long grown up, had moved to Canada. The only person who would be dining
tonight was me and, actually, my food tastes a lot better when there’s no one around to criticize.
1. In the first paragraph, the writer suggests that the room she is in
A. is messy and crammed with outdated kitchen equipment. B. was a source of pride for her mother.
C. had recently been redecorated. D. is located inside a large house in the country.
2. What does the writer imply about her family’s get-togethers?
A. She thought it was inconsiderate that no one else ever offered to do the cooking.
B. They failed to make up for an underlying mean streak in her mother.
C. It was sometimes inconvenient to attend them.
D. They were something she avoided whenever possible.
3. The writer stresses that she 
A. doesn’t find cooking to be an enjoyable pastime. B. was surprised by her daughter’s attitude towards cooking.
C. has always been more self-sufficient than her mother. D. worries about her ability to take care of her family.
4. Why didn’t the writer’s mother succeed in teaching her to cook?
A. Her mother was a very impatient teacher. B. They didn’t have any good cookery books.
C. The writer had been more too busy looking after her own daughter. D. The writer wasn’t interested in learning.
5. By spending time in her mother’s kitchen, the writer
A. Learned to be more cautious about expressing her views. B. Had the opportunity to analyse people.
C. was persuaded to change her career D. realised her family members were more alike than she had thought.
6. Overall, the writer appears to
A. Regret not being more like her mother B. Resent what she considers to be her mother’s impatience.
C. have a lot of fond memories related to her mother’s kitchen. D. Be very jealous of her mother’s skills as a cook.
PASSAGE B. Stretching for some 85 km along the pristine Colombian coastline north of Taganga, a visit to Tayrona
National Park is an unquestionably memorable experience, guaranteed to make you feel at once full and appreciative
of life. Its tropical dry forests boast a fascinating array of wildlife, from black howler monkeys and red woodpeckers 
to iguana lizards and those most secretive of big cats: jaguars. But Tayrona has developed a reputation as something
of a tourism hotspot not just because of its abundant and diverse wildlife but as much for the smattering of golden,
sandy beaches dotted along its Caribbean coastline.
The entry-route for most visitors is via Santa Marta, the Magdalena region’s capital, and with flights there
continuing to be priced more and more keenly each year, this is a further incentive to travel for would-be visitors, if
not the actual deal-maker. Buses bound for Tayrona depart from the city centre every half-hour, delivering passengers
to the park entrance, and from there a walk of roughly four kilometres is required to get to the heart of the reverse.
Other travel options are, of course, also available; taxi prices are by no means extortionate here and the trip from
Santa Maria won’t leave your wallet feeling prematurely light, which is important with your holiday barely underway
and so much of merit yet to do and worth paying for. Car-hire prices are not prohibitive either, though you will need
something a little more robust than the typical rent-a-car 1.3 litre.
A word of warning though; don’t come expecting to find yourself laying pool-side at some plush Caribbean
hotel for your “week-to-ten-days” (which incidentally, is not nearly enough time to do this trip justice); the park
interior is a conservation area, and not just in name; officials take their work seriously. The only overnighting options
are the campsites and the very modest and aptly-named eco-tourist hammock huts. For those who like their mod cons
and for those for whom the world holiday equates to indulgence, better, perhaps, to travel in and out of the park by
day and stay in one of the surrounding townships, which offer lodgings of a more luxurious nature.
Within the confines of the park, heed warning signs are present; to ignore them would be foolish at best but
could quite easily have more permanent and fatal consequences. The Arrecifes area, for example, while quick to
beguile you with its natural splendour and infect you with a sort of reggae-induced repose, is not a place where it pays
to be careless. So, while the beaches may look inviting, think twice before swimming in the marked sections as even an
expert would do well to overcome the area’s notoriously powerful riptides.
As regards when to come, well, if a large part of your motivation is to escape from the misery of home climes,
then you’d do well to avoid the rainy seasons, which run from May to June and September to November each year.
Outside of these months, expect the mercury to register a fairly satisfying 25 to 30 degrees, with no shortage of
sunshine. But irrespective of when you travel - rainy season or dry - be aware that you will have to pay for the
pleasure of your visit - roughly £12 each time you pass through the entrance gate. Also worth remembering is that
refreshment prices inside the park do not correlate with those in the rest of the area, so visitors would be well-
advised to stock up on essentials before they go inside and carry these with them.
But, forgetting the riptides and inflated prices, in the final analysis what Tayrona National Park has to offer is
rather special and unique. You will not have hordes of noisy tourists following in your wake and trampling over your
dreams of peace and tranquility; this is the road less travelled, and it rewards those intrepid and adventurous types
who go the extra mile in search of something real in spades. Tayrona is unspoilt; her wildlife precious; her beaches
sublime, and, for those who respect and appreciate her, a once-in-a-lifetime experience awaits. Take the road less
travelled; hike her forest paths; camp in her belly; lay on her golden beaches; listen to her wild music - do so and you
simply cannot fail to be inspired.
1. Tayrona National Park _____
A. is known more for the quality of its beaches than it is for the diversity of its wildlife.
B. is equally well-known for its beaches and the variety of wildlife which inhabits the area.
C. has a number of excellent beaches dotted along its coast which are home to a huge variety of wildlife.
D. is being developed in the hope that it will one day earn a reputation as a tourist hotspot.
2. What does the writer say about getting to the park?
A taking a taxi will cost you a lot of money
B. it is inadvisable to hire a car for the journey as the models available are not adequate
C. the journey by bus from Santa Marta to Tayrona lasts 30 minutes
D. a bus from the region’s capital will take you no further than the park entrance
3. What does the writer imply in the third paragraph?
A. the park interior may officially be called a conservation area but it is not really treated like one
B. you will need to spend more than the typical number of days on holiday here to get the most out of it
C. all visitors to the park have to travel in by day and leave before nightfall
D. there are a number of posh hotels within the confines of the park itself
4. The Arrecifes area _____
A. is a very charming place, full of natural beauty, that will make you feel calm inside.
B. is a coastal site with a number of safe and inviting beaches which are used by many swimmers.
C. as a whole is really not suitable for swimming in even if you are an expert swimmer.
D. is a place with which there is a very strong association with reggae music.
5. The writer suggests that _____
A. refreshments are cheaper to buy inside the park
B. refreshment prices within the park are little different to those in the surrounding area
C. a one-off payment of approximately £12 is required to secure a pass that enables you to use the entrance gate
D. you will save money by bringing refreshments into the park with you.
6. Which of the following statements best sums up the writer’s view of the experience of visiting the park?
A. for those who put in a little extra effort, they will find the visit very rewarding
B. visitors to the park in general will find it an inspiring experience
C. it is possible to escape from the noisy, touristy parts of the park and find a quite area of peace and tranquility but
this requires some extra effort
D. you have to travel for an extra mile further inside the park in order to escape the crowds of noisy tourists
IV. Matching each statement to its appropriate paragraph
PASSAGE A. You are going to read an article about advertising. For questions 1-10, choose from the people (A-D). The
people may be chosen more than once. Which person gives each of these opinions about advertising?
Today, advertising is so ubiquitous that it is impossible to escape it. 1._____

Thanks to advertising, the quality of goods on the market improves over time. 2._____

It is possible that advertising can encourage people to adopt a healthier lifestyle. 3._____

It places small business at a disadvantage. 4._____

It is essential for the survival of many businesses. 5._____

It has a damaging impact on the natural world. 6._____

Most members of the public aren’t fooled by the underhand techniques that advertisers 7._____

The primary concern of advertisers is to sell more. 8._____

The abundance of information given may confuse people. 9._____

It aids potential consumers to make an informed decision. 10._____

A. James 
However much the public complains about advertising, what is abundantly clear is that it is an economic necessity.
Whether we like it or not, we live in a consumer society, which depends on casch circulation. Advertising creates a
demand, and this has the effect of encouraging competition amongst companies, thereby leading to progress and
product upgrades. The positive role advertising plays is also evident where information is concerned. The consumer is
conveniently supplied with any relevant facts and figures about a product they may wish to purchase without having
to conduct personal market research. Having this information at their fingertips gives consumers the resources to
choose wisely between competing goods. Not only is advertising beneficial to consumers, but it is advantageous, if not
crucial, for the existence of a host of companies who rely on advertising to boost sales of their wares.
B. Sheila
Every company wants to promote their products to the public. However, advertising can be extremely costly, and this
is where the massive multinational companies can get one up on their more modestly-sized competitors. They can
afford the best marketing to draw attention to their products and have no qualms about making this investment. This
is what has resulted in advertising becoming such a big business and why, for the advertisers, the bottom line is
everything. How else can you judge the effectiveness of an ad other than by observing the effect it has on sales? So, we
should expect advertisers to use every trick in the book to encourage us to reach for our wallets. Nevertheless,
consumers shouldn't overlook what we are getting in return for allowing the advertisers to make their pitch to us.
After all, how many of the TV shows, magazines and websites that you enjoy could exist at all if they weren’t funded by
advertising? I say, let the advertisers promise you the world. You don’t have to fall for the claims that their product
will make you happier, healthier and more productive. Just let the ads wash over you and appreciate what you are
getting in return.
C. Paul
What bothers me most about modern advertising is that there is no getting away from it. Turn on your TV or
computer and you are likely to be bombarded by advertisers trying to give you the hard shell. You have probably also
recently received unsolicited phone calls or text messages trying to persuade you to buy something you never knew
you needed or wanted. And then, when you head out into the world, practically everywhere you look posters,
billboards and neon displays are competing to attract your attention. Apart from this mental pollution, there are very
real environmental effects. Just think of the valuable resources such as paper and electricity that advertising
consumes. And that is before we even consider the environmental impact of promoting rampant consumerism, where
unnecessary objects become must-have status symbols and extravagant spending becomes the norm.
D. Alison
I consider the amount of criticism levelled at modern advertising to be somewhat unfair. Without a doubt, the sheer
volume of information can baffle rather than enlighten consumers, and there are unscrupulous companies which try
to exploit the weaknesses of their prospective customers. However, it’s a business, just like any other. The advertiser’s
job is to persuade people to buy the product and they will try to take advantage of emotion, not reason, or play on
feelings of inadequacy, but no one is forced into unnecessary spending. For the most part, savvy consumers are wise
to the advertisers’ tricks. They understand the nature of the game and are happy to play along. Moreover, the “ideal”
lifestyle promoted in advertisements for a whole range of products revolves around active, fit individuals, and in this
regard, at least, it could be argued that adverts might encourage consumers to change their own habits for the better.
PASSAGE B. You are going to read an article about great tennis players. Choose from the sections (A-D). The
sections may be chosen more than once. In which section are the following mentioned?
1. _____ : He was determined to make a transition that required him to come out of his comfort zone and alter his style
of play
2. _____ : He held his nerve under a huge amount of external to come back from a serious setback and win a particular
major title at the second time of asking
3. _____ : Despite enjoying a hot streak of form during which he landed some major titles, he as yet to convince the
tennis world of the exact extent of his greatness
4. _____ : He pushes himself physically to such a degree that his career may be cut short
5. _____ : He took excellent advantage of a temporary lack of depth in his sport
6._____ : He was faced with the task of having to try to overcome already seasoned champions in title matches in his
efforts to claim a first Grand Slam
7. _____ : Although he has since bested a player who comprehensively outplayed him for a spell, early exits from a
major tournament have tarnished his reputation
8. _____ : Despite the fact that he will probably never amass as many major titles as any of his rivals, one stunning
display in a slam final will be forever remembered
9. _____ : He endured an unusually long period out of the major-title winner’s enclosure at one point in his career
10. _____ : He dominated a rival for a season only to later taste defeat in a title-decider at the hands of the same player.
A. ROGER FEDERER: Roger Federer is the man who, on paper at least, is the undisputed greatest of them all. He has
smashed virtually every record in existence and amassed an incredible seventeen Grand Slam titles, a full three more
than his nearest rival, Pete Sampras. Now 30, he has had a pretty barren spell by his lofty standards of late,but did
manage to break a two-year major-title drought at Wimbledon, in 2012, beating Andy Murray in the final. On the
strength of his record, he could be regarded as the greatest player by some margin, but, title tally aside, there are
other things to consider here, such as the fact that his rise to prominence coincided with a time of transition in the
sport when the existing powers - Sampras, Agassi etc. - were on the wane and ready to pass on the baton to a new
generation. Federer was a very willing recipient of course, but, truth told, he beat a lot of second-rate players and
players past their prime in the process of amassing over half his total haul of slams in those early years. But, with the
emergence of Nadal, that would all change.
B. RAFAEL NADAL: Nadal, like most Spaniards, grew up playing on the ubiquitous clay, so it is hardly surprising that
his style of play is best-suited to the surface, nor that he favoured the red soil in those early days and produced his
best performances on it, while, at the same time, struggling initially to make any real impact on grass or hard courts.
Nadal exhibited a level of humility and determination rare in this sport of egos, and set about reinventing himself as
an allrounder. And what a transformation it proved to be, one which must surely have surpassed the epectations of
even his most optimistic and faithful supporters, for adapt his game he did, and so successfully that, by 2008, he was
ready to do the unthinkable, beating a peak-of-his-powers Federer on his favourite surface (grass) in a Wimbledon
final lauded as the greatest tennis match of all time, sending shockwaves through the sport. Nadal went on to
dominate men’s tennis and his arch rival for the best part of the next three years. The world of tennis was suddenly
forced into a swift rethink; paper stats were brushed aside as it was soon clear that while no one could compete with
Federer in the talent stakes, Nadal had shown himself to be a superior match player and fighter. Still a young man, he
could potentially even surpass Federer’s achievements on paper, but it remains to be seen if his career can have the
longevity of the Fed’s, so demanding is his style of play on the body. And shock early-round losses at both the 2011
and 2012 Wimbledon championships remain serious blots on an otherwise stellar career to date.

C. NOVAK DJOKOVIC: And so we come to the Serb, a player who, it seemed, was destined to play second fiddle to
Nadal and Federer’s stars. For him, 2011 was a watershed year, and his performances and the manner of his victories
were so utterly emphatic that he was instantly catapulted right to the top of the game, prevailing over the once
invincible Nadal in three consecutive slam finals. Tennis now had a new number one, and Djokovic had prised the title
of the most consistent, hard-hitting, counter-attacking player on the circuit away from the Spaniard with shocking
ease. 2012 also started well for the new poster boy of tennis, but Djokovic’s level has since dropped enough to have
enabled Nadal to enjoy success over him in their more recent slam-final tussles. His tally of six major titles is not to be
sniffed at, but the Serb has much yet to prove if he is to one day be considered the very best.

D. ANDY MURRAY: By comparison to the achievements of the players already profiled, Murray’s record looks pretty
ordinary indeed. And yet, were it not for the fact that he has had the misfortune of playing the game at the same time
as arguably the three greatest sportsmen to have ever graced tennis, this talented all-rounder would already have
amassed a considerable haul of major titles of his own. And, consider this; unlike his three rivals, who faced debutants
when winning their first slam finals, Murray has had no such luck, and, in fact, on every occasion he has made it to the
last two, has faced the daunting prospect of having to overcome one of the aforementioned trio. He has also had the
weight of expectation of an entire nation on his shoulders, and, wide though they are, this must surely have been a
terrible cross for him to bear. But at long last, the monkey is off his back. Andy Murray bounced back like a Trojan
from his loss to Federer in the 2012 Wimbledon final, claiming Olympic gold and his first Grand Slam the same year.
The ghost of his near-miss at Wimbledon was also banished in 2013, when, somehow, amid a nation’s furore, he kept
a cool head and gave what must go down as one of the greatest performances by any athlete in history to beat Federer
in three straight sets to claim the holy grail of tennis. He may never reach the heights of success of his great rivals, but
this brave Scot has already made his mark on tennis history, and there will, no doubt, be more slams to come.
I. Fill in each blank with the remaining sentence
1. When somebody accused Pauline of lying, she was offended. EXCEPTION
Pauline ________________was took exception_____________________________ that she had lied.
2. Do you realise how annoying you’re being? IDEA
Have you _____________________________________________ are annoying everybody?
3. I thought the men might start fighting over the parking space. IMPRESSION
I got ______________________________________________ to blows over the parking space.
4. The boss is very unlikely to come to a decision until the last minute. PROBABILITY
In ___________________________________________ mind up until the last minute.
5. I didn’t consider asking Mark for help. OCCURRED
The thought ___________________________________________ me.
6. He demanded the immediate return of his money. GIVEN
He insisted ____________________________________________ away.
7. Jackie really has no idea of the difficulty of driving to London during rush hour. HOW
->Little does ______________________________ drive to London during rush hour.
8. The applicant’s cover letter impressed his prospective employers immediately on viewing it. SOONER
-> No ______________________________ than his  prospective employers were impressed by it.
9. I felt relaxed at my boyfriend’s house because his parents treated me like part of the family. EASE
-> My boyfriend’s parents ______________________________ treating me like part of the family.
10. The team was divided over who should be chosen to lead the expedition. CHOICE
-> The ______________________________ dividing the team.
11. The crash victim was beyond help when emergency services reached her. WHATSOEVER
-> There ______________________________ do on reaching the crash victim.
12. His childhood piano teacher impressed him in a way he would never forget. LASTING
-> His childhood piano teacher ______________________________ him.
II. Rewrite the sentences using the given words
1. I tried to make her feel comfortable but in vain. (EASE)
2. It’s impossible to express it in another way, Mr Dean. (DIFFERENTLY)
3. You are on your own! I’m not going to save you this time. (RESCUE)
4. Your car license has expired, sir. (OUT)
5. According to Joe, her English will improve if she subscribes to that magazine. (SUBSCRIPTION)
6. The pilot endangered all our lives during the flight. (IN)
7. Our getting the contract depends on Jonathan. (ON)
8. A police car stopped outside the house. (UP)
9. I don’t know the first thing about aeronautics. (IGNORANT)
10. Why Roy can’t accept the fact that he is incompetent? (FACE)
11. I know that it’s true because he told me himself. (LIPS)
12. The prisoners have still not been captured. (LARGE)
13. We did nothing yesterday so we must do extra today. (MAKE)
14. He mentioned the delays we experienced last year. (REFERENCE)
15. Clap your hands and that dog will run away. (TURN)
16. I didn’t go to their party because I didn’t feel like it. (MOOD)
17. He came very close to having a fatal accident. (INCH)
18. Nobody in the whole room blushed but me. (RED)
19. He was so angry his face changed color. (BLUE)
20. It wasn’t my intention to be in the red for so long, Mr. Philips. (MEAN)

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