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Section 505 Design of Members for Compression

505.1 General Provision

Φc Pn (LRFD), Pn/Ωc (ASD)

Φc = 0.90, Ωc = 1.67

Doubly Symmetric
and Singly Symmetric = Flexural Buckling

Singly Symmetric,
Unsymmetric and
Some Doubly Symmetric(Cruciform) = Torsional Buckling, Flexural-Torsional Buckling

505.2 Slenderness Limitations and Effective Length

preferably KL/r ≤ 200

502.4.1 Classification of Sections for Local Buckling

λ = b/t or λ = D/t
Compact : λ < λp
Non-Compact : λp < λ < λr
Slender : λr < λ

Stiffened Elements in a Section

505.4 Compressive Strength for Torsional and Flexural-Torsional Buckling of Members
without Slender Members

Pn = Fcr Ag (505.4-1)
Example 3.1 Compact Section/Non Compact Section

Given : A W200x86 compression member is axially loaded and pin-supported at its ends
Properties : A = 11000 mm2, b/tf = bf/2tf = 5.07, h/tw =12.4 , rx = 92.7, ry = 53.3

Fy = 250 MPa, Fu = 400 MPa, K = 1.0, L = 5.5 m

Required : a.) Φc Pn (LRFD) b.) Pn/Ωc (ASD)

Solution :

1. Check for slender elements

Unstiffened element :
0.56× (
√ E
)=0.56× (

Table 502.4.1 case 3
bf/2tf = 5.07 < 15.839 not a slender element!

Stiffened element :
1.49× (
√ E
)=1.49× (

Table 502.4.2 case 10

h T des
= =12.4<42.144
tw tw not a slender element!

2. Calculate Pn

KL/rx = 1.0(5500)/92.7 = 59.33118

KL/ry = 1.0(5500)/53.3 = 103.18949

Max KL/r = 103.18949

π 2×E π 2×200000
Fe= = =185.37826 MPa
(KL/ r )2 (103.18949)2

Fy 250
( ) ( )
Fcr=0.658 ×Fy=0.658 185.37826 ×250=142.1675727 MPa

Pn = Fcr Ag = 142.1675727(11000)/1000= 1563.843299 KN

3. Calculate Φc Pn & Pn/Ωc

Φc Pn = 0.90 (1563.843299) = 1407.45 KN

Pn/Ωc = 1563.843299/1.67 = 936.43 KN

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